Matt's TOP 100 (Revised V2)

I almost forgot why you had ssj in your post, but I saw the tortellini. :ssj: Good episode! Not quite sure what the next one is....
TGSR was a great episode. A wild guess at #70 is MM and BB 1, i'm not even kidding.
#70 :

Episode name : “The Bully”

Episode number : 43a

Season : 02

Yes, it's the season 3 literal fiasco, The Bully!

This was an episode that shows yet another side of SpongeBob. School-side SpongeBob. This episode is another superiority showing of how versatile SpongeBob can be in terms of plot settings. Most main character in a cartoon has limited access to other plot sets. They mostly hang out in high school or middle school. Some are even sticked forever to high school sets. SpongeBob has unlimited access to these sets. Krusty Krab, Jellyfish Fields, his neighborhood, Sandy's treedome, Shady Shoals, Sand Mountain, Goo Lagoon, etc. Almost infinite access to express stories using so many sets. It's a secret to success. Adventure Time uses this philosophy, and look at it. Every episode; it's Finn and Jake acting in interesting stories in an original setting.

So this time, the story is about SB's bullying issue. See what I mean? Originality to the show's dismay. It's basically drama-filled. However, the gags that were used were used timidly and brilliantly. It's starts with a couple of hilarious scenes with SB and pencils. Then, Puff arrived introducing Flatts. The bully. After a couple of small talks (When I say 'a couple of' I mean it) Flatts decided he was going to kick SpongeBob's butt. And he mans it. So, the rest of the episode is SpongeBob panicking. In the end, SpongeBob resolves his problem stereotypically. He absorbs the pressure from Flatts' punches. Inadvertantly the tiresome Flatts gets knocked out and Puff blamed SpongeBob.

On the positives, this episode is filled with many hilarity. Jam-packed with comical moments. It's dramatic humour. One part of it, I like. The old man gag is hilarious. I couldn't get tired of watching it in every sense. The toilet scene was also very funny. The story that SB told Flatts is not understandable. In every way. But the way it makes the whole situation worse is brilliant. Hilarious. Let's not forget the scene where Flatts chased off SB using a truck. The way he slipped made me choke. I was laughing too hard. The ending made my day. It balances all the suffering. It also is a bit of a 'hilariously-missing-the-point' science lesson, or sort. Yes, sponges are absorbent but not likewise. Anyway, the best thing about this episode is the humour. Pure quality.

So yeah, that's The Bully. An episode that shows nothing more than SpongeBob being vasectomized by fear. Yes, I'm gonna start with my negative critics now.

To be fair, it was great execution. But I got tired since it's all drama and screaming. The writers did well to put up nice gags to balance it all out, but it's still a nega-point. I don't blame SpongeBob. He did a great job by performing the task that the writers set up. To be as panicky and terrorized as possible. I just don't like it when he starts doing so. And as we are speaking of character development throughout the episode, I have a couple of merkins.

First, none of the characters (apart from SB who did an excellent job by being irritatingly panicky) did well. The only reason why Puff's in the episode is because the set is in a school. If not, she should have been discarded. Besides, there are many other ways to introduce the plot-creating character. Speaking of the devil. Flatts bully persona is over the top. He's going to kick SB's butt for no reason. He chased off SpongeBob with a truck and still kicked his butt even though SB saved his life. Patrick didn't get to develop any quirky lines, either. All he did is making the situation worse which created more drama. A brilliantly executed drama, but it's still drama. Don't like that.

Alright lad, that's all for today. Hope you enjoy the review. Please give me critics so I can be a better analyst for the later days. It's best for me and it's best for my readers. I hope to see you next time. Goodbye. :w00t:


Best Moment : The old man gag

Best Character : SpongeBob

Best Quote : "Oh that's real nice ..." -Some dude-

Clue for the next episode : Squidward's copyright
The Bully was a masterpiece. #69, my guess is Artist Unknown.
#69 :

Episode name : "Jellyfish Hunter”

Episode number : 39a

Season : 02

I'm going to give you a spoiler now. This is the last jellyfishing-themed episode. Sadly, Jellyfish Jam didn't make the countdown. Sorry. But hey, we still got this bad boy hanging around right after 70. Yes, it's Jellyfish Hunter. A fan service to those non-showering, tree-planting, Toyota Prius-driving eco-mentalists.

First, let's review the most irrelevant substance to how an episode did. The title. I mean, seriously. Just read it out loud. Jellyfish Hunter. That is legen-wait for it-dary. Not only did the title work well with the episode's story (unlike that one terribly stupid MM & BB episode) the choice of word is brilliant. It couldhave been "Jellyfish Slaves". Or, "Jelly-business". Or "Jellyfishing For Hire". And other generic title names. They pick "Hunter" as the title's byword. It made the episode just a bit cooler. I mean the plot sounds dark if you ask me. Mr. Krabs uses SpongeBob to enslave jellyfishes. That's a dark plot, right? Well it took out some points but thankfully, the execution made up for it. As I shall explain, later. Now, let's get to the episode itself.

