Popeye Q. Krabs

Name: Popeye/Globby Robby
Age: 20 (birthday is July 26th and I'm still in denial about it)
Gender: Male
City or State: Georgia unfortunately

Popeye Q. Krabs

Favorite SB episode: Chocolate with Nuts
Favorite SB character: Squidward
Favorite song: Renegades of Funk
Favorite movie: Haven't watched that many movies in a while, so idk right now
Favorite movie genre: Comedy
Favorite book: Milt Gross comics
Favorite TV Genre: Drama
Favorite (not spongebob) TV Show: Vice
Favorite (not spongebob) cartoon: Steven Universe
Favorite band/artist: John Coltrane, otherwise I would have never come up with my YouTube username of iyamthecoltraneman and really so many of the jazz greats of the past too though my tastes in music extend beyond that. Singer would probably be Sam Cooke, Dean Martin, or Frank Sinatra.
Favorite actor: Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio. Again I need to watch more movies again, ESPECIALLY The Wolf of Wall Street
Favorite actress: Christina Hendricks or Tina Fey
Favorite food: Burritos
Favorite snackfood: Pringles
Favorite sport: If I was forced to watch any of them, baseball and basketball
Favorite store: Express, Sam's Club and Nordstrom. It was hard deciding just one here.
Favorite vacation spot: Ideally somewhere in Hawaii
Favorite quote: "In the long run, we're all dead." - John Maynard Keynes
Favorite website: Amazon.com
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite videogame: Not a gamer but I'll go with the Mario games in general
Favorite pasttime: Drawing

A word or phrase that describes you best? Insecure, self deprecating, worrisome person