SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes

That One Random Boss

Mascot of the Real Nep
Oct 27, 2013
The Thing is sort of a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't know why, but I somehow kinda enjoy it. The Original Fry Cook was interesting, but meh. I did feel sorry for SpongeBob, though.

Slide Whistle Stooges, I don't remember. I haven't seen it in so long.


Flying Dutchman's Sock
Aug 27, 2013
Before England but after America
I've watched Slide Whistle Stooges twice during a bad episode binge, and I can't say I remember much other than a vague sense of overall badness permeating the episode. The slide whistle sound, yes, did make my ears bleed a bit.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea


Ehh… To be honest, this is actually another episode that I kind of disagree with. It may not be the best, but worse than Slide Whistle Stooges? Okay, let’s get to reviewing!

Basically, Spongebob wakes up and remembers that there is a Bikini Bottom pet show coming up. He decides to enter Gary so he can win, but Gary doesn’t seem to enjoy the idea of joining. Spongebob sees that all of the other pets seem to be well-groomed, and even dressed up.

I mean, they are literally dressed up in weird outfits and wigs. I mean, why? I realize you should give your pet a nice grooming, but why do you people have to put your pet through the humiliation of wearing a darn wig and have some weird accessory to go with it? This is going to be an important part later in the episode.

Because of all this, Spongebob sees that Gary isn’t exactly… well-groomed, so he decides to give him a nice bath, brush his teeth, smooth out his shell, etc. At one point, Spongebob meets a man who has won the pageant 5 times in a row, because of his own snail, who is clean and even has accessories and a wig of his own. So guess what? Spongebob decides to give him a makeover! He puts SUCH A CUTE WITTLE BOW AROUND GARY’S SHELL! THEN HE GIVES HIM A DIAMOND COLLAR. AND LOOK, HE EVEN GIVES HIM AN ADOWABLE WIG TO GO WITH IT! OH MY, THAT’S NOT HUMILIATING IN THE SLIGHTEST! (notice my sarcasm here) I mean, Gary obviously doesn’t want to do this, but Spongebob is completely oblivious to the situation!

Spongebob enters Gary into the pet show, where the judge examines each and every one of the pets and decides the winner. The judge tries to examine Gary’s undercarriage, which riles up Gary. This is his breaking point, so Gary goes up onto the podium and tells all the other pets (in his own language, of course) that they do not deserve to be dressed up and humiliated like this. So, every pet begins a riot, rebelling against all the pet owners and even dresses THEM up as revenge.

The pet owners can’t understand why their pets are rebelling, so Spongebob decides to make a speech. He explains that Gary (and all the other pets) want to be treated like people, just like the Bikini Bottomites. They at least want to be treated with respect, and that they do NOT want to be treated like objects and be dressed up and humiliated like this. Spongebob finally understands what an oblivious jerk he’s been, and he promises to Gary that he’ll never treat him like that ever again.

And guess what? Spongebob actually gets a trophy! But is it for Gary? Nope! In fact, the trophy goes to Spongebob’s “other pet” for being so adorable. And it turns out that the other pet is Patrick, who’s in a collar and a wig!


Now I gotta explain why I disagree with this episode. A lot of people rant on how this is a rip-off of The Great Snail Race, but I personally find it to be a bit BETTER than TGSR! I’m not joking. I find one of the most hated episodes better than one of the most beloved. To be fair, I hate the Gary abuse in both episodes! But what makes it not as painful to watch is that at least you’re not forced to watch Gary being DRIVEN TO THE GROUND by Spongebob. (Tell me this, which is worse, Gary wearing silly clothes or Gary BEING PUSHED TO THE GROUND BY HIS OWNER, ONLY TO EXPLODE IN A GRAPHIC AND PAINFUL MANNER?!?!) Also, to be perfectly honest, TGSR has one of the most disgusting scenes in Spongebob history; Gary blowing up and crashing into the wall, only for the audience to cheer at that!

I’ve actually made a full rant on TGSR here, if you want to see it (look at my second post for it):

Also, I’m surprised that people don’t give this episode at least a little credit for the ending. I mean, Gary didn’t get even more abused and humiliated, did he? At least he got what he wanted in the end, which is an understanding owner. Plus, it doesn’t have one of the most disturbing, disrespectful “jokes” in the series! (Plus, the pet riot was actually kind of awesome to watch.)

So, to be fair, like Porous Pockets, this is actually one of the few episodes that I find to be a really good one, as well as one of the few episodes that I don’t think deserves all the hate it gets.


And from an actually GOOD episode to a TERRIBLE episode, we have this abomination right here! This is one of the few episodes that made me flip my lid when I saw it again. This is one of the worst written episodes of the series, and it’s one of those episodes where pretty much NOBODY comes out looking good!

In this episode, Mr. Krabs puts up a contest for Spongebob and Squidward, telling them that whoever correctly guesses the names of all the customers in the Krusty Krab, will win a prize, in which he shows a brochure for a fabulous cruise. This leads Squidward to believe that he will win a trip to a tropical vacation, so he tries his hardest to beat Spongebob in this contest (I should tell you that Spongebob actually knows the names of all the KK customers).

