SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea

This was one of the episodes that made it on my original Fan Edition of the Top 20 Worst Spongebob Episodes (there is one more, BTW), and little did I know (prior to watching it again) that the “EPIC” battle Nick promised was only the cherry on top of the rest of this disappointment of a special!

It begins with King Neptune waking up on his 5000th birthday, and his wife, Queen Amphitrite, notices that he’s not happy, mainly because their son, Triton, won’t be there during his birthday party. Amphitrite tries to convince Neptune to forget about his son for one day. And where is the party going to take place? Why at the Krusty Krab of course, since that setting isn’t used enough! (sarcasm alert)

Everyone tries not to mention Triton, but when Spongebob notices an empty seat reserved for him (Why?), he wants to know where Triton is, which only makes the king even more upset. And here’s Neptune’s story on what happened to Triton.

Basically, King Neptune kept trying to teach his son how to be a REAL God, by demolishing cities, not giving a darn about mortal beings, and other types of destruction. But to his dismay, Triton was actually fascinated by mortal life, and not only did he want to live with the fish, he also studied chemistry (and even made a cure for ALL mortal diseases! :D ). But Neptune will not have this, so he decides to lock Triton up in the Island In The Sky until he learns to be destructive…


When I first watched the trailers for this special, I, like almost everyone else who watches the show, figured that Triton must’ve done something evil to get locked in the cage. But other than killing the innocent, trying to take over the world, etc., these writers decided to get him locked up for disagreeing with tyranny and destruction?!?! What kind of backstory is that?!?!?! And people say Atlantis Squarepantis has the worst story-telling! Sure, the backstory behind that wasn’t really the best, but IT AT LEAST MADE SENSE (well, more sense than this piece of excrement they call a backstory)!!!!!

Also, aren’t Gods and Goddesses supposed to be fair, at least? There might be some evil Gods and Goddesses, but the others like Neptune himself should at least be fair. NOT EVIL AND DESTRUCTIVE! Also, we’re supposed to feel SORRY for Neptune? How are we supposed to feel bad for him when he locked up HIS OWN SON for some stupid reason? I’m sorry, but Neptune is kind of an unlikeable jerk here (I’m not directing that to the REAL Neptune, only to the writers’ evil clone).

So, to cheer him up, Spongebob decides to head into the Island in the Sky to release Triton from his cage. And he goes there… by bus. By an ordinary bus. Don’t even ask.

Spongebob looks everywhere, and he eventually finds Triton in the cage! But, it seems that he can’t unlock it at all, because it’s just so darn difficult to unlock (it’s a 9-piece sliding puzzle)! (another sarcasm alert) So he asks Patrick for help, and apparently, he can just EASILY unlock it by… PEELING OFF THE PIECES AND PUTTING THEM IN THE RIGHT PLACES?!?! What kind of cheap lock is that? Oh, and I should mention, EVERYONE IN THIS “SPECIAL” IS AN IDIOT! Blu3Danny was right, when PATRICK becomes the smartest character in the episode, then you know everyone else is a raging idiot! (though, we probably already knew that from the point where they set up the party at the KK)

Once the cage is unlocked, Triton summons a car (What?) and allows the two to get in. And once they reach Bikini Bottom, Triton kicks Spongebob and Patrick out and starts to cause chaos in Bikini Bottom. He fires a laser at the city, and he locks The Krusty Krew, Neptune, Amphitrite, and their monster friends, ALL UP in a cage. Spongebob and Patrick find the place a mess, so they go back to the Krusty Krab.