So the episode begins with chase scene. Unfortunately for Halibut, it's not a Corvette - Gallardo chase scene. It's a very interesting chase scene between SB and a blue jelly he called "no name". To be honest, this was one of my favourite exciting scenery in SpongeBob. Along with the karate from Karate Choppers and the boat chase from No Free Rides. It was really interesting to see and you can not be bored watching it. So after a predictable failure, we cut to the KK where SB is having lunch. In which he perplex as customer by giving his patty jellyfish jam. The cutomer tried it and he started singing Squidward's patented recordings about how delicious it tasted. Usually, I'd be pissed if someone starts singing, but this number is actually pretty petite to hear. Krabs sees the jam as a profitable substance he'd like to add to the Krabby Patty. There's the conflict ...

Krabs told SpongeBob to catch more jellies, in which he'll use the jam as the new Krabby Patty ingredient. Being a naive trusty fool taht has no idea how cruel the business world is, he accepts gleefully. Another montage showing SpongeBob catching jellyfishes using the most hilarious ways. While Krabs kept asking for more using the infamous MOAR scenes. So after all the jellies have been captured, SpongeBob left with a dark feeling. He feels that somebody ... wants to sell him something! A very funny gag made funnier when we see two salesmen actually trying to sell SB something. Turns out, he was followed by no name. SB was captured and taken into an industrial building. He soon realised that Krabs was in it, torturing the jellyfishes while listening to catchy tunes with his eyes. Spongy stepped up and scold Krabs but he couldn't open the voice activated door. But, this being a cartoon, Krabs accidentally said "open". He got what he deserved and the jellies stung him ruthlessly. Krabs took theem off the menu, and SB become friends with no name (Apparently called "Friend" by now).

This episode has everything, in terms of physical episode attribute. Epic scenes, funny montages a decent musical number and some hilarious gags. As I said before, the opening scenes were great. It shows many great shots of SB epicness and No Name's coolness. Then, there's the musical number, that is incredibly decent. You see, unlike PieGuy, I hate musical numbers. Whereas he thinks they steal the episode, I think it ruins the episode. But this one's an exception cause it's good. The montage of SB trying to catch the jellies was very creative and full of flair and humour. But I have to say, the salesmen gag is the funniest out of the bunch. It's just unpredictable as a reaction. And the writers made it even more comically twisty when we see that there ARE people trying to sell SB something. Really good.

However, there are flaws as well.

As you might remember, I once said in this countdown that Krabby Land is one of the earliest episode to show Mr, Krabs' darker side. Well, this episode isn't just one of the earliest. It's blantant genesis.

Mr. Krabs was funny, but I couldn't help how notoriously evil-spirited he looks in this episode. This is just blantant showing to the audience while saying "Hey! We are going to give you the most mean-spirited Krabs so far. But no worries, there's more to come." I mean he was the complete antagonist. He betrayed SpongeBob, completely disagree with SB's philosophy of animal caring as he slaved the jellyfish like Hitler on Jews. It really has a mean tone in it. I mean as I said before, characters are an essential figure to an episode. And to be fair, Mr. Krabs dropped a lot of points and it costed JH it's place one the coveted top 30.

Even though, it is the best jellyfish-themed episode. It has no rights to be called a legendary episode. A great episode, certainly, but not an episode that completely has the essence of SpongeBob SquarePants.

So yeah, that's it for now, chaps and chappies. Hope to see you next time. And remember, if you have any complaints about this list or at how I review an episode. Just post it. But please don't flame. It's not gonna do anything. So yeah, see you next time. :snowman:

Best Moment : SpongeBob vs No Name in the beginning of the episode

Best Character : SpongeBob

Best Quote : "Blasted exercise craze" -Krabs-

Clue for the next episode : Can you feel the love tonight?

68. Season 2
67. Season 3
66. Season 3
65. Season 2
64. Season 3
63. Season 4
62. Season 4
61. Season 3
60. Season 3
JH was a really good episode in my eyes. My #68 guess is Krusty Love, it's way too obvious.
Valentine's Day

What does this have to do with Squidward's Copyright?
Halibut said:
What does this have to do with Squidward's Copyright?
Beliefs Squidward's records were playing I have no idea?
I loved Jellyfish Hunter a lot more, but Krabs had his post-movie ways in this episode, where he would kill for money. Good job, good point-maker! :mrkrabs:
#68 is Krusty Love, I believe.
#68 :

Episode name : “Krusty Love”

Episode number : 36b

Season : 02

Last time I chose a clue so hard, Halibut didn't get it. So I decided to tone it down a little. Yes, it's the love-themed episode Krusty Love. A very weird episode that fialed to make it on my first top 100. Then again, I decided that I should appreciate how this episode invented a new concept of romantic-comedy.

