Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!

Oct 10, 2011
Horseheads, NY
PatStar2000 said:

Comment: Now here's something we haven't seen in a long time... a year in fact. I didn't give away the season, otherwise it would have been to easy. I'm not kind enough to go easy on you folks! :P Putting a pre-movie could potentially make some people cry Nutella out of their nose... but I would if I saw "Love That Squid" on someone's Bottom [insert number here] list. It's better than a decent chunk of pre-movie episodes. It's wonderful. <3 But this has nothing to do with LTS. It wouldn't have if it weren't for Leeroy and Omair.

This episode is about our two idiotic best buddies and bachelors, who I doubt will be getting a date any time soon. Sorry, Spandy shippers! They're not even fighting over Sandy, anyway. They're fighting over a snail. Well, they're actually fighting over who would have it as a pet. Oh, and it's not a stray, either. It's Gary. So shouldn't SpongeBob keep him over Patrick, because he is proud owner of Gary? Nope! Apparently, Gary seems happier with Patrick, and Patrick doesn't give a flying ::dolphin noise:: about how his best friend feels about this. Well, I guess at the beginning, he shouldn't care all that much about Gary wanting to be with him, because SpongeBob doesn't seem to mind at first. The next day, Gary won't come home, and SpongeBob starts to worry a bit... to put it nicely. He actually worries to the point where he could INJURE HIMSELF. He falls from the freaking two-story window just to get Gary to pay attention to him! This is ridiculous. Right now, I'm siding with Patrick, although Gary SHOULD go back home to SpongeBob. Remember that now. Patrick is still on my side...

...until Patrick tries to stop the desperate sponge from bringing his own pet back to his house, and says that Gary is more equipped to make decisions than DadMom AngryPants. Okay, it's his own pet, he should keep him, no? Now Patrick is acting like a jerk. And Patrick seems to have no problem with making his friend more teary-eyed than he already is by playing with Gary all day, while all of SpongeBob's new pets (except for Jerry) are complete jerks to him. See, the characters are SO bad, not even the snails can redeem them! I know TTS3 said that in Season 2, the season this episode aired in, characters are still being developed. I understand that it's early in the run for SpongeBob, but we already know their traits. Patrick is an idiot but is always very kind to SpongeBob, and in a well thought out episode, Patrick would have told Gary that he had to go back with his owner. SpongeBob is the holly-jolliest invertebrate in the sea. What in the name of Neptune is he doing crying like that? And how desperate he is. Letting Gary poop wherever he pleases, messing up that sculpture of Squidward? I can understand that SpongeBob feels like Gary's gone forever, but he's just TOO desperate. Maybe Patrick can help him solve his problems. ::dolphin noise:: no! He tells SpongeBob his carving of a heart is pathetic, and the heart breaks. This does not feel like a SpongeBob episode, really. Why is it so blue? The writers were too busy trying to make this episode ASAP (as sad as possible) that they didn't realize they were out of time! The conflict is quickly resolved by Gary eating the cookie in Patrick's pocket. The reason Patrick was being followed by Gary all of that time. So much for horrible characters! :patboo: Anyway, sorry for a lousy all over the place review. I'm just a bit tired. Pazza, out! Pre-movie style!


Aired: 2001

Least Favorite Character: :patboo:

Least Favorite Part: The laundry meltdown. SpongeBob cried like Gary was dead.

CLUE: Fighting for what?

Here are the next few episodes:

37. Season 5
36. Season 6
35. Season 8
34. Season 4
33. Season 4
32. Season 5
31. Season 7
30. Season 7

It's fine until Gary starts leaving SpongeBob for Patrick when Patrick makes him choose and then it goes all downhill in that ::dolphin noise:: episode

-SpogneBob's pets being bitches
-Patrick being an arse about his pet when he doesn't know ::dolphin noise::
-That fat tub of lard literally flaunting his happiness just to make his best friend cry because THATS WHAT PATRICK DOES TO HIS BEST FRIEND NORMALLY @_@


oh and the ending

-Patrick being completley oblivious to everything and not replying to anything or making up for anything

no. Idc if this is a pre-movie, Season 2 "classic"... it's AWFUL!

