SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes


Giant Clam
Dec 24, 2013

WARNING: The following episodes in the bottom 3 are so creepy, messed up, and disturbing that they are all bound to leave you huddling and crying in a corner. If you do not want this to happen to you, or unless you like this kind of stuff (which there are people like that),TURN AROUND AND RUN AWAY RIGHT NOW!!!

Well, it’s official. SPONGEBOB HAS GONE INSANE! A lot of people say this is the worst episode, and after seeing it again, I can certainly see why! And in case you’re wondering about the hint I made for this episode, you’ll see why I said that as we go on.

So let’s start with the premise: Spongebob falls in love with a Krabby Patty.

Okay, to be fair, this does sound like something Spongebob would probably do for the fun of it, so I wasn’t expecting much, but boy was I disturbed!

The episode begins with Spongebob cooking a batch of six Krabby Patties. He begins to admire his food when he spots one of the patties, which JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAVE A WOMAN’S FACE! And then he begins to fall in love with it. Now, it’s not love as in an artist’s “oh my I LOVE the way I cook!”, Spongebob is falling in love with it in a ROMANTIC WAY! I’m not joking. He admires the thing by complimenting and “pleasing” it and he intends to take it home with him.

All of a sudden, he remembers that he has to deliver the patty to a big tough guy gang, so he quickly replaces one of their patties with a… shoe-filled patty.

Muscular Guy #1: Can I eat this one? [lifts the top bun up off to reveal a shoe in the Patty] Hey, how'd they know? I loved grilled shoe!

Okay, here’s one of the biggest problems with this episode: THERE’S NO HUMOR! In fact, the writers of this episode pretty much sacrifice all the humor just so they can focus on Spongebob’s love for the burger, whom—sorry, I meant WHICH he named “Patty”. Oh, and when they do inject humor in there, it’s a hit and miss, but mostly a miss.

So Spongebob takes “Patty” home and shows her—IT, it’s an it, okay? So he shows IT around the house when Sandy and Patrick visit. They invite him to play a game with them, but apparently, Spongebob is too much in love with the patty that he refuses their invitation and decides to take the patty out on a date. I’m dead serious. Spongebob would rather spend time with a BURGER than one of his friends. What the heck?

Here’s another one of my problems with this episode: Spongebob going out with the patty. Now, unlike a lot of other people, I don’t think it’s stupid. I THINK IT’S DISTURBING AS ALL HECK!! Seriously! The fact that Spongebob is actually talking to an inanimate object and would rather spend time with it than a real person is messed up on so many levels. At least in Bubble Buddy, Spongebob’s bubble friend was, you know, ALIVE. The fact that Spongebob is actually falling in love with the patty pretty much tells us that he’s gone mentally ill and expects us to see it as sweet and cute. And here’s something to add to the horror. Do you know those people who get so lonely that they resort to talking to imaginary people, and sometimes even getting real inanimate objects to talk to and spend time with? Well, considering that, I’m starting to think that Spongebob falling in love with the patty is a parody of that. But wait, it’s not a parody, because parodies are made to be funny. This right here is played straightforward, and comedy is irrelevant here. This isn’t supposed to be funny. It’s a serious relationship between Spongebob and the burger! Eeyup. He’s gone insane.

Oh, and along the way, Spongebob sings a musical number to show his love.

Well, I can at least admit that the song is good, up until Spongebob starts killing a bunch of scallops for attempting to eat his Krabby Patty. Yeah, I’m not joking. Spongebob sees that a bunch of scallops are trying to eat “Patty”, so he decides that he’s gonna kill them by karate chopping them in half and even ripping one apart! Wha--? He just killed a bunch of scallops (or underwater birds) for a FREAKING SANDWICH! I seriously hope one of those wasn’t Junior, you psycho!

That night, Spongebob decides to take “Patty” on a date to The Krusty Krab, where even more disturbing things happen. Squidward and Mr. Krabs find it strange that Spongebob is in love with a Krabby Patty, so they try to slap some sense into him. But of course, Spongebob is too insane to listen.

And then we get some WONDERFUL close-ups of “Patty”, which is now rotten.



Oh my god! What the—WHY?!?! Maggots and pus? Really?? And why does the meat look like a TURD?!?! Oh my god. THIS IS WORSE THAN THE SPLINTER AND PET OR PESTS!

So, Mr. Krabs acts like his old fatherly self, and he finally slaps some sense into Spongebob, causing him to regain his sanity. And Spongebob ends the episode by… eating the Krabby Patty. Eww…

In case you couldn’t tell, I THINK THIS EPISODE IS AWFUL! Horrible waste of a plot, disgusting excuse for humor (WHY ARE THERE MAGGOTS IN THERE?!?!), and an extremely disturbing look into Spongebob’s OOC mental state. I mean, I do like episodes where a character becomes a little insane, but when they become as bad as THIS? No. Just no…

Hint for Number 2: Cephalopod Blues
I actually like this episode
Oh and #2 is "Are You Happy Now?" (I think)

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
#3 is one of the most grossest and most disturbing episodes EVER! And yes, it is even grosser than the Splinter and Pets or Pests! Here are the Top 3 Grossest Episodes in my opinion.