[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Patrick: It's still standing. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SpongeBob: But look, that mail hasn't been picked up today.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Patrick: Right [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SpongeBob: We better use the secret entrance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So THAT’S the thing that keeps you from entering through the front? Are you kidding me? Oh, and their secret entrance is through the grill. And guess what? They go through the “PERFECT” plan of disguising themselves as the grill and unlocking the cage while Triton is not looking. And oh god is the stupidity in this episode painful! They sneak to the cage (disguised as the grill) RIGHT IN FRONT OF TRITON, AND HE DOESN’T EVEN NOTICE! What’s worse is that Patrick manages to climb out of the grill to unlock the cage and climb RIGHT BACK IN without Triton noticing! Seriously? How can you not tell when a grill is bouncing RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, AND SOMEONE’S STEPS OUT OF IT?! HOW?!?![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]After Neptune catches Triton and sees the chaos he had caused, and instead of punishing him, he’s actually PROUD of him for using his powers “properly” and behaving like a “proper” god, which is what Neptune wanted the whole time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then, with Amphitrite, they return home. And as they leave, Neptune says this was all because of SpongeBob! And the episode ends with Spongebob and Patrick running from a lynch mob of Bikini Bottomites.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Well, what can I say? This episode is just covered in stupidity! Sloppy writing, terrible characters, and really messed up reasoning do nothing but make for a complete disaster scene like this episode.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Since the next episode is, surprisingly, a three-way tie, I will give the hints separately.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hint for 5a: You’ve been my rock through all this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hint for 5b: Multi-million rip-off[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hint for 5c: Squidward, the BOOM, and the magic dolphin (this one should be easy)[/SIZE]


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
To make the hints a little easier, here:

[SIZE=12pt]Hint for 5a: What is big and can destroy things like Stanley S. Squarepants?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hint for 5b: Multi-million EPISODE rip-off (rips off a BUNCH of other episodes!)[/SIZE]


Frozen Cephalopod
Nov 2, 2013
I hate The Clash of Triton and it is my least favorite special in the series. The boring-ness, the disappointment and the characters were stupid. It is on my bottom 20.


See You Ocean Man...
Aug 8, 2013
I hate The Clash Of Triton, but it's not on my bottom 10 because it's not even worth hating!


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
christmasisawesome22 said:
Also, three in one?!? Jeez...
Yeah, I was surprised at how Number 5 came out. It was originally going to be 'A Flea In Her Dome' alone, but as the list got updated, the results for Number 5 came out as a Triple Tie! You're not the only one who's surprised!


Jun 29, 2013
Shell City
Well, I definitely most certainly understand why people dislike The Clash of Triton, but to be honest with you, I like it. I don't really mind watching the episode when it's on at all. I think some scenes are funny and enjoyable to watch and overall this episode is good for me: 7/10

By the way though, King Neptune's wife was a total b**ch.

That One Random Boss

Mascot of the Real Nep
Oct 27, 2013
Based on the advertisements alone, I expected Clash of Triton to be bad and overhyped. Also, I actually liked A Flea In Her Dome. I don't know why it's considered bad or gross. Maybe the close-ups on the fleas, but that's basically it, at least for me. Patrick was hilarious in that episode.


Stealing food is WRONG!
Jul 15, 2013
In the Deep Blue Sea
[SIZE=28pt]#5[/SIZE][SIZE=28pt] A tie between [/SIZE][SIZE=28pt]BIG SISTER SAM[/SIZE][SIZE=28pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=26pt]Spongebob You’re Fired[/SIZE][SIZE=28pt], and [/SIZE][SIZE=48pt]SPONGE[/SIZE][SIZE=48pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=48pt]CANO[/SIZE]
Yes, I’m dead serious. Here, we have a TRIPLE-TIE on our hands!


In this episode, Spongebob sees that Patrick is cleaning his house. It turns out that Patrick is getting ready for when his sister Sam (his ‘rock’ when they were kids) arrives. Wait. Patrick has a sister? In Something Smells, Patrick said he DIDN’T have a sister! I mean, I know there’s no continuity in this show, but it seems strange that the writers would just suddenly go ‘POOF, Patrick has a sister now!’.

So Sister Sam eventually visits, and she turns out to be a BIG, brutish cavewoman-like starfish with a bad temper. Patrick introduces SpongeBob to Sam. But Sam, mistaking SpongeBob to be a danger, protects Patrick by throwing SpongeBob. Patrick suggests that they go inside to play, but Sam explains how the house is too small. Sam then takes a briefcase filled with sand and constructs a new house, made of sand. Squidward complains that his house is filled with sand. Again, Sam feels overprotective and moves Squidward's house with only her bare hands. Squidward makes jokes about Sam saying, how she is bigger, and dumber than Patrick himself, causing Sam to cry.

