SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes

Aug 24, 2013
Spongetron Robotpants said:
I hate to be the bad guy here, but I like Im With Stupid.
that's okay. Some people found I'm With Stupid funny but I'm not. I respect your opinion though.

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
SB_DW_Fan said:
The Sponge Who Could Fly, I'm With Stupid (SpongeBob torture), As Seen on TV and a few of season 1 episodes.
I kind of like I'm with Stupid and As Seen on TV. And The Sponge Who Could Fly was meh. The only part I could find memorable were those cheap walk cycles.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea

(Why does this episode have a dirty plate as its title card? Oh man, now I’m going to confuse this with the Krusty Plate! )

Remember when I said how scared I was to watch the bottom 10? Well, even though Pineapple Fever was decent, I was right to be scared, because now we have THIS episode to deal with!

One day at the KK, Squidward and Mr. Krabs notice that Spongebob isn’t moving… He’s just… frozen for some reason. ‘Kay…

Mr. Krabs recognizes this and he finds that Spongebob is afraid because a food critic named Gene Scallop (nice pun!) is coming to the Krusty Krab, which gets HIM equally frightened. Once Gene enters the Krusty Krab, Krabs and Spongebob try to serve him kindly. And after the critic takes his first bite into a krabby patty, he leaves without saying anything.

Suddenly, the Krusty Krew sees Gene Scallop giving a review of the Krusty Krab in the news. At first, he gives the restaurant negative critism, but then he actually COMPLIMENTS it when he discusses how excellent and successful the Krabby Patty was.

Gene Scallop: [too close to Barbara and Bob] However, at the end of my visit, I chowed down on a meal that titillated my taste buds and gratified my gullet. That Sponge behind the grill is no square when it comes to cooking. [excited talking as the customers rush to sit down at their tables for some food] If Krabs really wanted to soak up the dough, he'd sponge it up, he'd sponge it out, he'd oversponge it. You can never have too much Sponge!

And because of this great critique, Mr. Krabs hatches an idea; to make the Krusty Krab Spongebob themed! He makes Spongebob hot sauce, Spongebob cups, Spongebob straws… SPONGEBOB EVERYTHING!

You know, I gotta say, this is actually pretty clever, and I like how it references how crazy people are when they advertise and put so much Spongebob themed merchandise in stores, markets, and pretty much everywhere else! Considering this creative satire, this episode is actually not that bad so far.

But then it starts to go down the drain. Mr. Krabs puts Squidward in charge of the grill, even though he doesn’t even know HOW to make a Krabby Patty (though, I partially digress, since he did actually make good Krabby Patties in Breath of Fresh Squidward), and he puts Spongebob in charge of driving a new fair ride called the Spongebob Fun Train.

But eventually, Spongebob gets extremely exhausted. And guess what? The Bikini Bottomites act like spoiled brats and SCOLD HIM FOR IT! What the heck? He’s been on the train for what An hour? Can’t you be nice and give him a break? Oh wait. It’s the Bikini Bottomites I’m talking to. Of course they’ll never learn!

Since the BBs’ are about to form a lynch mob against him, Spongebob sneaks off the train, replaces himself with a SB statue, and sneaks into the Krusty Krab. Meanwhile, Mr. Krabs gives Squidward some “Spongey” Patties (yellow Krabby Patties) to cook. And it turns out that these Spongey Patties, are old, bad, spoiled Krabby Patties that have turned yellow, and Geney here is charging the customers extra for them. Yeah, Mr. Krabs is greedy to the point where he’ll happily sell rotting, tainted food for a quick buck.

Spongebob enters the Krusty Krab and sees, you guessed it, sick customers who are yellow and zombified (sort of)! Spongebob tries to speak to Mr. Krabs about this, but he doesn’t really give a darn. An FBI agent finds out about this, so he sues Mr. Krabs, with the whole of Bikini Bottom against him. Huh. So this is actually going to end with him getting his comeuppance?

Just as Mr. Krabs is about to be sent to prison (where he belongs at this point), he finds that the Judge is a huge Spongebob fan, so he makes a deal with him to not let Krabs go to jail, and for the Judge to ride the Fun Train with a whip. So is Krabs forced to drive the Fun Train for the Judge? Is he finally going to get punished for his jerky actions? Oh hahahahha no.

Apparently the Krusty Krab goes back to normal, Squidward is forced to drive the Train while the Judge whips him, Spongebob goes back to cooking the patties, and Mr. Krabs completely gets off scot free without any regret whatsoever. Isn’t that just awesome?? (shoot me)

I just… Just… WHY?! Why this?!?! This episode was going so well! Why did you have to make it so bad in the end? In case you’re wondering, this episode is bad. REALLY bad! And I’m pretty sure it’s obvious why, but I’ll explain anyway.

