Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!

God sake, mate, I'm tempted to race another list with ye.

Anyway, Waiting is a good choice. It's really nothing.

Comment: Yeah, sorry for the absence. Good thing it wasn't for months on end. I'll try not to let it happen again, but "try" is the key word. I keep no promises. Anyway, do any of you remember "Imitation Krabs" from Season 2? Well, I most certainly hope so. But if I had to describe both episodes with one word that starts with the letter C I would say "classic" for the former, "crappy" for the latter. This stupid cousin of a Season 2 classic fails on almost every single aspect. From fillers, stupid characters, to two plots and a horrible formula plan at once. But when I was 9 years old and watching the SpongeBash, I didn't think anything of it. I didn't understand the hate, really, but I followed the crowd anyway. I liked a certain filler and Plankton's Sandy impersonation. I still like the latter to this day, but the rest... yeah, time for another incredibly long Top 100 episode countdown! summary! :thumb1:

This episode starts off with Plankton. I like Plankton, but he doesn't really use his brain to his full advantage here. Instead of thinking that SpongeBob will deliver the patty Plankton is hiding in to the customer, he thinks that SpongeBob will walk out of the restaurant with it. <.< Keep an eye on that emote. I know I have a fetish for it, but here the character featured in Trophy's favorite emote plays an important role in this episode. She is the customer who ordered the Krabby Patty being delivered. Plankton can't get off the patty before Sandy puts it in her suit and begins to eat it... in close-up fashion. I bring this up because I once was flipping through channels and got welcomed to Nickelodeon... WITH THIS. Ugh! View at your own risk, folks! After Plankton passes out from being unable to breathe, he ends up in Sandy's bathroom, where something else occurs that makes me sick to my stomach. Sandy's fur ISN'T NATURAL. wtf, writers?! What about "Survival of the Idiots?" What is more disgusting than THIS, you ask? The fact that Plankton thinks this is a good formula plan. Even "Gramma's Secret Recipe" has a better Plankton disguise than this.

Plankton tries to impersonate Sandy in Imitation Krabs fashion to steal the formula by engaging in conversation with SpongeBob. This part is hilarious, actually! I love Plankton's Texan accent attempts and the way the Sandy bot walks. Also, Karen's reactions are funny, by calling the disguise "repulsive." At the same time, though, it's stupid. All characters in this episode are stupid (except for Karen). Larry and SpongeBob don't know that Plankton's robot isn't Sandy, but I guess I'll let it slide. Sandy is quite stupid, too. She decides it's best to go into town half-naked. At least put on your suit that wasn't stolen. You'll at least look better. But no, Sandy is stupid (for once) to force a bunch of extraneous scenes. But that's okay, because the main plot is too busy focusing on SpongeBob telling "Sandy" that the lettuce on a Krabby Patty is off by a couple of centimeters and constantly saying "Ooooh, try again" OVER AND OVER AND OVER! :mad: In a good episode like "Imitation Krabs," all of this filler ::dolphin noise:: would have been skipped over with a time card or something. Welcome to Season 7, it flat-out sucks! <.< The sad thing is this plot is about as bad as the other plot going on at the same time. Just a subplot so that the Bikini Bottomites can call Sandy a chipmunk, ferret, goat, etc. Why do all the fish laugh at her for being naked? And why does she get arrested for being naked when Plankton stole her fur? <.<

  • She wasn't even naked
  • There are some fish in Bikini Bottom that are naked, including one that laughed at her (see below)
  • Why didn't she explain to the police what happened? They could do some court thing (although fillers prevent that stuff)
  • Why did the police laugh at her at first instead of arresting her? Sure it would have been stupid, but it would have ended this abomination early.
So, that's all for now. They arrest Sandy for being HALF-naked when some fully naked fish go around fully naked. I try to like the Bikini Bottomites, but when they laugh, name-call, and throw stuff at others, it makes me wonder how any soul could ever like this people. It's awful how they're cartoons and they piss me off so much because they're so ignorant and rude and will say or do anything they want. Even the actual plot with Plankton in a horrible disguise beats the subplot any day. It had more humor such as, "Sandy, you're naked! And you don't have any clothes on!" and Plankton's stereotypical Texas accents. Pazza, out for sure! :hiya:

a nude and rude Bikini Bottomite laughing at Sandy in her face for being "naked." Courtesy of and