And for half the episode, Patrick defends Sam entirely, which would be good, if it weren’t for the fact that she has a destructive, over-protective behavior! Sure, Squidward might be a little mean, but even when Spongebob is trying to tell Patrick about her temper (in a nice way, of course), he doesn’t even consider this and he calls them meanies for it. Sam uses parts of Squidward's house to decorate Patrick’s new house with. Then Squidward gets angry and calls her a thief. SpongeBob tries to talk some sense into Patrick, but Patrick does not care that Sam deliberately dismantled Squidward's house. What really annoys me is how oblivious Patrick is. I know it’s his sister, but seriously, when she actually does something bad, which she did, he should at least call her out on it. I mean, she destroyed both Spongebob and Squidward’s houses, beat them, and steal some of Squidward’s stuff! I mean, she wasn’t intentionally being mean, but I’m annoyed by the fact that Patrick would refuse to defend Spongebob and Squidward, even a little.

Eventually, Patrick DOES realize what Sam is doing (FINALLY), so he tries to calm her down (nicely, though). But Sam gets very angry and destroys her own home while Patrick sacrifices himself to save the house. Sam sees that Patrick is hurt, and feels extremely guilty for it. Spongebob wakes Patrick up with some cookie dough, and then Sam apologizes for being so mean. And after that, she leaves because she has to get a manicure. ‘Kay…

This episode is pretty ‘meh’ to me. I’ll admit, I didn’t necessarily like Sam, but I can understand that she’s more misunderstood rather than bad. Though, I kinda wish that she would’ve actually learned a lesson from all this rather than just leaving, but okay. Though, there are some things I like about this episode. For one thing, I kinda like how good Squidward is in this episode. I find it kind of awesome how he’s willing to stand up against someone as big and brutish as Sam, no matter what it’d cost him. Also, I like how Spongebob tries to be the peacekeeper of the episode. Even though he fails miserably, I found his attempts nice and kind of amusing.

Overall, I wouldn’t necessarily call this episode one of the worst, more like an average episode for me. It’s not really bad, but pretty bland, and a little annoying. Though, there are far worse episodes out there, to be honest.


When Season 9 came out, it released quite a few well-written, laugh out loud episodes that we could easily compare to the first 3-4 seasons of the show. Though, it had a few duds, this being one of them.

When I first saw the preview for this special, I got a little surprised that they would make a special revolving around Spongebob being fired. Why? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because Spongebob had already been fired IN A FEW EARLIER EPISODES!



(technically he was just on vacation, but still.)


But even considering that fact, I was still curious to watch it, and what do I think of it? Well, let’s see.

It starts off with two whole minutes of completely unnecessary filler of Spongebob showing how much he loves his job, since apparently that hasn’t been apparent since episode 1! You’re gonna face a few more filler scenes, BTW.

After these two minutes, Mr. Krabs stops him and brings him the bad news in an extremely forced manner. I mean, Spongebob shows his love for the KK, and all of a sudden, Krabsy is there to fire him. And why does he fire him, you ask?

Mr. Krabs: Well, you see, I've been doin' some calculatin' and, you know, crunching the old numbers. And it turns out that I'll save a whole nickel if I cut your salary. Completely.

Really? THAT’S your reasoning for firing Spongebob? I mean, he fires Spongebob, SPONGEBOB, a.k.a. HIS BEST EMPLOYEE WHO MAKES MUCH MORE THAN A DANG NICKEL EVERY DAY!! In case you’re wondering, Krabs here is not only greedy, he’s also as petty and incomprehensibly stupid as possible in this episode! I mean, how the heck can he even THINK that this was a good idea in the first place? How the heck can he think that his restaurant will be fine with Spongebob gone, especially when SPONGEBOB IS THE REASON THAT THE KRUSTY KRAB IS STILL STANDING?!?! I’m sorry, but just how can he be this stupid? I realize he once spent days looking for a penny, but at least he wasn’t BRAIN-DEAD in the meantime!

