087a. To Love A Patty

Notorious episode, and I see why. This is just plain creepy, it;s not funny, the close-ups were unnecessary and not even for the sake of humor. I would give it props for a good song in the middle. Also boring. 1.5/10
This episode is just too disturbing for a show such as this. It's definitely the worst of season 5, and even worse than some bad season 6 episodes.

SpongeBob dating a Krabby Patty is the most ridiculous thing ever. It becomes part of his whole life, and during this forgets EVERYONE, from Gary to Patrick to Sandy to his job at the Krusty Krab. The ballad song was terrible (SpongeBob destroys clams, he puts a hat on the Patty), and then, the gross out with the moldy patty, and SB having to eat it was just enough. I wouldn't recommend it for first time watchers.

Episode: To Love a Patty (S5-E87-A)

:patboo: I HATE THIS ::dolphin noise::ING EPISODE!!! I hate it from beginning to end. When I see SpongeBob dating a krabby patty with the shape of a lady's face, he was acting gay here. What the hell, Casey and Zeus?! And he even defend Patty by killing the clams, including Junior. The song "I can't Keep my Eyes on You" is the worst and most absurd love song ever. When the closer look of Patty in rotten form filled with worms, maggots and crap (I call it Nasty Patty 3.0), it made me cringe, and even SpongeBob ate it in the end. :patgross: Honestly, this episodes is creepy and disgusting as Hell. I wanted to puke. In conclusion, I'LL NEVER WATCH THIS ::dolphin noise:: ::dolphin noise::TY EPISODE AGAIN!!! And yes, SpongeBob is gay in this dirty episode.

Final Score =-∞/10
This is one of the creepiest, unfunniest, and most poorly executed episode of the show. The concept is really bad, the execution is even worse, and this episode made me realize that you could always be more sad and pathetic.

Ranking so far:
1. Krabs a la Mode (A+)
2. Roller Cowards (A+)
3. New Digs (A)
4. Bucket Sweet Bucket (A)
5. The Krusty Plate (A)
6. Spy Buddies (A)
7. Friend or Foe (A)
8. SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget (A)
9. Money Talks (B)
10. Picture Day (B)
11. Boat Smarts (B)
12. Night Light (C)
13. Rise and Shine (C)
14. The Donut of Shame (C)
15. Pat No Pay (C)
16. Fungus Among Us (D)
17. The Original Fry Cook (D)
18. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
19. Waiting (E)
20. To Love a Patty (F)
Here it is...the episode that began SpongeBob's dark age!

SpongeBob liking Krabby Patties I can believe

SpongeBob FALLING IN LOVE with a Krabby Patty I can't

Plus this episode is actually kinda depressing because it exposes SpongeBob's unnatural obsession with the burger

He's willing to go so far for 'Patty' that he turns his back on all his friends

The writers made the whole "falling in love with food" thing literal

Perhaps THIS is where the show's true decline started and why I've lost interest in it

Dumbest concept I've ever seen for a cartoon

They even copied the plot type for the recent episode "Married to Money" except it was Mr. Krabs in love with money

Rating: 0/10

I have a good idea for a new episode:

"To Love a Clarinet"


Squidward falls in love with his clarinet

The long-awaited sequel to "To Love a Patty" written by Casey Alexander and Zeus Cervas
This episode is boring. The episode is a played a little too straight so it just comes off as very uninteresting. I do like some of the jokes and the last two minutes or so, but that's about it.

Mediocre Episode (4.5/10)
Ah, this episode. Probably one of the most infamous episodes in the entire series up to this point, and I have to say... well it's still bad but I don't hate it as much as other people do. The closeups don't really bother me that much, and Spongebob's obsession with this Krabby Patty felt more cringey to me than creepy. My main problem is that it's extremely boring and lacks any substance or comedy of any kind, and the tone of this episode in general just feels off. The song was kinda alright, though it went on for way too long and just felt like filler. Also, Spongebob should NEVER date anyone. Enough said.

