The SpongeBob SquarePants and Stevie Movie

The part where Stevie feels his head was hilarious! :trampoline:
Redy for more jokes with more Stevie's head? :girlpower:

Scene 19: Where's the Road?

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie were still screaming whilst being chased by the frogfish.

Old lady: Come on, kiddies! Have some ice cream!
SpongeBob and Patrick: *screaming*
Stevie: Is it low-calorie?
Old lady: I'll let you pet Mr. Whiskers!
Mr. Whiskers: Meeeoooww...
SpongeBob and Patrick: *screaming*
Stevie: (jumps onto SpongeBob) Fluffy Stranger Danger!
SpongeBob: Jump for it, guys!

SpongeBob and Patrick jumped off, but Stevie fell short and couldn't get out. The frogfish jumped off the dge of the road and ate the car (with Stevie still in it), but was then eaten by an even larger creature which took 9 seconds just for its body to pass through the screen and descend back into the trench.

SpongeBob and Patrick stared, wide-eyed. Stevie was then burped back up onto the edge of the cliff, covered in slobber.

SpongeBob: Well, we lost our car again.
Patrick: Yeah, and now I'm not hungry anymore.
Stevie: Never mind the car. Where's the road? (voice echoing) Road...road...road...(cut back to Stevie) Road. Road. Road. Road. Rr-- Sorry.
SpongeBob: Hey, there's the road. On the other side of this...deep...dark...dangerous...*fire shoots up*
Patrick: Hazardous.
SpongeBob: Hazardous...*a tenetacle is seen*
Stevie: Monster-infested.
SpongeBob: Yeah, monster-infested...trench.
Patrick: Hey SpongeBob, look! Here's a way down.

We some creepy-looking stairs.

Patrick: Well, wer'e not gonna get the crown standing here. On to Shell City.

He started walking down, but there was a monster noise every time he stepped on a step.

Patrick: Heh heh, hey look. It's making noise.
Stevie: Off we go!

He started walking furhter down, but then more fire shot up, setting his head on fire.

Stevie: (running back up the steps) AAAHHH!!! AAAHHHH!!!! (running in circles Water! Water! Need WATER‼
Patrick: Should we tell him?
SpongeBob: He'll figure it out eventually. (starts walking away)
*throughout the scene, Stevie is running around with his head still on fire in the background*
Patrick: (runs over) Well hey, where ya going?
SpongeBob: I'm going home, Patrick.
Patrick: But what about Mr. Krabs?
SpongeBob: What about us?! We'll never survive in that trench! Stevie didn't even last four seconds on the stairs! (grabs Stevie and blows the fire off his blackened head)
Stevie: Let's go again!
SpongeBob: You said it yourself, Patrick. This is man's country. And let's face it, Pat. We're
Patrick: We're not kids!
Stevie: Or crabs! We're not crabs either!
SpongeBob: OPEN YOUR EYES, GUYS‼ We blow bubbles, we eat ice cream, we worship a dancing peanut for the love of Canada! We don't belong out here!
Patrick: We do not worship him!

SpongeBob pulled down Patrick's pants, revealing Patrick's Goofy Goober Peanut Party briefs.

SpongeBob: Patrick, you've been wearing the same Goofy Goober Peanut Party underpants for 3 years straight! What do you call that?!
Patrick: Worship?
SpongeBob: (grabs Stevie's pants) And as for you, Stevie...

The author of the fic has chosen to censor this scene for the concern of young viewers.

*Patrick is flustered*
SpongeBob: (pulling Stevie's pants back up) Okay, I did not need to see that.
Stevie: Sorry. All my pairs are dirty, so I just decided...
SpongeBob: (stops him) I've heard enough.
Patrick: (crying) Oh, you're right, SpongeBob! We are kids!

He started running down the road, crying. He tripped on his pants.

SpongeBob: Pull your pants up, Patrick. We're going home.
Mindy's voice: But you can't go home!

Mindy has arrived on her seahorse carriage.

