Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!

Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Y'know those episodes where the plot revolves around something extremely repetitive and annoying? Yeah, that's a pretty common post-movie thing. It's gone from laughing to crying to... singing? Yup, there is now an episode that revolves around singing. I usually like it when an episode relates to a real-life situation. Apparently an earworm is a real thing where a song is unable to get out of one's head. Now... how can someone NOT think that this is going to be an amazing... ly annoying episode for a TV show? Apparently, Casey and Zeus thought so. Hopefully this will be a shorter review, because this episode is so repetitive.

The first question that probably comes to mind is... what makes this worse than All That Glitters and Funny Pants? Well, Funny Pants and All That Glitters attempted comedy and didn't spend the whole episode revolving around something annoying that a person does respectively. This episode fails to attempt comedy because it's too damn focused on SpongeBob singing a song. Also, the way he sings it is like spooky, scary skeletons. Shivers are sent down your spine with that high-pitched annoying voice to greater extents than Kidz Bop. At the Krusty Krab he just acts like an asshole. He doesn't listen to Squidward, and heck, even Geno, to pipe down. He also steals Squidward's radio. He also acts this way at home, and bothers Gary. SpongeBob is oblivious in this episode, but not just to Squiddy! No, just to everyone! The next day, at the Krusty Krab, after staying up all night listening to the song (because he thought listening to it one more time would get it out of his system), he's more of an oblivious asshole than the day before! The song cannot even redeem SpongeBob's horrific character in this episode. After Mr. Krabs tells him to stop singing Musical Doodle or he'll be out the door, SpongeBob starts to go insane and writes "DOODLE" all over the walls... as if that's going to help him. Everyone realizes there's something wrong with him, and Sandy says he has an Earworm infection. so they try to help him with horrible songs, except for Squidward's, somehow. But of course, Squidward's song was forced to be decent so he could get the Earworm infection next. :steamedvegetable:

So... if it might be one of the single most annoying episodes ever made, why does it get the "treat" of being up at 39? Well, first off, SpongeBob is the only bad character in this episode. Everyone else just wanted him to stop what he was doing, or just help him. Heck, even Squidward helped him! I like the song lyrics, and how they tell you how hard it is to get the song out of your head. Also, continuity points for Gary still having a record player in his shell! :lol: Anyway, that's it for now. Also, now that I'm up in the 30s, I'd like to thank Milkmaidman, E.V.I.L., Award, Roadie, SB_DW_Fan, Slash, Jenkins, HPL, Wumbolo, squidwardisawesome22, cwn, Gordok, Popeye, Kerdem, More_Spandy, Nardburns, Prez, NastyPatty2002, Storm, Web Surfer, spongie, Hal, SpongeyKid, Kumatora0203, OHH, RSF, Calvin, and SpongeWott for replying to this list! Whew, that's a lot of names! Thanks for all of the support! 👍 :sbthumbs:


Aired: 2010

Least Favorite Character: Take a guess!

Least Favorite Part: :kelpface: - "I'll just listen to it one more time to get it out of my system!" (brilliant idea!)

CLUE: The equivalent of desperate bachelors


I thought I was the only person who hated this episode. Disagreed with Picture Day and (to an extent) Whatshisname, they got a few laughs. This didn't, and dragged unbearably. Thanks for that shout-out, btw! :D
Nov 2, 2013
The Mystery Shack
Boo! I like both of the last 2 episodes. But I respect your opinion.

Demolition Doofus: This one definitely sucked. 1/10
Good Ol Whatshimname: I thought it had a good premise. And Squidward deserved the torture! He basically assaulted the guy! 8/10
Earworm: I liked the song, it was funny andcatchy and was definitely something Spongebob would get addicted to. I thought it was pretty funny too. 8/10

Just my opinion.
Aug 24, 2013
TBH I love Earworm. I never found it annoying. I like the song and the episode got a lot better after SpongeBob went insane.
Oct 10, 2011
Horseheads, NY
PatStar2000 said:
It's not. Love That Squid today, tomorrow, and forever. <3
You wonderful humanioid slice of Nutella toast <3
cwn said:
But seriously, Earworm is mediocre in my book. Annoying, but still funny at times, and I liked seeing most of the main characters in 1 episode.
You two stop before I die laughing! :rofl:
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Now here's something we haven't seen in a long time... a year in fact. I didn't give away the season, otherwise it would have been to easy. I'm not kind enough to go easy on you folks! :P Putting a pre-movie could potentially make some people cry Nutella out of their nose... but I would if I saw "Love That Squid" on someone's Bottom [insert number here] list. It's better than a decent chunk of pre-movie episodes. It's wonderful. <3 But this has nothing to do with LTS. It wouldn't have if it weren't for Leeroy and Omair.

This episode is about our two idiotic best buddies and bachelors, who I doubt will be getting a date any time soon. Sorry, Spandy shippers! They're not even fighting over Sandy, anyway. They're fighting over a snail. Well, they're actually fighting over who would have it as a pet. Oh, and it's not a stray, either. It's Gary. So shouldn't SpongeBob keep him over Patrick, because he is proud owner of Gary? Nope! Apparently, Gary seems happier with Patrick, and Patrick doesn't give a flying ::dolphin noise:: about how his best friend feels about this. Well, I guess at the beginning, he shouldn't care all that much about Gary wanting to be with him, because SpongeBob doesn't seem to mind at first. The next day, Gary won't come home, and SpongeBob starts to worry a bit... to put it nicely. He actually worries to the point where he could INJURE HIMSELF. He falls from the freaking two-story window just to get Gary to pay attention to him! This is ridiculous. Right now, I'm siding with Patrick, although Gary SHOULD go back home to SpongeBob. Remember that now. Patrick is still on my side...

