Matt's TOP 100 (Revised V2)

#66 :

Episode name : “No Weenies Allowed”

Episode number : 48a

Season : 03

Just to as a disclaimer, if you do not know the meaning, do not google the term 'dangleberries' unless you're over 15. Thank you. Anyway, I'm back after a 5 day list hiatus with a bang. It's an episode called "No Weenies Allowed". An episode with a very cool title card music.

Since this episode is about SpongeBob trying to prove that he is a tough guy, it's no surprised that this episode was Sandy's season 3 debut. And like many other episode where SpongeBob tries to prove how manly he is, the source of the conflict is Sandy's infamous mastery on the toughness department. And as always, the episode revolves around how SpongeBob fails miserably to prove how manly he is.

Now to the episode.

The episode begins with Sandy and SpongeBob hanging out at the Goo Lagoon. They were about to swim but it turns out, SpongeBob is trying to surprise Sandy by karate chopping her. By surprise, obviously. Turns out, Sandy was already in her karate gear as she anticipates SpongeBob's sudden attack. So we get a few minutes of karate (including a very clever "Sandy" gag). SpongeBob was overpowered, as he was thrown into a very big fellow. The big fellow was lining up to get into Salty Spitoon (because he ate nails without milk for breakfast). Sandy gets in with ease, as well. SpongeBob (who failed to open a new bottle of ketchup) didn't. Reg (bar attendant) told him to visit a place called "Super Weenie Hut Junior's" instead. So the rest of the episode is about SpongeBob going back and forth. Finding inspiration to get in the bar at Junior's.

The experiment went on for a while. Stuff like changing hair styles and sticking his body into someone's arm to make himself look like a tattoo. Those kind of things he did just to get in the bar. And all of it fails miserably. But then the robot waiter from Junior's got a brainwave. Why not faking a fight to make himself look tougher? Patrick (who was there all along) agrees to be the one SB will fight. However, as the play goes along, Patrick lost the plot when SpongeBob accidentally call him 'tubby'. SpongeBob reminds him that he was supposed to lose and suddenly he did. Although, SpongeBob didn't even touch him Patrick suddenly got pummeled by ... nothing. It was acting at it's best. Reg fell for it as he thought SB was kicking Patrick's arse without even touching him. So he let SB in. Sadly, his plans to show everyone in the bar how tough he is fails, as the next scene shows him and Sandy in an ambulance. Reason? He slipped on an ice cube. In the end, the doctor told SB to go to the 'Weenie Hut General' instead of his hospital, since he spoke like a little kid.

On the bright side, this episode was really funny. I mean, the gags here are season 3 calibre. Perfectly executed and timidly flawless. Sandy ripping Reg's tattoo off was hilarious. The Drifter bit was also very funny. It gets even funnier when we realise that it wasn't SpongeBob all along. The dancing tattoo bit was quite funny, too. Let's not forget the "3 DAYS!" bit. And then, there's the Patrick bit. Genius. Absolutely genius. Nothing more I could say about this. It was perfectly executed. I mean it was one of the most perfectly executed gag EVER done in this show. The arrival was undetected and the act was comical. Also one of the best outlet in this episode is the dialogues. The lines were life-like. It felt like the characters were talking out of the usual cartoon lines. Instead, they talk like it happened in real life. It feels natural. The lines didn't even vaguely show any sign of scripting. And that feels fresh.

On the negative side, it was VERY uneventful. The episode revolves around one conflict and didn't develop any sub-plot that might make the episode more eventful. It's just SpongeBob behing the Salty Spitoon trying to get inside with help from the people at Junior's. There are no action or anything. And apart from the hilarious gags, it never has that outlet that makes an uneventful episode still feels eventful. Idiot Box pulled off the sound effects that made it more enticing and far from boring. Also, I'm a bit disappointed at how this episode shows both Pat and Sandy yet they didn't interact. I always like it when the 3 amigos start interacting and developing plots. Lastly, SpongeBob's a bit off course. That doesn't sound like his character. He doesn't sound as cheery and happy-go-lucky. And he's been like that before, everytime Sandy shows her brilliance. What is it with him when trying to impress Sandy.

So yeah that was the review for number 66. A very hilarious episode, sure. But it lacks the enticing events. Hope you enjoy this review. Play out any comments or rants about this list so far. I'll see you again tomorrow. Bye. :sherlock:


Best Moment : Patrick getting pummeled by H20

Best Character : Patrick

Best Quote : "I'm really Sandy." -Sandy :confused: -

Clue for the next episode : Salute to Squidward
I just realized i'm always the first one to reply to these updates

SpongeRoadie UK said:
Just to as a disclaimer, if you do not know the meaning, do not google the term 'dangleberries' unless you're over 15. Thank you.
I don't think I wanna know anyways

Oh yeah, good choice, i'd put it up a little higher, but i'm me and you're you. So #65 is Season 2, but even I don't know. Wait, it's not Squidville is it?
#65 :

Episode name : “Squid's Day Off”

Episode number : 21b

Season : 02

Psychological mind games. Those things are great, aren't they? You can make a man cry without punching him. Well, if you're such a big fan of mind games, take a very innocent kid to guard restaurant and put a lazy, yet paranoid caretaker manager of the said restaurant. What would you get? A season 2 Squidward episode called Squid's Day Off. Who is eliminated.