SpongeBob: Mindy!
Patrick: Mindy?! *quickly pulls his pants back up*
SpongeBob: How much did you hear?
Mindy: I've heard enough.
Patrick: Did you see my underwear?
Mindy: No, Patrick.
Patrick: (grabs his pants) Did you want to?
Stevie: Did you see my...*SpongeBob covers his mouth, muffling the last word*
Mindy: Look guys, you may be kids, but you're the only ones left who can get that crown!
Stevie: Do you know my name now?
Mindy: Um...yeah. Isn't it...No-Name?
Stevie: Never mind.
SpongeBob: What do you mean, we're the only ones left?
Mindy: Things have gotten a lot worse since you left Bikini Bottom. (grabs a magic mirror) Or should I say, Planktopolis.

The mirror showed them Bikini Bottom, which was now a barren civilization filled with Plankton-themed monuments.

Citizens: All hail Plankton...All hail Plankton...
Plankton: No resting! This monument celebrating my glory isn't gonna build yourself! Move faster!
SpongeBob: Oh, my gosh! Guys, look! Plankton's turned everyone we know into slaves! Squidward...*Squidward is seen fanning Plankton on his throne* Sandy... *Sandy, in her fan series outfit, is seen running on a hamster wheel* Mrs. Puff... *Mrs. Puff is seen axing rocks* (gasp) Even Gary! *Gary is seen hulling a huge block of rock*
Gary: Meow-plankton.
Stevie: Hey! Gabby's house seems perfectly fine.

As seen, Gabby's house is indeed fully intact. However, she and her family are seen in the backyard, all working at a brickyard.

Larry: All hail Plankton, dudes.
Stevie: Aw, dang.
SpongeBob: Can't your father do something about this?!


SpongeBob: I believe that...everybody I know is a goner‼
*SpongeBob and Stevie start crying*
Stevie: And so is my girlfriend!
Patrick: I wish I had a girlfriend in danger. Mindy, will you fall into the trench for me?
Mindy: No, Patrick.
Patrick: *also starts crying*
Mindy: Come on, guys!
*they run in circles, acting like lawn sprinklers*
Mindy: Guys...
*they bang their heads on the ground, crying*
Mindy: Guys?
*SpongeBob and Patrick start drinking each other's tears, whilst Stevie sprays his tears like a fountain*
Mindy: Eww!

Scene 20: Mustaches...and hair

SpongeBob: Did you hear that, guys? She'll use her mermaid magic to turn us into men! (jumping up and down with Patrick and Stevie) We're gonna be men! We're gonna be men!
Stevie: Can you use your mermaid magic to give me hair?!
Mindy: Uh...let's get started. Close your eyes.
*they close their eyes*
SpongeBob: Are we men yet?
Stevie: Do I have hair yet?
Mindy: Not yet. Uh...spin around three times.

The three of them started spinning in circles.

SpongeBob: I tihnk it's working.
Stevie: I can feel it growing already.
Mindy: (plucks some nearby kelp) Good, now...keep your eyes shut.


SpongeBob: You have a mustache!
Patrick: So do you‼
SpongeBob: Wooaahhh.
*they feel their mustaches, and each other's*
Stevie: What, no hair?
Mindy: *sigh* Close your eyes again.

She dropped some kelp on his head as he closed his eyes.

Stevie: *opens his eyes and gasps* Hair.
Mindy: So now that you're men, can you make it to Shell City?

SpongeBob and Patrick were busy playing with their mustaches, while Stevie was feeling his hair.

Mindy: Guys!
SBPatStev: Huh?
Mindy: I said, "Now that you're men, can you make it to Shell City?"
SBPatStev: Heck, yeah!
Stevie: Hair!
Mindy: Are men afraid of everything?
SBPatStev: Heck, no!
Stevie: Hair!
Mindy: And why?
SBPatStev: Because we're invincible!
Stevie: And I have hair!

They jumped off the edge and down into the trench.

Mindy: (calling down) I never said that!
Scene 21: Hairy Men

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie proceeded to fall, now having their false kelp mustaches and in Stevie's case, false kelp hair.