Bad episode (3/10)

1. Roller Cowards (10)
2. Spy Buddies (8)
3. Friend or Foe (8)
4. Krabs à La Mode (8)
5. New Digs (7)
6. Bucket Sweet Bucket (7)
7. Night Light (5)
8. Boat Smarts (5)
9. Rise and Shine (5)
10. The Original Fry Cook (5)
11. Good Ol' Whatshisname (4)
12. To Love A Patty (3)
13. Waiting (3)
14. Fungus Among Us (2)
This episode is just creepy af imao. I mean come on why make Spongebob fall in love with a patty? If it was a girl (or boy) there would not be any problem, of course, it is still a bit out of character for Spongebob, but, at least, there would be some logic behind it. This episode is not funny in any way, even though the writers obviously thought it was. Especially him being so emotional about the patty, like it was a real human being is rediculous. I would give it a 1/10
Old review


Rating: 1/10 Unacceptable

Goo Goo Gas (Amazing!)
Rise And Shine (Amazing!)
BlackJack (Amazing!)
The Two Faces Of Squidward (Amazing!)
The Donut Of Shame (Amazing!)
Picture Day (Superb)
Boat Smarts (Super)
Le Big Switch (Great)
SpongeHenge (Okay)
Pat No Pay (Bad)
Good Ol' Whatshisname (Bad)
Fungus Among Us (Unacceptable)
To Love A Patty (Unacceptable)
Waiting (Hellish)
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This might just be the most cursed episode of the show. All the jokes fall flat, Spongebob's character portrayal is super unpleasant, and the plot is almost nonexistent.
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This episode had absolutely no reason to exist at all! Personally for me this was easily one of season 5's worst episodes every single bit of this episode is downright stupid! The close-ups were awful, the song is awful and even ending is easily one of the show's worst endings.

Rating: Terrible Episode

Roller Cowards (Perfect)
Friend or Foe (Perfect)
Spy Buddies (Amazing!)
Bucket Sweet Bucket (Great)
Krab a la Mode (Great)
Rise and Shine (Great)
Boat Smarts (Meh)
Fungus Among Us (Meh)
Night Light (Alright)
The Original Fry Cook (Okay)
New Digs (Okay)
Good Ol' Whathisname (Bad)
To Love a Patty (Terrible)
Waiting (Terrible)
Oh boy we got an infamous one on our hands! How...exciting! Yeah, exciting...yep, today we're talking about "To Love A Patty", a very, very notorious episode. Most notorious? Oh definitely not, but it's infamous for sure. And in former days I too have rated this episode quite lowly. My season 5 overview from 2018 saw this episode getting a 2.6/10. So I'm no stranger to hating on this episode. But as with all of these newer reviews, I sat down and rewatched "To Love A Patty" from start to finish to make sure my opinions were 100% updated, and I can tell you now that some things have definitely changed.

Watching the first minute of the episode, all I can think about is when a certain reviewer who will not be named got mad that SpongeBob sang the word “surreptitiously”…I feel like that makes this first part funnier to me, much like how the “security system” meme has retroactively improved that scene in “Good Neighbors”. This beginning part is fun enough. SpongeBob singing wasn’t like…Grammy-winning, but I thought the drum solo part was cute. And I liked the sequence of SpongeBob actually making the sandwiches, lots of fun visuals there. Now of course about a minute in is where things start to get weird…and hey, I love weird! But I mean this episode is weird because SpongeBob falls in love with a Krabby Patty he created. Well, he doesn’t really fall in love. More like becomes infatuated. But anyway, yeah it’s freaking weird, but it’s also weird in-universe, which I think helps things quite a bit. And you know I love a good bit of dramatics, which this episode has in droves. I like how SpongeBob is determined not to let Patty be eaten. Squidward’s comment about getting a refund from his therapist was hilarious. And the bit with the fire was funny, I love how Gary is the one to solve the issue, like that’s my GOAT!

I’d say the main thing I dislike about this episode is how heteronormative it is. And yes I am going to say this I don’t care. Like to make SpongeBob infatuated with Patty, of course they had to give this literal sandwich a gender and “feminine” characteristics. Honestly, I don’t like the idea of SpongeBob falling in love romantically anyway, because that’s my aroace king, so I choose to think of this purely as aesthetic attraction and infatuation thank you very much next caller. SpongeBob’s treatment of Patrick and Sandy is also a low point, but it also gives us the hilarious line “I’ve been replaced by a sandwich!” so you win some, you lose some.

And then we move on to the next part of the episode, which is the song. Again, SpongeBob is infatuated with this sandwich, it’s weird. Honestly, when the song started playing I couldn’t help but laugh because if I didn’t laugh I’d cry. Every time he belts something I just lose it lmao. The song is actually kinda good though, won’t lie. It feels like such a 2000s song. And I love how SpongeBob goes batsh** and just murks a bunch of scallops. After the song ends, and as the episode goes on, we see how completely insane SpongeBob is in this episode, gazing adoringly at a rotting sandwich. At least as we move on, I get a lovely surprise in the form of a gorgeous background shot of the Krusty Krab. Like those purples and pinks, amazing! Anyway, I love the little conversation between Mr. Krabs and Squidward. Squidward has some great one-off comments in this episode, honestly.

