Completed Trying to review a episode each day till I don't

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Cool titlecard. This episode starts with Spongebob cleaning Mr.Krabs money when Mr.Krabs tells him to add two drops he actually only meant one or less and it explodes while everyone is busy Plankton replaces Spongebobs spatula Spongebob is hyperventilating and Mr.Krabs just tells him to get a new one.While Spongebob walks to the store he meets plankton and Plankton is picking up a spatula both of them talk about their love for spatulas and Plankton wants to show him a cool spatula. In planktons spatula room its full of spatula and the sizzle master "Chooses" Spongebob. Too bad this is an evil scheme. Its the lunch rush and the puzzle master starts talking all of a sudden work really starts piling up and the sptuala asks Spongebob if he can make the krabby patties to make things quicker but they just want the secret formula Spongebob lets the spatula take the condiments instead.Mr.Krabs is pretty thankful for Spongebob but he really cares about the money. Plankton really wants to be apart of the grilling. He makes Spongebob take him home and he uses it a ton. Spongebob lets the spatula take the grill and he burns the krabby patties to a crisp. Spongebob lets Mr.Krabs whats going and he doesnt trust it and he makes a trick recipe that makes a huge explosion and destroys the chum bucket.

I really like this episode the new scheme was pretty cool and kinda different the start was also kinda weird lol but I liked it.

Rating: 92/100

This episode starts with the narration and foreshadowing something very bad happening we don't know what it is yet though. Spongebob and Patrick are having fun at the beach and a weird purple bubble makes Spongebob/Patrick save them from drowning these purple bubbles are pretty fun to play with and it's kinda disrupting what everyone else is doing. Squidward is also at the beach and was about to tan a tan until Sb and Patrick destroy his tanning station. Plankton is also at the beach and Plankton wants to know whats up meanwhile Sandy warns everyone of these bubbles. Beneath a volcano, these bubbles (Which are toxic and unstable) have went up and can explode. Planjton wants to make these bubbles explode so he goes under. Squidward doesn't like the bubbles until Patrick tells him he could make a wig and squidward doesnt care about the dangers. Sandy is disgusted and warns them again. In the meanwhile Sb/patrick shows everyone these bubbles. Some news reporter shows this phenomena and Sb and Patrick show aweness while Sandy warsn them again. Meanwhile Plankton tries finding this bubble crake thingy and Karen helps him unknowingly Plankton is right at the crake and opens it moreit makes a huge flood/Goo bubble and everyone is in peril. Sandy tries to find a way to stop it by experimenting on it. The test results turn out bad and Sb and Patrick still play with it Patrick has to clean his hands and Spongebob uses bubble soap to clean it off (Probably foreshadowing). The bubble starts moving nd floating and Patrick/and indoor table get stuck on it Sandy has to save Patrick with her submarine and Patrick id just playing on the goo bubble. When Sandy tries taking Patrick outta the bubble it works and the bubble is reaching to the town. Everyone is turning purple from the bubble and its pretty bad the bubble is about to reach a pointy trident and sandys missiles don't work. The bubble moves for some reason and its all because of plankton. Sandy and the other follow him and its a game of cat and mouse finally Sandy catches Plankton and it seems like this was planned and Plankron flies out and eletrocutes the bubble and Sandy Spongebob and Patrick fall down the submarine falls. Finally Spongebob reliazes to use bubble soap to get rid of the purple bubble. Plankton was going to use the bubble as blackmail and Sb and the others sandy him from the bubble with bubble soap. It flies up and up and up till it reaches the moon and goes down again. Plankton wants to pop the bubble for real and Mr.krabs has to give the fournula. Plankton still bursts the bubble and the formula turned out to be tnt and it bombs planktons ship. In the end Mr.krabs uses this incident as a way to make money by cleaning the purple bubbles

I like this episode I was cool with Patrick being pretty dumb and I liked sandy in this episode too.

Rating: 91/100

Quote I really like: *drowning* Thanks goo.

This episode starts with an offer on the new bank and its giving out free interest for making a new account. Mr.krabs is excited and accidentally sounds like a burglar Mr.Krabs then has to do this the sneaky way and Mr.krabs realizes he has to actually put money in his account and he decides to put it in a secret safe deposit. When Mr.Krabs is about to say goodbye to the money in the deposit its actually behind a whole load of money. Later on at night Spongebob tries to find Mr.Krabs and he's stuck in the money. Spongebob is pretty worried about Mr.krabs and meanwhile he's pretending to be a restaurant with all the money its pretty crazy. Spongebob asks Patrick for help and he agrees.Spongebob has to rob a bank to save Mr.krabs. BTW Mr.Krabs is running outta oxygen in that money stash thing and has to rely on Sb and Patrick saving him. Mr.Krbas is going really crazy in there.Good thing he bank oppens right when Sb and Patrick are entering Spongebob asks the bank guy to withdraw Mr.krans and he does but the police men get them both outta there. Mr.krabs still gets his extra money btw.