SpongeBob: Yeah!
Patrick: Yeah!
Stevie: Whoo!
SpongeBob: Yeah!
Patrick: Yeah!
Stevie: Whoo!
SpongeBob: Yeah!
Patrick: Ho!
SpongeBob: YAH!
Patrick: HO-HAH!
SB and Pat: *they hug each other* Yeah!
Stevie: Whoo!
SpongeBob: Yeah!
Stevie: Woo-hoo.
SpongeBob: Yeah.
Stevie: Hair.
SpongeBob: (looks down) Um, Patrick?
Patrick: Yeah, buddy?
Stevie: (touches his head) I'm not bald, am I?
SpongeBob: Guys, why did we jump over the edge instead of taking the stairs?
Patrick: Becau...Oh. Well...huh.
Stevie: I got nothing...except hair.

They both looked down at the ground they were about to hit, and then started screaming. Luckilly, they fell onto a kelp plant, which gently lowered them down to the bottom of the trench. SpongeBob stopped screaming, but Patrick and Stevie resumed.

SpongeBob: Guys!
Patrick: Huh? Are we dead?
Stevie: Am I bald?
SpongeBob: No! Far from it, my friends! We're safe and sound and hairy at the bottom of this trench!

The camera panned through the obviously-dangerous looking trench, featuring a sign pointing towards Shell City.

Patrick: The mustaches worked!
SpongeBob: Do you know what that means?!
Stevie: We're gonna grow beards too and form a band?!
SpongeBob: No. Well, maybe...after this movie's over. But we really are invincible!

Now that we're men,
We can do anything,
Now that we're men,
We are invincible
(Stevie pronounces "invincible" wrong)

Now that we're men,
We'll go to Shell City,
Get the crown, save the town,
And Mr. Krabs!
(And my girlfriend!)

Now that we're men,
Stevie: We have full-blown hair,
Now that we're men,

Patrick: I changed my underwear

Now that we're men,
We've got a manly flair,
We've got the stuff,
We're tough enough to save the day!

We never had a chance when we were kids
Stevie: I! Like! Eggs!
But take a look at what the mermaid did
Stevie: Mon...keys! Rule!

During the whole slapping scene, Stevie strained hard. He somehow was able to manipulate the kelp hair to slap across his head.

SpongeBob: Yeah, go Pat.
Patrick: Uh-huh...Uh-huh...
SpongeBob: Oh, yeah!
Patrick: Yeah, go Stevie!
Monsters: HURRAY!

Now that they're men,
We can't bother them,
Now that they're men,
They have become our friends

Stevie: Heh heh, phglem.

Now that they're men,
There'll be a happy end,
They'll past and finish the quest for the crown!

*slapping* They'll pass the test...
And finish the quest...
They'll pass the test and finish the quest for the crown!

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie finally made it to the other side of the road. The monsters all cheered.

SpongeBob: "Shell City, dead ahead!"
Stevie: When was the last time someone cleaned that sign?
SpongeBob: We did it, guys! We made it past everything! Even the hideous, disgusting monsters!
Monsters: Huh? (sulk back into the trench) Aww...
SpongeBob: (calling back down) Uh, not you guys. You guys are awesome!
Stevie: Even if you do smell like Patrick's gym socks!

One of the monsters threw a rock at him, knocking him out.

Stevie: Hair...
Wow, three whole additions in one day. I'm on a roll today.

Scene 22: Someone Stole the Crown?!

SpongeBob: Well guys, we should be there in one more verse!

Now that we're me...
Dennis: Finally.

Dennis now stood in front of them.

Dennis: I got you right where I want you.
Stevie: *gasp* Stranger danger...
SpongeBob: Uh, can I help you with something, sir?
Dennis: Name's Dennis. I've been hired to exterminate you.
SpongeBob: You're gonna...exterminate us?
Stevie: You're not gonna use a bug zapper, are you? 'Cause I'm allergic to fluorescent lighting.

The three of them glanced at each other and burst out laughing. Dennis was irritated.

SpongeBob: Listen, Junior, you've caught me and my friends here in a good mood today, so I'm gonna let you off with a warning. Step aside and you won't have to feel the awesome wrath of our mustaches.
Stevie: And hair.
Dennis: You mean...these?

He ripped off their fake kelp mustaches, leaving them bewildered.

Dennis: I thought you still had a piece of salad stuck to your lip from lunchtime.

He tossed them onto the ground.

