Completed Trying to review a episode each day till I don't

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This episode starts with Squidwrad doing the sam work as usual but Spongebob is frozen in place. Mr.Ktrab goes to check whats wrong and its being a critic is visiting the krusty krab. The critic is already there and Mr.Krabs welcomes him. Mr.Krab treats him nice and Spongebob gives it to him. They look at the newsand teh critic talks about the krusty krab. He talks bad about it and everyone leaves but he liked the food so everyone comes back the whole resturant makes a big line and the krusty krab is marketed as Spongebob and Squidward dresses as him and Spongebob rides a train as his job and Mr.Krabs is cooking in that Spongebob costume Spongebob is tired after that train ride. Mr.Krabs is taking this Spongebob thing too far they even have Spongy patties they are moldy patties. In the train sitiuation everyone is trying to riot and people got sick due to the Spongy patties. Mr.Krabs has posinoed all these people and is about to get arrested. The judge is about to arrest him but hes a fan of Spongebob so Sponegbob makes krabby patties and Squidward is whipped to drive that train.

This was a kinda boring episode I loved Squidwards costume though but Mr.Krabs being rude was annyoying here and that was most the episode so I did not like it.

Rating: 70/100

Thsi episode starts with bikini bottom and Patrick is shouting about something some nerd guy gets angry and Spongebob is buying books but patrick ate one. Patrick finds an ad that looks for a poem and 100$ to make a song. Patrick takes Spongebobs money and patrick need to work on his poem Patricl remembers a poem he made then everyone tourted him at dogeball and Patrick is crying about that. Later patrick still can't make his poem until his brain works decently but it smells like smoke. Patrick makes his poem and it literally like the song wroters but they made it and they gave the song to patrick. They listen to the song and it's pretty bad. The house melts off. Spongebob liked it and they wanna put it on the radio some guy screams and they go to the radio tower and decide to play the song on the tip of the antenna. at the top of the atenna they stick the radio with some gum and people listen ot it and hate it riots occur, planes crash. Spongebob thinks taht the people like it and they turn it up but people wanna destroy the tower. The guys at teh twer asked who made the song and run after patrick but it isn't that bad but then they throw dogeballs.

Rating: 84/100
A Flea in Her Dome | Encyclopedia SpongeBobia | Fandom

This episode starts with Spongebob crying and he's sad that sandy went away for 2 days for a science convention and shes coming back in a hour Patrick misses her too and SpongeBob wants to make a party for her so they start doing that and it's very cool. Sandy comes back and shes happy to be back and shes itchy and when they start eating the cake sandy uses the fork to scratch herself but the scratching makes a hair outta the cake. Sandy is really distracted by the itching and she sees whats up, a flea. Spongebob doesn't know what it is but Sandy explains to him what it is and gives herself the solution it transfers to Spongebob then Patrick. Patrick thinks he's turning to a vampire be he uses the flea collar to fix himself but it transfers to other hosts and another and another and it sucks. Then the flea makes children then sandy ties everyone with the flea collar but the fleas grow really big and eat the collar it's a full out war and everyone is losing and they get bit badly. Patrick gets angry at sandy and is in so much pain he's also angry at Sponegbob for making the party and they get angry at each other Sandy wants everyone to work together and Patrick wants everyone to ride on each other to eat a apple. They go and hide in the treehouse and go in the escape hatch and the dome is overridden with flea but Sandy has an idea with some works from Spongebob, drown the fleas. It soaked up everyone though.

This episode kinda reminds me of the butterfly episode and its a but worser. I kinda like how the fleas get into that really big hivemind creature thing its pretty cool to see that. What I didn't like was the overuse of scratching that was annoying

Rating: 83/100

Quote i really like: Hes not gone! Hes right here!

I like how crazy Patrick gets over that donut and those imagination scenes were funny funny I also liked how it shows Spongebobs friendship

Rating: 89/100

That mom at the start looks so evil and I kinda find it crazy how Plankton can make a plan so fast. Why do I feel like Spongebob looks kinda off before be got babyfied. Im kinda surprised that this episode doesn't have as much children that I think it would have.In the first half it makes way less children but now Plankton has a formula for making normal people old people. Also where did that plankton pinata hang from. I can't believe that baby patrick existed almost at the end of the episode and hes the cutest. Also did plankton swear? What a weird ending though. I didn't find this episode too interesting and the turning the main characters into baby trope isnt that interesting.

Rating: 82/100

Quote I really like: I salute you elder citizenry!

This episode starts with Spongebob loving his meal he made for other customers Squidward recives that in his mouth and chokes on it. Spongebob hands the meal and sprinkles it with his heart. The customer eats like a horse and Spongebob thinks that the customers have good taste and Squidward doesn't. Mr.Krabs makes everyone get out and hes going to make the resturant a fancy place and Spongebob is going to be switched with another cheief. The chief comes along and hes french and hates everyone. Spongebob goes to the fancy resturant and the main chief is french too and really mean. Spongebob makes a dish fro teh chif and the boss doesn't like the look of it. No matter what Spongebob does he makes krabby patties no matter what. When teh chif tastes the patty he loves it. At the krusty krab they renovated the whole place and the fancy food is small and made with gold that Mr.Krabs hates. The guy doesnt like the chairs and his work everioment. In teh fancy resturant teh chief really likes Spongebob got hes gotta move to the krusty krab and he takes the kabby pattues wih him. Mr.Krabs is devestated by the loss of money he even sold Squidward. The chief leaves Mr.Krabs doesnt have anything left he sold it but Spongebob is back. Spongebob brought many customers too and they eat on the walls.

