My 5th day of facing my fear turning out bad:
Well we have some good news and bad news about the episode:So the good news are,that I only faced the when spongebob murders clams and the close-ups of the Krabby patty,but the bad news are:That....I had to look away when spongebob ate the rotten patty, I mean ewww

on 6th day they saved me,and today before the scene I said:Man I wish they cut it out like yesterday...and that was so bad that I had a sound of about to vomit but thank god that the episode ended I mean why the barnacle did they do that in the I faced the episode a little bit just cus of the tomorrow is the 4th day so we'll see if I can face it,only 7th day just disgusted me but never looked away as you remember on 6th day they skipped the scene I was cheering and I was was not the day, bleugh

tomorrow is the day that I'll try not to look away on that scene again...