084c. Good Ol' Whatshisname

Like Popeye said, I'm glad this was only a 7 minute short. Any longer and it might have been MORE tedious. This is an unfunny, boring episode with a stupid twist of the customer's name actually being What Zit Tooya. Also, I'm not surprised that Eugene "McCheapo" Krabs wouldn't actually give away a vacation, but it was still a slap to the face for poor Squidward. 4/10.
Season: 5

Episode: Good Ol' Whatshisname

This episode was bad. Mr Krabs was cheap in a unfunny way, and Squidward was out of character for stealing the guy's wallet. The "What Zit Tooya" joke was lame. There were few funny jokes. 4/10
Ugh, terrible episode. Not a lot of humor in here made me laugh in fact what humor? Like everybody said the name twist was awful and stupid and the ending was unfair with the brochure. I know that Squidwatd went overboard with stealing the guy's wallet but the prize being a brochure was stupid and somehow unsatisfying. And I don't think the story was that good. Don't watch this episode, 0/10
yeah i hate this episode so much its so boring but kinda funny. :patboo: :rofl:

anyone with me?

It was boring from the start but Squidward vs. What Zit Tooya made it interesting. The ending was very funny. Squidward died for no reason.
It could've made for an interesting competition episode but once they exit the Krusty Krab it feels like they gave up on writing and just defied logic in the worst way possible.

This episode is so mediocre. Nothing of merit to it. It's not one of those eps you should seek out. The other paired episode Spy Buddies is much better.
While I don't hate this episode quite as much as one of its partners, that being Boat Smarts (I'm aware that's a pretty rare opinion to hear), I still think it's bad. It's just a pointless episode with a lot of stupid puns, especially the one of the customer Squidward had tried to get the name of the whole episode (I for some reason thought the pun was hysterical when I was a kid and it made me love this episode). Plus the ending was a shameless ripoff of SB Meets the Strangler. The squid abuse isn't honestly too bad here, since he did kinda deserve karma for his actions, though even I will admit that he was a bit too excessively punished at the end of the episode. Nevertheless, while this episode is perhaps a little bit overhated, it is still a bad episode with a half-assed plot, terrible puns, and is just plain dull in general.

This episode is just boring. Nothing about it really entertained me. It's an episode that nobody ever seems to bring up, and for good reason. And the "twist ending" is just so bland and predictable. It's not the worst Season 5 short, but it's far from the best. It gets a D. It's a shame too, because with a few more jokes this could have been good.

Highlight: What Zit Tooya

Ranking so far
1. Boat Smarts (B)
2. Rise and Shine ( C )
3. Good Ol' Whatshisname (D)
4. Waiting (E)
Everything in this episode is stupid. Yeah, that's pretty much it. The ending joke with Patrick was kinda funny at least.

Bad episode (4/10)

1. Spy Buddies (8)
2. Friend or Foe (8)
3. Night Light (5)
4. Boat Smarts (5)
5. Rise and Shine (5)
6. The Original Fry Cook (5)
7. Good Ol' Whatshisname (4)
8. Waiting (3)
9. Fungus Among Us (2)
Old review

I never liked this episode from the beginning since i first watched it. I hate it for 3 reasons for 1 the episode has a very boring storyline making this episode a very boring episode to watch. For 2 i hated the attitude of that What Zit Tooya guy. And as for the ending was just plain old terrible. This episode was also not funny.

I would give this one a 2/10 or a Facepalm worthy episode
Last edited:
This episode is not very funny. I never liked this episode from the beginning since i first watched it. I hate it for 3 reasons for 1 the episode has a very boring storyline making this episode a very boring episode to watch. For 2 i hated the attitude of that What Zit Tooya guy. And as for the ending was just plain old terrible.

Rating: Bad Episode

Friend or Foe (Perfect)
Spy Buddies (Amazing!)
Rise and Shine (Great)
Boat Smarts (Meh)
Fungus Among Us (Meh)
Night Light (Alright)
The Original Fry Cook (Okay)
Good Ol' Whathisname (Bad)
Waiting (Terrible)
Coming up next, we've got "Good Ol' Whatshisname". So, fun fact, it took me the longest time to realize that this episode title is “What’s his name”. As a kid I always skimmed over the word and read it was “washing machine”. I’m not joking lmao. But anyway, this is yet another one of those episodes that I thought people liked more than they actually do, at least here on the forum. Honestly I'm kind of shocked by how lowly it is rated, and with people calling it boring too. I'm gonna have to disagree with all of that, so let's talk about it.