PatStar2000 said:

Comment: In Matt's Bottom 50, Roadie (Matt) said that the first time he had heard of this episode, he knew it would be a disappointment. I didn't think so, however. Maybe it was because I was only seven when it aired, and had no idea that it did until I was, like, eight or something. When I first saw it, I liked it. I have no idea why. It's a gross-out fest with a horrible plot and moral. When SpongeBob & Patrick come across a battle reenactment, Patrick tells SpongeBob about a battle that occurred in Bikini Bottom: It was the clean and the sanitary vs. the dirty and bacterial. If this is going to be the plot for the episode, it's not cheesy at all. It's just downright ridiculous. Thankfully, a fish reenacting the battle tells the two idiots that none of that is true. So, we might be able to see SpongeBob & Patrick try to get accustomed to the nature of battling, which has the potential to be hilarious, but it failed. It failed because the writers thought, "What a great idea... clean vs. dirty!!" SpongeBOb & Patrick decide to just go along with the clean vs. dirty plot, instead of the TRUE battle. All of the sudden, SpongeBob transforms into a germaphobe and tells Patrick how he doesn't like how disgusting he is. I don't blame him.

Patrick is absolutely repulsive in this episode. There are far too many vomit-inducing close-ups for eleven minutes. And they're all from Patrick himself. It seems odd that Patrick doesn't seem to care at all about personal hygiene, because he has been shown to wash his hands and brush his teeth before. In fact, in "Dumped," the previous episode revealed on this list, Patrick was shown brushing his teeth and armpits, two parts of his body which were noted to be disgusting in this episode. SpongeBob performed decently here. He was just trying to show Patrick that it wasn't a big deal to have a tiny bit of cleanliness in your life. He does go a bit too far, but Patrick is so incomprehensibly disgusting in this episode to the point where I gag. There is only one other episode which manages to do that to me. The only real flaw in his character is that SpongeBob works in a greasy establishment, and he isn't fond of Patrick's armpit grease. As of now, their friendship in jeopardy, so the writers put in a "rancid moral," for the sake of atrocities like this. After SpongeBob & Patrick become dirty and clean, respectively, they realize they can just go try getting clean and dirty again for the next week! Wonderful! :whoo: jkjk. Why isn't this higher, you ask? Well, I got a couple of chuckles, such as "the gloves come off" and "digging for gold" with Geno. SpongeBob's character isn't bad at all, and it is overshadows by another episode that hinders the friendship of Bobby & Patty. Just get the video game with the word "for" instead of "of." Pazza, out! :sbthumbs:


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Chracter: :patsad:

Least Favorite Part: The close-ups, for sure. All four of 'em

CLUE: Master of disguise
This had potential.... then got ruined
it doesn't deserve to sound similar to the vidya game
Feb 3, 2013
Take A Step, Inside Your Mind! I'm Stalking you.
Dumped: I liked this. It was interesting to see more of SpongeBob's relationship with Gary. Plus if Patrick thought Gary liked him, then why not keep him? He just wanted Gary to make his own choice so I don't blame him. The ending was clever to show the strength of the relationship.

The Battle Of Bikini Bottom: I thought this one was interesting actually. Seeing what a war is like under there. Plus the ending was a good one with the moral.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Yes, this is a coincidence that I dropped this episode today, one that Prez liked. Little did I know he was going to take some time off. It kind of sucks, especially because he's already in a bad mood. But the show must go on! Here is yet another Squidward torture episode to fall on this list. I guess some of the torture at the end is deserved... but in between, it's just agonizing.

In this episode, Squidward pretends to be Squilliam Fancyson, his rival from high school band class. He doesn't do this out of jealousy, but it's because a lady gives him the golden opportunity to get somewhere he wants to be in his life. Even though he did impersonate someone, I don't blame him. His life just flat-out sucks. But Squidward does have his flaws in this episode. He just... annoys me. He turns every little thing into something big, something post-movie Sqiddy is notorious for doing. Here, he makes a big deal about having to write his name on the chalkboard, and saying that SpongeBob blinked thrice instead of twice... as if it matters. It matters to the writers that everything in this episode stalls like my mother's old rusty Camaro she got as her first car so the episode's plot can stretch to 11 minutes. "Wait... did I just say SpongeBob?" asks a new SpongeBob fan. Yes, I said SpongeBob. SpongeBob has to be in every single episode. I'm fine with that, but why in music class? Because his new year's resolution was to play an instrument. But to make things worse for poor ol' Squiddy, the good ol' writers decided to invite Patrick to make things more annoying because he switched resolutions with Spongebob. <.<

Now it's time for a little comparison. In a good episode from Season 3 (New Student Starfish), when SpongeBob & Patrick decide to dillydally throughout her whole lesson, she eventually just ignores Patrick trying to get SpongeBob's attention. Every time SpongeBob or Patrick (mainly SpongeBob) decide to interrupt "Squilliam's" lesson in a pile of garbage from Season 6, "Squilliam" needs to make a gargantuan deal out of it. Maybe because SpongeBob is being a complete and through jackass. Which brings me to the characters.