So after Krabs and Squidward kick a sobbing Spongebob out of the KK, Squidward asks Krabs this:

[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: This day couldn't get any better. [Turns around and see Mr. Krabs] Well, Eugene, let me commend you on a terrific business decision. But now that SpongeBob's gone, who will be running the grill? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Mr. Krabs: Squidward, I'll have you know, [put SpongeBob's hat on the top of his eye stalks] I was five times "golden spatula" in the navy, [He holds up the spatula, still attached to SpongeBob's hand] so I'll be runnin' the grill. [It catches on fire.] Ooh! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: I can smell the grease fires already.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Okay, two things. One, Krabs was NOT 5 times golden spatula in the navy, he was head of the SS Diarrhea. Two, if Krabs was once such a “WONDERFUL” cook, then WHY DID HE EVEN HIRE SPONGEBOB IN THE FIRST PLACE? As you can see, there are two problems with this “special”. One, Krabs is an unbelievable petty idiot that I’m surprised is not in jail by now. And two, this episode has some of the worst writing in the series. The story is stupid and it makes no sense![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Spongebob spends a lot of the episode moping, until Patrick comes into his house. Oh, I forgot to mention, at one point, Spongebob feeds Gary, like a “normal pet owner”. And this surprises people. Okay, I can understand their surprise a little, considering the abomination that IS A Pal For Gary, but let’s be real. Ever since Sponge-Cano, he’s been redeeming himself all the way to this episode, so for me, it’s not a surprise.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]After a long, unfunny joke about Patrick trying to guess what Spongebob tries to tell him, Spongebob finally tells him that he’s been fired, and Patrick says that’s GREAT! Yep! Patrick thinks it’s AWESOME to be unemployed and he decides to have Spongebob join his morning routine. Nice moral, huh?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Soon, Spongebob and Patrick arrive at Sandy’s treedome and test one of her experiments. What is her experiment, you ask? Well, she’s trying to see how much junk people will eat, as long as it’s free, and that junk happens to be radioactive waste. Umm, isn’t Sandy supposed to be GOOD? Why is she feeding people RADIOACTIVE WASTE THAT, you know, could MUTATE AND HURT THEM?? And oh my god, why the second head on Patrick? WHY?!??![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Just as Spongebob is about to take a bite out of the goo, Sandy stops him and asks him what happened. He says that he’s been fire, so she encourages him to cheer up and get another job, which is exactly what he does![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Spongebob:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Iiiiii’m ready![/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Spongebob:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Iiiiii’m ready![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]…Say that again?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Spongebob:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Iiiiii’m ready![/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Oh my goodness. One of the two things that keep me from hating this special is the fact that Spongebob is exactly like his old self in Seasons 1-5. Not the cubic-creeper. Not the oblivious idiot from A Pal For Gary. The happy, naïve, smart, charming Spongebob! At long last![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]So, Spongebob goes looking for a job at 4 different restaurants, all ending in misery, mainly because when he’s told to make a certain food, he puts a bun on the top and bottom of that food and accidentally makes a patty. All of these scenes are nothing but pointless filler.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now, there’s two things wrong with this. For one thing, if all Spongebob did was put a bun on the top and bottom of food, then why don’t the owners take the buns off and serve the food normally? The food is pretty much the same either way, and besides, they’ve pretty much got a person who knows how to make the food by themselves without the buns. So why fire them? It feels stupid (also, don’t even get me started on that one guy who tried to eat the burrito patty -_- )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Two, if Spongebob turning all the food into patties was supposed to be funny, it didn’t work. Instead, it felt really stupid, as well as a rip-off of an earlier episode, Le Big Switch. But what made those scenes funny in Le Big Switch is the absurdity of them. Spongebob tried to make the right food with ingredients that don’t make a Krabby Patty, yet he comes out with a Krabby Patty anyway. That’s what makes it funny. It’s so absurd and exaggerated that you can’t help but at least smirk at the scene. Here, Spongebob makes the food, and all he does is put a bun on the top and bottom of the food. It doesn’t make for good comedy. It’s not weird. It’s just pointless. (thanks to Illiniguy34 for pointing this out in his review)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]After Spongebob has been fired 4 times already, he goes back to his home and finds that Gary is hungry. He finds that he’s out of snail food (he had like 5 cans yesterday!!!), so he decides to go through 2 more minutes of filler, making some new snail food for Gary and… Patrick with his new head. He feeds them the new concoction, and it turns out they love it! This actually seems like it’s heading into a new direction! What could happen would be for Spongebob to find that he has a talent in making snail food, so he decides to work for a Snail-Po company and succeed in his new career, realizing that things are much better here than at the Krusty Krab, where he was treated so poorly by Mr. Krabs![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Does that happen? At all? Unfortunately, no. Spongebob hears a knock at his door, and decides to see who it is. And all of a sudden, he gets kidnapped and taken back to one of the 4 restaurants, Weenie Hut. (BTW, the other 3 are a pizza place, an underwater taco bell, and a Chinese buffet) The weenie guy chains Spongebob up the grill and tells him that his customers love the new food that Spongebob made. I should tell you right now, when he fired him before, he threw the new food (hot dog “sliders”) on the floor. Yeah.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]After the weenie guy leaves, the pizza man sneaks over and decides to rescue Spongebob… and take him to work at the pizza place. And then, the taco guy saves Spongebob to make him work at HIS place, and the Chinese buffet guy saves Spongebob to make him work at his restaurant, and it results in the four of them fighting over him, until a giant Krabby Patty man comes over and kicks all their butts in a super awesome way… before taking Spongebob back to the Krusty Krab. And it turns out that the Krabby Patty (known as the “Killer Patty”) is SQUIDWARD, and the reason for this is because even though he hates Spongebob, he hates the smell of burning patties even more. ‘Kay…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Mr. Krabs tells Spongebob that he regrets his decision to fire him, so he hires him back. And rather than shoving Cheapy the Cheapskate away like he should’ve, Spongebob accepts, cleans up the place, and everything’s back to normal. Oh, and the episode ends with Krabs installing a possibly $100 pay toilet that costs 5 cents to save the nickel THAT HE JUST COULDN’T AFFORD TO LOSE![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Boy, where to start? First off, the plot is mind-numbingly dumb. It makes no sense. There’s WAY too many scenes of filler, there was a rather interesting possible sub-plot that was wasted, and this episode rips off TOO MANY OTHER EPISODES!! Let’s see how many episodes it rips off:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]1. Bummer Vacation—Krabs fires Spongebob for a nickel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]2. Le Big Switch—Spongebob gets a new job and tries to cook a certain food, but it always comes out as some kind of patty[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]3. All That Glitters and A Day Without Tears—Spongebob cries constantly because he lost something he loved[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]4. Are You Happy Now?—Because Spongebob lost something he loved, he looks dead inside for half the episode.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]5. Krusty Dogs—Pretty much the entire scene with Spongebob in Weenie Hut.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]6. Mrs. Puff You’re Fired—THE DARN TITLE.[/SIZE]
7. Any episode where Spongebob is fired--SPONGEBOB IS FIRED!!!