The episode starts of with some regular Krabs act. Crying over a very low amount of money he failed to earn. He then explained to SB how money is everything. That is until he lands his eye on a "curvy cutie". Was it Karen? No. Sandy? Gross. Nope, it's Mrs. Puff. SpongeBob, being the so called love doctor he is, insisted to introduce Krabs to her. Which led to a very hilarious scene where Mr. Krabs stuttered like a drunk in front of Mrs. Puff. But, with the help of SB's ability to speak properly, the message was sent. Puff agrees to go on a date with Mr. Krabs. On the next scene we see that both lovers were having fun. Until in the end, Krabs realised he just spent 100.000 dollars on her. So he decided to use SpongeBob as a financial advisor. SB took the role, and off they went for another date.

Hilarity ensues.

On the first knock on the door, Krabs was blinded yet again to the woman she loved. He completely forgot that he was saving his money. SpongeBob (being not only his advisor, but his employee) agreed to buy him flowers for Mrs. Puff. But as soon as the sight of Mrs. Puff left, Krabs returned to his money-living self. He scolded SpongeBob for spending his money. Puff returned and he immediately forgot about his issue with SpongeBob. Completely blinded by love, he asked SpongeBob to do what SB wasn't allowed to do by him. Spending the money. That set the tone, really. As Mr. Krabs continues to turn bipolar. And with a very reluctant SpongeBob not helping his issues. SB was asked to spend money for stuff Puff didn't need and when he came back Krabs immediately scold him for spending too much money. In the end, Bobby snapped. He left Puff's house. Turns out, Mrs. Puff didn't need any of that bull shrimp. She was into Krabs the whole time!

Now this episode has many positives. For example, the story. It is very rare to see romance in SpongeBob SquarePants. Which is not helping all the gay allegations he used to have back in the past. So to see romance is very authentic. Plus,it gave a new dimension of romantic comedy. In which usually we see the couple struggling to love each other, this episode shows how one of the lover deals with his parsimonious money fetish issues. It's about developing the relationship on another level. That's the main issue with relationships. And this episode portrays it perfectly.

With many great humour as well. I love the scene when SpongeBob rants with blabbidy words. My girlfriend (who is Dutch) told me that the Dutch version actually uses unneceessary censorship covering the blabbers. I'm yet to find a youtube video but I think that'll be hilarious. Also the part where Krabs blibbs in ront of Mrs. Puff. There are a lot of biblubbers speech in this episode. It's a quite funny episode, this. And Mr. Krabs' act at Mrs. Puff's front yard is helping.

It also had very little flaws. What I had that is a problem is choice of character. Krabs and Puff is really a very odd choice. Not that I hate the character. Oh wait, I actually hate Krabs, but that's not the point. They are kind of old and already married at a point in their respective lives (hench, the mr. and mrs.). Plus, with a wide array of other main ships to ship (The Squill-ward troop is coming) there are a LOT of better choices. It's not a bad choice, but the fact that there are other, better choices just took down a couple of measly points. I don't like the first part of the episode. It's a kind of time filler, really. Not a good way to start an episode. Also, this episode, well, it doesn't have much replay value. I find it great when I haven't watch it for some time. If I have to watch it 3 or 4 times in a short space of time, I rather choose not to. And, there are simply 67 better episodes.

Well that's about it for today. hopefully you enjoyed this review which I find is very stocky. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your support of commenting and posting and critisizing this list. Without you, this list would probably be down in the oblivion of other lists. So, yeah, see you next time. Bye :spongey:


Best Moment : SpongeBob's colourful vocabulary

Best Character : Mr. Krabs

Best Quote : "We're not talking about this. Or this. We're talking about thiiiiiiiisssss" -Stressed out SpongeBob imitating Krabs-

Clue for the next episode : Patrick's masterclass on bargains
Spongebob's colorful vocabulary was hilarious.

#67 is One Krabs Trash, easy squeezy lemon peezy.
SpongeRoadie UK said:
A very weird episode that fialed to make it on my first top 100.

I guess we're all on the same bandwagon now. :prop: I probably would put it on my list, as well if I made a revised Top 100. You're right, great replay value. Next one is One Krabs' Trash.

:krabsx: - "Five bucks!"
:patx: - "I only have 7."
#67 :

Episode name : “Rock-a-Bye Bivalve”

Episode number : 49b

Season : 03

I see you guys fell for my trap. :hehe: What? You think I'm gonna make it that simple, Rocko? Heck no. Ehmm. So yeah, anyway. The episode eliminated from this awesome list is indeed, Rock-a-Bye Bivalve. I think you can see where the flaws are going, here. Yeah. However, anyways, let's begin the review.