The characters are perhaps the worst part of this episode. Even Squidward annoys me because he's just yelling the entire time, although I guess it's understandable, but it's not helped by his wig. I don't find it funny... it just... bothers me. XD Patrick is bad, even though he admits to his mistakes more than SpongeBob does, who by the way, is INTOLERABLE in this episode. "Music is..." "DAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH I'M TICKLIN MAHSELF" is this episode in a nutshell. It's extremely annoying and goes on for FAR too long.

The rest of the episode has a hint of "tick, tick, tick," the tune to the metronome. Or as Bobby would say, the thing his mom has in her garden, murdering your ears at a slow pace. Gladly, it ends after Squidward gets arrested because everyone knows the real Squilliam has a unibrow! Maybe if that fish wasn't an idiot, us fans wouldn't have had to sit through this torture. :steamedvegetable: This episode is saved from being any higher up on the list because it at least made Squidward learn his lesson. Pazza, out!


Aired: 2009

Least Favorite Character: :shiftysponge:

Least Favorite Part: The "Squidward gets interrupted" gag that lasts for too long.

CLUE: The mother of all dragsters


Battle of Bikini Bottom was a good episode because PieGuyRulz said so.

It was meh. Not a gross episode, but a bit dull. Still better than the majority of Season 6-8.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Now that I look back at the list, there are several things I would like to change. This being one of them. It would probably still be on the list, but would swap places with its partner-in-crime, "Smoothe Jazz in Bikini Bottom." But this here still might just be the single most boring episode of all time. Mainly because it goes NOWHERE... at all. This episode should be like those Season 5 shorts. It should be 7 minutes, tops.

In this episode, Sandy wants SpongeBob to take care of the treedome while she's out of the house for a while. I really wish that Sandy didn't trust SpongeBob, because then this episode would have never happened. When SpongeBob was told to watch Sandy's treedome in "Wormy," she quickly went over everything Bobby and Patty had to do. Here, it takes far too long, and the episode didn't even start at the treedome, so we're already four minutes through the episode. Also, the writers decide to throw in some fillers to extend this already too long process, with things like SpongeBob going, "Woooooow" out of nowhere. After all of this is done, SpongeBob repeats everything he was told. Is this supposed to be funny? SpongeBob is a comedy! Not "a day in the life of..." This only gets more boring when Patrick enters the treedome out of nowhere, and pretty leads to stay, which again, takes a long time. Patrick is then told to stay close to SpongeBob so he doesn't obliterate anything, which guess what? This takes a long time, too! Once the conflict starts, we are SEVEN minutes into the episode. After the robots are activated due to a domino effect, the destroy the WHOLE treedome. This conflict is rushed to the extreme so a quick, recycled resolution can be fit in. Sandy comes home from her treedome and repairs it all with her "Rubble Reversin' Ray Blaster." This is comepletely recycled from "To Save a Squirrel," the only difference being SpongeBob drops the beaker again, and the robots destroy everything... again. Recycle, recycle! Don't throw away! :druggedkrabs:

The characters were OK. SpongeBob actually wanted to take care of the treedome, and the only reason Patrick showed up is so the crew didn't have to go back and put an air helmet on SpongeBob. Yeah, they completely forgot. I used to think Sandy was OOC at the end of the episode. Maybe I was misinterpreting Cha when I quoted her in early 2012. I'd have to disagree with myself. She yelled "SPOOOOONGEBOB!" because she was pissed at him for screwing up by dropping the beaker, which caused to robots to destroy the treedome. She was also correct when she said nobody destroys things better than Roberto and Pat. So, as you can see, piss poor writing is the real reason for this episode being on the list. Just that. It was absolutely horrible.

Also, I'd like some feedback. Do you guys like my new reviewing style, or is it too long? Or do you not care and just skip the review? xD


^"Can You Spare a Dime?" anyone?^

Aired: 2011

Least Favorite Character: :patdumb: pointless as a broken pencil

Least Favorite Part: The first six minutes

CLUE: Size reduction
Aug 24, 2013
I don't like HSFS as well. It has It's moments but It's just a filler and I didn't like Sandy's performance in this episode.


Jan 29, 2014
Here were my initial thoughts on the episode.