[SIZE=12pt]Yep. 9 episodes this episode’s ripped off. This episode ripped off 7 other episodes and it didn’t even try to make something good out of the plot! This is the definition of lackluster writing. If you’re going to write a story, ACTUALLY PUT EFFORT INTO IT![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Also, Krabs is a dunderhead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Now, aside from that, I… don’t hate it. Despite what I said so far, you might think that I’d consider this episode one the worst, and if you wanna know the truth, it DEFINITELY would’ve been one of the worst, had it not been for two things. One, Spongebob is actually likeable in this episode. Not only is he naïve and good-natured like in Seasons 1-5 and most of Seasons 8-9, he actually regained his charm from the first 3 seasons, especially through the return of his “I’m Ready” catchphrase! And two, Squidward is awesome here. I mean, that Killer Patty scene just showed him at some of his best. I guess his karate training from Squid’s Defense actually paid off![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]To be fair, if those two things were non-existent, this episode most likely would’ve been in my Bottom Ten. But I actually love Spongebob and Squidward’s characters here so much that I can’t really muster up any hatred for this episode. Not to say that it’s good, considering the fact that the plot is abysmal and Krabs is at some of his worst. But honestly, if I would watch this episode again, it would pretty much be mainly for Spongebob and Squidward, really.[/SIZE]