This was a pretty nice episode I liked how crazy Krabs was turning and Spongebob/Patrick breaking into that bank was pretty funny

Rating: 87/100

This episdoe starts with Spongebob delivering his krabby pattya dn a baby took some guys krabby patty. The baby turns out to be a baby in disguise and Mr. Krabs easily gets him but everyone else thinks its a real child. Plankton has lost again.Plankton really wonders why he cant get a the krabby patty and Karen tells him to get a pet. Spongebob wants to help plankton by going to the animal shelter. In the animal shelter most of the animals are bigger than plankton and one even tries to eat him bt one plankton sized animal saves him and Plankton decides to adopt him Plankton chooses spot as a name. In the chum bucket karen tells Plankton that he has to train spot and he's pretty obedient.Plankton then takes spot for a walk and it seems to be a pretty long walk but he hasn't even gone to the highway. When Plankton tries to play ball with spot he accsquishes spot bt he turns out to be alright. Plankton wants spot to be a guard dog for seom reason but spot is pretty bad at it so Plankton reconsiders it. Plankton then thinks of a idea to make spot get the krabby patty formula. Spot goes right away and actually completes it too bad spot eats it Plankton gives spot of tome out for that.after 5 seconds of timeout plankton comes back to spot but he cant find spot. Spongebob sees plankton crying and tries to help home find spot they look in the pet shelter and Spongebob accidently makes the animals loose and its going crazy in their final moments Plankton finds spot but he's gonna probably die then Spot turns into a giant and defeats these animals fin

I like spot he's pretty cute I liked this episode but its definitely not a favorite

Rating: 87/100

This episode starts with Sb and Patrick talking to Squidward about a horror movie they will watch in theatres Squidward thinks that they wont last through the movie and they go and watch it. They are watching a movie about a fisherman catching fish from everywhere. When the move ends Spongebob and Patrik decide to watch it all the way through again but they get scared and don't watch it again. Its almost midnight and its seeming pretty scary for Sb and Patrick. When they reach home its pretty scary and they walk with each other and are pretty scared till its just some slasher guy and it doesnt scare them for some reason. When they get scared for some random reason Squidward is pretty annoyed and Squidward gives Sb and Patrick a ride/walk home then he gets more annoyed when Spongebob and Patrick shout at each other until Squidward has an idea he'll pretend to be the fisherman. Squidward scares Patrick and he reliazes its the fisherman . Patrick runs to Spongebobs house and he warns him of the fisherman. Squidward decides to get in Spongebobs house Squidward is scaring them real bad and they think Squidward is in him they try to rescue him, but they are pretty much torturing Squidward. The hospital brings Squidward in and Gary scares them and it ends.

I really liked this episode the karama that Squidward got was a tiny bit unjustified but that's the only bad thing I can say about it.

Rating: 95/100

This episode starts with a fortune teller lady doing a seance and the ghost is pretty annoyed that he forgot to replace the toilet paper rolls. It turns out to be a television show and Squidward doesn't care for it and Songebob is terrified. Some guy comes out and wants a rusty on rye Spongebob doesn't know what that is but he wants to make it he asks the guy to make it and the guy cant recall it. Mr.Krabs shoos the guy out and Spongebob asks about it Mr.krab tells it was from an old restaurant and Spongebob decides to seance the restaurant owner on how to make that sandwich. Spongebob and Patrick seance the ghost later at night and it works. The restaurant and the owner are summoned and he teaches Spongebob how to make one of these sandwiches. He talks gibberish and Spongebob just asks how to make one. The recipe is pretty unfoody and its just some wood that is carved to look like a sandwich. The other ghosts come along and they want a sandwich and many more come along and the ghosts cause havoc. Patrick tells Mr,Krabs about this and he comes just in time Mr.Krabs puts all the ghosts back where they belong and the Krusty krab is saved. Later in the day Spongebob gives the guy the right recipe.