And then we’re back to me having a weird feeling when the three are talking about SpongeBob dating…I just don’t like it. SpongeBob and romance don’t go together I just don’t know what to tell you! Anyway, I loved that shot of SpongeBob looking like a dork, that was adorable. When SpongeBob brings Patty in, we get a kinda not funny moment between two background characters. Like honestly that felt pointless to me, SpongeBob could’ve just brought Patty in and gone straight to Mr. Krabs and Squidward, but okay. Mr. Krabs’ comment was funny though. And also, this episode has got some really great paintings going on, because that painting of Patty was so very nasty but also great. And the second one is even grosser, I dig it. I love how SpongeBob bribes Mr. Krabs too. And I also like how we can tell that SpongeBob knows Patty is rotting, but he’s also willingly blinding himself in his infatuation. That’s actually some pretty nuanced writing. Now, it’s nuanced writing that doesn’t go anywhere, like there’s no point in having SpongeBob not being completely oblivious, but it’s still nuanced lol.

And then we get the moment we’ve been waiting for, SpongeBob realizes that Patty is completely disgusting. I like how Mr. Krabs echoes Sandy’s words from earlier, that was a nice bit of consistency. And I love how dramatic SpongeBob is in eating Patty, which was gross, but necessary.

“To Love A Patty” joins my growing list of episodes that I once considered to be the scum of the Earth because of popular opinion, and have now realized aren’t as bad as people have made them out to be. This episode actually has quite a few funny moments, and although the whole plot is weird, that’s not an inherent issue. I think this episode would’ve worked much better if the whole romantic aspect of it was scrapped, and SpongeBob just thought he crafted a sandwich so beautiful it couldn’t be eaten. So essentially the same thing, but without any of the “dating” stuff. The worst thing about the plot to me is again how heteronormative it is, and how much I don’t like SpongeBob being portrayed with any kind of romantic interest. But I also know that this episode is over 15 years old, and is on Nickelodeon…I wouldn’t expect it to break barriers. That doesn’t mean I have to like what I see though. All things considered, I’d say this episode belongs in...“Mediocre”. This episode tries to do the weird and absurd comedy we love to see, but it fails because the plot just does not work. And frankly, beneath all the weirdness, this episode is kinda boring lol. There’s a lot of moments where not much happens, and not in a good way like season 1 had going on. But this episode is nowhere near as bad as it has been made out to be. Not at all.

Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score:
Oh boy we got an infamous one on our hands! How...exciting! Yeah, exciting...yep, today we're talking about "To Love A Patty", a very, very notorious episode. Most notorious? Oh definitely not, but it's infamous for sure. And in former days I too have rated this episode quite lowly. My season 5 overview from 2018 saw this episode getting a 2.6/10. So I'm no stranger to hating on this episode. But as with all of these newer reviews, I sat down and rewatched "To Love A Patty" from start to finish to make sure my opinions were 100% updated, and I can tell you now that some things have definitely changed.

Watching the first minute of the episode, all I can think about is when a certain reviewer who will not be named got mad that SpongeBob sang the word “surreptitiously”…I feel like that makes this first part funnier to me, much like how the “security system” meme has retroactively improved that scene in “Good Neighbors”. This beginning part is fun enough. SpongeBob singing wasn’t like…Grammy-winning, but I thought the drum solo part was cute. And I liked the sequence of SpongeBob actually making the sandwiches, lots of fun visuals there. Now of course about a minute in is where things start to get weird…and hey, I love weird! But I mean this episode is weird because SpongeBob falls in love with a Krabby Patty he created. Well, he doesn’t really fall in love. More like becomes infatuated. But anyway, yeah it’s freaking weird, but it’s also weird in-universe, which I think helps things quite a bit. And you know I love a good bit of dramatics, which this episode has in droves. I like how SpongeBob is determined not to let Patty be eaten. Squidward’s comment about getting a refund from his therapist was hilarious. And the bit with the fire was funny, I love how Gary is the one to solve the issue, like that’s my GOAT!

I’d say the main thing I dislike about this episode is how heteronormative it is. And yes I am going to say this I don’t care. Like to make SpongeBob infatuated with Patty, of course they had to give this literal sandwich a gender and “feminine” characteristics. Honestly, I don’t like the idea of SpongeBob falling in love romantically anyway, because that’s my aroace king, so I choose to think of this purely as aesthetic attraction and infatuation thank you very much next caller. SpongeBob’s treatment of Patrick and Sandy is also a low point, but it also gives us the hilarious line “I’ve been replaced by a sandwich!” so you win some, you lose some.