From the Legends of Bikini Bottom Miniseries, I used to think that the Main Drain was the absolute worst episode from that mini-series. But now that I’ve seen this, I am not afraid to say that this episode is the worst from the miniseries, as well as one of the worst in the series entirely.

It opens up with Squidward trying to paint another one of his self-portraits, when he gets interrupted by none other than Spongebob. And it turns out that Spongebob is outside, singing how appreciative he is of his life.

Some people find this song awful, but to be fair, minus Oscar’s brothers, the song is actually really good with a nice message.

After Squidward tells SpongeBob to stop, he slips on some spilled paintbrushes, falls down the stairs and through the floor, breaks a plumage pipe, resulting in spewing water. When SpongeBob offers to help, Squidward denies that he needs help and tells SpongeBob not to help him ever again. Squidward tightens the pipe so much that water can’t get through, and then he goes to work, grumpily.

And while he’s at the Krusty Krab, he’s so aggravated that he rants on EVERYTHING around him!

[SIZE=12pt] Sandals: [with many pennies] Do you accept pennies? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Squidward: I don't have time to count all that! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Sandals: Oh, well have it your way. I'll just take my loose change, ELSEWHERE! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Squidward: Oh, please do, I'm trying to get some work done here. Sheesh, some people just want to waste your time. [Fred is tapping his feet] Hey, buddy, how am I supposed to focus with all of that insesant tapping? And what do you think you're doing, sir? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Nat: I'm holding the door for the nice lady! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] Squidward: No, you're not. You're leaving your grummy finger prints all over the glass! And now yours truly is gonna have to clean it up! Why does everyone insist on making my job so difficult?! [to Dale] You always leave trash on the table! [to Mabel] Your teeth chatter! [to orange fish with a hat] Your hat annoys me! [to blue fish] You take too long in the restroom! [to SpongeBob] And SpongeBob, would you quit singing that song? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] SpongeBob: What's the matter, Squidward. Don't you have an attitude of gratitude?[/SIZE]

And then Squidward goes as far as to say that he has a horrible life and that he’s the most miserable person in Bikini Bottom, not being grateful for ANYTHING. You know, this is one of the things that bothers me about Squidward. Ever since Season 4, most of the time, he seems to act as if there’s nothing good in his life. It’s rather odd, considering the fact that in Pre-Movie, he’d at least realize that he has a good life in Bikini Bottom, and he was mostly JUST grumpy, with a few happy moments here and there. But in Post-Movie, some of his lines and actions make it seem like he’s constantly depressed, as if there’s no happiness in his life. For example, in Cephalopod Lodge, after being kicked out of what he considered the one last good thing in his life, he actually remarks with tears in his eyes how he’s going to slam his head in the door, repeatedly. It’s odd. A lot of his lines in Post-Movie that should just be sarcastic and out of annoyance are presented in such a depressing context that it makes you think that he might be suicidal! The fact that they make Squidward seem so depressed in some episodes makes me really uncomfortable, and I really wish it would stop.

Just then, a volcano erupts in Bikini Bottom, so everybody panics and decides to hide in a nearby volcano shelter! Now, some people may be confused at the fact that a volcano is under the sea. Well… don’t be. :|

Okay, maybe I should make myself clear. There are certain features under the ocean called mid-ocean ridges. Mid-ocean ridges are underwater places where divergent boundaries occur; where lithospheric plates split and move apart from each other, while molten activity is occurring under. So, in other words, mid-ocean ridges are underwater volcanoes. I’m not joking. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

While everyone is in the shelter, they panic and wonder what to do, until a cackling dolphin warrior flies into the room on a broomstick! He says that he and his people were there when the volcano hit a long time ago. Everybody asks what happened, and then the dolphin says that they must make… a SACRIFICE! And they must make a sacrifice of the most miserable person—

Harold: I KNEW IT! We must make a sacrifice of the most miserable person.