I absolutely hate it when someone does something wrong and gets away with it, no matter how bad his/her deed is. And I hate how the innocent get punished in the end. It’s cruel and it’s absolutely unfair. Mr. Krabs was just a huge selfish jerk in this episode. Not only did he abuse (and allow to BBs’ to abuse) Squidward and Spongebob horribly, he also has no problem getting a bunch of people sick as long as he gets paid for it. And what does he get? A free pass, as well as one of his employees, Squidward, getting punished, especially when Squiddy did NOTHING wrong?! No. That’s just not right. I’m glad that Spongebob didn’t get punished in the end, but the fact that the guy who does something as sick as sell rotten food to his customers gets a free pass, and one of his employees who never did anything wrong in this episode gets punished for no reason is just unbelievably awful. What a horrid episode this was.

Hint for Number 8: Squid with a powdered wig


Jun 29, 2013
Shell City
The title card reminds me of The Krusty Plate.

Anyways, I myself are one of the few people that actually like this episode. I thought it was really funny.


killer queen best stand
Jan 9, 2014
SB_DW_Fan said:
I hate The Krusty Sponge but I've seen worse episodes than this. Next episode is Professor Squidward.
I agree with you. I have seen worst ones than this one and I still hate this one. I hate how Mr. Krabs is portrayed as a heartless jerk.

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
First part of The Krusty Sponge wasn't that bad. The concept was kinda clever but Mr. Krabs getting away with poisoning his customers by bribing the judge? WTF. What a sick creep. I hate Mr. Krabs so much and I didn't really think the episode overall was too bad until I rewatched it. One of those episodes that had a great concept only to suffer from a terrible ending. PS is up next. Gulp.


Dec 5, 2013
It's got a nice concept. Kinda poking Nick. And the whole episode, despite getting tarnished by the expected cumslut behaviour from the Bottomites and Krabs, it was pretty good. But then the ending came and I got a sudden period out of it. What an awful way to end an episode.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Before I go on, I’d like to list some of the dishonorable mentions; episodes that came close to making it on the countdown, but didn’t make the cut. *sigh* Here we go…



One of the least unpopular Pre-Season 4 episodes, and I can DEFINITELY see why! Spongebob is such an unlikeable party pooper that you just want to slap some sense into him! Also, I'm glad that he got locked out of the house for the night, but the reason for him being arrested is stupid. Cops are supposed to maintain peace, NOT party their butts off! Also, the mat gag at the end is one of the most idiot jokes of the series, and I've seen what Season 6 had to offer!


While I don't hate it as much as I used to, I really think it had the potential to be a cool Invader Zim esque episode, but it failed miserably. At least the humor saved this episode from being totally bad.


An absolutely stupid recreation of an American Revolution parody, as well as a cheap excuse for a gross-out episode.


Season 8 had its ups and downs. THIS was one of its downsides. Nothing but an idiotic excuse for an episode that has almost NO humor, as well as one of the laziest endings of the series (the beard is actually a sea urchin! Yay…).


A complete rip-off of Culture Shock that does nothing but cause even more stupidity and blandness to the audience and abuse BOTH Squidward and Spongebob. And who causes it? Why it's the no good piece of dirt we know as Seasons 6 and onwards Patrick of course! Why wouldn't he cause it?! Ugh... It WAS originally Number 15, but unfortunately, it lost to House Fancy. It's sad, too, as I had quite a bit to say about it! Consider yourself lucky, TPTT.


Another one of Pre-Movie’s low points. While I do like it a bit, Spongebob kind of ticked me off here. Patrick was here, clearly miserable, trying to get Spongebob to come back home, and Spongebob coldly PUSHES HIM AWAY! Cause', you know... That's apparently what friends do, right?


I actually don't get why this episode is hated so much. Sure, it's boring at some points, but I liked the plot a little, some parts made me laugh, and the fleas were actually pretty cool and creepy. Then again, my like for this episode is probably coming from my love for bugs.


How cruel and twisted is it for the Bikini Bottomites (except Spongebob) not to care about Sandy enough to save her, even when she could be in danger? That’s not funny, that’s just mean! Also the ending is a complete rip-off of a MUCH better episode (Pressure).


Can you say disappointing? This episode, while not bad, really disappointed me to a high extent. Everyone comes back alive! Thanks for the lies, Nickelodeon! Though, if you wanna know the truth, there’s a special that’s much MUCH more disappointing than this, coming up in the countdown.


