SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes


Jan 29, 2014
SB_DW_Fan said:
Plankton's Pet is not going to be on the list because It's on Gordok's top 20 episodes list.
In that case, put Have You Seen this Snail on my guess for the list, and Wishing You Well for the honors.


ooooooofy day
Jan 6, 2014
More_Spongebob said:
In that case, put Have You Seen this Snail on my guess for the list, and Wishing You Well for the honors.
And put Single Cell Anniversary in mine.


killer queen best stand
Jan 9, 2014
Even though I disargeed with 23, it was still a great list. And thank you for putting I Was A Teenage Gary as orange.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
More_Spongebob said:
Aw, that sucks. But at least we see some.

My guesses...

On list
Krusty Towers
The Lost Mattress
Have You Seen This Snail?

Honorable Mentions
Planet of the Jellyfish
Sand Castles in the Sand
Krabs à la Mode or New Digs
Wishing You Well

This is different than what I would pick, though. (400th post)
OH WAIT, MY MISTAKE! There's actually FOUR episodes on the best countdown! :)

And here's a special surprise for everyone!

[SIZE=48pt]Bonus Review:[/SIZE]

(This one's mostly dedicated to Christmasisawesome22 ;] )

If you’ve seen this episode, you’ll know that it’s an obvious rip-off of Culture Shock, and a really mediocre one at that!

When Squidward finds a letter that was brought to him in the mail, he becomes excited. Mr. Krabs comes out and asks what Squidward's so happy about, and Squidward tells him his script for a play was accepted and that he quits. But, unfortunately, once Squiddy fully reads the letter, the script was NOT accepted, to Squidward’s dismay. So then, Squidward decides to hold his own play at the Krusty Krab, called Dinner Thea—Wait. OH yeah! Since Squidward’s name for the play sounds “too silly”, Mr. Krabs and Spongebob decide to name it “Singy Eaty Time”. Really? That’s better than “Dinner Theater”?

So that night while people start coming in, Squidward holds a play about his life at the Krusty Krab. And throughout the episode, he’s constantly interrupted by the customers, who want food. Squidward has Spongebob cook some patties, but due to him being distracted by the play, the patties burn. Squidward serves them anyway, but the customers are obviously not happy, so they go ahead and throw the remains at Squidward.

Spongebob goes to stop them and give a speech on how the customers shouldn’t be so disrespectful to their favorite meals, and how they should eat them and treat them like food, not weapons. The customers realize what they’ve done, so they stop, only until SOMEONE has the gall to say “I LIKE THROWING FOOD”, starting a food fight. And who is that someone? Why it’s the no good sack of dog doo PATRICK! *sigh* Remember the days in the first 5 seasons where Patrick WASN’T in the episode just to cause trouble (with the exceptions of Dumped and I’m With Stupid, of course)? Yeah, I miss those days.

And so, after getting thrown at by burnt Krabby Patties and a giant anchor, Spongebob and Squidward are informed that the play was a success and that they’ll be repeating the events next week. Yippee.

Okay, I wouldn’t necessarily call this one of the worst episodes ever, but there are a few problems with it. First of all, this episode is BORING. So boring that it made me want to fall asleep, almost. There are almost no funny moments except for when the mailman ran out of the Krusty Krabs screaming (I’ll admit, that did make me laugh pretty hard). Also, there’s another thing I’d like to point out, THIS EPISODE IS A RIP-OFF OF CULTURE SHOCK! But wait. It’s not a rip-off… IT’S A CLONE OF IT! Seriously! Other than a few minor tweaks, this episode is basically Culture Shock all over again. Let’s summarize both in a simple paragraph:

Summary of both episodes: Squidward holds a staged event (A talent show in Culture Shock, a play in THIS episode). Spongebob asks to be a part of it, and eventually, he becomes one. The event attracts many customers, but they become unsatisfied. They start throwing food at the stage, and they do become satisfied. And it turns out the event was a big success!

You see? Watch these episodes side-by-side, and you’ll see that even though they may not appear the same at the surface, but they’ll hit you. But yes. This episode is a clone of Culture Shock, and a very mediocre one at that (and Culture Shock isn’t even all that great!)! The only differences are the beginning, and the very end where in this episode, BOTH Squidward and Spongebob get abused, which brings me to my third problem.