3. Pets or Pests
2. The Splinter
1. To Love a Patty

And the next one is Are You Happy Now.


Jaehee is Baehee
Jun 8, 2013
Wasn't To Love a Patty on another one of your lists?

Whatever, that episode is the stupidest idea the writers have ever come up with. It's not the episode I hate the most, it's just the stupidest.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
HarryPotterLives said:
Wasn't To Love a Patty on another one of your lists?

Whatever, that episode is the stupidest idea the writers have ever come up with. It's not the episode I hate the most, it's just the stupidest.
It was on my original Fan Edition, but when the voting booth was open, I marked this episode, along with the Clash of Triton, with a bold red X, meaning you could vote for it if you want.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea

Looks like it’s time for Depressing Comic Week! But instead of comics, we have depressing Spongebob episodes this time! I mean, Are You Happy Now? More like Squidward’s Suicide—


In this… interesting episode, Squidward finds that Spongebob is reading a book of his happiest memories while working the grill. Curious, Spongebob asks Squidward what HIS happiest memory is, and after thinking about it, it turns out that Squidward doesn’t have a happiest memory. Wait, what? He never had a happiest memory? What happened to…


(At least he got to eat more Krabby Patties! xD )







*sigh* I mean, I know there’s no continuity in the show, but why did they pretty much say “screw continuity” when it came to this episode?

So, Spongebob sets out to make sure that Squidward had a happiest memory. He first takes him to an opera. That doesn’t work. (the violinist’s bow slips out of his hand and lands in Squidward’s eye.) Spongebob takes him to the art museum where Squidward’s own sculpture is featured! That doesn’t work. (an art critic named Fiasco burns down the sculpture.) And after many other failed attempts at giving him a happiest memory, Squidward pretty much just gives up. He decides that he will never be able to get a happiest memory, and that if he does, it will always end up a slap in the face and a disappointment for him.

This is where things actually get depressing. For nearly half the episode, Squidward is seen in his house for 2 weeks (which is now a neglected pigsty), with clinical depression. Now you might be wondering: “Isn’t he always depressed?” No, usually, he’s either just cynical or grumpy, sometimes even showing emotion or happiness. Here, he doesn’t show any emotion. He doesn’t raise his voice. He always acts weak and tired. He’s basically dead inside. It’s actually rather upsetting, considering that he has basically given up on life, thinking that he will never be happy, no matter what he does.

Eventually, Spongebob kidnaps Squidward gets Squidward to come to the Krusty Krab, to give him a Happiest Memory Party to make him feel better. There’s a huge banner, a delicious looking cake, and a bunch of paper-mache Spongebobs all around him (apparently, the others were either sick or busy (even Patrick?)). And here’s one of the most messed up endings of the show.

Squidward looks around him for a moment, before raising his voice in anger, saying “Spongebob, you don’t understand. I. Don’t. WANT. A HAPPIEST MEMORY!!!!” Woah. Squidward’s so deep in his depression that he doesn’t want to get out of it? That’s scary! And he’s saying this while two face-of-death skulls form in his pupils. After that, he starts going on a rampage, starting a near R-rated massacre, brutally destroying all the Spongebob paper-mache sculptures, with him using two CHAINSAWS at one point! And the episode ends with Spongebob smiling at Squidward (who is laughing psychotically on top of dead bodies the Spongebob statues), saying “*sigh* He’s so handsome!”

Okay, you’re probably wondering why I referenced Squidward’s suicide at the beginning of the episode. Well, there is actually one scene (that pretty much brings Gary Takes A Bath’s dirty jokes into play) where Squidward hangs up a rope saying “I can’t seem to get happy. Maybe this will help…”. He pulls up the rope, only to reveal an old pet scallop, which only spits in his face. And there’s another scene where he sticks his head in the oven, only to pull out a tray of brownies while saying the same thing. This is actually one of the things that brought a lot of controversy to the show. This episode is probably one of, if not the, most controversial and disturbing of episodes of the entire show. It’s actually rather eerie, considering the fact that throughout the entire episode, we see Squidward in such a clinical depression, only to have an ending where he goes totally crazy where he could compete with Jason Vorhees and Chucky. And because of these suicide jokes, many people have said that this was one of the worst episodes (sometimes THE absolute worst!). But, in all honesty, it’s not that bad. Okay, there are people who get upset at these suicide jokes either because they had a personal experience involving suicide, or because the setting makes these jokes a little inappropriate. And then there are people who just go on as to rant on how suicide jokes are ALWAYS bad because they’re in a kids’ show, since those jokes are more adult-oriented and cruel. Well, okay, those suicide jokes ARE insensitive, but let’s be real, they’ve been done MANY times before in kids’ cartoons, and even in THIS show you’re watching right now!