Unfortunately, this is ANOTHER episode that got off scot free. How ironic that I'm neutral towards this episode, yet I actually hoped for it to make it on to the countdown. It's an incredibly stupid mess that has no place existing in this show, really. HeadGoBoomBoomItis? REALLY? Other than that, as well as the mean-spirited bits, this episode is just watchable. Just so you know, that doesn't mean I like it, it just means that I won't turn off the TV if it comes on.



Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Award said:
Still waitin for All That Glitters somewhere.
That was Number 7 on the original Fan Edition, and it was Number 19 on my Top 20 Worst Episodes (2nd Edition), so ATG will not appear on this list.

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
Battle of Bikini Bottom (not to be mixed up with the video game Battle for Bikini Bottom), Squidward's School for Grown Ups, and The Play's the Thing already sound like dreck and I haven't even seen any of those! A Flea in her Dome and The Big One aren't that bad IMO and Squid Baby is just stupid.


killer queen best stand
Jan 9, 2014
GordokTheMad said:
Before I go on, I’d like to list some of the dishonorable mentions; episodes that came close to making it on the countdown, but didn’t make the cut. *sigh* Here we go…



One of the least unpopular Pre-Season 4 episodes, and I can DEFINITELY see why! Spongebob is such an unlikeable party pooper that you just want to slap some sense into him! Also, I'm glad that he got locked out of the house for the night, but the reason for him being arrested is stupid. Cops are supposed to maintain peace, NOT party their butts off! Also, the mat gag at the end is one of the most idiot jokes of the series, and I've seen what Season 6 had to offer!


While I don't hate it as much as I used to, I really think it had the potential to be a cool Invader Zim esque episode, but it failed miserably. At least the humor saved this episode from being totally bad.


An absolutely stupid recreation of an American Revolution parody, as well as a cheap excuse for a gross-out episode.


Season 8 had its ups and downs. THIS was one of its downsides. Nothing but an idiotic excuse for an episode that has almost NO humor, as well as one of the laziest endings of the series (the beard is actually a sea urchin! Yay…).


A complete rip-off of Culture Shock that does nothing but cause even more stupidity and blandness to the audience and abuse BOTH Squidward and Spongebob. And who causes it? Why it's the no good piece of dirt we know as Seasons 6 and onwards Patrick of course! Why wouldn't he cause it?! Ugh... It WAS originally Number 15, but unfortunately, it lost to House Fancy. It's sad, too, as I had quite a bit to say about it! Consider yourself lucky, TPTT.


Another one of Pre-Movie’s low points. While I do like it a bit, Spongebob kind of ticked me off here. Patrick was here, clearly miserable, trying to get Spongebob to come back home, and Spongebob coldly PUSHES HIM AWAY! Cause', you know... That's apparently what friends do, right?


I actually don't get why this episode is hated so much. Sure, it's boring at some points, but I liked the plot a little, some parts made me laugh, and the fleas were actually pretty cool and creepy. Then again, my like for this episode is probably coming from my love for bugs.


How cruel and twisted is it for the Bikini Bottomites (except Spongebob) not to care about Sandy enough to save her, even when she could be in danger? That’s not funny, that’s just mean! Also the ending is a complete rip-off of a MUCH better episode (Pressure).


Can you say disappointing? This episode, while not bad, really disappointed me to a high extent. Everyone comes back alive! Thanks for the lies, Nickelodeon! Though, if you wanna know the truth, there’s a special that’s much MUCH more disappointing than this, coming up in the countdown.


Unfortunately, this is ANOTHER episode that got off scot free. How ironic that I'm neutral towards this episode, yet I actually hoped for it to make it on to the countdown. It's an incredibly stupid mess that has no place existing in this show, really. HeadGoBoomBoomItis? REALLY? Other than that, as well as the mean-spirited bits, this episode is just watchable. Just so you know, that doesn't mean I like it, it just means that I won't turn off the TV if it comes on.

I was afraid that I was the only one who hated Party Pooper Pants. But it seems like I'm not alone. And I didn't know that Nature Pants was so hated. I like how you said that Toy Store of Doom could have been like an Invader Zim episode, but I do agree that it failed at being one.
Sep 16, 2013
GordokTheMad said:
Before I go on, I’d like to list some of the dishonorable mentions; episodes that came close to making it on the countdown, but didn’t make the cut. *sigh* Here we go…



A decent episode IMO.


I like it a little.


Screw this episode.




Dang it! I wanted to see you rant on it.




It's idiotic but not one of the worst.




Disappointing, but decent.


Worst season 9 episode IMO.
