Completed Trying to review a episode each day till I don't

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Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with larry opening his gym to everyone in bikini bottom and its free for the first day. Larry really cares about this gym and meets Spongebob later he has to file paperwork and Spongebob asks him a question something about cramps and larry gives some tips to Spongebob. Lary really cares about Spongebob and makes him start with his gym membership. A ton of people are in this gym and even Mr.krabs is in it lifting some weights. Spongebob is pretty bad at weights and a flashback shows that. spongebob cant even lift a ear cleaner thingy. Larry really wants Spongebob to be hydrated and makes him get crunches. Mr.krabs is showing off everything free and later after larry has done some paperwork hes turned really fat and Spongebob has turned really buff and is a terrible worker in the krusty krab. Squidward is surprised at his change. Larry has turned real fat due to all that paperwork and is crying due to it. At exercise class Spongebob accidently teaches everyone and he watches it in sadness Mr.Krabs showing off the free stuff hes getting is helping him either. Larry just gives Spongebob the gym but he doesn't even want to work there. When Lary Squeezes Spongebob all the muscles get soaked off and Larry is back to his normal self back again. Mr.krabs even turns into a animal.

Nice episode I like the inclusion of larry and the gym setting was pretty cool also am I a terrible personfor laughing at Mr.Krabs showing off all his "free" stuff.

Rating: 94/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode strat with Sandy drinking some juice and she gets mail. The mail turns out to be a book about behavioral psychology and she wants to study the fish in bikini bottom and everyone is angry that she's creeping on them. Sandy wants to study Patrick and Sb and asks for their permission. She just says be natural and Patrick and SpongeBob don't really act normal so Sandy finishes the experiment and gives Sb and Patrick a A+. Patrick and Sb and static. Sandy realizes that creeping on subjects kinda makes the experiment null. So sandy decides to not tell Sb and Pat that they are experimenting on her hides video equipment in Spongebobs house and tells them to do a menial task. Sandy leaves but watches them via camera. Sandy says that Patrick is in charge and he's caring a lot about that. Patrick seems to be kinda angry and then sandy announces that shes giving free ice cream to bad Squidward didn't get his ice cream. Spongebobs bowl is bigger and he's angry about that. Patrick even eats Spongebobs bowl because he's kinda angry. Sandy does this again and Patrick takes two cones and makes Spongebob rub Patricks feet for the icecream. Patrick makes Spongebob count the sand for it and a confrontation happens. Even gary is in the experiment and tells Sandy there's a problem. Patrick feels bad. Squidward is kinda sad how there's no ice cream

Cool episode I like the experiment part and I like how terrible it turned into I don't know why I liked that.

Rating: 86/100

Quote I really like: I deserve a C-, :-(


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with pearl crushin over some guys and calling her friends all of them are busy with work. pearl wants to get a job but she still borrows money from Mr.krabs. and when she tries to apply for a hotdog job the boss almost gets fried. In the emo shop the goth ;ady already hired someone so its full. Pearl then tries to works at a jewerly shop and she gets rejected. Some old lady makes pearl follow her and shes hired. At the food court with her friends she talks about her new job and her friends make fun of it. Pearl kinda gets sad about it and even at work they bully her. The grandma gives her some good advice on how to deal with rudness and she and pearl have fun. when pearl meets her friends she tells them how cool it is to be a grandma. The girls hating hating on the grandma and they get chased by the grandmas dentures and bad purfume. The girls promise to stop being mean and they apologize after that the grandma tells pearl to have fun while being young.

Nice episode I like how pearl is the focus in this episode and that Spongebob is still in this episode even if its a easter egg and the last words of this episode. I kinda wish pearls friends were less rude but the grandma part was pretty wholesome.

Rating: 94/100

Quote I really like: No I hate the past.


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Pat and Sb playing a crazy game of thumb wars and it ends in a truce. Later at the krusty krab Spongebob gives a thumbs up and it makes customers happy. Later Sb gives a thumbs up to Mr.Krabs and its cool. Spongebob doesnt give a thumbs up to Squidward he gives two thumbs up. Spongebob even gives sandy thumbs up outside and everyone else he meets. Sandy thinks that giving way too many thumbs up oversaturates the specialness. Everyone is still mostly happy at that and then Spongebobs thumbs break in epic plane breaking down style. Everyone witnesses this and the doctor advises him to not make any thumbs up and his broken thumbs make it hard for SpongeBob to work so Mr.krabs fires Spongebob and lets Patrick work. Everyone is pretty sad at Spongebob and Spongebob starts really missing his thumbs. Days later Sandy visits Spongebob and she wants to give him help. Its pretty serious but she leaves. Spongebob decides to train his thumbs and Patrick is frying pretty boringly and thumb wars Patrick for his job. Everyone gives Spongebob some cool advice and Spongebob wins.