Anyways, to the episode. It starts of with SpongeBob getting his daily newspaper. Turns out, all he needed was the 'entertainment section'. Otherwise known as the rubber band. I like the scene where we see Gary reading the newspaper like a sir while SB jumpls around with a rubber band pressing his body. Shows the difference in personality figure. Anyway, it turns out Patrick was doing the same thing. The conflict kicked in when the 2 heard a really weird chripping noise that is actually an abandoned juvenile scallop. They decided to take care of it. Admittedly, they did struggle for the first few parts of the parenting bit. But soon, they got the hang of it. They decided to be parents in which SpongeBob was the mum and Pat was the dad.

After that, came a sequence of the 3 having family outings.

The next day, the conflict kicked in. They were so rigid on their true parenting philosophy Patrick literally goes to work. Leaving SpongeBob doing all the chores and the baby stuff. And Patrick didn't help his ... err ... wife? No that's not right. He didn't help his 'parenting bro' when he got home, either. He just sat there on a chair watching a sitcom with a coconut gag. Unfortunately it became daily and soon, SB's fed up. He told Patrick how much of a father he is. Not much. He showed Patrick the incredible amount of poo Junior poop out everyday. Which led Patrick to promise to come home early the next day. So he can help his parenting bro. Instead, he got home at midnight. A little bit of scuffle led Patrick to go back to work. And it was revealed that by working he's actually watching the very same sitcom. SB's angry mum reaction led the 2 into a fight. And while they fight, Junior is about to jump of SB's 2-story window. They try to catch him, but it was no use. Junior had learned to fly. the 2 parenting bro set their child off and end their parenting adventure. And the episode ends.

I can honestly say, this was a fun episode. Lots and I mean LOTS of great humour. I love the 'this would be kinda shocking' bit. It just showed the type of humour SpongeBob is playing out. A humour that makes the show a pseudo-animated sitcom. Really, genuinely, laughable. And then there's the equation. I mean it's even better. That is a dark, adult-friendly joke. When I was a kid, I don't get it. But know that I'm almost 20, I understand. And my goodness was it hilarious. There are other great humour like the coconut gag, the 12 o'clock midnight bit, etc. But I guess that's what conflicts do. The writers have created the perfect conflict for this kind of situation. The perfect conflict to develop a great taste of humour. This was season 3 humour at it's best. This was Patrick at his best. A great episode if you're looking for a good laugh. It was just simply funny. But there are flaws. And we'll start from the main one. The point of the episode itself.

I remember a while ago, Patty Sponge wrote a topic about thereason why season 3 is inferior to season 2, because season 3 works on the humour and the humour alone. This might be a case in point. It revolves around an unhappy marriage yet it is the father who caused the problems. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. OF. THE. PROBLEM. Which sounded stereotypical. I used to think, that they were trying to vaguely show the message that sometimes Dads can be irresponsible but got too focused on the humour it led to an episode which points out how Fathers sucked a lot while Mums are the best of the 2 by a country mile. Which sounded a bit unfair because both set of parents are great. But know, I led myself to thinking that it was for pure humour. Which was no better. It was the perfect conflict for that kind of episode, but still, it's not really fair to blame everything on the Dad? Perhaps we could see that Mums are not that perfect as well?

The episode also had issues with its choice of characters. I would admit, the episode's great taste of humour woun't be that good without the Patrickness of it. But maybe you could place a different character for the mum because I don't see how two male characters being parents (with clear mum-dad roles) could be accepted by the group of people that controls most of the audience. Mothers. I remember a lot of people complaining about how "gay" this episode is. It never passed my mind however, at how would SB's reputation work without the episode showing the 2 as parents. I wonder if the parents were Patrick and Pearl. Or Sandy and SpongeBob. Or Squidward and Squill-NOPE. Not getting to that part :|. But I won't be discussing it too much.

So yeah what I find as a conclusion. This was a hilarious episode. Mainly because it had the perfect conflict to play it that type of humour. Yet the conflict's point is not very wise. So that's a bit confusing. Still, hopw you enjoy this review. Play out any comments or rants about this list so far. I'll see you again tomorrow. Here's an irrelevant tribute to Cha to end today's post :cha:. Bye.


Best Moment : Sponge + Starfish = Clam

Best Character : Patrick

Best Quote : "OVERTIME?!" -Stressed out SpongeBob mocking Patrick-

Clue for the next episode : Patrick's vaguely shown 'dangleberries'
SpongeRoadie UK said:
What? You think I'm gonna make it that simple, Rocko?

Ah well, RABB was a pretty good episode, and I have no idea what #66 is
Gotta love manly stereotypes. :P

I'm guessing either SpongeGuard on Duty or Doing Time.... stupid guesses, I know. :prop:
I'm predicting the episode with: "Patrick, your genius is showing!"