087a. To Love A Patty

SuprisedPatrick said:
i wish i never saw this episode...
I agree with you. Its one of the creepist episodes of Spongebob, even though Squids Visit beats it by a landslide.
Oh god. This episode is just creepy! Spongebob falls in love with a Krabby Patty and treats it like a real girlfriend! And it just gets worse when you realize that this seems to base itself on people who are so depressed and lonely that they make their own "friends" out of inanimate objects!!!

1/10 (if it had not been for some funny moments, as well as the ending, this mess would've gotten a 0)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and this is on my Bottom Ten, BTW.

You know, many people say that Good Neighbors was the fall of Spongebob and it has never redeemed, but in my opinion, THIS is where Spongebob started slipping, without notice after 5 perfect episodes aired. It didn't reach the lower intestine until Atlantis SquarePantis, though. And I just can't talk about this episode without being grossed out.
This episode is gross. It makes me wanna throw up. I almost threw up. SpongeBob falling in love with a Krabby Patty is just a stupid idea. SpongeBob doesn't want to play with Patrick and karate with Sandy? How he leave them alone? Just because of his love for a Krabby Patty in this episode. I hate this episode so much and it is my least favorite Season 5 episode.
I kind of feel like the part where Sandy wants to have a karate fight and Patrick wants to play reminds me of Overbooked
so there's doing stereotypical dumb humor in post-movie and pulling it off by adding a twist and making things a bit more likeable for everyone: Suction Cup Symphony

then there's doing steretypically dumb "humor" in post-movie and RUINING it by making SpongeBob "go gay for a burger" as one member said: This episode

Born to be Wild is a perfect example where SpongeBob and Patrick caused a good episode due to being naive. SpongeBob being so naive with this Krabby Patty is enough to make you die.

Treats is a perfect example of a character getting too obsessed over a thing. This episode was SpongeBob being creepy -- nearly having sexual attraction -- WITH A BURGER. Come on now. -.-

One of the worst episodes in the series. The idea was literally doomed to rot the minute it formed compared to other episodes -- Dear Vikings and Demolition Doofus -- which only have bad execution.
If any episode can be called So Bad It's Good, it's this one. I think the concept is baffling in a WTF funny way, and because of that, it's really ....interesting to see it played it. It feels like a parody of an episode, instead of a real thing that exists. There are some actually decent jokes here and there, and honestly, the song isn't that bad until the...scallop thing. On top of the weird-ness, the episode can't decided what the point is, or who's in the right or wrong here. Really, the only thing holding it back for me is the gross out factor, otherwise it's hilariously awful. There's no rating that exists that can fit this episode, so I'll leave now.
Ugh, this episode is creepy. I honestly liked the song, but that was it. And I hated the scene with karate chopping the scallops.

Season 5:

Episode: To Love A Patty

This episode was horrible. It was very gross, and Spongebob killed friggin scallops for the sake of a krabby patty! The plot was really bland. There were few tiny funny jokes. 2/10
I love this episode. It's so bad it's good. I would give it a 10/10 for being so terrible it's amazing, but I would also give it a 0/10 for being disgusting and stupid. The median of 0 and 10 is 5. So yeah, 5/10
I actually don't mind this episode. I thought the song was catchy and the close ups didn't gross me out. Overall, 6/10 probably.
The first half is... alright. But then the clam murder scene is just awful, and it doesn't get much better after that.

Lazy episode getting a 2/10 from me.