SpongeBob: They were fake?
Dennis: Of course they were fake! This is what a real mustache looks like.

He lowered his hankerchief and strained. A rugged brown mustache appeared.

Patrick: Is he a mermaid?
Stevie: Well, at least I've still got my hair.

Dennis ripped off Stevie's kelp hair and tossed that onto the ground as well.

Stevie: (feeling his head) My dreams, crushed again.
Dennis: Alright, enough gab.

He started to appraoch them.

SpongeBob: Wha-What are you gonna do to us?
Dennis: Plankton was very specific.
SpongeBob: Plankton?!
Dennis: For some reason, he wanted me to step on you.
Patrick: Step on us?!
Dennis: Yeah! That way, you'll never find out that he stole the crown!
Stevie: Someone stole the crown?! Why didn't I know about this?!
Dennis: Uh, perhaps I've said too much.

Scene 23: Stranger Danger

SpongeBob: Wait, Pat! This bigger boot saved our lives!
Patrick: Yay!
SpongeBob and Patrick: Thank you, stranger!
Stevie: *gasp* Stranger?
SpongeBob: Uhh, stranger?
Stevie: *whimpering*

The Cyclops revealed himself.

SpongeBob: it's the Cyclops‼

They ran away, screaming. The Cyclops eventually grabbed the both of them. Stevie was able to squeeze himself out.

Stevie: Ha ha ha!

He tried to escape, but the Cyclops picked him up with his other hand. He then walked away dramatically, as SpongeBob and Patrick screamed. Stevie screamed the word "Potatoes" over and over again.

Stevie isn't supposed to be purple? He's still "No-Name" Jellyfish, right? THEN WHY THE FUDGE DO YOU ALWAYS MAKE HIM PURPLE?!?!?

Oh, and nice storie. :P
Scene 23: John Jacob Jingleheimer Stevie

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie were now asleep in the fishbowl. Stevie's snoring was especially loud and obnoxious, sounding like a jammed-up lawnmower. SpongeBob woke up, then Patrick.

Patrick: Are we dead?
SpongeBob: I don't think so. Stevie, wake up.

Stevie awoke and sat up, although he still snored obnoxiously.

SpongeBob: (scoops up some rocks) Artificually colored rocks?
Stevie: (backing away) Stand back. Those might not be rocks.

Patrick ate some as SpongeBob started walking.

SpongeBob: I don't know where we are...(bumps into bowl) What is this?
Patrick: (knocking on it) It's some kind of wall of psychic energy.
SpongeBob: No Pat, it's a giant glass bowl.
Stevie: Nonsense! We must confront this wall of psychic energy! Alright, you hold Dedede down, I'll grab his jet hammer.
SpongeBob: Hey, there's some fish folk!
Stevie: Wait! Remember stranger danger...
SpongeBob: Hey, over here!
Patrick: Hey! Hey, you guys!
Stevie: (as they're yelling) And once again, I'm completely ignored.
SpongeBob: You guys, hey!
Patrick: Help!
SpongeBob: A little help here! We're stuck in this...Huh? Wait a second. Those fish are...dead.

They all hurdled together as the Cyclops started looming over them. They turned around and screamed. He laughed as they scurried about, except for Stevie.

Stevie: Bring to me your greatest riddler! (SpongeBob grabs him)


SpongeBob: Oh, no! He's going for his evil instruments of torture!
Stevie: He's gonna probe us!
SpongeBob: He's making a humorous diarama of...Alexander Clam Bell?!
Stevie: What?! That pun's a groaner! What's next? Thomas Lettucin? John Legumezomo? (gasp) Harrisea Weed?!
SpongeBob: Guys, he's killing sea animals and turning them into smelly knickknacks! And I think we're next!
Stevie: (gasp) I'm too young and handsome to be John Jacob Jingleheimer Stevie! *SpongeBob stares at him* What? :P
Patrick: (in the Cyclops's hand) You guys think so?
SpongeBob: Patrick! (is grabbed) No!
Stevie: Hah! No arm to grab me with!

The Cyclops strianed. Somehow, a third arm sprouted out from his stomach.

Stevie: (is disgusted) I hate cartoon logic.

