Matt's TOP 100 (Revised V2)

-Creative originality? Season 5? Is it possible?-


Sure it is. New Digs doesn't have much on it's concept. The plot is quite rigid and disciplined. They are only allowed to use all their creative freedom on one base of an episode which is SpongeBob moving to live in the Krusty Krab. Unlike Toy Store of Doom where the base is a nightmarish toy store, which means the writers can make up the hell they wanted about the toy store.

But, unlike Toy Store of Doom, they maximized the potential. Creating lots of funny moments and giving the audience some general enjoyment. Toy Store of Doom is the opposite. It has great plot where the writers can express fluidly over the execution. Yet, the conflict is a wind up robot being shot randomly by bubbles. First, I'm going to give points for story. It's original and is actually interesting. Although, it doesn't go much more than an employee living at his work place.

Second, it hardly stales. The story comes to enjoyable to follow. However, although the story is great, it doesn't start well. SpongeBob's a minute late to work and he acts as if he killed a health inspector. I think what the writers were trying to say is that you have to value time and work sincerely. But the rest of the episode just shows how annoying SpongeBob is to Mr. Krabs' dismay, with the changes he made. But it was the ending that I valued so much.


It was great, because I didn't expect Squidward to move in as well. So, overall, it's a good episode.

So here's the conclusion,
Plus Points (+)
1. The story was great to follow, original and creative.
2. It doesn't stale after a long period of time.
3. The jokes, although not much, are still clever.

Minus points (-)
1. The plot triggered terribly (it's just a minute FFS)
2. The writers lost the lesson they tried to implement in the middle of the episode.
3. It's really not the episode I would recommend to my friend. It feels to rushed and lacks passion.
-I love weird episode!-


This was, eh, interesting. Certainly an episode that is weird enough to be followed. For a post-movie episode, I find it usual to find the concept a bit gorss, but I also find it incredible how diligent the writers were at writing the episode. It's not noring at all. However, I must concede that you can't take the disgust out of some scenes in particular. For most of you who have weak bellies. I suggest to look away now. Because I'm going to start with the worse parts of the episode. The very last bit.


The chances of me waxing lyrical about The Splinter is not that dramatic. Nor would I say the most about that scene. It was just disturbing in many ways. Also, the part where SquidBob roams around scaring everyone and ruining a relationship between aliens, with their sheer alien-like appearance, is quite disturbing. But in another way, it is quite funny. But the rest of the episode itself is just brilliant execution from what likely to be a disgusting concept. There is no gore and excessive body horror. It's just the 2 'frenemies' struggling to live together as one. Much like the couples in Swansea.

I'm going to give more points for characterizations. Rarely we see Squidward and Sandy together in an episode. Both are probably 2 of the most intelligent animals in Bikini Bottom (mad scientist crazy for a burger not counted). So in many ways, it's great to see them together. So how's about the rest of the episode? Again, it's niceto follow the story an all, but it doesn't rely too much humor. It focuses on the story so much. So I'm going to give even more points to the writers for not being cheap. Well played.

So here's the conclusion,

Plus Points (+)
1. The story was great to follow
2. Great execution.
3. Kudos for making Sandy and Squidward collaborating

Minus points (-)
1. The story might be great to follow, but the basis of it was a bit unimaginative.
2. A bit disgusting in some parts.
3. The ending was a slap in the belly button, really.
Y no one tell me about dis stuf? 0_o

Good list so far, interested to see the twists and turns!
-Sometimes, all you need to make a followed story is an interesting plot-


Roller Cowards was an episode guarenteed with a starting place in my top 100. For once, forget the fact that it's not better than more episode. It's from season 5. To me, the writers id a fine job of creating an episode worthy to be classed as a season 8 member. One thing that I noticed from the episode is the fact that they created the story based on the lesson they're trying to implement. Something scarce to find on today's cartoon.

The story sounds like one of those 'Nighty night' CBeebies stories by Michael McIntyre. The writers are sending a message to the audience, you must face your fears. And unlike New Digs, they didn't lost the template while writing the script. They never really put too much focus on the humor. They did try, though. And although very far between, the jokes are undoubtly clever. Loved the part where Pat talks to himself. Or the part where Pat tries to take a photo with Glovie. There are great montages, to, such as the "The Mitten". So, yeah. Great so far.

However . . . ,

I do not like the start of the episode. They shoe-horned the plot. And that's nicht gut. You might as well start the episode inside Glove World. But, seriously, that would be better than watching Patrick slamming through the walls just to tell SpongeBob about a commercial. The dream SB had the same night wasn't helping the scoreboard at all. It was rather creeping me out when it first came out. Just eerie. And then there's the ending. Which defines the story's aim to teach children to face their fears. However, they crackbrained the idea and showed the audience a horror show of a ride. Yes, both enjoyed it. Both also lost their spine. Which gives the image that you can face your fears, but it'd be bloody awful.


It also gives the image of pure stupidity because both don't have spines. But since education purposes doesn't mean much, I'm not going to mention much.

So here's the conclusion,

Plus Points (+)
1. The plot was great
2. They manged to stall the lesson.
3. It was quite funny.

Minus points (-)
1. Shoe-horned plot triggerer
2. An eerie scene of nightmare
3. The ending was wise, but not clever.
WHAT? Look, I love the episode, but I thought the intro was the best part (notice that the plot comes in immedeantly and sort of takes cues from Shangheid because of it.)
I like the episode, but they sometimes over-exaggerate the jokes in this one.
CalvinFan64 said:
WHAT? Look, I love the episode, but I thought the intro was the best part (notice that the plot comes in immedeantly and sort of takes cues from Shangheid because of it.)
Oh dang, a different individual with differing thoughts has a differing opinion from you... this is the REAL apocalypse
CalvinFan64 said:
WHAT? Look, I love the episode, but I thought the intro was the best part (notice that the plot comes in immedeantly and sort of takes cues from Shangheid because of it.)
Well yes, once twice you see it it's quite funny. Just don't think it was clever.