084c. Good Ol' Whatshisname

Terrible, terrible episode. It's just one of those "let's see how much of a fool we can make of Squidward and put him in the most pain possible, without it being funny" episodes. Quite frankly, I hate all of those kinds of episodes.

I thought the plot twist at the end was funny. And Squidward having to be in jail is awesome. Patrick being in the same cell was just like when he in the same cell as the tattle tale strangler. 9/10
It is a poorly written episode but has some humor and his name wow it was funny but not really creative. 6/10
OneHungryHippo said:
Terrible, terrible episode. It's just one of those "let's see how much of a fool we can make of Squidward and put him in the most pain possible, without it being funny" episodes. Quite frankly, I hate all of those kinds of episodes.

i totally dissagree 10/10
Terrible, terrible episode. It's just one of those "let's see how much of a fool we can make of Squidward and put him in the most pain possible, without it being funny" episodes. Quite frankly, I hate all of those kinds of episodes.


I agree with everything including the 2/10
I thought this episode was underrated. 8/10

Favorite Quote:
Policeman: Holy sea cow! That hooligan ran a stop sign.
What Zit Tooya: Stop, thief!
Policeman: You know that guy?
What Zit Tooya: Hardly. He stole my wallet.
Policeman: What? That makes him a dual offender.
I hate this one. So boring and stupid, it deserves to be hated.
This episode is actually a guilty pleasure for me. I liked this one and although Squidward abuse was in it, it wasn't that bad.
Updating review: Oh, great. ANOTHER episode where Squidward is treated unfairly. So, it's about Squidward trying to find out the name of a certain customer so he can win a prize: a vacation. Of, course, everytime he asks him, he responds "What's it to ya?" Then, Squidward, not understanding what he means, tries to find out by taking his wallet, and apparently finds out that the customer's name is "Whatzit Tooya". Then he ends up in jail, and he gets his prize from Krabs. But, guess what? The prize was just a brochure! Are you kidding me? Squidward went through all that trouble just to win a brochure?! That is just messed up, unfunny, and makes me so mad. The very ending was just as bad. This episode will make up feel very sorry seeing what Squidward has to go through. Stay FAR away from this episode. 3/10
This episode from what I can remember is just really stupid especially for one of those Squidward gets hurt for no reason episodes. More thoughts on this later when I.....gulp....rewatch it for a more in depth review.


This episode is just weak and has a stupid sounding concept and the ending makes no sense but what happens to Squidward here is kinda tame compared to what he'd have to go through later so I'm just gonna give this a 4.5/10. The plot itself is too ridiculous for me to even take Squidward going to jail and all of that seriously too. Thank God it was only just 7 minutes. I know there's a lot of Season 5 I like, but that doesn't mean that there weren't lame throwaway episodes like these.

Like with some of the other episodes I've seen this season, I like how SpongeBob's design still isn't exactly a rectangle yet among other things.
Funny idea with some good gags, but the execution could have been timed a little better and it could have been just all over funnier. 8/10