Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!

46. I like this one.
45. Pretty terrible.
44. Ugh...
43. Meh, I don't remember this one (just like most season 5 shorts).
42. Not a fan of this one
E.V.I.L said:
love thsi epsiode <3
I was clearly drunk. This episode is literally an atrocity and just further proves why Patrick is the worst main character. =/

PatStar2000 said:

CLUE: The ultimate blooper

and that clue is so a Super Mario SUnshine reference and you know it

PatStar2000 said:
I Lové SBTP I've Seen Tons Of Worse Épisodes.

Judging from your Bottom 25, would this be one of them? :hehe:



No Super Mario Sunshine reference either :bullshrimp: :P

and we're updating at the same pace lol k <3

Overall your lists is not that bad brah
SB_DW_Fan said:
I prefer BSS over Hide and Then What Happens but both of them are the worst episodrs from second half of season 7.
I used to like both of those episodes. >.<



Comment: Speaking of episodes I used to like, here's one! I used to think that despite Mrs. Puff's harshness, it still came across as funny to me. Well, I can say I disagree with that no. This episode is just plain old mean spirited. Who thought this was a good idea for an episode? One new writer, one older writer, and one that's been around since the beginning. Luke, Marc, and Derek. Why is it so mean spirited, you may ask? Well, this review will show you!

The episode starts off with SpongeBob messing up Squidward's garden. I'm glad that scene only lasted for a second. I was worried the first time I watched this episode, thinking something against Squidward would happen. But no, it was against another tortured character, Mrs. Puff. She puffs up after SpongeBob crashed into two boats, which causes the boat to go airborne and become juxtaposed with a lighthouse. SpongeBob decides to crash into the lighthouse even after Mrs. Puff's demands to stay away from the wheel. It's very common in Season 8, which I think might be the worst season in terms of characters, that SpongeBob is in a state of oblivion. Turns out that the accident ruptured Mrs. Puff's air sac, so she will look like a prune for the rest of her life. Wow. SpongeBob must feel ashamed of what he has done after he sees what horrible shape Mrs. Puff is in. Nope, he instead thinks she looks better like a prune, and says they should start calling her Mrs. Pop! Okay, that line, as evil as it was, made me laugh. But seriously? How could Robert be THAT stupid to not notice his teacher who he adores is in pain.

As of this point, I feel really bad for Mrs. Puff, because this is complete torture for her. Worse than "Summer Job" which didn't make the list, by the way. She is then brought flowers that she has an allergic reaction to, from SpongeBob, who else? The room is also very dark inside, which might symbolize depression? A bit over the top for a kid's show. But you ain't seen nothin' yet! For some reason unknown, there is a demolition derby in the freaking hospital! Forced for the plot, doncha think? Instead of injured/sick patients recovering, they "risk their lives for our amusement!" Think that's horrible? Well, earlier in the episode, Mrs. Puff had wished that SpongeBob would graduate out of her life. She also wanted that in Season 2's "No Free Rides." In a good episode like "No Free Rides," Mrs. Puff would come up with a fake test to get Robert out of her life. In this episode, the thought of risking lives gives her the idea to kill her failing student! This isn't helped by the fact that she looks like the offspring of Waluigi and an underweight grandmother. It's also a shame because Mrs. Puff wasn't really a bad character up to this point.

Puffy-poo tries hard to get SpongeBob into the demoltion derby with boatmobiles. This horrible plan works perfectly for Mrs. Puff, as SpongeBob can't drive a boatmobile to save his life... to save his life, oh the irony. :rofl2: Because SpongeBob is the main character, he can't possibly lose this derby! Fine with me. All of the sudden, I'm on SpongeBob's side. Sure he was a jerk wad to Mrs. Puff without even noticing it, but he doesn't deserve to get KILLED. I'm definitely on his side after the psychotic puffer fish screams out a question to SpongeBob. The question was why he wasn't DEAD. Mrs. Puff's OOCness only gets worse. She goes ape ::dolphin noise:: and tries to kill SpongeBob with a giant plow machine. The episode rushes to the end, just like my review, Mrs. Puff puffs up again (somehow, at least no one can bash the show for continuity), and everything is back to normal! Except Mrs. Puff, for one, doesn't get what she deserves: jail time. :steamedvegetable:


Aired: 2012

Least Favorite Character: Mrs. "Pop"

Least Favorite Part: "WHY... ARE YOU STILL... ALIVE?!!?" - Mrs. Pop

CLUE: Lame task for lame prize
Ugh. This episode makes it so hard to root for a character.