Since it would be very relevant, I wanted to take a moment and appreciate the utter legend that is Squidward Tentacles. Do you like Squidward? Now, I know that there are many other characters with their biggest admiring. But how can you not like Squiddo? It's not easy for a show to incorporate a likable character who spends 80% of his time being mean and hateful to everyone around him, yet for some reason, I like Squidward. And even though you've probably never thought about it, I'm sure that almost all you out there would also admit to genuinely liking Squidward. Even if he doesn't like you. And as this review goes, it would make more sense to like Squidward.

Now to the episode.

The episode begins with Squidward moaning about his extra work. After a bit of scuffle with SpongeBob, he accidentally screwed over the cash register. Krabs, being the parsimonious money fetish he is, ran to "rescue his darlings" by washing it. Suddenly, one penny slipped and fell down the drain. Krabs got a grip on it but couldn't get his claws out. By using force, he ripped his arms off while trying to pull it out. He also got hit by a couple of things. He was hospitalized and he gave the caretaking job to Squidward. Squiddo sees this as an advantage to get a day off, so he fooled the gullible SpongeBob by giving SB his cashier job and told him that he got a promotion. Squidward makes up an excuse of having to do 'errands'. This is where the episode actually begins.

Squidward left the KK with a good mood thinking that he had done well to con SB. But he then remembers to teach SB how to give changes. So he rushed back to the KK to learn that SB knows everything about changes. So he goes home to relax. Only to imagine SB setting the KK on fire. He even stopped in the middle of the road to think again. He saw a fire engine coming past, so he rushed back to the KK, who is fine as ever. He ran back home. He imagines something bad. He ruched back to the KK. It's fine. He rushed back home. Repating the cycle while SB innocently asked if his errands were finished. In the last few minutes of the episode, Squidward snapped, as he barricades his home to make sure that he could relax. That did no effect as he kept on imagining how SB left the job. He then rushes outside naked to rush back to the KK. Only to find out that SB was doing no harm. Turns out, Squidward just missed his job. Also, it turns out that the closed sign never got turned. So he could've had the whole day off anyways!

Remember all the hailings of Squidward before. Well, do you know why this episode finished 65th on my list? Because of a wonderous performance from Squidward Q. Tentacles. That performance dragged the episode here. Squidward's original depth is magical as the writers find the perfect balance of presenting Squidward as a grouchy, mean neighbor who has the imminent ability to show compassion and pity for others, but only if necessary. And by the way, when I said "original depth", I mean that Squidward has other character that made his character depth almost limitless. This episode shows how easy Squidward could give up to mind games that he created for himself. He doesn't trust SpongeBob. And this episode completely shows the point. SpongeBob barely moves yet Squidward kept on thinking about the terrible things that SB could've done by then. This led to many hilarious paranoia acts. Squidward is just stunning in this episode. He showed his depth of character in a really REALLY funny way. This is why I like Squidward. This is why people like Squidward. He's authentic and full of surprises.

But it has it's own faults. First, and this is a small nitpick, I don't like how they start off the conflict. By Krabs being utterly parsimonious, of course. But that's not all. The real problem is that this episode is basically Miami Heat and Squidward is LeBron James. This episode is Tottenham Hotspurs and Squidward is Gareth Bale. This episode is originally just below average and Squidward's brilliance save their tails. You know what I mean? ONE-MAN SHOW. I mean did any characters, apart from Squiddo, did anything more than just developing the story. None. Krabs created the first conflict and that's that. SpongeBob drove the conflict along by using an overused catchpharse as a running gag. "Are you finished with those errands" is not a bad gag. It's actually quite pristine. It's just annoyingly overused. The fact that the episode uses a catchphrase to play out the conflict shows how much the episode relies on Squidward to do all the humour and entertainment.

So yeah that was the review for number 65. An episode that is essentially a one-man show as it relies VERY heavily on Squidward. But my goodness was it a brilliant one-man show. Hope you enjoy this review. Play out any comments or rants about this list so far and don't be afraid to voice out your own opinion on the episodes I've eliminated. I'll see you again tomorrow. Bye. :sherlock:


Best Moment : The ending. Class one hilarity

Best Character : Do I really need to say it?

Best Quote : "I've got you know! Wait'll Mr. Krabs finds out you're a .... toilet. " -Squidward -

Clue for the next episode : Character depth for SpongeBob
SpongeRoadie UK said:
Just to as a disclaimer, if you do not know the meaning, do not google the term 'dangleberries' unless you're over 15.

Too late. :eek:

Anyway, 2 decent episodes, I guess... neither made my Top 102.
Guessing #1 would've been KKTV, but that's shocking.