WE WERE TALKING!!! You should NEVER interrupt the person who’s BEEN THERE, and you’ll see why in the end!

Most of the townspeople start arguing about who the most miserable person is. Spongebob wonders who it could be, and then Squidward goes to mock him, and even say that he’d rather take his chances with the volcano, since his life here is horrible, anyway. The other townspeople realize that SQUIDWARD is the “most miserable person”, so they attempt to throw him into the volcano. Spongebob says that he’s the one who made Squidward miserable, so he tries to go in his place.

I’ll admit, it’s nice of Spongebob to do that, and it’s actually one of the reasons I love him, but it also bothers me a little. Sure, Spongebob can be a bit annoying, but he’s also done a LOT of kind, selfless things to make Squidward happy, and usually, it worked! But even with that uncomfortable feeling it gives me, I like that Spongebob was willing to save Squidward in such a way. That’s one of the reasons I love him!

Squidward starts to walk to the side, when he suddenly slips and almost falls into the volcano, holding his grip on a couple stone ledges, begging for help. When SpongeBob reminds him of his promise, Squidward takes it back and even goes as far as to say that he appreciates his life and wants to stay alive. YAY!!! HE FINALLY DOESN’T SEEM SO HATEFUL TOWARDS EVERYONE!!!

Spongebob saves Squidward by taking him out of the volcano (with his stretchy arms), but something happens! Remember when Squidward screwed the pipe too tight earlier? Well, there was so much water that got stuck in the pipe that it BURST and blew the house out of the ground and… right into the volcano. The same dolphin from earlier arrives and states that the volcano is now appeased. When everyone is confused, the dolphin explains that nobody let him finish, and that he was going to say that they had to sacrifice the most miserable person’s HOUSE! Okay, that sounds kinda cheap, doesn’t it? I realize this is a kid’s show, but you created SQUID’S VISIT AND NASTY PATTY FOR GOD’S SAKES!

The dolphin leaves, and now Squidward doesn’t have a home. And then he actually says to Spongebob that he lied about everything he had said and that he doesn’t appreciate ANYTHING in his life (OH COME ON). So, Spongebob goes ‘Can You Spare A Dime’ on us and gets Squidward to sleep in his pineapple, and then while they’re both in bed, Squidward tells him to go away.

Just WHY? This episode had so much potential to be a great episode, yet it came out as purely mean-spirited. One thing that bothers me is how depressed Squidward seems nowadays. Another problem I have with this episode is the ENDING!

Honestly, the scene where Squidward almost falls into the volcano was an actually dramatic, touching moment. Now before you call me a sadist for the way I put it, let me explain to you this. The reason I find it touching is the fact that Squidward used to think his life was pointless, but once faced with death, he actually realizes that his life is worth living and he learns to appreciate it more. It showed some real character development and it was a really nice moment between Squidward and Spongebob. It shows that he doesn’t completely hate his life and everyone around him. But that? That scene where he says he lied about what he said just ruined it. It shows that he STILL hates his life and everyone around him, and that he’s not grateful for ANYTHING in his life. It completely wipes out the emotion in the last scene and shows that he hasn’t changed and still wishes he was dead! What the heck! That left a really bad taste in my mouth because I thought that Squidward would at least realize that his life is worth living. WHY COULDN’T YOU HAVE JUST LEFT IT AT THAT, RATHER THAN RUINING THE MOMENT??

I once thought the Main Drain was the worst, but THIS right here takes the cake! The only good parts are the funny dolphin warrior, the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ song, and Spongebob’s character. But to be ohonest, I expected an actually great, dark, dramatic episode with a heart-warming ending, and while I like dark and dramatic, this episode just came out as mean-spirited and crushing for me. Definitely the worst episode of the LoBB miniseries, as well as one of the worst in the series.

Hint for Number 4: The countryside of Rock Bottom