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Good Ol' Whatshisname

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Airdate:July 23, 2007
Season: 5
Prod. Number: 84c
Air Number: 89c
Grouped With:Spy Buddies
Boat Smarts
Directors:Casey Alexander and Zeus Cervas (storyboard), Vincent Waller (creative), Alan Smart (animation)
Writers:Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Richard Pursel
Plot:Mr. Krabs holds a contest between SpongeBob and Squidward: the one to learn the most customers' names with a fabulous prize.
On Video:
Bikini Bottom Adventures Season 5 Volume 1 The First 100 Episodes The Complete Fifth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Oh, you bet you Spongebob. Listen to this. Individual waste of the enus will substenualy broaden the probablility of multiple substental visits, generating an inverse negative revenue margin of three quarters and one half of one percent"
-Mr Krabs

"So, what should I put down?"