
Age: a number
Gender: Female
City or State: Colorado


Favorite SB episode: Band Geeks (If I had to choose)
Favorite SB character: All of then have duds and golden moments
Favorite song: Imagine by John Lennon
Favorite movie: It varies, but I guess Music and Lyrics
Favorite movie genre: Depends on my mood, I like all
Favorite book: 1,000 Places to See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz
Favorite TV Genre: Comedy or Drama
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: Geez, can't choose one!
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: A bunch
Favorite band/artist: Weezer, The Beatles, Queen, Sam Smith, and AC/DC
Favorite actor: Tom Hanks or Jim Carrey
Favorite actress:
Favorite food: Sushi/Chicken Wings
Favorite snackfood: Cheese and crackers or cookies
Favorite sport: Soccer
Favorite store: Hot Topic, Claires (cool earings), or antique stores
Favorite vacation spot: France
Favorite quote: "Whatever you are, be a good one." -Abe Lincoln
Favorite website: SBC
Favorite color: Yellow/lime green
Favorite videogame: Hmm, I guess a Cooking Mama game
Favorite pasttime: Reading, coloring, or cooking.

A word or phrase that describes you best? Interesting