...until Patrick tries to stop the desperate sponge from bringing his own pet back to his house, and says that Gary is more equipped to make decisions than DadMom AngryPants. Okay, it's his own pet, he should keep him, no? Now Patrick is acting like a jerk. And Patrick seems to have no problem with making his friend more teary-eyed than he already is by playing with Gary all day, while all of SpongeBob's new pets (except for Jerry) are complete jerks to him. See, the characters are SO bad, not even the snails can redeem them! I know TTS3 said that in Season 2, the season this episode aired in, characters are still being developed. I understand that it's early in the run for SpongeBob, but we already know their traits. Patrick is an idiot but is always very kind to SpongeBob, and in a well thought out episode, Patrick would have told Gary that he had to go back with his owner. SpongeBob is the holly-jolliest invertebrate in the sea. What in the name of Neptune is he doing crying like that? And how desperate he is. Letting Gary poop wherever he pleases, messing up that sculpture of Squidward? I can understand that SpongeBob feels like Gary's gone forever, but he's just TOO desperate. Maybe Patrick can help him solve his problems. Hell no! He tells SpongeBob his carving of a heart is pathetic, and the heart breaks. This does not feel like a SpongeBob episode, really. Why is it so blue? The writers were too busy trying to make this episode ASAP (as sad as possible) that they didn't realize they were out of time! The conflict is quickly resolved by Gary eating the cookie in Patrick's pocket. The reason Patrick was being followed by Gary all of that time. So much for horrible characters! :patboo: Anyway, sorry for a lousy all over the place review. I'm just a bit tired. Pazza, out! Pre-movie style!


Aired: 2001

Least Favorite Character: :patboo:

Least Favorite Part: The laundry meltdown. SpongeBob cried like Gary was dead.

CLUE: Fighting for what?

Here are the next few episodes:

37. Season 5
36. Season 6
35. Season 8
34. Season 4
33. Season 4
32. Season 5
31. Season 7
30. Season 7


May 25, 2013
Good spot for Dumped. No clue what the next episode is.


Jan 29, 2014
I do think Dumped is a bad episode, however it's one of the least bad things next to I Was a Teenage Gary and Fungus Among Us.
Aug 24, 2013
Dumped is underrated. It has flaws but It has a charm to be at least, unlike I'm With Stupid and Nature Pants.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: In Matt's Bottom 50, Roadie (Matt) said that the first time he had heard of this episode, he knew it would be a disappointment. I didn't think so, however. Maybe it was because I was only seven when it aired, and had no idea that it did until I was, like, eight or something. When I first saw it, I liked it. I have no idea why. It's a gross-out fest with a horrible plot and moral. When SpongeBob & Patrick come across a battle reenactment, Patrick tells SpongeBob about a battle that occurred in Bikini Bottom: It was the clean and the sanitary vs. the dirty and bacterial. If this is going to be the plot for the episode, it's not cheesy at all. It's just downright ridiculous. Thankfully, a fish reenacting the battle tells the two idiots that none of that is true. So, we might be able to see SpongeBob & Patrick try to get accustomed to the nature of battling, which has the potential to be hilarious, but it failed. It failed because the writers thought, "What a great idea... clean vs. dirty!!" SpongeBOb & Patrick decide to just go along with the clean vs. dirty plot, instead of the TRUE battle. All of the sudden, SpongeBob transforms into a germaphobe and tells Patrick how he doesn't like how disgusting he is. I don't blame him.

Patrick is absolutely repulsive in this episode. There are far too many vomit-inducing close-ups for eleven minutes. And they're all from Patrick himself. It seems odd that Patrick doesn't seem to care at all about personal hygiene, because he has been shown to wash his hands and brush his teeth before. In fact, in "Dumped," the previous episode revealed on this list, Patrick was shown brushing his teeth and armpits, two parts of his body which were noted to be disgusting in this episode. SpongeBob performed decently here. He was just trying to show Patrick that it wasn't a big deal to have a tiny bit of cleanliness in your life. He does go a bit too far, but Patrick is so incomprehensibly disgusting in this episode to the point where I gag. There is only one other episode which manages to do that to me. The only real flaw in his character is that SpongeBob works in a greasy establishment, and he isn't fond of Patrick's armpit grease. As of now, their friendship in jeopardy, so the writers put in a "rancid moral," for the sake of atrocities like this. After SpongeBob & Patrick become dirty and clean, respectively, they realize they can just go try getting clean and dirty again for the next week! Wonderful! :whoo: jkjk. Why isn't this higher, you ask? Well, I got a couple of chuckles, such as "the gloves come off" and "digging for gold" with Geno. SpongeBob's character isn't bad at all, and it is overshadows by another episode that hinders the friendship of Bobby & Patty. Just get the video game with the word "for" instead of "of." Pazza, out! :sbthumbs:


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Chracter: :patsad:

Least Favorite Part: The close-ups, for sure. All four of 'em

CLUE: Master of disguise
Aug 24, 2013
TBH the war/battle ideas are not bad, If they are executed well (Just look at War is the H word episode of Futurama) but It's a battle between clean and dirty for goodness sake, of coarse It's going to end up badly. Overall, I think this episode sucks as well.