087a. To Love A Patty

I had the dvd of this episode as a kid. I don't think its too bad 7.5/10
Why are yall hating on this episode XD
It gets a little disgusting in the second half. I'll be genuine though, I loved the episodes that DVD came with, I just think they could've picked any other episode to make the main focus of that DVD. Le Big Switch or BlackJack would've been good ones.
It gets a little disgusting in the second half. I'll be genuine though, I loved the episodes that DVD came with, I just think they could've picked any other episode to make the main focus of that DVD. Le Big Switch or BlackJack would've been good ones.
Those episodes were great
Those episodes were great
One of the episodes on that DVD was the one with the black eye. When Spongebob was talking to sandy how he fought Jack M. Crazyfish and made him cry, Sandy asked how Spongebob got the black eye, and it turns out he scooped some of his tears and used it as a drink but he missed and hit his eye on the straw. By far one of my favorite gags of that season.
One of the episodes on that DVD was the one with the black eye. When Spongebob was talking to sandy how he fought Jack M. Crazyfish and made him cry, Sandy asked how Spongebob got the black eye, and it turns out he scooped some of his tears and used it as a drink but he missed and hit his eye on the straw. By far one of my favorite gags of that season.
Oh yeah the episode is called Blackened Sponge that was one of my favorites of the season
I'm surprised an episode with a crazy premise like this was made so early on in the show's life! I would've expected this episode later in the show's run.

I don't mean this in a necessarily good or bad way
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I think I'm the only one who found Spongebob being in love with a krabby patty kind of silly & cute lol. Though I get that Spongebob destroying those clams was a bit much (for trying to eat a burger- well, steal it)- I know he was trying to save his "Patty" but ripping them apart like that was a bit much....
This episode is bad the song its bad bla bla bla anyways I have a shocking Mandela effect I remember in the song the says 'oh baybee" but now hearing it he says "oh baby" WHAT IS GOING ON
To be honest, the episode doesn't really gross me out anymore. I've become numb to grossout almost. Even so, the plot of the episode is just plain stupid and nonsensical. Also, I know I said the episode doesn't gross me out anymore, the part of SpongeBob murdering the clams is still uncomforting to watch for me. Much like what PIEGUYRULZ said about The Splinter, the episode is still bad even if you take the grossout out of the equation.
Welp.... Here is where the streak of good episodes end.... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME IN A STREAK OF GOOD EPISODES
  1. Friend or foe (10/10)
  2. Roller Cowards (10/10)
  3. Krabs à La Mode (10/10)
  4. Spy Buddies (10/10)
  5. Bucket Sweet Bucket (9.5/10)
  6. Rise And Shine (9/10)
  7. New Digs (8.5/10)
  8. Night Light (8.5/10)
  9. The Original Fry Cook (4.5/10)
  10. Good Ol'Whatshisname (3.5/10)
  11. Boat Smarts (3/10)
  12. Waiting (1/10)
  13. Fungus Amongus (0.5/10)
  14. To love a patty (0/10)
Forgettable and cringeworthy episode that misses the mark completely. 0/10.
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Ok I hate this episode so much.Spongebob falling in love with a Krabby patty is just a big no for me, and i also hated the song so much.When spongebob killed those clams,I wanted to run out of my room, and the Krabby patty starts to get rotten.When the close-up of Krabby patty showed,I was about to throw up,And when spongebob ate the rotten krabby Patty,my stomach started hurting when I saw it,and felt like I was about to throw up.0/10
Ok I hate this episode so much.Spongebob falling in love with a Krabby patty is just a big no for me, and i also hated the song so much.When spongebob killed those clams,I wanted to run out of my room, and the Krabby patty starts to get rotten.When the close-up of Krabby patty showed,I was about to throw up,And when spongebob ate the rotten krabby Patty,my stomach started hurting when I saw it,and felt like I was about to throw up.0/10
finally a opinion we agree on
This episode as creepy as heck. First of all SpongeBob falls in love WITH A PATTY. If you don't think that's weird enough, its gets even weirder. He sings a song to it, takes it to a carnival, and then takes it on a date to the Krusty Krab. Then SpongeBob realizes that the patty's gone bad and guess what? HE EATS IT! This episode gets a 0/10 for being to weird.
I agree with you,I watched the episode 9 days ago and it's 0/10