The Cyclops grabbed Stevie with his third arm and carried them over to the heating lamp.

Scene 24: Hot Tomatoes

Patrick: You mean, we're not gonna get the crown, save the town, and Mr. Krabs?
Stevie: We're not turning into puppets? My other dream, not realized.
SpongeBob: I don't even think we're gonna be able to save ourselves, guys. (his arm snaps off)
Stevie: Oh, yay. Dinner.
*Patrick puts the arm back on*
SpongeBob: Thanks.
Patrick: Don't mention it.
Stevie: Killjoy.
SpongeBob: Well, it looks like what everybody said about us is true, guys.
Patrick: You mean that we're attractive?
Stevie: At this point, we should've already been married to some hot tomatoes?
SpongeBob: No, and whoever said that?
Stevie: Patrick's mom. She called.
SpongeBob: We're just kids.


SpongeBob: Pat, we made it.
Patrick: Yeah. I guess we did.
Stevie: I still think we could've done better.
SpongeBob: Come on, Stevie. We did all right for a couple of goofballs.
Stevie: If I remember correctly, you're a Knucklehead McSpazzetron. ♪I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
Patrick:You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
Stevie:We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah

All together: (as they die away)
Goofy Goofy Goober Goobers...yeah

Stevie died into a generic blue jellyfish Beanie Baby (he ven had a Beanie Baby tag on his side) toy in cloth pants like SpongeBob's.

Back in the movie theater, the pirates all started crying.

Pirate captain: That's the end of SpongeBob.
Stevie: (comes back to life for a brief second) Hey, hows come nobody cares about me? My name's in the title, too! (dies again)


SpongeBob: Hey, we're alive!
Stevie: (stands up) And we're gorgeous! *SpongeBob and Patrick stare at him* What? Why does everybody keep doing that?


Patrick: What's happening?
SpongeBob: I don't know!
Stevie: Life is happening! (slaps Patrick) Deal with it!
SpongeBob: (points down) Look!


The miriachi band resumed playing. Producer Randy was among them.

Producer Randy: Danza, todos, la danza!

Stevie: (watching everyone fight) Come on! Hit him to the left! You got him, you got him, TOUCHDOWN! (SpongeBob grabs him)
Scene 25: Hasslehoff's Not Getting Paid For This

SpongeBob and Patrick exited Shell City. Strangely, Stevie was not there with them.

SpongeBob: Come on, Patrick! Let's get this crown back to Bikini Bottom!

The camera panned out to show Stevie was sitting on top of the crown. He cracked a whip at them.

Stevie: Move it! Mush! Hyua! Hyua!
SpongeBob: You know, Stevie, you could help us out here.
Stevie: Yeah, I could. (lies back)

They sat the crown down on the beach. Patrick knocked it over, thus making Stevie fall off. He walked over.

SpongeBob: (to Patrick) Do you still have that bag of winds?
Patrick: (turns around revealing a bulge on the back of his shorts) I sure do!
(they laugh)

NOTE: This bit may only be suitable for teens.
[spoiler2]Stevie: (pulls the bag of winds out of the front of his pants) Here you go!
SpongeBob: (looks at Patrick then Stevie) it in the front of your pants?
Stevie: Yeah, of course. What did you think that bulge in my pants was?
*very long pause*

SpongeBob put on sterile gloves before grabbing the instructions and handing the bag to Patrick.


SpongeBob: Okay, let's go over the instructions!
Stevie: Instructi-ones.
SpongeBob: Let's see... It says here, Step 1: Point the bag away from home.
Stevie: Away from the homie, yo.
Patrick: (points the bag in the opposite direction) Okay.
SpongeBob: Step 2: Plant feet firmly on ground.
Stevie: Plant them on the ground like ya just don't care!
Patrick: (plants feet firmly) Right.
SpongeBob: Step 3: Remove string from the bag releasing the winds.
Stevie: Pull off the ladder!
Patrick: (untied string) Check. (the bag flies away)
SpongeBob: Well, that seems simple. Point bag away from home, plant feet firmly on ground, pull string releasing the winds. Alright, let's do it for real!
Stevie: Fo' shizzle!
Patrick: Uh, SpongeBob?