Patrick was pretty funny and that start had me invested.I liked the ghosts in this episode it was pretty cool

Rating: 96/100

Mm smells industrial!
SpongeBob SquarePants (season 10) - Wikipedia

Average: 83

  1. Mimicry madness 97
  2. Patricks coupon 92
  3. Feral friends 93
  4. Krusty katering 90
  5. Mermaid pants 90
  6. Plankton retires 89
  7. Dont wake patrick 89
  8. House worming 88
  9. Lost and found 86
  10. Plankton gets the boot 85
  11. Code yellow 85
  12. Trident trouble 84
  13. Out of the picture 83
  14. The getaway 83
  15. Whirly brains 82
  16. Spongebob’s place 77
  17. Snooze you loose 76
  18. Life insurance 72
  19. Burst your bubble 70
  20. The incredible shrinking sponge 68
  21. Sportz 64
This is the season that kinda connects Spongebob to its modern phase it has some references to older episodes but its really short for some reason I wonder why?
It's because the second movie caused a lot of changes in production, which had a lot of crew changes and also shortened the tenth season (which I think was because they were producing it alongside season 9B, and this season also was in production with season 11) Season 10's kind of a transition season, it's the one to introduce the new animation direction and ditch the more on-model SpongeBob from seasons 6-9A

This episode starts in the krusty krab and Spongebob is practicing on not breathing for some reason. Mr.Krabs asks whats going on and Spongebob just likes kenny the cat who is someone who has held his breath for a really long time. Mr.krab doesn't even know he was a thing. Spongebob tells him that kenny is coming to bikini bottom and Mr.krab asks Spongebob to invite him to the krusty krab later on Spongebob visits the dome and he tells sandy about the cat. Sandy doesn't trust Kenny but Spongebob doesn't believe her doubt at night him and Patrick both await for his arrival. Kenny is pretty famous he even has a constellation. Patrick leaves and Songebob is left to wait for him and he arrives Spongebob is pretty excited. Spongebob has kenny sign his spatula and he convinces him to go to the Krusty Krab. Mr.krab is gonna be pretty rich from this. It turns out Kenny cheats with this and breaths oxygen Spongebob enters the bathroom and is betrayed. Spongebob is pretty sad from this Kenny tells Spongebob that he wants to give happiness to everyone or something like that. Spongebob promises not to tell on anyone. Kenny signs people in the krusty krab and he's feeding them lies. Sandy visits kenny and wonders how he holds his breath for so long Spongebob tries to deny that but Sandy is curious and Kenny gets busted in front of everyone everyone leaves the krusty krab and Spongebob still feels kinda bad for him and gives him advice already.

I find it weird that Spongebob tried to protect kenny and I though kenny was kinda of a narcissist in this episode but this episode was alright.

Rating: 83/100

This episode strarts with Squidward being all lazy and stuff Mr.krab is pretty angry about that. Squidward doesnt care because there's no customers but Mr.Krabs wants him to do something but Spongebob has pretty much done everything. Mr.krab asks Squidward to do something but Spongebob has it done he does it again but Spongebob does it again and again. Mr.krabs warns Squidward about the yeti krabs its a monster that terrorizes lazy employees. Squidward doesn't care and Mr.Krabs leaves. Spongebob is hard at work and actually believes in the take then a break yeti krabs goes to bikini bottom and finds the krusty krab. Spongebob sees it and he's pretty terrified Squidward thinks its a costume though and spongebob is upping the cleaning I'm pretty sure the yeti just wants food though and doesn't care about the cleaning part very much. Squidward really doesn't believe in that yeti krabs and is pretty angry/hungry. the yeti krabs runs after Spongebib and Squidward wears a scary outfit? Then he trys to take off the suit and Mr.Krabs enters the krusty krab and the yeti puts everyone in the grill. Spongebob reliazes that he's hungry and makes krabby patties for him he even pays.

Nice episode I like how Squidward belives the yeti is in a suit that was pretty funny I also liked squidwards apathy in this episode its one of the most likeable traits about him ngl.

Rating: 87/100

I kinda dont get the hate for episode its ok but I didn't hate that much. I like it when Spongebob tries to find a new job and I did think it was pretty sad how Mr.krabs just fired him for some dumb money.

Rating: 77/100

This episode starts in the early morning and Squidward is taking a bath and getting out. Squidward is already tired of this day and Spongebob is pretty excited about it they start walking for work and Spongebob thinks he should try to find a shortcut Squidward believes his way his the fastest. Spongebob still thinks there's a shortcut about and tries to find one. Spongebob finds Squidward when he tires to find a shortcut and so he does it again he gets lost. Spongebob finds the krusty krab and meanwhile the Krusty Krab is empty Squidward is chilling and the krusty krab Spongebob was finding turned out to be fake. Spongebob is just lost but at least he finds one of his landmarks and he finds a phone. When Spongebob calls Squidward answers and he has to add more dimes but he doesnt have any. Spongebob tries to find dimes in a sofa but people are occupying it and drinking soda. These people on the sofas are petticab drivers and Spongebob asks him to drive to the krusty krabthe guy drives him to the kusty klam instead. Spongebob really tries to find the krusty krab and finally arrives to the krusty krab two minutes early and Mr.Krabs need him to take a bath and Squidward tries to dirty himself to take a bath like Spongebob. Mr.Krab soaks him in water instead.