Did everybody forget the part in MM&BB 4 where he said that he wondered if a fall from a certain height would kill him? And did everyone forget Band Geeks where the drumsticks almost impaled Squidward, and Squidward said “Too bad that didn’t kill me”? And what about the fact that they’ve done much darker stuff than this. I mean, the Great Snail Race parodied the people who die in race-car crashes, as well as the people who like to view those crashes! And let’s not forget Gary Takes A Bath’s “Doubloons” joke (I actually felt like a jerk for laughing at that :( ). So yes. Even though the suicide jokes in this episode aren’t good, Spongebob has done much worse jokes than this.

Now let’s talk about the episode itself. Now, first off, there are a few problems with this episode. One, there’s the darn continuity issue I’ve mentioned earlier. I mean, I know there’s no continuity, but I’m surprised that the writers would just suddenly make Squidward not have a happiest memory. And if you try to defend them by saying that it was an accident, it wasn’t. It could not be an accident, especially when they clearly remember other episodes like Krusty Love, hence the creation of Summer Job. And two, I don’t like the ending of the episode. While I do like seeing characters go insane all of a sudden, I dislike how Squidward started mauling all the Spongebob paper-mache sculptures. It makes it seem as if Squidward hates Spongebob to the core, and we know that’s not true, considering episodes like Dying for Pie, Pizza Delivery, etc. I know many people would like Squidward to have a Band Geeks like ending, but I agree with HPL that a more bittersweet ending would be good; an ending where Squidward either realizes that it’s not too late to find a happiest memory, or he finds that his life is worth living.

I should probably say something about Spongebob’s ending line: “*sigh* He’s so handsome!” Well, I’ll admit, while it is a stupid way to end the episode, I’m a little bothered by the fact that people think it makes him look gay. Well, so? So what if he is gay? I’d prefer it if Spongebob didn’t end the episode by saying that, but that’s more so because it’s not something you should say about your friend who’s laughing at the thought of ripping you to pieces! (Please don’t start a gay-or-not controversy like Rock-A-Bye Bivalve)

Now, other than that, the episode was okay. While I don’t necessarily like the ending, as well as the continuity issue, what makes me like the episode is Spongebob! Similarly to Spongebob You’re Fired, Spongebob is actually his old self in this episode! I like that he kept trying to find a happiest memory for Squidward, and I found it nice that Spongebob really cared about him (“At least we know he’s still alive”). This is actually an improvement over his horrid performance in A Pal For Gary (and some other episodes).

So, overall, this episode is okay. At worst, it’s pretty mediocre. But to be fair, I wouldn’t necessarily call it one of the absolute WORST episodes of the series.

Hint for the last episode: Even more mentally unstable characters

EDIT: Changed "the violinist's stick" to "the violinist's BOW"

Popeyes Haunted Barnacles

Sir Tweets and Eats a Lot
Dec 25, 2013
Stupidtown, Wumbo
I hate "To Love a Patty" so much. Thank you for summarizing why I think it's one of the worst episodes ever and one of those that really made me mad. SB's characterization is terrible here.

This episode.....ehhhhh. Plot doesn't make much sense but I don't really get angry at it like I would with "To Love a Patty." You're completely right about suicide jokes being used in other kids cartoons in the past and tons of cartoons before. That's nothing new really.


Jan 29, 2014
Truth or Square?

Whatever Happened to Spongebob?

The Great Patty Caper?

Some other special?


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
More_Spongebob said:
Pineapple Fever?
That was already on the countdown.

Just think of it as there is a character that shows that he/she's too crazy for the normal world. If you can't figure it out, the last episode will be here tonight, tomorrow, or this coming weekend.

The Real Nostalgia Critic

toby j rathjen is a monkey
Jan 6, 2014
President Squidward Stinks
Are You Happy Now? was a good episode besides all the suicide references. I mean, I don't like that scene either, but it's better compared to One Coarse Meal's suicide joke.

Let's see. Mentally unstable means really angry or really crazy, etc at random times for no reason. So, #1 might be Squid Wood?


Jaehee is Baehee
Jun 8, 2013
GordokTheMad said:
So, Spongebob sets out to make sure that Squidward had a happiest memory. He first takes him to an opera. That doesn’t work. (the violinist’s stick (for lack of a better word)
The violinist's stick.

The violinist's stick.

The violinist's stick.

The Violinist's STICK.



lol jk we cool :P

I hated Are You Happy Now? at first, but I actually quite like it now. I find it interesting.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
HarryPotterLives said:
The violinist's stick.

The violinist's stick.

The violinist's stick.

The Violinist's STICK.



lol jk we cool :P
Don't worry, I fixed that part. :)

Also, other than "lol jk we cool :P", what you said sounds a LOT like something Squidward would say. :P