Why did they use the dolphin noise when the city turned into thumbs it makes it 100 times better. This episode was kinda ok but the thumb wars part make it way better.

Rating: 93/100

Quote I really like: I need you to help me open this jar of peanut butter.


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Spongebob and hes dancing to some music. Some sharks come along and go to the krusty krab and likes Spongebobs move and complemints him and introduces to his friends. They are the shark pods and introduce Spongebob to the shark pods as a replacement for johnny. Spongebob gets invited and gets a cool jacket from it. Later after the sharks are driving girls fawn over them and die I think and another guy gives his fruits away from fear. The sharks stop at a place and the owner bans sharks from there. Spongebob tries to be optimistic about this but then some Squids come along and it looks like they're abou to have a fight. The cops come along and break up the fight. The sharks kinda threten Spongebob to go to a showdown verses the squids. Spongebob is pretty worried about this and gary it seems like Gary was kidnapped and unless Spongebob goes to the showdown he'll like uhhhh I dunno. Spongebob is ready and at the showdown teh sharks were actually cool and not evil Squidward is actually with the Squids and they do a weird dance the cops later come and fight the sharks and internal affairs fight too. No one can beat internal affairs but Spongebob goes against them anyways when Spongebob wins Patrick somehow congrajulates him?

I can't tell why but this is just a nice episode

Rating: 87/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts at the chim bucket and they are partying with SpongeBob. SpongeBob trusts plankton for some reason and they decide to copy themeselfs on the copy machine. Later after SpongeBob finishes the copying plankton makes him leave/get out. Plankton actually did this to copy SpongeBob and get the secret formula. SpongeBob has a blue tie but still has to try and get the formula. Plankton sees normal SpongeBob and trys to make him get out and both of them start cooking. Both spongebobs are happy and Squidward thinks that hes in a nightmare. Squidward thinks he can do whatever he wants. Both of the SpongeBobs have the same intrests and Plankton wants to take the formula from the copy and he doesnt let him so he just makes another with Spongebobs DNA. That SpongeBob makes copues with another person and Squidward wrecks havoc. The other sponge asks for the formula and plankton can taste it until the copy SpongeBob meets the other Spongebobs. Plankton makes a ton of spongebobs to learn the formula and tehy start working. Normal SpongeBob cant do any work due to all the other Sponges doing it and one of the copies are fading and die. Plankton reliazes that all the SpongeBobs will fade and SpongeBob is pretty sad at it and Planktons scheme is runied. Mr.Krabs gives SpongeBob a bunch of small checks and he turns out to be a coou of you. SpongeBob is pretty sad that his friends are gone and Plankton gives him some encouraging SpongeBob is pretty happy at that. Squidward tries to fly and the episode ends.

Im not too fond of this episode I think it has way too many SpongeBob but plankton was pretty good in it

Rating: 85


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA
ngl I'm impressed this is actually still going, usually threads like this will get to like 5 episodes and then suddenly stop lol
Maybe its because they put actual depth to their content and i just have to spend less than 12 mintues writing one >>


this episode starts with Patrick watching the TV and he sees an ad of a guy whos gonna sell his home and Patrick thinks he actually sold his house. Patrick tells spongebob of this and warns SpongeBob of this incident then SpongeBob gets the ad so now they are gone. The day after Squidward wakes up really happy for some reason and its because Sb and Pat aren't here. When he takes out the trash he sees Sb and Pat that made a house near the krusty krab. Squidward has to force himself not to tell SpongeBob that it's a lie. Mr.krabs doesn't like how SpongeBob smells in that garbage house. When work is done SpongeBob tells Squidward hes going to visit the old house. Squidward tells him that people are living in both of the houses. When SpongeBob and Patrick visit their old homes Squidward has to disguise himself as a german guy and has to manage his house and disguising as the peoples in patricks house. Its pretty crazy how he can micromage pretty well hes gotta micromanage as a german wife/husband a hippy guy and 13 little german children. Squidward is finally done and tells SpongeBob and Pat that their houses are theirs. SpongeBob feels pretty bad for Squidward so he flips his house. Literally. Squidward is pretty angry that he cant sell his house.