My third problem with this episode is that it’s actually a little mean-spirited near the end. For example, when the Bikini Bottomites kept complaining about not getting their food, and Squidward just rudely pushing them away. I guess Squidward WAS being kind of rude, but to be fair, if Krabs had at least hired an intern to cook and serve the food for the customers, nothing would go wrong. And now, for the ending. Well, initially when they start throwing the burnt Krabby Patties, Squidward is their only target. Now here’s a scene that makes this Squidward torture episode stand out more than some other Squidward torture episodes. once our WONDERFUL pink idiot triggers the riot, the customers start throwing rocks at BOTH Squidward and Spongebob! So not only does Squidward receive the abuse, but Spongebob also gets to be shared the “honor” of being tortured. You know, this doesn’t make it better. IT ONLY MAKES IT WORSE.

So, this episode wasn’t very good. While there are some good parts to this episode, I found it (as a whole) to be very boring and a little mean-spirited. Oh, and like I said, it’s a sheer clone of Culture Shock, which wasn’t even that great to begin with. (Still would’ve made a better 15th worst than House Fancy)

So that’s my BONUS review of Culture Shock. Stay tuned for when I start the best list! :) Oh, and for the hint, there's a tie on Number 25!!!

Hint for Number 25a: You have to mop to be a winner
Hint for Number 25b: Plankton's life in prison


Jan 29, 2014
Next up are Culture Shock and Jailbreak!.

I like both of those


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Old Man Leroy Jenkins said:
Wait. This list is still continuing?

I hated The Play's the Thing. The Bikini Bottomites and Mr. Krabs were awful in that episode.
Yes, it is. I finished the worst part of the list. And now we delve into what fans think are the 25 BEST episodes of Spongebob! :D


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
Spongetron Robotpants said:
Oh boy! I hope Sandys Rocket is on the list!
I'm sorry, but Sandy's Rocket is not on the countdown.

And now…. FOR THE BEST!

[SIZE=48pt]#25 [/SIZE][SIZE=22pt]Tie between Culture Shock and Jailbreak![/SIZE]

In this episode, business is running slow at the Krusty Krab, so Mr. Krabs asks Spongebob and Squidward for ideas. After a few suggestions, Squidward comes up with the idea that they should host a talent show!

So during the preparation, Spongebob tries to show Squidward that he can do good, but Squidward thinks that Spongebob’s ideas a dumb because they aren’t cultured. Eventually, Squidward DOES reluctantly let him join to be the ones who mops things up, to which Spongebob gets excited about.

So that night, the talent show goes on, but even after Pearl’s performance, Gary’s, and Plankton’s, nobody seems to enjoy it. So Squidward decides to go ahead and perform himself, and it’s time to meet the 90s generation of dubstep!

Yeah. And because of this, the audience boos him and throws tomatoes at him (for one dollar, of course). And Mr. Krabs is making lots of money from this! Squidward goes behind the curtains, and so Spongebob decides to clean up the mess. And guess what? The audience cheers at this! Squidward tries to go back on stage, but everybody’s quiet, so he lets Spongey on stage. And everyone’s cheering.

And so, because everybody loves Spongebob’s “act”, Mr. Krabs deems the talent show a success and that they should have it next week.

This was a decent episode. I wouldn’t call this episode one of the best, but it was still alright. There were quite a few funny parts, and the ending wasn’t bad. Though, to be fair, I found it kind of stupid that everyone cheering at Spongebob mopping the floor. It just felt odd. Kinda funny, but odd.

So while it was a decent episode, it’s not really something I’d go out of my way to watch again.

Now THIS is an episode I truly enjoy! This is one of the newer Plankton steals the formula episodes that are actually entertaining and intense!

In this episode, the wardens of the Bikini Bottom Jail let the prisoners, including Plankton, out of their cells to eat lunch. While Plankton tries to eat, some of the cellmates steal his food. Plankton accidentally falls into some beans, and one of the cellmates accidentally swallows as he takes a bite out of the beans. So, Plankton tries to call someone to get him out.

· Plankton: [Gets lifted up on the Blue Cellmate's spoon] Wait! Put me down! [Gets carried over to the Blue Cellmate's mouth] Uh oh...[Gets put in his mouth] You can't eat me! I'm Bikini Bottom's most evil genius!
· Muscle Cellmate: Hey! What did you say?
· Plankton: [From inside the Blue Cellmate's mouth] I say I'm Plankton blast it!
· Muscle Cellmate: You ain't Plankton! [Grabs onto the Blue Cellmate's shirt and Blue Cellmate swallows] We're all big fans of that maniacal little miscreant! [All of the other Cellmates start yelling and the Big Cellmate shows the Blue Cellmate his tattoo of Plankton] THAT'S Plankton! And you don't look anything like him!
· Plankton: [From the Blue Cellmate's stomach] Hey! I'm in here! I'm Plankton!

