The SpongeBob SquarePants and Stevie Movie

From here on out, I'm only gonna highlight individual scenes in the movie where Stevie will be placed, since we've all seen the movie already.

Scene 7: Neptune's Wrath

We see Mr. Krabs placing a manager's nametag on Stevie's shirt. He was operating a periscope. Stevie was more focused on his paddleball.

Mr. Krabs: Now pay attention, Stevie! As manager, you've gotta keep a sharp eye out for paying customers!
Stevie: Did you say something, Mr. K?

He looked through the periscope, which was looking outward from the Krusty Krab 2.

Mr. Krabs: What's this?

Through the periscope, we see King Neptune and Mindy on a seahorse carriage ehading for the KK2.

Mr. Krabs: King Neptune is riding toward the Krusty Krab at lunchtime! He's got money!
Stevie: (looking through the periscope) And a very stylish paper bag! Rowwr!

The carriage stopped in front of the KK2. Neptune stepped out.

Neptune: Stay in the coach, daughter. This won't take long.
Mindy: Daddy, please! I think you're overreacting.
Neptune: Silence, Mindy! I know what I'm doing.

He then bumped into the pole.

Neptune: Squire!
Squire: Yes, your highness.
Neptune: Have this pole executed at once.

Mr. Krabs was repainting the prices on the menus into hundred-digits as Squidward and Stevie looked on.

Squidward: $101 for a Krabby Patty?
Mr. Krabs: With cheese, Mr. Squidward. With cheese.
Stevie: I'll buy one.

Squidward glared at Stevie. Just then, Neptune came in as the squire blew a fanfare.

Neptune: Greetings, subjects. I seek the one known as Eugene Krabs. May he present himself to me at once.
Mr. Krabs: I'm Eugene Krabs, your highness. Would you like to order something?
Stevie: And tell me where I can find a paper bag hat like that?
Neptune: NAY! I'm on to you, Krabs! You have stolen the crown, you cannot deny! But clever as you are, you left one ::dolphin noise::ing piece of evidence at the scene of the crime!

He held down a note to Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: (reading) "I stole your crown signed, EUGENE KRABS?!!?"
Stevie: (gasp) That's the worst handwriting I've ever seen!
Neptune: (flashes his triton at Mr. Krabs) Relinquish the royal crown to me AT ONCE!

Scene 8: SpongeBob Has Got Something to Say

Neptune: (to the customers) Before I turn this conieving crustacean into fishmeal, who here has anything to say about Eugene Krabs?

A "drunken" SpongeBob came in.

SpongeBob: (burp) I've got something to say about Mr. (gulp) Krabs!
Stevie: Me too!

SpongeBob staggered around over to Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, me boy! Oh, you've come just in time!
SpongeBob: (bumping into Neptune) Oh, pardon me, miss.
Mr. Krabs: Please, tell King Neptune all about me.
SpongeBob: I have worked for Mr. Krabs for (hic) many years, and always thought he was a great boss.
Mr. Krabs: (to Neptune) You see? A great boss!
SpongeBob: I now realize that he's a great big JERK!

Mr. Krabs turned to SpongeBob, shocked.

Stevie: (rushing over) And I bet he doesn't even wear deoderant! (sniffs Mr. Krabs's armpit) Yeah. The foul stench of dishonesty!
SpongeBob: I deserved that manager's job, but you didn't give it to me, 'cause you said I'm a KID!
Stevie: *gasp*
SpongeBob: Well, I am 100% MAN! And this MAN has got something to say to you. *blows a prolonged raspberry at Mr. Krabs* There. I think I've made my point.

Mr. Krabs and Stevie glanced back up at Neptune.

Neptune: Anyone else? No? Well then...

He then zapped Mr. Krabs on fire with his triton.

SpongeBob: (snapping back) Huh?
Mr. Krabs: OHH! Me pants are on fire! (he is down to his underwear) Me underwear's on fire! (he is naked) I'M ON FIRE!
Stevie: (following with a camera) Must take pictures!

He then jumped into a tub of water.

Mr. Krabs: Ahh. Yeah.
Stevie: (rushing over) Aww, man.
Neptune: And now, Eugene Krabs! (lights up his triton again) You will...
SpongeBob: (jumping onto his nose) WAIT!

Scene 9: He's Bald!

Neptune: You don't understand! My crown is a symbol of my king-like authority! And uh, between you and hair is thinning a bit.
SpongeBob: Oh, your highness. I'm sure it's not that noticab...

Neptune removed his paper bag, revealing his shiny bald head.

SpongeBob: ...aaahhhhhlldd! Bald! Bald! Bald!
Customers: Bald! Bald! Bald!
Stevie: MY EYES!!! :P ... Wait. I don't have eyes.
Neptune: (putting it back on) Alright! Alright!

Scene 10: Mindy Interrupts

Neptune: Run along, I have a crab to cook.

He then flashed his triton towards Mr. Krabs again.