Aired: 2009

Least Favorite Character: Bikini Bottomites

Least Favorite Part: :sbgrin: "Oooh, try again." x6

CLUE: We should take Bikini Bottom, and put it overseas!
So I'm not the only one who got annoyed by SpongeBob saying "Ooh, try again!" over and over? Thank Neptune.

Also, the Bikini Bottomites are worse hypocrites in this episode than they are in Squid Wood.
Would people stop calling my name when this episode gets on a list!? I know it's my least favorite episode and all, but I'm starting to get sick of it.
I hate this episode, but there are a lot worse.
PatStar2000 said:
but here the character featured in Trophy's favorite emote
Oh hardy har har.
I didn't really mind the ep due to it just being a big overreaction to everything so it felt normal, plus the Plankton plot was interesting to see as well, but the Larry thing was funny as well.
Painfully boring, stupid, unfunny and mean spirited. I agree. "Imitation Krabs" beats this crappy episode to a pulp hands down.
It's a Sandy palooza!


Comment: Sorry for a bit of an absence. I know it's a cliche excuse, but it's true. School isn't all that easy so far because a lot of homework and studying is being thrown at you at a rapid pace. But that will be all for my rushed apology, in contrast to a dragging episode. Hopefully that will make this review shorter than most.

This episode starts off with the French Narrator failing to find anything interesting underwater. This might be funny, especially since viewers will most likely fail to find anything interesting about this episode. This is a problem. If you're writing for a show, you should have the ability to make a plot that can fit into at least an 11 minute episode. The "plot" here doesn't kick in even remotely until two minutes, because of extraneous crap like staring contests and forgetting how to open Sandy's door; even SpongeBob didn't know how, even though he's opened it five hundred million thousand times. <.< It turns out that Sandy is going to a rodeo after SpongeBob finds a message for Sandy, and after she does some "ninja sneak attack" thing on them. It takes a minute to officially establish that Sandy is going to a rodeo, and when she has to explain it in a song, it isn't quite as appealing as SpongeBob explaining the word "fun" in a song. This song explains a rodeo by saying "rodeo" about 20 times and plaguing it with Texan stereotypes. The only important thing that comes out of this is the part where Sandy mentions the rodeo clowns. SpongeBob is concerned for Sandy. This is understandable in a sense. It relates to people's fears of clowns. I also COULD have understood others not wanting to help SpongeBob... if he had mentioned the rodeo clown...

But the other people just simply pretend she doesn't exist. There's also failed attempts at humor here. I guess the writers haven't taken a hint that Mr. Krab's money fetish in every single episode gets stale and eventually makes no one laugh. Also, as predictably as ever, when SpongeBob says he needs a "hero," he goes to Squidward. @_@ So SpongeBob decides to abduct everyone, and now the episode has to rush because it dragged on for too long, and they end up in Texas where we find out that Sandy wasn't in trouble after all! :withasmile: I guess it was funny that she was riding a bullfrog, but it can't redeem the pretty factual opinion that the animation at the rodeo<Pressure. So, in all, nothing terrible here, but nothing good. Pazza, out! :hiya:


Aired: 2010

Least Favorite Character: Everyone except for Spandy... maybe Patrick or Krabs.

Least Favorite Part: The rodeo song

Also, my next update might not be an episode update, jussayin.
I don't see anything wrong with Rodeo Raze honestly. It's not a good episode but It's not mean-spirited either. People in BB just didn't believe in SpongeBob that Sandy is in a trouble. Also I like the rodeo song honestly