Nice episode also that background in the first couple of seconds was pretty neat . I like the kinda weird setting and that petticab driver part was pretty nice.

Rating: 92/100

Quote I really like: Another day! Another day.

So this episode is about spongebob learning how to drive but Mr.Krabs does it instead of Ms.Puff. Its kinda funny seeing how Mr.Krab loses hope and gary driving that car was really random. I thibk its nice Mr.Krabs had a turn teaching SpongeBob to drive but its good that its only a one time thing (for now).

Rating: 85/100


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This episode starts with Squidward preparing for something. Spongebob knocks and asks Squidward how busy he is and Squidward tell him that he's busy. The only reason why Spongebob knocked was so he could play jump rope. The mailman knocks and squidward thought he was Spongebob Spongebob so he kinda scares him with his voice. Squidward is invited to some fancy ceremony and is able to bring someone else. Spongebob wants to get invited so Squidward has to find someone else and he doesn't really have any friends. He thinks for a while and wants to invite the mailman. Squidward tries to talk to the guy and they have a ton of things in common but he doesn't like clarinets and Squidward leaves him. Squidward finds Spongebob again and asks him to talk to larry. Squidward thinks that larry should go to his party. Larry gives Squidward a ride on a boat and it was pretty exciting both of them have a ton of fun but the only bad thing about him is that he uses protein shakes and larry dumps him for it. Squidward finds Spongebob again and he has a plan. Spongebob is using a mirror to reflect Squidward and the news caster calls him out for it

Poor mailman but Squidward definitely deserved that from Larry. I think Squidward was a tad bit too rude in this episode but its alright I kinda cared more for the mailman than the episode itself.

Rating: 86/100

This episode starts with patrick getting a Krabby patty and he's got the money for it. AT the line people in business are all over the place and talking krabby patties in a business way. Patrick is starting to like whatever they are eating and asks for one. The executive treatment pattie is only for executives but he has to wear a tie he can order it and so Patrick buys them and when he's about to eat his patty he has to start "working. its pretty chaotic there and he has to go to a brainstorming meeting. The boss of this meeting is a crocodile who wants Patrick to sit next to him. Patrick is acting pretty dumb at the meeting and just wants a sandwich and he's starting to make the boss angry he thinks that Patrick is an imposter. Patrick only has 18 more chances to prove himself and after the guy tries to fire Patrick he actually just tells that he doesnt even work there. Patrick gets sent to jail ut at least Spongebob gives him the executive krabby patty and he gets outta jail.

What a surprising ending I thought this episode was pretty good Patrick was dumb in a good way at least in my opinion.
Rating: 89/100

This episode starts with Spongebob playing with the raw meat and he somehow gets pickle juice in Squidwards eyes and Mr.krabs has to fix the mess. Mr.Krab wants Spongebob to do work and he thinks Spongebob should make his toys into workers. Spongebob talks about how a company picnic will make everything better and so Mr.Krabs decides to do that to Spongebob and Squidward. Plankton has a plan though. Everything about that picnic sucks and Squidward hates it Spongebob seems to enjoy it. Mr.Krab thinks that it was an awesome company picnic and someone else also has a company picnic close to them, plankton hosts the company picnic. Plankton's picnic is pretty cool and he tries to manipulate everyone into joining his picnic. Squidward immediately comes over to the picnic and Mr. ZKabs kinda wants to go on that picnic and after a while is convinced to join Squidwards side. Spongebob is pretty lonely and is about to join Squidward and Mr.Krabs. Plankton gives both of them a job and has them sign a paper signing away the formula pretty much. Spongebob stops him from signing and the candy pen drops to a projector thingy and it turns out everything was ugly and disgusting.

What a weird plot twist at the end this was a pretty nice episode the change of setting and plankton plan was pretty interesting but I feel like everyone changed a bit too much here its a bit weird but I guess that its just flanderization.

Rtaing: 87/100

Quote I really like: OooOoo the ghost of mayonnaise badDDDddD.
This episode is about Spongebob taking care of snails and he turns to a crazy snail lover.

