
Name: Louis
Age: 17 (will turn 18 in less than two months now!)
Gender: Male
City: New Jersey


Favorite SB episode: I'm not even sure I have one because I'm just not that interested in SB anymore. The new movie was pretty good, though.
Favorite SB character: I don't have much of a favorite character, either.
Favorite song: In my opinion, "All My Friends" and "Dance Yrself Clean" by LCD Soundsystem and "My Girls" by Animal Collective are the best songs that have come out in the last ten years. "Fools' Day" by Blur and "We Will Become Silhouettes" by The Postal Service (even though that song's over ten years old by now) would be honorable mentions.
Favorite movie: I liked Guardians of the Galaxy as well as Perks of Being a Wallflower, though I still have to finish that one.
Favorite movie genre: Doesn't matter to me much, honestly.
Favorite book: The Namesake, The Kite Runner, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (finishing this one up, currently)
Favorite TV Genre: Cartoons, I guess, since they're I usually all I watch on TV, anyway.
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: See above. I did like the few episodes I watched of Better Call Saul, though I still have to finish its first season (as well as Breaking Bad in general)
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: Steven Universe, MLP:FiM (Season 5 premiere was pretty good), and if I can choose an anime, Haruhi Suzumiya
Favorite band/artist: Ignoring the obvious...whoever I listed last year, really. It takes an absurdly long time for me to find a new favorite musical artist. I guess The Postal Service and Godspeed You! Black Emperor would count as new additions.
Favorite actor: n/a
Favorite actress: n/a
Favorite food: Whatever my dad makes in the kitchen, really. (Except soup. I can't ever get a taste for it unless if I'm really sick.)
Favorite snackfood: Mint chip ice cream, Doritos
Favorite sport: Besides martial arts, I'm not really into sports.
Favorite store: I don't really shop?
Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere but here.
Favorite quote: "How strange it is to be anything at all." - Lewis Carroll, though like many, I first heard of this quote from Neutral Milk Hotel's song, "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Favorite website: YouTube, Wikipedia, TV Tropes, DeviantArt
Favorite color: aquamarine blue
Favorite videogame: Not much of a gamer, really.
Favorite pasttime: Writing songs, listening to music, loafing around

A word or phrase that describes you best? "I am the son and heir of nothing in particular." - The Smiths, "How Soon Is Now?"