"I found this episode pretty underrated. It's kind of a guilty pleasure. The plot takes a long time to get started but I kind of found it the slightest bit interesting to know more about the tree dome. Patrick is a jerk but he doesn't affect the plot that negatively. The conflict in the end was shoehorned but had the unpredictable feel. SpongeBob wasn't wearing a helmet but the animators fixed it. Sandy's reasoning makes sense. The sundae joke was pretty funny. Plus there's a Spandy hint. I'll give it a 6.5."
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Well, I'm taking a big risk here. Not dropping this episode, no! This one seems to be pretty well hated around the forums. In fact, I might just get bashed for not putting it higher up. But the true risk I'm taking is not typing this up on a word document and copy-pasting it onto here, because my computer caught a virus and yesterday, Google Chrome randomly shut down and then reopened by itself, so I could lose a lot of work. But whatever. On with the episode!

This episode for sure is deceiving. It actually starts out pretty well, but then declines. And I don't mean a decline as in a gradual one. I mean a decline that drops down from Glove World to Rock Bottom. Actually, it starts out with Squidward waking up. Yeah, Season 4 and Squidward waking up do NOT mix well together. This episode, being a cliche Squidward torture you-know-what, is no exception to that rule. SpongeBob somehow breaks into his house and wants to "play" with Squidward. :wetpaint: This repeats for several times with a good joke, at least. That being the "hangman" joke. I'm too lazy to type the whole thing. I also want to shorten my reviews. It actually gets better. SpongeBob ACTUALLY realizes that Squidward does not want to play with him! See? This is how SpongeBob should act in post-movie seasons. Sorry, but the word "new" no longer applies for Season 4 (although this episode aired during Season 5). If I knew what was coming, however, I would have never wanted SpongeBob to come to the realization that Squidward didn't want to play with him.

SpongeBob creates a mini-Squidward to replace the Squidward that refused to play with him. This isn't too bad. I enjoy seeing SpongeBob being creative, just playing games with the little puppet, and with some funny moments, such as the "Twelve Angry Men" reference. This is how the episode should have gone. Maybe end it off with Squidward feeling a little bit of interest in the games SpongeBob and Squid Wood were playing. Y'know, because he kind of likes SpongeBob deep down? I wouldn't like SpongeBob deep down if I were in Squidward's position after the shift of hell that Squidward had to go through at the Krusty Krab. I can't even watch the final seven minutes of this episode without steam coming out of my ears.

SpongeBob decides to take the freaking puppet to work. Who does that? Oh, wait, he only did it so the writers could do what they enjoy most: torturing Squidward to the point where I flip out. SpongeBob decides to make the puppet do everything that Squidward does, completely oblivious to the fact that Squidward does not like this. However, he is not the only one to be oblivious. In fact, aside from Squidward, he is perhaps the least oblivious character. There is this jerk who automatically loves the mini squid, completely oblivious to the fact that he is a FREAKING PUPPET. He won't take orders from Squidward, but the little puppet comes in and saves the day. The not-scooter fish replies with "Now that's more like it!" He also laughs at mini Squidward saying, "Now who has the Krabby Patty, and who has the Krabby Patty?!" Keep in mind that Squidward said THE EXACT SAME THING, just without the emphasis on the second "patty." I actually found Squidward's joke funny, but the writers killed it. I want to take out a flamethrower and burn that stupid Bikini Bottomite... although "stupid Bikini Bottomite" doesn't really narrow down your searches. Because they're all stupid, this episode in particular is one where their stupidity shines. Them dancing and shaking their booties along with a puppet in Squidward's face is not funny... at all. Squidward does the same thing as another character does, but like in "Culture Shock," gets booed for it. The only difference is that "Culture Shock" is downright hilarious (sorry HPL), and Squidward isn't being pushed to the side over a puppet. The Bikini Bottomites continue to make rude jokes about Squidward. I, like Squidward, now want to take out a flamethrower and burn everyone.... except for Squidward, of course. Mr. Krabs and that out of nowhere guy who offered a freaking puppet a million dollar contract were just more salt on the wound. And that's about it. This episode got worse over time, as I mentioned above. Much, MUCH worse.

More_Spongebob_Sandy said:
Here were my initial thoughts on the episode.

"I found this episode pretty underrated. It's kind of a guilty pleasure. The plot takes a long time to get started but I kind of found it the slightest bit interesting to know more about the tree dome. Patrick is a jerk but he doesn't affect the plot that negatively. The conflict in the end was shoehorned but had the unpredictable feel. SpongeBob wasn't wearing a helmet but the animators fixed it. Sandy's reasoning makes sense. The sundae joke was pretty funny. Plus there's a Spandy hint. I'll give it a 6.5."
Ah, yes there was. I forgot to mention that. :P


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Character: Bikini Bottomites

Least Favorite Part: That whole dance scene

CLUE: Mustard bathing


Jan 29, 2014
Ah, Squid Wood, one of the earliest flops of the show. This spot is reasonable.