Things take a sudden death turn when Spongebob and Squidward have supposedly tied (Krabs didn’t even keep the scores at hand). Mr. Krabs points to an unfamiliar man sitting at one of the tables, saying that whoever gets his name first will win the prize. Squidward pushes Spongebob out of the way and heads over to the man, and then he asks his name, to which he replies:

[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Unfamiliar Fish: What's it to ya? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: Uh, it's just that I was going to—enter your name in our sweepstakes! [takes out paper and pen] So, what should I put down? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Unfamiliar Fish: [gulps] First and last name? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: Sure. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Unfamiliar Fish: Yeah, why don't you write this on your form. What's it-- [inhales deeply] --to ya?! Now leave me alone![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Of course, Squidward doesn’t believe that THAT could be his name, since it sounds too ridiculous, so he decides to try various schemes to get his nametag, from spilling soda on his jacket, to tricking him into thinking that a meteor is falling out of the sky.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]And then Squidward does what may be the absolute stupidest thing he’s ever done; he steals the guy’s wallet and runs away with it. That’s not illegal or dumb at all! (notice my sarcasm here)[/SIZE]

Squidward then makes it on top of a roof and after a tug-of-war for the wallet, Squidward manages to get his driver's license, and here’s the twist; the guy’s name really IS What Zit Tooya! Oh the irony! And guess what? Squidward even gets in trouble with the law, and gets sentenced to jail for… TEN YEARS?!??! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! I mean, what Squidward did was stupid, but isn’t that a little extreme?? I’ll admit, Patrick’s cameo was funny, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that the cops went a little too hard on him! Also, there’s ANOTHER twist at the end! Apparently, Squidward DID win, and what did he win? Apparently, Mr. Krabs’ drawers were getting full, so he decided to give the brochure as a prize. So he’s definitely not going on that cruise, THAT’S FOR SURE!

I swear, I don’t know if I should be angry at this episode for having such horrid Squid Abuse, or if I should be angry at Squidward himself for being so stupid as to steal that guy’s wallet and run away with it. I used to think that this episode was just ‘meh’, but now that I’ve seen it again, I pretty much realized how abominable it really is. I’m actually SCARED of what’s going to come up in the bottom ten, because man, did this episode tick me off! Thank god this episode is short.


"It's MY ridiculous name... WHAT ZIT TOOYA!!"

Hint for Number 10: Cyclone under your house


Flying Dutchman's Sock
Aug 27, 2013
Before England but after America
I personally don't care for Grooming Gary that much. I think it's boring with a few gross-out pictures like Gary's rotten teeth springs to mind. Most of the episode was SB trying to get Gary ready for the pet contest while unintentionally making him miserable, which isn't fun to watch. Thankfully it got better with the Pet Riot and having those pet owners except SpongeBob get theirs. Gary's translated speech was great. But the very end...ugh, Patrick. If Gary had won the pet contest for speaking out against the way the pets were treated, this episode would be ranked higher for me. The background characters would have learned their lesson, so the Bikini Bottomites actually would have a sympathetic moment. The ending as it is completely erases the Aesop that was the entire point of the episode by upholding the stereotype that wigs and collars do win you awards as opposed to standing up for yourself. Wtf?

I think the best part of Grooming Gary is that it keeps SB and Gary's relationship in-character. SB loves Gary and would go to great lengths to make him happy or safe (Have You Seen This Snail?, Treats!, Cent of Money), but since he's not the brightest Sponge in the kitchen drawer he can be oblivious to any inadvertent pain he causes. It's a lot like Squidward-Spongebob in STP episodes, but it's a lot more watchable because SpongeBob always realizes what he does and tries to atone for it. Which is why A Pal for Gary will always be my least favorite episode in the series, because it is the only episode takes that interaction and smashed it to pieces. Alexander & Cervas, (who also wrote Grooming Gary) weren't ignoring some pre-movie characterization but were disrepecting their own writing. Even if the Bikini Bottom pet owners didn't realize that dressing up their pets is bad, SB did. He congratulated Gary on a job well done. Sweet.

I don't understand the rabid hatred of Good Ol' Whatshisname. Sure, it's not good, but imo there isn't anything in there that motivates me to defenestrate my TV. At least it's short?

Edit: Number 10 is Pineapple Fever, which is an average-bad episode for me.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Hasbean said:
I don't understand the rabid hatred of Good Ol' Whatshisname. Sure, it's not good, but imo there isn't anything in there that motivates me to defenestrate my TV. At least it's short?
I hate this episode mainly because it's one of those episodes where almost NOBODY comes out looking good, and EVERYBODY GETS SCREWED OVER! The Bikini Bottomites throw Squidward in prison for 10 years, even though he didn't do anything that bad. And even though Squidward was a GIGANTIC idiot in this episode, he wasn't trying to commit any crimes. I'll admit, his stupidity does annoy me, but the fact that he put all the effort into supposedly getting a free wonderous cruise, only to be screwed over (the prize is actually the brochure itself) and thrown in the brig for TEN YEARS felt really unfair. I can see that you dislike it, but you're bordering on the neutral line with it, but this episode honestly ticked me off. If you don't hate it, that's fine, but this episode really boiled my blood.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
christmasisawesome22 said:
Cyclone under the house? How the flying ::dolphin noise:: am I supposed to know that?
Squidward falls off the pineapple house, which has a cyclone right under it.

If you can't figure it out, it's in late season 6.

If you still can't figure it out, well... the next eppy will be up tomorrow or this coming week.