
Name: Parker
Age: 20 (21 in June)
Gender: Male
City or State: Los Angeles, California (winter) / Boston, Massachusetts (physically summer but my soul takes up residence here year-round)


Favorite SB episode: Still Party Pooper Pants after all these years and after countless attempts from other SB fans to get me to realize how "awful" they deem it to be
Favorite SB character: SpongeBob
Favorite movie: Haven't seen anything better than Moneyball in a while.
Favorite movie genre: Comedy or drama, but it depends. Comedy has to be done right by people who know how to do it.
Favorite book: East of Eden by John Steinbeck.
Favorite TV Genre: Sitcoms, cartoons...
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: Hmmm... Seinfeld, I guess. What's Happening!! from the 1970s also but the stopped airing reruns of that one. I don't like any current primetime big-4-network sitcoms.
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: You haven't guessed already from all the orange furry guys strewn throughout everything I post in these forums?! Wander Over Yonder, man! Gravity Falls also, but new episodes of that are few and far between these days. Loved "Not What He Seems."
Favorite band/artist: Still Nujabes. OneRepublic and Fall Out Boy have done some good stuff recently.
Favorite actor: Jeez, I really don't know what to put here... I used to always put Robin Williams in this category, but, uh... erm.
Favorite actress: Sandra Bullock? I don't know.
Favorite food: ICE CREAM!
Favorite snackfood: Blue Diamond Almonds; chips and salsa
Favorite sport: Everybody knows my two favorite sports are baseball and hockey. However, I would like to make a statement here: people, I believe, are beginning to think I am more of a hockey fan than a baseball fan. That is completely not true. I may STICK OUT more when I talk about hockey because lots of people are baseball fans; not many in the U.S. are hockey fans. So I like the fact that my love of hockey makes me unique and, let's face it, a little weird. But asking me to pick between baseball and hockey would be like asking me to pick a favorite child; I love baseball and hockey equally.
Favorite store: Christmas Tree Shops, Used Book Super Stores, and Dollar Book Fair
Favorite vacation spot: Yosemite National Park and San Luis Obispo, California
Favorite quote: "It's a beautiful day! Let's play two." - Ernie Banks
Favorite website: Wikipedia
Favorite color: blue
Favorite videogame: Still MVP Baseball 2004 for PS2 after all these years
Favorite pasttime: WRITING!!!

A word or phrase that describes you best? Just an obsessive-compulsive hypochondriac floating along with life.