Pazza's (I hope) pretty darn big Bottom 60!


May 25, 2013
Even though it's called a "Pazza" I swear Evan is the best at pulling them :P
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: NOTE: Before any of you folks comment about my opinion sucking eggs, let me just say for the record that I currently do not mind this episode. This is my old review.

Anyway... where were we? Oh right. At episode 51! I look back, and I was gonna applaud you guys for being so patient, but after looking at how long ago my last update was (too long ago), I decided to forget about the applause. Unless you're Lady Gaga, but I guess we're not in the "Pop" section. We're in the "Jazz" genre of the music industry. The smoooooothe music that not enough people give a crap about... except for Squidward. He and I share an interest, and that is being unable to share interests with people you know and love (except for Squilliam, it's for you, Omair, my dear friend)! <3 Maybe he and SpongeBob share interests with Reef Blowers, but that's just about i--- wait a sec! What about jazz? SpongeBob would be willing to go to the Kelpy G. concert with him, considering what a great friend he is to Squidward. Yup, no quotations. Remember "Naughty Nautical Neighbors" [quotations there], folks? :naughty:

Anywayz, we all know things are starting to heat up when SpongeBob comes along. He truthfully can't be left out, though. He's the only character to appear on every single episode of the show. I can't think of another show off the top of my head that has only one character that has managed to appear in every single episode. Most of the time, several characters manage to do so. Unfortunately, our main character has to go to his dark side. I don't get how SpongeBob can't ever understand that he gets Squidward PO'ed on a regular basis. It's shown in episodes such as the mind-numbingly bad "Choir Boys." More importantly, I don't get the writers. Do they actually LAUGH at this stuff, or just throw it out to the public without second thought? I dunno, to be honest. Unfortunately, in this episode, he's just unaware about the concept of "Smoothe Jazz." I don't like the people at the concert either. There's just no diversity. They exclude Squidward because of SpongeBob's misinterpretations? 🤦 At some points, it's OK, but there is nothing that pumps you up or gets you laughing. Unless you're 6 years old, you'd probably laugh at Patrick. He's one of the REAL reasons these episode is so annoying. He's not funny. The "nachos" joke wasn't funny. Him eating the backstage passes wasn't funny. It's really upsetting for me. Mainly because his top spot at "Favorite Character" by a large margin continues to diminish. It may come to the point where it could just be a mere couple of points, but episodes like "Patrick-Man!" beg to differ. However, here is a completely different story. Patrick's lucky charm YET AGAIN gets put into effect, and he gets to crowd surf for eating backstage passes... no problem! Squidward running up the steps? Holy crap, how awful! How dare he?!?! He should go back to "Culture Shock" and "The Play's The Thing" and make sure that nobody thinks he has any talent! And that's exactly what they did. Recycled an ending from "Culture Shock" FOR THE SECOND TIME NOW. The first one didn't work, what made Casey [Alexander], Zeus [Cervas], and Richard [Pursel] think it would work the second time? Second time ain't the charm, folks! No it ain't! Anyway, there is your first review in a while, sorry for the wait. I was a LIAR and pulled a Pazza. It's funny because I AM Pazza! 💫 Despite it being boring and just unfunny, it had been seen too many times to be terrible. Plus, its partner could only be worse. See you at your next update in 2014. Pazza, out! ☮️


Aired: 2011

Least Favorite Character: :patrickomg:

Least Favorite Part: The ending. You writers killed "Culture Shock" like my 7-year-old brother killed Carl Wheezer's "Good morning to you!" song.

TheAngryWumbologyNerd said:
Ugh, Pazza is pulling a Pazza.

Trophy said:
Trophy said:
Web Surfer says:

"See you at your next update in 2014."


CLUE: All those tears


May 25, 2013
it was Ok but the parts I don't like we're solely for Squid Abuse.
Feb 16, 2011
Shy Guy's Toy Box

Comment: All those tears. 😢 Something a SpongeBob episode can't seem to do without (see: A Day Without Tears). Here, the episode, from about 50 seconds in, also can't seem to leave those drops of not sweat alone. SpongeBob breaks his spatula, and NEVER stops thinking about it. Mainly because the writers NEVER leave the topic. Let Go & Move On was my 6th grade Humanities teacher's favorite school rule. So does that mean my 6th grade Humanities teacher doesn't like SpongeBob? Possibly, because SpongeBob fails to do so in this episode. Maybe things could get better when he gets nude to buy a new spatula... Le Spatula. This could have, and should have been completely obliterated from the episode. We get a spatula with special techniques (that are anti-greasy) and a stereotypical French accent and attitude. I'd honestly be better off with a bunch of crying. At least it brought in some humor, such as Bobby and Patty crying in unison and the psychiatrist bit, with a hint of an annoying cry. Plus, the actor part gave me a chuckle. Nothing else redeeming, though. Pazza, out! At least he doesn't make you wait for 17 months for the next update!


Aired: 2006

Least Favorite Character: Le Spatula

Least Favorite Part: any long crying sequence