Matt's TOP 100 (Revised V2)

I consider SB-129 better for the story and the influence it gave to the new millenium.

This week if I'm lucky, I'd probably be able to post 2-3 more episodes. So much work :(
I consider SB-129 better for the story and the influence it gave to the new millenium.

This week if I'm lucky, I'd probably be able to post 2-3 more episodes. So much work :(
Well, I've seen your other lists. That's what I expected.
SpongeRoadie UK said:
I consider SB-129 better for the story and the influence it gave to the new millenium.

This week if I'm lucky, I'd probably be able to post 2-3 more episodes. So much work :(
I wish you didn't have so much work, we could have more off-topic discussions. :P
And again, a delay must ensued. All the works have been tiring the buzz out of me.

One bloody update a week would be great, to be honest. Really sorry, but don't give up on the list yet! I assure you that we are going to see more!

-What the heck was that?-


They weren't faffing about when they said "It's all about developing a plot".

You could make numerous plot holes if you decided to make a movie about "writer's block and how he compensates by procrastinating". The thing is, the writers knew they had a chance to show the world what they can do : creating weirdness out of nowhere. A box that creates sounds when you start daydreaming in it, or a salesmen journey to fame in 11 minutes after reading a magazine. Those are example. This time they took a step further. What could possibly happen if you slept through your task? SpongeBob's dream were a really really big part of the episode. It's the whole montage that developed the story throughout. It started normally. Procrastinators at their bests, perhaps? Playing with chair sounds and dreaming about drag races? But then it started get all wiggly.

To the point where it gets a bit too weird.


That's right. I find the writers trying a bit too hard on the creative parts of the episode. Borderline creepy, to be honest. That talking couch was an epitome of hellish facial looks on appliances. The part where Bobby ran towards his desk, through a tunnel of gummy bears tattooed with watches and getting there all microscopic and those pants who ran away and that candle fire who burnt the whole house (and itself) is a bit exaggerated. Squidward in Clarinet land was similarly weird, but the landscape was designed to be Squid's house of horror. This? It's just a dream inside a procrastinators.

But you've got to hand it to the writers. The plot was stale but they made it brilliant and exciting to watch. Also, it was superbly enjoyable before that nightmare part. Don't forget the ending. Unpredictable. But a bummer.

Plus Points (+)
1. Writers did great job to develop a stale plot
2. The montage of SB actually procrastinating is brilliant
3. I loved that drag race part.

Minus points (-)
1. Ending was a bit of a bummer
2. The nightmare part was scary
3. The plot (without the writer's magic) would be devastatingly boring.

Sorry if this isn't a good review. I'm kinda tired. It's far from my best.
It dropped down 28 spots.............

This one was pretty good. Go ahead shoot me.
-CBeebies much? What horror show?-


Which one of you peacocks sent MoBros messages about this episode being "a horror show".

Looks like you got the idea wrong. You see, this is an unusually good rip-off Hooky. Except the plot is about a thousand times both more creative and dumber. No one has ever thought of an idea of a cartoon episode where the characters pull-off ridiculous faces and the conflict is that the characters got stuck with their morbid faces.


It's not thrilling, scary nor exciting. It's silly. Out of the blue, yes, but it's just a bit too much. But . . .

It has meaning. The writers tried to encourage young viewers to behave. We all know that making faces isn't very polite and the writers tried to emphasize the meaning of polite faces and gentle behaviors around the small children watching the shows. Throughout the whole episode, they've done well on containing the story and sending the main conflict at the right time. Which is about the end of the episode. I don't find the whole episode to be a horror show. I liked episodes that tries it's best to encourage children to do well for the future. This episode was one of them. It had a mission, or some sorts.

However, as they did well throughout the episode to contain the lesson that the kids will learn, the writers made one very FATAL error. They implemented humor on the last minutes. That is probably one of the worst endings ever developed by a show. It would've been MUCH higher on the list if it weren't for that error. It was stupid. Hooky had an ending that is, although a hundred thousand times more disturbing, but still, it sends the message with Krabs and Squid giving a lesson to SB, and Patrick's impending doom. I don't know how they thought it would be a better idea for the episode if the ending would be that the authority figure and the innocent bystander got the face freeze in 5 seconds for no apparent reasonings.

Apart from the idea of the episode and the ending (as well as the lack of humor), this episode got throught the 100 zone for it's noble hearted story telling. Just like Hooky,

It won my heart . . . .

Plus Points (+)
1. It had a point to make and it's as noble as a button
2. The execution made up for the plot
3. I liked the faces. Very hilarious indeed.

Minus points (-)
1. Ending was sh*te
2. Where was the humor (apart from the faces)
3. The plot is sh*te
The ending was stupid, but it's deserving of spot.
-First big one to fall. It's time to dim the lights-


Before Regular Show was invented and before the downhill, SpongeBob SquarePants were the ultimate over-reactors. Making seemingly uninteresting conflicts enjoyable to watch thanks to almost flawless execution.

The absolute greatest of those types of episode is Wet Painters

But back in season 2, there was an episode that defined the speciment. It was an episode about a starfish, his secret box and his curious best friend who tried to find out what's inside the box. So from there on what people were expecting is some boring banters and guess what? They got it. The first few parts of the episode? Nothing happened. It's just the 2 talking around. On the plus side, like all intelligent and highly anticipated episodes, the time fillers were filled with hilarious jokes. Whatever is the meaning of Patrick's 'enigma' will just be an enigma. Squidward's house was comical as well. But aside those golden moments, it was merely exciting.

Until SpongeBob became 'too interested'.


It started off when the yellow exuberance started to form a plan inside his head. So he decided to steal the box from Pat. Or rather took it, see what's inside and put it back. The idea of the gag is that everytime SpongeBob steps on Pat's floor, a comically loud noise would suddenly explode. But the catch is that Patrick won't wake up. To be very honest, this is one of the greatest one-episode-running-gag in SB SP. Whoever comes up with the catch must've been a comic genius cause I don't know what's better. By the end of the day, Patrick did woke up after being dlightly mocked and showed SB that the inside of the box is just a 'secret string'. He did showed us that if you pull the string, a 'secret compartment' would come up and SB's embarassing christmas party pic would be seen.

Sadly, though. Fate doesn't look good for this episode. 5 minutes after we see this one, in came what many thought is the best episode of all time. As a result, this episode is devastatingly underrated. Even forgotten by some. With that note, I have to give up the points for it's poor appeal on the audience. But hey' it's still an episode that is worth the watch!

Plus Points (+)
1. Excellent execution
2. Brilliant jokes
3. The ending was a cherry on a cake

Minus points (-)
1. Plot was a bit dim
2. It's unfairly overshadowed
3. First parts were kind of boring

By the way, about the embarassing picture of SpongeBob at the christmas party . . .

SpongeRoadie UK said:
Oh for pete's sake Omair, suck it up . . .
President Squidward said:
I know, right? Besides, when Omair always posts it, Isn't that spamming?
But I DON'T always post it, just look at my content. Not everything has IM CUTE LOL.

Great episode. But you gave good reasoning for why should be there.