Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!


Nope, still like it. Was it flawless? No, but its flaws were very insignificant to my enjoyment. Loved the interactions and how naturally the plot is handled.

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
I love this episode and I understand that the ending was kinda gross but that didn't really stop me from still really liking it. Interesting explanation though as to why you don't though. And Scientist Sandy was actually interesting for once so I give the episode props for that too.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box
I Lové SBTP I've Seen Tons Of Worse Épisodes.

Judging from your Bottom 25, would this be one of them? :hehe:


Comment: Imma try to make a shorter review this time. This episode didn't disappoint me when I watched the SpongeBash at 9 years old like RoundPants did. In fact, it had me cracking up when all the characters were on heavy crack dancing around and destroying Squidward's house, TV show, and life over all. Every time I watched this afterwards, though, I gradually began to dislike it more, and more, and more. The ending in particular. But who the ::dolphin noise:: starts from the end? People who are dumb, of course! And I was dumb once. Just look at my big, big, not-so BIG Top 100[insert too many exclamation marks here]. Two years ago yesterday, that failure shut down. Not as much now, however! Let's get on with the episode!

The episode starts off very early in the morning in Bikini Bottom, before 5 AM, when Squid watches "the best shows" in his humble opinion that come on before dawn on Bikini Bottom Public Access, which I guess is the underwater equivalent of PBS, I dunno. Apparently, ANYONE can have a show, including this loser named Zeus the Guitar Lord, who replaced Squidward's favorite show "Fab and Fancy!" which actually looked fantastic. Jewel-encrusted mittens! Anyway, you know those random characters who only appear in one episode that annoy the feces out of you? Well, Zeus the Guitar Lord is a perfect example. He doesn't even have a guitar! Squidward calls Zeus to yell at him on live TV (wow, it is House Fancy all over again), and Squidward finds out he can get his own show (oh, now we're turning away from the episode that nobody likes because of one scene). I'm sure that if my favorite show on Public Access was cancelled, I would make a show starring myself, like Squiddy Q. who made a show called "Squidward Chat." Of course, the episode isn't just going to revolve around Squidward. No! This is Season 7, the start of the worst of the worst! We need SpongeBob to come in and interrupt... oh, and he brought Patrick too. SpongeBob is okay, but Patrick is frustratingly annoying and stupid. Him screwing around with the camera didn't make anything funnier. Neither did any of the other characters that appeared in this episode. "Cole, what do you mean other characters?" Well, like the AxCx album, it just gets worse.

Because there are fish in Bikini Bottom who know Squidward, apparently that makes it okay for them to come and barge into his TV show... although I'm positive Mr. Krabs would barge in to anyone's TV show, as he did with Squidward... TO ADVERTISE FOR THE KRUSTY KRAB, OF COURSE!!! Oh, yes, along with a stupid, ::dolphin noise::ty dance, which apparently makes Sandy want to gloat about HER dancing skills on TV to show Mr. Krabs her moves (no F-Zero references, plz). Why didn't she do Karate? The only thing she did was make this episode more infuriating. Plus (I used to use that word in every review), Pearl and Plankton have to start obliterating Squidward's house down to the ground, as well! As a reward for being tolerant while everyone else was oblivious to the fact that they were being idiotic on tv, Squidward gets kicked out of his own house, along with the three other fish that the ratings guy said weren't working for the show. Everyone else gets punished with an amazing party... with Zeus the Guitar Lord, who magically is famous now. Maybe there would be a reason why if the writers didn't spend the length of "Gary Takes a Bath" making the characters dimwitted. I wanna reach through the screen and throw everyone out of the house except for the person who already did when they didn't deserve to. It makes no sense whatsoever. His house, his rules. Even PLANKTON gets rewarded. This is a true example of Squidward torture. It was inoffensive in the beginning of the episode, and it was funny (to me) the first few times seeing it, but then it just gets annoying. So, It looks like I failed to make a much shorter review. Ah, well. Still shorter than the last! Pazza, out! :sbthumbs:


Aired: 2009

Least Favorite Character: Everyone in Squidward's house at the end, except for Squidward. Look at SpongeBob Meets the Strangler for a GOOD random house party.

Least Favorite Quote/Moment: Squidward getting kicked out of his own house for no reason.

CLUE: Bikini Bottomites must WANT to deliver a plague into their houses.

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
This episode for me is just weak and very close to just being mediocre for the most part. Compared to other Squidward torture episodes, he doesn't really get hurt as much at all here. I also really liked the house party in "Party Pooper Pants."
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box
Popeye Q. Krabs said:
This episode for me is just weak and very close to just being mediocre for the most part. Compared to other Squidward torture episodes, he doesn't really get hurt as much at all here. I also really liked the house party in "Party Pooper Pants."
I do like the house party in "Party Pooper Pants." I really wanna find the full version of the song Patrick is dancing to in that episode! :run: But the house party in PPP was scheduled, I'm talking about random, out of the blue house parties.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box
I found Tentacle Vision funny actually.

I understand. I found it very funny the first time I saw it.