SpongeBob: (standing in front of Mr. K) NO! I won't let you!
Stevie: (standing in front of SpongeBob) And I demand my own paper hat to accustom to my bald spot!
SpongeBob: Stevie, you can't even grow hair at all.
Neptune: Very well, then. I'll have to fry the three of you!

Just then, Mindy came in.

Mindy: Daddy, stop it! Can't you get through one day without executing someone?
Neptune: Mindy! I told you to stay in the carriage!
Mindy: Where's your love and compassion? (holds SpongeBob up) Look at this little guy. He's willing to risk his life to find your crown and save his boss.
Stevie: (jumping up and down; as she's talking) Hey, no fair! I want to be held up by a mermaid too!
Neptune: But daughter, I...
Mindy: Plase, father! At least let him try! What have you got to lose? Might I remind you of your "special problem"?

She lifted his paper bag again.

Everyone: Bald! Bald! Bald! Bald!
Stevie: MY EYES!!! ... Wait.
Neptune: (puts it back on) Alright! Very well, Mindy. I'll give him a chance. But...when your little "champion" fails to return, I get to splatter this crab all over the walls!
Mr. Krabs: Huh?
Neptune: (to SpongeBob) And as for you! Be back here with my crown in exactly 10 days!
Patrick: (suddenly popping up) He can do it in 9!
Neptune: 8!
Stevie: 7!
Patrick: 6!
SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs: (jumping on Patrick and Stevie) GUYS!
Neptune: 6 it is, then.
Stevie: (choking) Five...
SpongeBob: Guys, shush!
Neptune: Until then, the crab shall remain frozen where he now stands!
Mr. Krabs: NO! Wait! I'm begging ya!

Neptune used his triton to freeze Mr. Krabs in thick ice.

Squidward: (at the cashier) Who turned on the AC? (gasp) Mr. Krabs!

He ran over and tapped Mr. Krabs's frozen body.

Squidward: Oh, no! This is terrible! Who's gonna sign my paycheck?
Stevie: (running over) Whoa, cool!

He started breathing in Krabs's presense, watching his breath in the air.
Great job! but I still like the original movie better.
I actually don't mind Stevie in this one.
Scene 11: SpongeBob's Mission

Mindy swam over to SpongeBob and Patrick.

Mindy: Listen, you guys, the road to Shell City is really dangerous. There's crooks, killers, and monsters everywhere! And what's worse, there's a giant Cyclops who guards the outskirts of the city and preys on innocent sea creatures! Don't let him catch you, because if he does, he'll take you back to his lair and you'll never be seen again!

SpongeBob was immesnely terrified whilst Patrick was infaturated.

Patrick: She's purty, SpongeBob.
Stevie: (walking over; pause) I don't see it.
Mindy: (hands SB a bag) Here, take this.
SpongeBob: (takes the bag) What's in here?

He opened it up and then a huge gust of wind blew in his face.

Mindy: (tying the bag shut) It's a magical bag of winds. I stole them from my father.
Patrick: You're hot!
Stevie: Tsst.
Mindy: Once you find the crown, open the bag of winds and you'll be blown back home.
Neptune: (calling) Mindy!
Mindy: I'm coming! Good luck, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Wait! How do you know my name?
Mindy: Oh, I'm gonna be Queen of the Sea one day. I've learned the names of all the sea creatures.
Patrick: What's my name?
Mindy: That's easy. You're Patrick Star.

Patrick blushed and turned his head round and round.

Stevie: What's my name?
Neptune: (calling) Mindy!
Mindy: I, uh...gotta go. I believe in you guys. (dashes off)
SpongeBob: Thanks, Mindy!
Stevie: HEY! Ain't that the dumbest of luck. She doesn't know my name. (pulls his pants up) Well, I'm coming with you guys.
SpongeBob: Don't you have a lot of duties to attend to as the...(gritting teeth while saying it)...MANAGER OF THE KRUSTY KRAB 2?
Stevie: Hm. Good point.

He walked over to the frozen Mr. Krabs.

Stevie: Hey, Mr. Krabs, can I have the next 6 days off?
Stevie: (pulls off his nametag) Thanks!
SpongeBob: (walking over) Don't worry, Mr. Krabs. Patrick, Stevie, Squidward, and I...
Squidward: Pass. (walks out of the KK2, dropping his hat)
SpongeBob: Or, um...Patrick, Stevie, and I...
Patrick: (walking over) Hi.
SpongeBob: ...are gonna get that crown back and save you from Neptune's wrath. You've got nothing to worry about. Your life is in our hands.

Mr. Krabs's eyes glanced over. SpongeBob and Patrick were in their same goofy poses from the original movie. Stevie was picking his nose.

Mr. Krabs: *moan*

Scene 12: The Patty Wagon

SpongeBob: Guys, let's go get that crown.
Pat and Steve: Right!
Stevie: I call shotgun!

They both dashed into the kitchen and onto firehouse-like poles. They slid down and ran into an elevator, which played Musak as they waited.