I kinda wish that flipper guy was shown more but it was pretty funny how SpongeBob and Pat took that literally



Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with a cargo ship dropping some supplies and Spongebob sees that. The cargo seems to be filled with water proof fortune cookies and it has landed on Spongebob. Spongebob opens the fortune and hes supposed to get a buncha fortune and it actually happens. These fortunes can actually go true. He shows them to Squidward and he got his fortune true too bad Mr.Krabs steals it. Mr.Krabs lets the fortune cookies go on the krusty krab. Everyone is happy that good stuff is happening to them it even lets a guy outta jury duty. Plankton looks at the krusty krab and decides to replaces the fortune cookies with evil fortune cookies. These fortune cookies makes everyone go to the chumbucket and dislike the krusty krab. Plankton secretly gives a fortune cookie that states if Mr.Krabs doesnt give the formula he'll die. Mr.Krabs is terrified if hes going to actually die and doesn't want to die. Spongebob and Mr.krabs know what to do but can't even give the formula to plankton due to teh crowded chumbucket and they find out it was fake and give them one of those cookies and he actually goes in the real world and gets eaten.

Nice episode the fortune gimmick was pretty cool and I like how Plankton sabotages it. I kinda like it when Plankton makes a kinda secret effort to get the krabby patty formula instead of just barging in and asking for it

Rating: 87/100

Quote I really like: I cant tell if you're sarcastic or psychic.


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Spongebob and Patrick jellyfishingthey get stung and still are happy.Later on they buy a pants that fits both of them and walk that way. Later they go to the market and buy rocky road ice cream. Mr.Krabs is at the store too and compains about frozen foods and Spongebob gives mr.krabs a hint to make frozen krabby patties. Mr.krabs makes an ad for it and its shown to executive guys. They want to be in charge and its full of experts. They want a slogan/regular guy to be it.They pick patrick as the guy. Patrick is kinda famous now abd Mr.Krabs is rich and an executive wants Mr.krabs to change to formula to fill it with filler. In the krabby patty factory its a pretty interesting process and at the taste test area the guy doesn't care for it and buys it anyway he did have a interesting side effect though. Mr..Krabs is super rich now and Spongebob is fired from his job and now works at the krusty krab museum. Squidward is fired with no job though. Spongebob seems kinda sad with his new job. Th eside effects of these krust krabs are shpwing now. Later at Patricks place Spongebob vists patricks party for his 400th commercial. Patrick is pretty happy to see his friend but some guy bullys him due to the ice cream SPongebob brought with him Spongebob cant even find space for the ice cream and is pretty sad at all of that.At the krusty krab Squidward goes to the krusty krab for a job and replace the robot Squidward. When Patrick tries recording for that commerical Spongebob can't even talk to him Patrick is kinda bored about that and SPongebob relizes that the krabby patties are effecting people weirdly and Plankton even tries to steal the formula but you can easily buy on for 1.99. Spongebob gives Plankton a krabby patty and taste these krabby oatties and vomits sand. Spongebob has to make normal krabby patties after that discovery. Patrick really misses Spongebob and Spongebob tells Patrick the krabby patties are
made with sand. Spongebob gives patrick a real krabby patty and hes pretty happy at that. Patrick haas to talk at a shareholders meeting and has no idea what to talk about. At the meeting patrick cant take the truth and tells the crown about the sand. Everyibe vismits the sand and its pretty weird. Mr.krabs is pretty sad but he looks in the krusty krab building and finds it open and Spongebobs resturant is pretty succesful. r.krabs tastes it once again and wants to be managaer again, Spongebob agrees.

Nice episode I liek Sb and Pats friendship here and I thought it was a well paced episode I dont really know if I should feel bad for MrKrabs thogh

Rating: 94/100

Quote I really like: Because research shows us that old is gross.


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Patrick and Spongebob eating krabby patties at sandys house and Spongebob and sandy fight for the krabby patty. Sandy starts to reliaze that her tree is dying and wants to fix it via science. Sandy studies the acrons from the tree and they turn out to be pretty bad.Sandy does find a growth serum and makes the tree better and stronger with plenty of nuts that sandy cant contain. Spongebob comes to sandy for her problem and she needs help dumping her nuts. Some shaman talks to put about dumping his nuts and the shaman gives a book on shawman secrets and he also talks about caring for the trees and give it to the people. Sandy decides to make nutty butter and its pretty easy to make and tasty. Sandy lets Spongebob and Patrick give this butter in jars to go. Sandy now has no more nuts in her house but other bikini botomites want nutty butter and Sandy starts to make more. Eveyrone is happy with all this nutty butter and sandy even makes a way to make things easier for nutty butter. Spongebob warns sandy about forcing nature to make more stuff but sandy doesnt care Spngebob really doesn;t trust in this but he helps anyways when teg tree stops making nuts Patrick pokes the tree and it makes a hole. Sandy comes to the dome and Spongebob tells her he cant use any more pertilizer and the shaman comes along and tells a story that pretty much tells sandy to stop using one tree and maybe use more trees Sandy just decides to give her tree the natural route and it goes back good again.