Comment: No, this isn't a joke this time. It was on the Top 102. The REAL #48 on that list was "Spy Buddies," which would still probably make the Top 102 if I ever revised it. I digress. This is one of those episodes that is part of a "three-pair," this one being the first one since Help Wanted/Reef Blower/Tea at the Treedome. It wasn't exactly a pleasant return. In fact, all "episode 83" episodes made the list. This wouldn't have been if Nick had ordered the episodes by production, because Rise and Shine/Waiting aired with Sing a Song of Patrick, which didn't come close to making the list.

The episode starts off with Gary being famished. Believe it or not, this episode is actually a major appearance for Gary. He refuses to have the organic food that his responsible pet owner gave to him, and goes over to this green, fungus-like substance. Nobody knows how it got there, I highly doubt the writers even have any idea. They just threw us right into the main conflict. Apparently, because SpongeBob touched Gary after he ate the fungus, now he has some really bad itches, even though it was probably going down Gary's esophagus (I don't know or care if snails really have that). Patrick is willing to help SpongeBob with his problem, and tells him to itch even MORE. Ah, Patrick's specialty is making things worse. Not way back when. For example, Patrick tried to help SpongeBob feel more confident about himself in Season 2's "Something Smells." Even if it didn't really pay off, I didn't make things WORSE.

The other characters were no better. Squidward saw that SpongeBob ahd the itch and panicked, so he called the S.W.A.T. team. Why not just call the doctor? When my brother had toe fungus after his toenail fell off from a picture frame incident [insert House Fancy joke here], he went to the podiatrist. He wasn't QUARANTINED IN HIS OWN HOME LIKE SPONGEBOB. Patrick comes in out of nowhere and yet again... makes things worse. After popping SpongeBob's FIRST quarantine bubble by doing pirate wrestling, he then blows another bubble for SpongeBob to be inside of, the brief moment in this episode where Patrick is helpful. For some odd reason, SpongeBob is allowed in the restaurant, which was obviously forced for extra conflict that might be interesting. I think it's interesting how retarted the Bikini Bottomites were. I don't like using that word very much, but they were. The Bikini Bottomites go on a rampage (what's new?) by popping SpongeBob's bubble, completely unaware that it will just MAKE THINGS WORSE. Ironically, the riot was started by a guy who was really pissed over how unsanitary the Krusty Krab was, who was EXTREMELY annoying! After a riot that was as pointless as a broken pencil, it's limited time for a quick resolution! Gary, for some reason, was roaming around unsupervised, and goes to the Krusty Krab to end his famine. He goes in and eats the "ick," as it is now referred to as. Who does he eat the ick off of first? Mr. Krabs, of course! Mr. Krabs makes everyone else pay for a "De-Ick," as Geno called it. :hehe: After refusing to believe his restaurant was unsanitary, he doesn't deserve to pay a thing, does he? At least that "exotic accent" jerk wad had to pay up.


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Character: Mr. "Exotic Accent"

Least Favorite Part: The riot that was too dumb to handle.

CLUE for next episode: SpongeBob's OCD
Aug 24, 2013
I hate Fungus Among Us too. It's really gross and Bikini Bottomies were really stupid for attacking SpongeBob.


Jan 29, 2014
Tentacle Vision is my least favorite Squid abuse episode.

Fungus Among Us was bad but not really atrocious.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: If I made this list today, then this most likely wouldn't have made it, but it's still mediocre, at best. It's not bad at first, but it can be kind of annoying at times, especially at the end. But I've already established my thoughts on starting from the end. :P So, let's get on with the show!

A TV show episode has been used in some shows that I've seen where a character is worried about how their picture will come out on picture day, such as Full House, where Stephanie hopes she'll have good luck with her picture (for once). Or a real life situation, such as my mom being worried for weeks about how she'd look in her Senior picture. SpongeBob doesn't have a record of bad pictures, so it seems like he just wants to look his finest, which is nice to see. Immediately, we are thrown into a conflict, which I don't like. Some green seaweed thing that is sticky gets on SpongeBob's shirt. Instead of just taking out another shirt, he has to do the routine he ALREADY DID. I know that he did this in "Missing Identity," but in that episode, he took Squidward's advice, and besides, he was retracing his steps. Here, he just does his routine again for the sake of doing it.