And then we move on to the next part of the episode, which is the song. Again, SpongeBob is infatuated with this sandwich, it’s weird. Honestly, when the song started playing I couldn’t help but laugh because if I didn’t laugh I’d cry. Every time he belts something I just lose it lmao. The song is actually kinda good though, won’t lie. It feels like such a 2000s song. And I love how SpongeBob goes batsh** and just murks a bunch of scallops. After the song ends, and as the episode goes on, we see how completely insane SpongeBob is in this episode, gazing adoringly at a rotting sandwich. At least as we move on, I get a lovely surprise in the form of a gorgeous background shot of the Krusty Krab. Like those purples and pinks, amazing! Anyway, I love the little conversation between Mr. Krabs and Squidward. Squidward has some great one-off comments in this episode, honestly.

And then we’re back to me having a weird feeling when the three are talking about SpongeBob dating…I just don’t like it. SpongeBob and romance don’t go together I just don’t know what to tell you! Anyway, I loved that shot of SpongeBob looking like a dork, that was adorable. When SpongeBob brings Patty in, we get a kinda not funny moment between two background characters. Like honestly that felt pointless to me, SpongeBob could’ve just brought Patty in and gone straight to Mr. Krabs and Squidward, but okay. Mr. Krabs’ comment was funny though. And also, this episode has got some really great paintings going on, because that painting of Patty was so very nasty but also great. And the second one is even grosser, I dig it. I love how SpongeBob bribes Mr. Krabs too. And I also like how we can tell that SpongeBob knows Patty is rotting, but he’s also willingly blinding himself in his infatuation. That’s actually some pretty nuanced writing. Now, it’s nuanced writing that doesn’t go anywhere, like there’s no point in having SpongeBob not being completely oblivious, but it’s still nuanced lol.

And then we get the moment we’ve been waiting for, SpongeBob realizes that Patty is completely disgusting. I like how Mr. Krabs echoes Sandy’s words from earlier, that was a nice bit of consistency. And I love how dramatic SpongeBob is in eating Patty, which was gross, but necessary.

“To Love A Patty” joins my growing list of episodes that I once considered to be the scum of the Earth because of popular opinion, and have now realized aren’t as bad as people have made them out to be. This episode actually has quite a few funny moments, and although the whole plot is weird, that’s not an inherent issue. I think this episode would’ve worked much better if the whole romantic aspect of it was scrapped, and SpongeBob just thought he crafted a sandwich so beautiful it couldn’t be eaten. So essentially the same thing, but without any of the “dating” stuff. The worst thing about the plot to me is again how heteronormative it is, and how much I don’t like SpongeBob being portrayed with any kind of romantic interest. But I also know that this episode is over 15 years old, and is on Nickelodeon…I wouldn’t expect it to break barriers. That doesn’t mean I have to like what I see though. All things considered, I’d say this episode belongs in...“Mediocre”. This episode tries to do the weird and absurd comedy we love to see, but it fails because the plot just does not work. And frankly, beneath all the weirdness, this episode is kinda boring lol. There’s a lot of moments where not much happens, and not in a good way like season 1 had going on. But this episode is nowhere near as bad as it has been made out to be. Not at all.

Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score: 5.4/10
the song was pretty good tho, creepy, but good
Oh boy we got an infamous one on our hands! How...exciting! Yeah, exciting...yep, today we're talking about "To Love A Patty", a very, very notorious episode. Most notorious? Oh definitely not, but it's infamous for sure. And in former days I too have rated this episode quite lowly. My season 5 overview from 2018 saw this episode getting a 2.6/10. So I'm no stranger to hating on this episode. But as with all of these newer reviews, I sat down and rewatched "To Love A Patty" from start to finish to make sure my opinions were 100% updated, and I can tell you now that some things have definitely changed.

Watching the first minute of the episode, all I can think about is when a certain reviewer who will not be named got mad that SpongeBob sang the word “surreptitiously”…I feel like that makes this first part funnier to me, much like how the “security system” meme has retroactively improved that scene in “Good Neighbors”. This beginning part is fun enough. SpongeBob singing wasn’t like…Grammy-winning, but I thought the drum solo part was cute. And I liked the sequence of SpongeBob actually making the sandwiches, lots of fun visuals there. Now of course about a minute in is where things start to get weird…and hey, I love weird! But I mean this episode is weird because SpongeBob falls in love with a Krabby Patty he created. Well, he doesn’t really fall in love. More like becomes infatuated. But anyway, yeah it’s freaking weird, but it’s also weird in-universe, which I think helps things quite a bit. And you know I love a good bit of dramatics, which this episode has in droves. I like how SpongeBob is determined not to let Patty be eaten. Squidward’s comment about getting a refund from his therapist was hilarious. And the bit with the fire was funny, I love how Gary is the one to solve the issue, like that’s my GOAT!