Nice episode I like the story the shaman tells and the nutty butter concept its nice that it wasn't placed in the krusty krab and instead its all in sandy tree

Rating: 87/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts at the krusty krab and Mr.Krab talks to a lady and the lady talks how great the krusty krab is and how shell make sure her will has how great the krusty krab is. Mr.krabs trys to murder her but Spongebob stops him and shows him a bulltin board. The same lady writes a good review abd some customer gets a krabby patty. Mr.Krabs makes sure erveryone knows of this community bulletin board and everyone oves the board and Mr.krabs is rich. Then some negitive review comes along and Spongebob is terrified. Sadly Mr.Krabs can't take that review down but Spongebob try to help him with advice instead. And other people do rude stuff to the board. Mr. Krabs lets people give him money for complaining on that board and he's making a buck from it. Spongebob decides to try and make his Krabby patties better and Squidward tells him that there's another message by this guy. Other people bully via the board Spongebob crys from the hate and vents about it to Patrick and he tries to cope even though he did it. After a day the whole Krusty Krab is filled with paper and it has turned into a bulling board Mr.krabs makes everyone get out and Mr.Krabs has to find P-Star to stop this hate. Finally P-Star comes along and its revealed to have been Patrick. Mr.Krabs in a fit of anger tears down everything. Patrick was upset that everyone thought he was being rude and Mr.Krabs makes everyone go to knitting classes.

Did not expect that lady to be back at the end nice episode it kinda reminds me how chaotic the internet is and that's great I like how it was oatrick all the time I dunno why but I like it and the rude comebacks were pretty funny too

Rating: 97/100

Quote I really like: Step aside boy you're blocking my money making bulletin board


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Squidward playing with a straw and Mr.Krabs is hyped because tomorrow is food con.Spongebob/Mr.Krabs knows they could win the prize for it and Mr.Krab also asks Patrick for his help. Mr.Krab picks the worst car to go on a fieldtrip and off they go. Patrick and Spongebob are being pretty annoying and Squidward can't get sleep. After Squidward gets angry Mr.Krabs bans everyone from talking and they fall of a peak and the car is destroyed and Patrick eats all the food exept for one krabby patty. Spongebob and Patrick act like sleigh dogs and their feet/arms are popped. They stay in a scary forest and its pretty bad. Spongebob is protecting that patty with his might and some monster snail comes along and grabs that patty. Mr.Krab throws Squidward on that bird and he gets the patty. Meanwhile everyone is starving and Spongebob has to protect the krabby patty from them. Then after Squidward tries making Spongebob go to sleep a bird catches him and he falls again. Mr.Krab tries making a safe but it was secretly his mouth. Spongebob gives them nature patties instead and its pretty bad. Mr.Krabs an the others chase after him and the kabby patty talks to Spongebob and he's gotta run away still. Then Spongebob reaches foodcon and he shows the krabby patty to the judge and its a nature patty but the judge still lets them have the win.

Nice episode love the change of setting and the ride part was pretty great. I kinda wish we got more of a look in that convention this maybe could have been a great special.

Rating: 96/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Spongebob acting pretty sad and bored. Then he sees a program for pen pals and he writes to his pal introducing himself. Alas in a accident slime gets on the paper and makes the word frying to flying and the buddy thinks Spongebob can fly. Spongebob was going to tell the truth but then his pal is about to die so Spongebob has an idea to pretend to be a pilot and after he sends that not his buddy talks abot a show and Spongebob has to fly now. Spongebob asks sandy for help and she can help him learn how to fly. The first test goes pretty bad it explodes it even broke the plane. Then Sandy lets Spongebob ride in a plane with rope and he ties himself. Sandy thinks hes good anough and Spongebob is off to the show. Spongebob thinks he met his buddy in the show but it was not him. Spongebob is still worried about dying and he actually meets death Sandy has prepared ambulences incase though. Spongebob does pretty good at the start and Patrick tells that hes the pen pal and he didn't read the whole letter even though patrick had it. Spongebob laughs at that misunderstanding and a paper gets in his face and crazy stuff ensues particks other wishes are completed too. The plane is going kinda terribly and its crashing down. Patrick is pretty happy at that and he wants to see more even after all the chaos.