Since the muscular cellmate thinks that the blue one is talking, he punches him in the stomach, causing Plankton to fly out. He gets back on the table and announces that he’s Plankton, to the others’ surprised. He finds out that they respect and worship him, and one of the reasons is because of chum, which is a tool they use to commit their crimes.

So Plankton hatches a plan to make some chum and team up with the other prisoners so that they can form a jailbreak! Spongebob, who has a part-time job as a warden, overhears this, so he goes back to the Krusty Krab to warn Mr. Krabs about this.

Mr. Krabs: Tonight eh? That doesn't leave me much time! This is gonna be close, but we'll be ready for them!

So back at the prison, Plankton makes the chum… in a toilet.

· Plankton: Listen up reprobates! Chum requires specialized ingredients of the highest quality!
· Light Blue Cellmate: Mr. Plankton? [Takes out a stinky sock] Does this meet your rigid, manufacturing standards?
· Plankton: there! [Points to the Purple Cellmate] Sniff this sock! [The Purple Cellmate smells the sock and passes out] Yes...let us begin! Cultured fungus growth medium!
· Light Blue Cellmate: Here you go boss! [Puts the old sock in the toilet]
· Plankton: Subtropical, vegetal matter!
· Purple Cellmate: Eh, right here! [Drops a banana peel in the toilet]
· Plankton: Organic filler.
· Reggie: Gotcha covered! [Drops a bucket of trash into the toilet]
· Plankton: Hey you! [Reggie walks over and Plankton takes out a napkin] Blow. [Reggie blows on the napkin] Live bacterial culture. [Puts the used napkin into the toilet] Now, to secure the containment vessel. [Kicks the toilet lid close] Agitate primarily compound! [Flushes the toilet] And quality inspection! [A Cellmate opens the lid and the rest of the Cellmates are in awe by the creation]

And this is what he tries to sell to his customers.

So they carry out their plan, which includes knocking out the guards (due to the chum’s horrid stench), using a chum bomb, and eventually breaking out. And then they head towards the Krusty Krab. And here’s the climax. They use a whale escapee as a battering ram and they cause destruction to the restaurant. Plankton finds the safe and opens it. He’s about to take out the bottle when all of a sudden, it’s revealed to be a decoy and the ENTIRE police force was inside! So they take him and the other prisoners back to jail, and the episode ends with the Krusty Krabs finally collapsing. (I’m surprised at how many episodes there are where something gets destroyed!)

I really enjoyed this episode. Similar to episodes like Plankton’s Army and Evil Spatula, I love how unique and creative Plankton’s evil plan in. It had the potential to be really entertaining, funny, and even intense! And it did not disappoint. This was a really interesting, exciting episode that certainly deserves a place on this countdown. I really love it!

Hint for Number 24: Many people really HATE this episode!


killer queen best stand
Jan 9, 2014
GordokTheMad said:
I'm sorry, but Sandy's Rocket is not on the countdown.

And now…. FOR THE BEST!

[SIZE=48pt]#25 [/SIZE][SIZE=22pt]Tie between Culture Shock and Jailbreak![/SIZE]

In this episode, business is running slow at the Krusty Krab, so Mr. Krabs asks Spongebob and Squidward for ideas. After a few suggestions, Squidward comes up with the idea that they should host a talent show!

So during the preparation, Spongebob tries to show Squidward that he can do good, but Squidward thinks that Spongebob’s ideas a dumb because they aren’t cultured. Eventually, Squidward DOES reluctantly let him join to be the ones who mops things up, to which Spongebob gets excited about.

So that night, the talent show goes on, but even after Pearl’s performance, Gary’s, and Plankton’s, nobody seems to enjoy it. So Squidward decides to go ahead and perform himself, and it’s time to meet the 90s generation of dubstep!

Yeah. And because of this, the audience boos him and throws tomatoes at him (for one dollar, of course). And Mr. Krabs is making lots of money from this! Squidward goes behind the curtains, and so Spongebob decides to clean up the mess. And guess what? The audience cheers at this! Squidward tries to go back on stage, but everybody’s quiet, so he lets Spongey on stage. And everyone’s cheering.

And so, because everybody loves Spongebob’s “act”, Mr. Krabs deems the talent show a success and that they should have it next week.

This was a decent episode. I wouldn’t call this episode one of the best, but it was still alright. There were quite a few funny parts, and the ending wasn’t bad. Though, to be fair, I found it kind of stupid that everyone cheering at Spongebob mopping the floor. It just felt odd. Kinda funny, but odd.

So while it was a decent episode, it’s not really something I’d go out of my way to watch again.

Now THIS is an episode I truly enjoy! This is one of the newer Plankton steals the formula episodes that are actually entertaining and intense!