I like that in this episode we're back to exploring the Krusty Krab’s business practices, this time with a crash course in hospitality lol. The set-up for this episode is interesting and the second Mr. Krabs mentions a contest, I get interested because that’s starting to sound a lot like “Employee of the Month”. Squidward’s immediate interest in competing once a vacation on the line is what leads him to be super cocky about the competition, delusionally so (like boy you ain’t the face of the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob is, even if he is the cook), and it’s fun to see. I love the way the very first customer he talks to calls him out real quick. Like yeah Squidward, they know you alright, know you ain’t about that customer service life. The way Squidward just stuffs SpongeBob in the cash register is hilarious and unexpected. Even better is when Squidward just shoots SpongeBob out the mustard holder into the horizon. I also really love SpongeBob in this episode because he's such a little ray of sunshine and cuteness. I love how he has a whole book of “the customers of the Krusty Krab and why I love them”, that’s absolutely adorable.

This episode doesn't truly pick up (even though I do enjoy the 3 or so minutes before this point) until we get to the namesake of this episode, the mystery fish. Seeing Squidward being continually mean to SpongeBob in pursuit of the prize means that I’m so looking forward to when universal justice is inevitably dealt. And while I wait, I simply enjoy the ride. Honestly this customer would be me if some random guy came up to me asking for my name for no reason, like boy you’re not getting anything from me. Haha, funny story but earlier last year I was walking back to my place and some Mormon or whatever came up to me asking all these questions about where I’m at with religion and blah blah blah and he asked my name so of course I lied about it lmao. So that’s your Pugs pro-tip of the day…some random person starts talking to you on the street and you’re too polite to ignore them? If/when they ask for your name, simply lie! I always have a name ready to go so it doesn’t seem fake.

Anyway, I love the mystery customer’s energy, yelling at Squidward for asking his name and demanding to be left alone. Of course, Squidward won’t give up that easy, not when a vacation is on the line. The whole part where Squidward spills the soda on the guy has perfect comedic timing to me. And then I love how it escalates to Squidward literally stealing the guy’s wallet lol. From there, we get a really entertaining chase scene (I also like the way Grass Skirt Chase cuts to Sponge Monger here, that was cool). The way the cop enters the scene is great, I love how he starts chasing him because of Squidward running a stop sign, and then how he finds out Squidward is a “double offender”. Bill Fagerbakke did a good job voicing that cop, I loved his righteous indignation (yep, that’s him! if you can’t hear it, try rewatching “Patrick SmartPants”, I think the cop voice sounds pretty similar to smart Patrick).

And then I love the reveal that the mystery guy’s name is literally “What Zit Tooya”, that is so clever and genius, and Squidward’s reaction is hilarious. And the episode doesn’t just stop there with the great reveals, because then we learn that the prize, the prize Squidward literally went to jail for, it was never a vacation. Just the brochure. Squidward flipping out about it is great, because what else is there to do? Of course, we gotta get one last gag in, as it turns out Squidward’s cellmate is Patrick, who hilariously calls back to the Parcheesi game Squidward wanted to play on his vacation. The way Squidward just falls apart is absolutely hilarious, and a great ending to this great episode.

There really isn't much for me to say here. I enjoy this episode a lot and find it to be hilarious. I personally don't see where it's boring, but sometimes people just see things differently, I suppose. Whatever the case, this episode definitely belongs in my "Amazing" tier, there's really nothing bad that I can say about it.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:
His name is actually whats zit to ya! Lol random!
  1. Friend or foe (10/10)
  2. Spy Buddies (10/10)
  3. Rise And Shine (9/10)
  4. Night Light (8.5/10)
  5. The Original Fry Cook (4.5/10)
  6. Good Ol'Whatshisname (3.5/10)
  7. Boat Smarts (3/10)
  8. Waiting (1/10)
  9. Fungus Amongus (0.5/10)