Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!

Nov 2, 2013
The Mystery Shack
Squidwood couldn've been great, but once people started liking the puppet more than Squidward it went downhill. This one is bad, but its one of the better Squid abuse episodes.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: Here's another one that I'd put around the 40s or 50s on this list. I don't think I've ever really liked this one, but it wasn't for the same reasons that I do now. We all know how SpongeBob, in the post-movie era, can be extremely oblivious at times. Sure, he's been oblivious to a degree before the movie. Take "As Seen on TV" for an example. But his situation misinterpretation didn't last throughout practically the entire episode. Here, it does. And the sheer obliviousness is to a degree that we've never seen before. It's only the beginning...

After a guy named Ned from "Ned and the Needlefish" loses his wig after it flies out the window, it lands on SpongeBob's head, and he thinks it's the most beautiful thing on the planet. Despite everyone laughing at him, he takes it as a compliment. I still think it's rude of the Bikini Bottomties to laugh it him like that, though. Believe me, I know what it feels like, because I'm constantly around people who like to make fun of people's clothes/accessories. That's why my mom and my grandma watched "Say Yes to the Dress." But they keep their comments to themselves. Here, the big-balled Bikini Bottomites aren't afraid to insult SpongeBob right in his face. In a good episode where SpongeBob is insulted like "Grandma's Kisses" (I still hate the Bikini Bottomties in that episode), Bobby will feel humiliated and want to stand up for himself. Here, he only feels like people are JEALOUS of his wig. It's so ridiculous how he can't come to the realization that no one likes it. And I don't blame 'em. I thought Squidward's wig in "Professor Squidward" was ugly, but this... Dear lord! >_< It's annoying, too, because he won't even take this ugly, hair-infested wig off to cook, which gets hair all over the patties! I think if SpongeBob's was in chracter in this episode, he would have taken the wig off, because he normally wants patties to be their best.

None of the other characters are that bad, but none are redeeming. Patrick's segment bores me to death, Mr. Krabs and Squidward are OK, but don't really help SpongeBob take that stupid thing off, even after Squidward convinces him that the wig is infested with parasites. Also, it confused me when Squidward wasn't excited about having a wig, considering he was looking at them at the end of "Something Smells." But enough references to episodes! Sandy is perhaps my favorite character in this episode, but she confuses me. The first time she sees the wig, she fins it too hilarious to handle, but the next time she sees SpongeBob with the wig on, she reacts to it like she's seen it a million times. But, she is trying to prove a point: SpongeBob's wig is butt-ugly. So she takes him to the movies to prove it. And when Sandy and another Bikini Bottomite try to tell SpongeBob that his wig is blocking the movie screen, SpongeBob responds with, "It's rude to talk during the movie!" and then when EVERYONE starts yelling at him, he says "I know my wig is glamorous yada yada..." this utter obliviousness is NOT funny. Not in the slightest of ways. When Sandy tells SpongeBob to get rid of his wig (and does), all of the sudden, everyone starts wearing the same wig because Ned and the Needlefish are now popular, even though they had gotten fired previously. Um wtf? The REAL reason this upsets me, though, is because some of the Bikini Bottomites that are wearing this wigs made fun of SpongeBob <.< And somehow SpongeBob knows that these fishies made fun of him. Sandy never TOLD him they did, but that's because the episode dragged on with SpongeBob being a ::dolphin noise:: idiot.

In conclusion, this episode is just very annoying. It has its good jokes, like when the Bikini Bottomites start a riot at the movies, all running out, and one of the employees goes, "I told you that movie was terrible." But there are also some bad jokes, like when Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob not to bring the wig to work ever again, and says "No buts." SpongeBob replies with, "So I can't wear a wig OR a butt?" <.< Pazza, out!


Aired: 2006

Least Favorite Character: WigBob

Least Favorite Part: :soiled: - "This isn't good! Everyone's getting jealous [of my wig]!"

CLUE: Forks?! C'mon!
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box
Sorry for the wait. I've been busy.


Comment: Well, Leeroy? Did you think I was gonna make it THAT easy for you? :rofl2: Nah, easy clues only come once in a blue moon, like "Mustard Bath." This is another episode that has a fork joke. In "Squirrel Jokes," SpongeBob insults people for about 8 minutes (including himself). The only difference is that episode has humor in it, but so does this episode we're about to review here. But it's not like any of the humor is GOOD in "Waiting." But you can tell that this episode is going to be nothing special from the title. Well, at least I can tell, because I judge books by their cover. Bad habits for the win! I would have loved to be in the offices for SpongeBob or whatever when they were trying to come up with an episode idea.

"I have an idea! Let's make an episode where SpongeBob waits by a mailbox for 7 minutes in anticipation for a toy!"
"Not a bad idea, mate! What would we call this episode, though?"
"WAITING." :wetpaint:

Now onto the episode. It's a typical Season 5 short where they think that seven minute episode writing is going to be a breeze until they realize that the plot that they made isn't even big enough to fit a 7-minute episode. So when SpongeBob is eating a bunch of Kelpo for a prize, they keep adding filler jokes such as "Free Prize Offer Inside" so that the plot can stretch itself out. If I had known that the episode would end up the way it would, I would have wished for these twists to continue happening. Because the rest of the episode is SpongeBob... you guessed it! Waiting for the toy prize! As MoBros stated, "This is about as entertaining as watching your mailbox for 7 minutes." It's not a direct quote, but close enough. If something IS happening in this episode, it's SpongeBob being a ::dolphin noise:: and treating his friends in as horrible of a manner as possible.

Speaking of SpongeBob acting so cruelly, he was too OOC to handle in this episode. When Sandy came by and offered him to do some karate, SpongeBob kindly said, "Not now, I'm busy." But he FLIPPED her to the ground! <.< Really, SpongeBob? When Patrick comes back from the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob screams in Patty's face at the top of his lungs. Also, Patrick had come back from the Krusty Krab, where SpongeBob refused to go to, even though he was hungry and cares a lot about his job. I'm pretty sure when it came to the decision of going to work or waiting at your mailbox for a toy, SpongeBob would choose the former option. Also, wouldn't the mailman just leave the prize in the mailbox for you? That's at least how it works around here. Patrick's only real business in this episode was telling SpongeBob that he missed his own birthday party, and that his present was a fork, but all of the cake had been eaten. <.< It's an odd, sad scene. Squidward is the only redeeming quality for this episode, because he saved it from being a cryfest by fixing the toy that as predictably as ever, Patrick broke the toy that SpongeBob got. :patboo: Although SpongeBob deserved it for being so mean to everyone. But I'd rather have SpongeBob not get what he deserved than top this episode off with crying. That's pretty much it. Just a plain, boring, episode. Most people would say the same. Pazza, out!


Aired: 2007

Least Favorite Character: :sbx:

Least Favorite part: When patrick breaks the toy

CLUE: Confusing law

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
God, this episode sucks. I don't even hate Patrick for, ahem, "breaking" the toy. SpongeBob deserved it for his behavior in this episode. Also, that's how that toy works apparently. It was just OOC of SpongeBob to act jerky to his friends all over a toy that does nothing special, just pointless. And you know what, if you think about it, "Stuck in the Wringer" is just Patrick's revenge on SpongeBob for this episode!

Also, this was my first guess before I changed it to "Squirrel Jokes".
Aug 24, 2013
I find Waiting meh honestly but yeah, the episode is so annoying BTW, I reviewed Wigstruck recently and I really think you made a good review for this episode :)