I like how Mr.Krabs cares for Spongebob and that chief was funny

Rating: 94/100

Quote I really like: CHOKING ON SENTIMENT

Kinda boring episode I dont like how SpongeBob is so anxious and it makes sense whys hes anxious

Rating: 79/100

I wasn't very interested in this episode while watching it. Its just about Patrick doing work that he sucks at and I dont really like episodes like that.

Rating: 76/100

I did not need to see spongebobs toes at the end. I like the threats balckjack had they were pretty cool but that twist was a bit weird and the uncle blue part was kinda boring

Rating: 80/100

I dislike episodes where the main character lies and tells tall tales instead of whatever happened. I didn't think this episode was funny and around the ending wasn't that surprising and Sandy definitely knew SpongeBob was lying XD

Rating: 78/100
I kinda like how this episode looks like an ad even planktons scheme gives adam west batman vibes. I really like this episode though Plankton getting happy over that kids meal was so funny and Spongebobs outfit is very strange.

Rating: 90/100

Quote I really like: *Whatever noise Mr.Krabs made when he has all that money*

I really enjoyed this episode that prison boss guy was really funny and Spongebob and Patrick were really funny making the tourture seem like a summer camp. I also like that musical number with the prisoners.

Rating: 94/100

I like the ending where Spongebob and Pat randomly summon random food and the part where they were waiting was kinda boring.

Rating: 86/100

This episode starts with Spongebob serving someone and Patrick is warning of mollusks coming but he was just pretending to be a cowboy who warned of the mollusks coming. Mr.Krabs decides to show off what his grandpa did and he uses a bear trap for it. Spongebob is sad he doesn't have any famous family. Sandy walks sadly and Sandy sees whats up and Spongebob tells her about his problem. Sandy goes to look at Spongebobs family tree. He actually had important family who overthrew a town. It shows a flashback of that Spongebob guy going to town and its pretty ominous. He goes into a bar and Mr.Krabs and Squidward work in that bar. Spongebob tells him that he wants a job and Mr.Krabs gives him sheriff role. Spongebob just wanted to be a fry cook but now hes going to be a sheriff. Patrick (in the cowboy times) warns about dead eye who was a guy who seemed to be real mean. Spongebob is really scared. Dead eye comes along and hes just plankton and he wants Mr.Krabs to give him more money. Spongebob is against that and Plankton meets him. Plankton wants a duel and Spongebob goes off. Spongebob seems to be lost in the desert but patrick finds him and tells him to fight plankton. Patrick gives advice to Spongebob and he'll help with fighting plankton. Meanwhile Mr.Krabs Squidward and Ms.Puff try to run away but Plankton captures them and takes all their stuff then Spongebob and Patrick comes along. Spongebob gives tips to the guys and tells them to team up and they disagree but they actually agree later. but Spongebob doesnt have a plan but they just decide to work together. Its just SPongebob verses Plankton. Spongebob steps on Plankton and hes deemed winner. Mr.Krabs gives a staute in Spongebobs honor and hes a fry cook. Spongebob tells about how hell be proud of his great great great great great great grandson. One statue actually is Spongebob statue. At the end Spongebob And patrick sing a cool song.

Nice episode I like the change of scenery and it kinda being like roots was good too. I like that quote I put it makes me happy Spongebob is still popular and also the theme of idiot friends was good too.

Rating: 95/100

Quote I really like: Maybe one day people will know the name Spongebob Squarepants!
Meh episode the ending I liked but Spongebob making a mobile version of the krusty krab with some submarine he found wasn't that interesting

Quote I really like: I like Squidward. (this is too iconic not to pick)

This episode starts with spongebob and patrick at a store and both of them are wearing shirts that point at each other being best friends. Spongebob wants to buy the shirt but the shirt pkints at a lady who is now their best friend so they take off the shirt. They want different outfits and want to wear war reenactment outfit. The guy talks about the battle of bikini bottom and patrick tells the tea. Its verses hand washers and non hand washers. The war was really crazy and patrick is on the non hand washers side. Patrick asks if spongebob is cool with his side and he says it bothers him. Patrick breaks up their friendship and spongebob tries to mend it. Spongebob is on the clean side and Patrick is on the dirty side of the war. Spongebob takes patricka nose and patrick takea Sbs eyes. Patrick even fights Sb with his brain. Spongebob gives a pedicure to Patrick and he fights back with his breath. Spongebob decides to brush patricks teeth and its clean. This war is pretty crazy and Spongebob runs to the Krusty krab and Patrick almost caughts spongebob but he fights back with onions and Patrick wears the patties as his shoes. Spongebob is truly angered by that and is about to use the soap. Patrick throws a trash can at Spongebob but at least Patrick got cleaned. Both of them are happy that they can get more filthy/clean and the war people get angry who wins but Spongebob tells them that both that cleana and non clean are like ying and yang. The war people think that reenactment is boring and leave.

I love how shiny patrick is and Spongebob saying those wise words were very wise. I didn't liek the grossout though it was too much but at least it got cleaned. I like how this is a war its really funny.

Rating: 88/100

I like how Squidward doesn't get angry about turning back and instead its Mr.Krabs I don't think Squidward looked that handsome but that makes sense since this is a kids show I like this episode though its cool

Rating: 91/100

This episode had me hooked I was really into that tune and SpongeBob hiding and making that henge was really cool. That ending was really epic I wonder what else in humanity will be seemed strange in the future.

I like the granny doing that dance it was funny. I also like how secretly secret the secret krusty krab was and Patrick with that code part was funny. This is a good 100th episode it shows how the krusty krab will still stay.

Rating: 87/100

Quote I really like: She can't close us dow. She closed us down!


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I didn't like teh character of Stanly hes like SpongeBob but terrible at everything and with a weird voice. The reqctions to stanly were pretty funny but Stanly himself wasn't funny.

Rating: 84/100

Quote I really like: THERES TWO OF THEM?
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