Nice episode im pretty cool with the misunderstanding and the plane chaos was pretty funny.

Rating: 95/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Mr.Krabs throwing plankton off again and Sandy is starting to talk to him about his situation. Sandy gives an idea to plankton to make Mr.Krabs as smart as patrick. Plankton goes inside Patricks mouth and swabs his cheeks for his DNA Plankton hurries and gets outa there. In the chumbucket Plankton make sauce that makes people into idiots. Karen dissaproves anf plankton accidentky turns dumb with that sauce. Then the sauce turns into a cloud and makes bikini bottom dumb. Only sandy is safe from this due to her glass bubble. Sandy talks to patrick about everyone is becoming like him and he doesnt care even Mr.krabs ate his formula. Everyone goes to eat at teh chumbucket and karen tells them the story its up to sandy and karen to save bikini bottom. They try making plankton start by giving nuts flashing lights and shouting it doesnt work so sandy just gives free lessons at a university. In university everyone is acting pretty dumb and sandy helps to resolve that slowly but surley. After a semester everyone got fixed in one semester only plankton isnt turning dumb and its beacuse hes a rebel whos acting like a school bully. At graduation day Squidward plays horrible and Mr,Krabs makes the better secret formula. Plankton likes it and wants it and threatens him. Mr.Krabs is about to give him teh formula and he gets his diploma and doesnt let Plankton steal it from him.

I remember some guy told me this was his favorite episode I don't see why but ok. I like how theres no solution and Sandy just has to give everyone classes its kinda funny and also that diploma part where Mr.Krabs doesnt give it to plankton because hes got a diploma is pretty funny.

Rating: 87/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with a report about a strong current and to prepare for it. Mr.Krabs doesnt care and other people want to leave but Mr.Krabs is a bit too greedy and makes sure everyone spends their money in the Krusty Krab. Mr.Krab is really turning into a tyrant and a anchor swoops the krusty krab and its in grave danger. The ship calmed down but Mr.Krabs is stuck. the people choose Squidward as a king and they want to punish Mr.Krabs Spongebob tries to convince them to like Mr.Krabs and he falls down and they go against Squidward and the current goes outta control again but Squidward lands them somewhere weird and now they want food and then a monster comes along and Squidward hides and Spongebob finds Squidward and they throw him out to bait the monster. Spongebob decides to become Captain and fight that monster. Mr.Krabs comes back again and everyone chooses Mr.Krabs again and he quits until Spongebob begs for it and it doesnt work but Spongebob does the worst thing to Mr.Krabs first dime. Spend it. Mr.Krab turns into the captain again. When Mr.Krabs fights that monster he fights it on the inside and Squidward gets out and Mr.Krab also gets out and defeats the monster. Mr.Krab makes the customers pull them to bikini bottom.

Weird episode but I didn't really like Mr.Krabs as a tyrant and the whole captain thing it was kinda boring

Rating: 80/100


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA

This episode starts with Spongebob and patrick eating candy very loudly and they play with it since its so strecthy. Patrick has a toothache and Spongebob takes Patrick to the dentist. Till patrick hides and he actually takes him to the dentist. I the dentist patrick is pretty worried and is terrified by it and goes to the dentist. Spongebob forces Patrick to meet the doctor and hes a pretty chill guy. The dentsist unsoects oatricks teeth and hes got a baby tooth and the adult tooth wont let it out. The dentist is about to get that tooth and Patrick wants that baby tooth to stay in. Spongebob talks abou toothisland a magical place for baby teeth Patrick still doesnt care. Patrick is pretty tried at night when the baby tooth starts crying and the next morning when Patrick eats his tooth hurts him and Spongebob investigates. Patrick agrees to let his teeth go to the tooth fairy just kidding. Patrick runs when Songebob wants him to get his teeth out and they do a chase. Patrick ends up being in a tree and Spongebob tells Patrick about his teeth oatrick doesnt care but whenthe lady shows her baby teeth he wants it out immeduatly. The tooth taking is really easy and he puts it in his pillow. Spongebob takes out the tooth from the pillow and Spongebob proves him thats it's real and it's just a tooth ferry and now Squidward has to east chum

Rating: 84/100

Quote I really like:Not wanted that fixes things
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