I’d say the main thing I dislike about this episode is how heteronormative it is. And yes I am going to say this I don’t care. Like to make SpongeBob infatuated with Patty, of course they had to give this literal sandwich a gender and “feminine” characteristics. Honestly, I don’t like the idea of SpongeBob falling in love romantically anyway, because that’s my aroace king, so I choose to think of this purely as aesthetic attraction and infatuation thank you very much next caller. SpongeBob’s treatment of Patrick and Sandy is also a low point, but it also gives us the hilarious line “I’ve been replaced by a sandwich!” so you win some, you lose some.

And then we move on to the next part of the episode, which is the song. Again, SpongeBob is infatuated with this sandwich, it’s weird. Honestly, when the song started playing I couldn’t help but laugh because if I didn’t laugh I’d cry. Every time he belts something I just lose it lmao. The song is actually kinda good though, won’t lie. It feels like such a 2000s song. And I love how SpongeBob goes batsh** and just murks a bunch of scallops. After the song ends, and as the episode goes on, we see how completely insane SpongeBob is in this episode, gazing adoringly at a rotting sandwich. At least as we move on, I get a lovely surprise in the form of a gorgeous background shot of the Krusty Krab. Like those purples and pinks, amazing! Anyway, I love the little conversation between Mr. Krabs and Squidward. Squidward has some great one-off comments in this episode, honestly.

And then we’re back to me having a weird feeling when the three are talking about SpongeBob dating…I just don’t like it. SpongeBob and romance don’t go together I just don’t know what to tell you! Anyway, I loved that shot of SpongeBob looking like a dork, that was adorable. When SpongeBob brings Patty in, we get a kinda not funny moment between two background characters. Like honestly that felt pointless to me, SpongeBob could’ve just brought Patty in and gone straight to Mr. Krabs and Squidward, but okay. Mr. Krabs’ comment was funny though. And also, this episode has got some really great paintings going on, because that painting of Patty was so very nasty but also great. And the second one is even grosser, I dig it. I love how SpongeBob bribes Mr. Krabs too. And I also like how we can tell that SpongeBob knows Patty is rotting, but he’s also willingly blinding himself in his infatuation. That’s actually some pretty nuanced writing. Now, it’s nuanced writing that doesn’t go anywhere, like there’s no point in having SpongeBob not being completely oblivious, but it’s still nuanced lol.

And then we get the moment we’ve been waiting for, SpongeBob realizes that Patty is completely disgusting. I like how Mr. Krabs echoes Sandy’s words from earlier, that was a nice bit of consistency. And I love how dramatic SpongeBob is in eating Patty, which was gross, but necessary.

“To Love A Patty” joins my growing list of episodes that I once considered to be the scum of the Earth because of popular opinion, and have now realized aren’t as bad as people have made them out to be. This episode actually has quite a few funny moments, and although the whole plot is weird, that’s not an inherent issue. I think this episode would’ve worked much better if the whole romantic aspect of it was scrapped, and SpongeBob just thought he crafted a sandwich so beautiful it couldn’t be eaten. So essentially the same thing, but without any of the “dating” stuff. The worst thing about the plot to me is again how heteronormative it is, and how much I don’t like SpongeBob being portrayed with any kind of romantic interest. But I also know that this episode is over 15 years old, and is on Nickelodeon…I wouldn’t expect it to break barriers. That doesn’t mean I have to like what I see though. All things considered, I’d say this episode belongs in...“Mediocre”. This episode tries to do the weird and absurd comedy we love to see, but it fails because the plot just does not work. And frankly, beneath all the weirdness, this episode is kinda boring lol. There’s a lot of moments where not much happens, and not in a good way like season 1 had going on. But this episode is nowhere near as bad as it has been made out to be. Not at all.

Episode Tier: Mediocre
Episode Score: 5.4/10
nice review now let's see what you think of it's sister episode (which is also infamous LOL)
I had the dvd of this episode as a kid. I don't think its too bad 7.5/10
Why are yall hating on this episode XD
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