That donny snail is definitely a inside joke I like how Spongebob just turns into the snail lady. Its kinda strange how Spongebob doesnt care about the krusty krab anymore and also that allergy that Squidward has is a bit strange but blueberry Squidward is a great thing. That patrick turning into a snail part was kinda funny to me he looks so cursed and the whole snail sanctuary place is just so crazy and fun. For that ending I didn't really trust the guy but at least Spongebob is normal again not patrick though XD

Rating: 96/100


This episode starts with Spongebob fixing up a banner and hurting Squidward because of it. The banner is meant to be for a eating contest and Mr.Krabs is doing cartwheels to show how excited he is Squidwad shows that only one guy has entered the contest and he's probably the fastest eater in all of bikini bottom. Mr.krabs tries to find a way to evade this and decides Patrick should go into the competition and Patrick only agrees to do it for the free krabby patties. Patrick doesnt take it seriously and wants to savor every bite of the krabby patty. Mr.Krabs shows him the guy Patick is going against and shows him not to taste the patty slowly and both Sb and Patrick don't like that idea.Later a training montage is shown and bikini bottom has hope Patrick could win. When the eating competition comes along everyone is excited and Mr.krabs is getting richer and richer. The competition finally starts and Patrick kinda doesnt want to do it anymore Mr.krabs shows him the bill for all the krabby patties he ate so now Patrick is forced to do the contest. The guy Patrick goes against goes fast and Patrick eats slowly but some kid give spatrick the courage he needs so he starts eating and he's pretty much tied with the guy and its tied and Patrick has to eat one more krabby patty to win and he eats it so he wins.

Nice episode I didn't know I could get invested in a food competition episode but i was invested in it that kid was kinda weird tho lol

rating: 86/100

This episode starts with Patrick and Spongebob playing a really boring game and they start shouting about it and Squidward gets angry When Patrick uses the game cloth as a cape Squidward gets more angry and tells Payrick about the process of making a board game. Patrick wants to make a board game, Spongebob believes in him and Squidward doesn't. Patrick shows Squidward a game called tic-tac and its just tic-tac with 2 out of two squares its an easy win for Squidward and Patrick has to think another game. Patrick hows another game but Squidward disproves of it again and again and then again. Patrick talks to Sandy and she tells him to study all the games Patrick likes and pit it back together or something like that. Patrick makes a Frankenstein monster of all the board games combined and he has created a game. Squidward Sandy and Spongebob play with Patrick and everyone except squidward is excited for it. Patrick is acting pretty serious about his game Squidward doesnt care and delivers complaint after complaint. Patrick names the game Patrick the game. Patrick wants to explain he rules and Squidward just tells him to cut to the chase and hurry up and play. Everyone except Squidward is having fun and doing cool stuff on the board game and Squidwrad is just goes to jail. Squidward gets kinda angry and someone has to say his name to get out Squidward is about to get surgery and its just fake surgery then he decides to leave and everyone says his name so he gets out. Everyone says his name si he gets back in but wants to get out after he goes in jail againso they just go outside and after more angriness he destroys the board and goes to jail, fin.

Nice episode but I wish that more of this episode was about the board game even tho it already took up a lot I still liked it.

Rating: 86/100

Tgsu episode starts in the krusty krab and Mr.Krabs has an announcement the offical bikini bottom will be remaned to the krusty krab stadium. That means profit! While Mr.Krabs goes ot take care of things there he lets Squidward be the boss. Squidward gives spongebob some tasks. When hes running out of tasks he asks Spongebob to put as many things in the toilet and both of them but the things in the toilet till they flushed the secret formula safe. Squidward orders Spongebob to get the safe and so he does. Squidward feels bad for flushing Spongebob and after he makes a weird announcement everyone leaves and Squidward flushes himself. At the krusty krab stadium and someone cut corners on the plan for the bathrooom and it seems to be a pretty bad decision to cut corners. When Squidward is at the sewers he finds Spongebob and has him show where the formula is. Stange etchings are on the sewer and they find the safe but its just outta of their reach. Squidward gets bit by lamprays and its pretty bad then they fall into the water and meets a snake monster. At the stadium the floorplanner is getting anxious about the pipe situation and Spongebob and Squidward get eaten by the snake and they both tickle the snake and they get out alive with the safe. At the krusty krab stadium every pipe is getting flooded and its affecting the stadium and Sb and Squidward. The floorplanner gixes this problem and gets angry at Mr.Krabs and at leats the snake didnt get out till it did. The floorplanner pops the snake and Spongebob and Squidward get the safe to the krusty krab but everyone leaves agin.

Nice episode that snake was weird but still funny lol

Rating: 89/100
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