In this episode, the wardens of the Bikini Bottom Jail let the prisoners, including Plankton, out of their cells to eat lunch. While Plankton tries to eat, some of the cellmates steal his food. Plankton accidentally falls into some beans, and one of the cellmates accidentally swallows as he takes a bite out of the beans. So, Plankton tries to call someone to get him out.

· Plankton: [Gets lifted up on the Blue Cellmate's spoon] Wait! Put me down! [Gets carried over to the Blue Cellmate's mouth] Uh oh...[Gets put in his mouth] You can't eat me! I'm Bikini Bottom's most evil genius!
· Muscle Cellmate: Hey! What did you say?
· Plankton: [From inside the Blue Cellmate's mouth] I say I'm Plankton blast it!
· Muscle Cellmate: You ain't Plankton! [Grabs onto the Blue Cellmate's shirt and Blue Cellmate swallows] We're all big fans of that maniacal little miscreant! [All of the other Cellmates start yelling and the Big Cellmate shows the Blue Cellmate his tattoo of Plankton] THAT'S Plankton! And you don't look anything like him!
· Plankton: [From the Blue Cellmate's stomach] Hey! I'm in here! I'm Plankton!

Since the muscular cellmate thinks that the blue one is talking, he punches him in the stomach, causing Plankton to fly out. He gets back on the table and announces that he’s Plankton, to the others’ surprised. He finds out that they respect and worship him, and one of the reasons is because of chum, which is a tool they use to commit their crimes.

So Plankton hatches a plan to make some chum and team up with the other prisoners so that they can form a jailbreak! Spongebob, who has a part-time job as a warden, overhears this, so he goes back to the Krusty Krab to warn Mr. Krabs about this.

Mr. Krabs: Tonight eh? That doesn't leave me much time! This is gonna be close, but we'll be ready for them!

So back at the prison, Plankton makes the chum… in a toilet.

· Plankton: Listen up reprobates! Chum requires specialized ingredients of the highest quality!
· Light Blue Cellmate: Mr. Plankton? [Takes out a stinky sock] Does this meet your rigid, manufacturing standards?
· Plankton: there! [Points to the Purple Cellmate] Sniff this sock! [The Purple Cellmate smells the sock and passes out] Yes...let us begin! Cultured fungus growth medium!
· Light Blue Cellmate: Here you go boss! [Puts the old sock in the toilet]
· Plankton: Subtropical, vegetal matter!
· Purple Cellmate: Eh, right here! [Drops a banana peel in the toilet]
· Plankton: Organic filler.
· Reggie: Gotcha covered! [Drops a bucket of trash into the toilet]
· Plankton: Hey you! [Reggie walks over and Plankton takes out a napkin] Blow. [Reggie blows on the napkin] Live bacterial culture. [Puts the used napkin into the toilet] Now, to secure the containment vessel. [Kicks the toilet lid close] Agitate primarily compound! [Flushes the toilet] And quality inspection! [A Cellmate opens the lid and the rest of the Cellmates are in awe by the creation]

And this is what he tries to sell to his customers.

So they carry out their plan, which includes knocking out the guards (due to the chum’s horrid stench), using a chum bomb, and eventually breaking out. And then they head towards the Krusty Krab. And here’s the climax. They use a whale escapee as a battering ram and they cause destruction to the restaurant. Plankton finds the safe and opens it. He’s about to take out the bottle when all of a sudden, it’s revealed to be a decoy and the ENTIRE police force was inside! So they take him and the other prisoners back to jail, and the episode ends with the Krusty Krabs finally collapsing. (I’m surprised at how many episodes there are where something gets destroyed!)

I really enjoyed this episode. Similar to episodes like Plankton’s Army and Evil Spatula, I love how unique and creative Plankton’s evil plan in. It had the potential to be really entertaining, funny, and even intense! And it did not disappoint. This was a really interesting, exciting episode that certainly deserves a place on this countdown. I really love it!

Hint for Number 24: Many people really HATE this episode!
Oh man. Sandys Rocket is not on the list. Oh well. Next is either Reef Blower or I'm With Stupid.


Jan 29, 2014
I love both episodes a lot. Jailbreak! was originally going to be on my list, but was unfortunately bumped off. Culture Shock will be. Next up is, I dunno, Spongebob You're Fired?

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
25a. Good

Next is Born Again Krabs, maybe?

More_Spongebob said:
I love both episodes a lot. Jailbreak! was originally going to be on my list, but was unfortunately bumped off. Culture Shock will be. Next up is, I dunno, Spongebob You're Fired?
SpongeBob, You're Fired was on his previous list at #5 with Big Sister Sam and Sponge-Cano.