*as they chase the bag*
Stevie: I'll give you $100 (50)!


*when David Hasslehoff runs over*
SpongeBob: Who are you?
Stevie: Stranger danger?
David Hasslehoff: I'm David Hasslehoff. (:D)
SpongeBob and Patrick: Hurray!
Stevie: Are you getting paid for this?
Hasslehoff: Not really, no. :)
SpongeBob: Uh, so where's your boat?
Hasslehoff: Boat? (laughs)
Stevie: Uh, Spongey, I don't think he needs no stinkin' boat.

We see Hasslehoff swimming away from the beach. SpongeBob, Patrick, Stevie, and the crown rode on his back.

SpongeBob: Go, Hasslehoff!
Stevie: Next stop, Seuss Landing! (SpongeBob and Patrick stare at him) ... And then Bikini Bottom.

What? They got away with stuff like that in The Cat in the Hat.
Man, another excellent scene. That part with the censored was genius.
Scene 26: Mutant Cows

SpongeBob: Hurray for Hasslehoff! Nothing can stop us now!
Stevie: Not even mutant cows!
Patrick: Huh? Unidentified object off the hindquarters!
SpongeBob: It looks like...Bigger Boot. But how?
Stevie: Cartoon logic! It's after us! (jumps onto Patrick)
SpongeBob: (looking carefully) I don't think so...

The boot lifted up and Dennis popped out from underneath.

SpongeBob: Waahhh!!! Dennis!!!
Stevie: (clenching onto Patrick's head) Stranger danger‼ (starts crying)
Dennis: Didja miss me?
Stevie: (stops crying) No, not really. (Dennis strikes an arrow at his forehead) I'll shut up.

Scene 27: Weird Kid

Neptune: There is nothing else I can do.
Mindy: You can give SpongeBob, Patrick, and that weird kid a little more time.
Neptune: 'Except give SpongeBob, Patrick, and the weird kid, a little more ti-ti-ti-tuhuh...What??

Scene 28: Don't Cut the Green Wire!

Dennis: (takes off his broken sunglasses) Now where were we?
Stevie: (removes the arrow from his forehead) Um, I believe you were about to step on us with your spiky boots whilst laughing at...
Dennis: (strikes another arrow at his nose) Shut up!


Patrick: If we run now, we'll never sto...(Dennis shoves him onto Hasslehoff's foot)
Stevie: Well, that convinced me.
Patrick: Run, SpongeBob!

SpongeBob started running.

Stevie: Whatever you do, don't cut the green wire!

Dennis tried to strike SpongeBob with his sword, but he missed and hit Hasslehoff instead.

Hasslehoff: Ooh! Take it easy back there, fellas!
Stevie: Don't cut the green wire!

SpongeBob ran down Hasslehoff's leg, Dennis following him.

Patrick: SpongeBob, be careful!
Stevie: Not the green wire!


Dennis: You got guts, kid. Too bad I gotta rip 'em out of ya.
Stevie: (eating popcorn while sitting on Hasslehoff's butt) Come on, Spongey! Show him what you're made of!
SpongeBob: Um, I don't know what Plankton's paying you, but if you let us go, I can make it worth your while.
Dennis: It's gonna take a lot more then five...what is this?!
SpongeBob: Uh, that, sir, is five Goober dollars, legal tendy at any participating Goofy Goober's...*Dennis grabs him*
Stevie: Hey, that's my five Goober dollars!
SpongeBob: I got bubbles, fun at parties. (the ubbles fly into Dennis's eyes)
Dennis: My eyes! (tosses SpongeBob)
Patrick: I gotcha, SpongeBob! (catches him)
SpongeBob: Thanks, buddy. (Dennis gets ready to step on them) Uh, thanks a lot.
Dennis: That's it‼ I'm through messing around! See you later, fools!
Stevie: (taps him on the shoulder) Hey, Denny!
Dennis: (turns around) Huh?

Stevie suddenly tied him up in a green coil wire. He then cut the wire with a pair of sizzcors, thus shocking Dennis nearly to death. Unconcious, Dennis fell and rolled back down into the sea.

Patrick: See ya.
Stevie: And that's why you don't cut the green wire.