Next one is probably Good Ol' Whatshisname
As far as I'm concerned, they both spawned from Satan this episode
oh and that clue is so that level in Battle for Bikini Bottom when Barnacle ::dolphin noise:: I mean Boy makes Patrick hit those machines in a special pattern jsut for a spatula... dear god the amount of time it took me to figure that out :/
I always liked DD and I still think It's understandable why Mrs. Puff want him to die, even though SpongeBob doesn't deserve to die.
Off topic, but can someone please explain what the hell is a "sophisticated idiot"? The concept makes no sense, and Pazza started it, so...
Web Surfer 2.0 said:
Off topic, but can someone please explain what the ::dolphin noise:: is a "sophisticated idiot"? The concept makes no sense, and Pazza started it, so...
Roadie actually started it. Ask him. :P
This is the episode where I said "Okay, I'm not tolerating this no longer, SpongeBob is way past the point of no return. Can't believe I'm not hating these episodes enough." However, after that episode, somehow they returned...
For Me Demolition Doofus Was The Worst Episode In The Series.

Comment: Well, now we're in the 40's. This is where controversial droppings start. But for now, I'll stay nonchalant because this one is known for getting a bad rap. Many of Season 5's shorts are praised once in a blue moon, this being one of them. It's probably the least liked Season 5 short. The reason why is simple, just like the episode.

Mr. Krabs suddenly comes up with an idea and thinks that if Krusty Krab customers are referred to by their first name, they'll start coming back to the Krusty Krab more often. Should I understand this? I have NEVER been referred to by my name at restaurants that I've been to several times. Squidward doesn't seem to get it, either, but is dragged into it because the first employee to guess everyone's name first wins a luxurious vacation prize, as seen on a brochure. Remember that. Somehow, SpongeBob knows everyone's name in the Krusty Krab, while Squidward struggles. Believe me, it's nice to see some Bikini Bottomites' names revealed, but how does he do it? He uses a book of all of the Krusty Krab customer's names, of course! Apparently, everyone at the restaurant is a regular! ...except for one guy, who saves the lazy Geno from keeping score. <_< Lame.

Squidward tries to ask the guy for his name, but the guy just screams at him, "WHAT'S IT TO YA?!!?" After a couple of fillers, Squidward finally distracts the whatshisname enough to steal his wallet. The police chase him because he crossed against a green light, and then found out he had stolen a wallet, where Squidward found out the guy's name was Wat Zit Tooya. Ridiculous. Maybe if he hadn't screamed in Squdiward's face he would have known! I can't believe how forced that was. He screamed at Squiddy Q for no reason just for a lame twist. Squidward is thrown in jail for ten years for stealing a wallet, jaywalking and resisting arrest, which is doubtlessly overkill. Even the SpongeBob wiki agrees! =O Squidward wins the prize, but finds out the brochure he was shown was the prize. Just more salt on the wound! It was at the point where there was about 5 seconds left where the writers realized how effing cruel this episode had become, and tried (and failed) to make it funny by ripping off SpongeBob Meets the Stangler's ending where Patrick is in jail randomly. :patboo: This episode is just lame and cruel. Nothing else to say, really. It was too short to be any higher, though.

  • Ten years in prison is an unrealistic and ridiculous amount of punishment for one who stole a wallet, runs a stoplight and resisted arrest.
~SpongeBob Wiki


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Character: WAT ZIT TOOYA?!

Least Favorite Part: :druggedkrabs: - "Oh, you mean that brochure. That was the prize."

CLUE: Stuck in my head
Same here. Good Ol' Whatshisname is my second worst short in SpongeBob. My #1 worst is A Flea in Her Dome.

Next one is Earworm
Kerdem said:
Since When A Flea In Her Dome Is a Short???
Anything under the standard 11-minute time, I consider a short episode. Even if they're not that short.