Speaking of Squidward, it was really unnecessary to have him in this episode. He just laughed at SpongeBob's misery of being dumped into a garbage truck. <_< How was SpongeBob mistaken for garbage, anyway? He didn't look like he did in "Fools in April" after Squid's cruel prank. That being a little sausage. Believe me, though. Squidward isn't even the worst character in this episode. In fact, his performance is beautiful compared to another special someone. Anyway, SpongeBob ends up getting dirty, although, except for one time, it was on his pants. I'm pretty sure the school yearbook photos only show your face and part of your shirt. At least that's how it goes for my school. He then keeps on attempting new ways to stay clean, such as Sponge Gloss, which gets washed off with... a tanker full of WATER. Yeah, that's right. Bikini Bottom needs shipments of water. I guess it shouldn't bother me that much, because there is often water underwater, but for some reason... it does. All of the sudden Patrick comes in out of the blue, just to make things worse and to make the conflict funnier. The only problem with this is the "funnier" didn't exist. Patrick carries SpongeBob in a jar to Boating School, and then dumps the jelly [SpongeBob] onto his peanut butter taco, making SpongeBob a dirty mess. Instead of Patrick realizing how stupid he just was for mistaking a yellow sponge with holes, eyes, a nose, and a mouth as jelly, he yells at SpongeBob for getting into his taco. um wtf? SpongeBob starts crying. I would have been more pissed than anything. Maybe I would have smeared all of the peanut butter and shove the taco in Patrick's face... or somewhere else on his body... SpongeBob is then placed in an incredibly goofy outfit with dentures, and that ends up being his school picture. But hey! All the other humans in the yearbook are wearing mega dentures, too! Yeah, somehow he got into that yearbook. if you were trying to make us laugh, it didn't work.

All in all, this episode wasn't bad at first... at all, actually. It kind of reminded me of Missing Identity with SpongeBob having OCD, but then it gradually just got more boring, and then incredibly stupid to the point where it was hard to function once Patrick came along. Why isn't he a sophistacated idiot anymore? Y'know, with the humor that isn't constantly idiotic? I don't know? But do any of us???


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Character: :patboo:

Least Favorite Part: The ending, even before the very end.

CLUE: Good thing he doesn't have one of these. :patrick:


Jan 29, 2014
I actually liked Picture Day but I respect your opinion.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box


Comment: Time for a family episode! Who doesn't love these? In all seriousness, two recent family episodes, "Stanley S. SquarePants" and Blackjack" weren't bad, but they weren't anything special, either. There's also "Grandma's Kisses," which has always been one of my favorites. This episode revolves around someone's sister. SpongeBob? Nope! Squidward? No, he has, like, one relative. Mr. Krabs? Nope! Sandy? Nope! Plankton, Gary, Mrs. Puff, Pearl, Mermaidman and Barnacleboy, Fred, Sergeant Sam Rodrick? No to all of those! It's the only character who specifically has mentioned that he doesn't have a sister: Patrick. It did say on the SpongeBob Wiki that it is possible that Patrick forgot he had a sister in "Something Smells." Yes, that is possible because Patrick is known to forget about who his family members really are, so I'll let it slide.

Patrick mentions that he lost his sister at the surf when they were kids. If there was any warning that Sam was going to be as bad of a character as she was in this episode, I would've wanted her to get lost turned off the TV. But no. The only information I got about Sam, Patrick's sister, was that she took care of Patrick. When Sam got off the bus and threw Patrick against his rock, I knew we were in for something big. That being sam, :xP: I did NOT like the way Sam was designed by the writers of this episode, Casey, Zeus, and Richard (everyone's favorites). She's an oblivious ::dolphin noise:: who is has anger issues, and doesn't care about anyone's life or what she does to them except for Patrick. She throws SpongeBob WAY up in the air for putting his arm around Patrick. Is she a white teenager who misinterprets sexual harassment? I dunno. After SpongeBob starts falling down to the ground head-first, Sam AND Patrick just walk away. This is where Patrick's obliviousness kicks in. His mind is so focused on Sam that he turns away from his best friend. Remember that. Then, Sam builds a bigger rock for Patrick, completely unaware that sand is getting into Squidward's eyes and mouth, while trying to yell at Sam (who he hoped wasn't as obnoxious as Patrick). He then goes on to say that Sam would be a better bulldozer than a sister, which makes Sam push Squiddy's house off his property line. Sure, Squidward was being a jerk wad, but it sucks to get sand in your eyes, and it wasn't worth knocking his house off its foundation. SpongeBob notices what's going on, and tries to stand up for Squidward. I like this. If I'm correct, it's been a long time since we've seen SpongeBob stick up for Squidward or vice-versa. Patrick doesn't like this like I do, however, and yells at SpongeBob for turning on his best friend. What a hypocrite! You were just completely oblivious to the fact that your sister threw your friend... or in Sam's terms, meanie. If I had a dollar for every time she said that, I'd have $5.00. That's too much for an 11-minute period. Let's try and expedite this review a little bit. Squidward, the main meanie, gets extremely pissed off and tries to destroy Patrick's "spiffy" rock. Sam made the rock "spiffy" with Squidward's house amenities, so hey, what goes around comes around! This goes on until the innocent victim [SpongeBob]'s house gets destroyed because Sam threw Squidward's bulldozer at it. This is where Patrick finally realizes that SpongeBob got targeted for doing nothing wrong, which pisses Sam off. Goodness, what a betrayal! Too bad your "brubber" is absolutely right when he says you take things too far! She hurts Patrick, SpongeBob revives him with a cookie, and the episode ends. So Sam, you are the real meanie! You're just not hated as much because your brubber was almost as oblivious as you were. Pazza, out! :sbthumbs:


Aired: 2011

Least Favorite Character: Samuella Star

Least Favorite Part: :patx: - "I see now that you've turned against my sister, you've turned against your best friend as well!"

CLUE: killed out of boating school