Stevie: BORING!

They then ran out, pulling into an extreme camera closeup with extra detail added to their faces. For Stevie, his skin became slightly more translucent and bubbly, but the rest of his facial features matched SPongeBob's.

SpongeBob: Feast your eyes, Patrick.
Patrick: What is it?
Stevie: It's a way of life!

The lights came on, revealing the Patty Wagon.

SpongeBob: The Patty Wagon. Mr. Krabs uses it for promotional reasons, and Stevie made it himself.
Stevie: (holding a giant spatula with mustard and ketchup stains all over his face) Let us to show you some of it features.
SpongeBob: Sesame seed finish!
Stevie: Fresher then Old Man Jenkins's behind!
SpongeBob: Steel-belted pickles!
Stevie: Slicked down with pure fryer grease!
SpongeBob: Grilled leather interior!
Stevie: I was gonna use actual patty beef, but it wouldn't cut properly.
SpongeBob: And under the hood...
Stevie: A fuel-injected french fryer with dual overhead grease traps!
Patrick: Woww.
SpongeBob: Yeah. Wow.
Stevie: If you think that's wow, wait till you see the built-in "tomatoilet" I built into it.

They jumped inside.

Patrick: Hey, I thought you didn't have a driver's license!
Stevie: Yeah! I want my money back!
SpongeBob: First of all, you didn't pay any money, and second of don't need a license to drive a sandwhich.

He inserted in the spatula key, pushed down the beverage cup gear shift, and the Patty Wagon smashed through the walls, however without an onamotepeoa bubble following.

Stevie: KER-PATTY‼
*as the PW drives down the road*
Sponge, Pat, and Steve: Shell City, here we...

The PW stoppd at a Phil's Pizza Boy.

Stevie: Yeah, I'll have an extra large coraloni pizza with a small Coral-Cola, please. (he's handed his pizza and beverage) Thanks. Okay, you can go!
*the car starts again*
SpongeBob and Patrick: (as Stevie is eating his pizza) Shell City, HERE WE COME!
Scene 13: The County Line

The Patty Wagon drove down the road as the three of them sang.

SpongeBob:Ohh, I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
Patrick:You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
Stevie:We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
Sponge, Pat, and Stevie: ♪Goofy Goofy Goober Goobers, yeah!

They stopped at the gas station in front of the County Line. The two attendants, Harold and Lloyd, looked up at them. SpongeBob was wearing an aviator's mask, scarf, and gloves. Stevie was finishing his pizza.

SpongeBob: Fill 'er up, please.
Harold: What'll it be, fellas? Mustard or ketchup?

They slapped their knees and started laughing.

Stevie: Actually, it takes about twenty gallons of deep frier grease. (Sponge and Pat glance at him) What? it does.
Patrick: Are they laughing at us?
SpongeBob: (taking off his aviator's gear) No, Patrick, they're laughing next to us.
Stevie: I thought they were laughing towards us whilst being in front of us. Or am I thinking backwards?
Harold: Where are you three dumb kids headed anyway?
Patrick: Kids?!
Stevie: Dumb?! (reaching out to claw at them) I KEEL YOU‼
SpongeBob: (holding Stevie back) Now, guys. For your information, we are not kids. We are men. And we're off to get King Neptune's crown in Shell City.
Harold and Lloyd: Shell City?!
Lloyd: Ain't that the place that's guarded by a killer cyclops?
SpongeBob: That's right.
Stevie: Don't forget the crooks.
Harold: (taking his hat off) Lloyd, take off your hat in respect. Respect for the DEAD‼

They slapped their knees and started laughing again.

Harold: You three dipsticks ain't gonna last ten seconds over the county line!
SpongeBob: Oh yeah?! We'll just see about that!
Stevie: (pulls out a stopwatch) And I got stopwatch power!

Stevie started the stopwatch as the Patty Wagon crossed the County Line. Then, they stopped at a thug standing in front of them.

Stevie: (pointing) STRANGER DANGER‼
Thug: Out of the car, fellas.

They got their suitcases and stepped out of the car. The thug jumped inside and drove it off.

SpongeBob: (to Stevie) How many seconds was that?
Stevie: (checking his stopwatch) 12.
SpongeBob and Patrick: (dropping their suitcases) IN YOUR FACE‼

The three of them slapped their knees and laughed. Harold and Lloyd jsut stared. SpongeBob danced around like a chicken as Patrick blew a loud horn. Stevie blew a prolonged raspberry at them.

SpongeBob: That's what I'm talking about! Yeah!
Patrick: Yeah, who's the kid now?!
Harold: They're dead.

The three of them high-fived as Patrick kept blowing the horn.
Man, Stevie never eases to be funny! My favorite part:
Scene 14: 5 Days Away...By Car

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie continued walking down the road. They were getting really tired. Patrick was still blowing the horn, which was wearing out.

SpongeBob: Yeah, moving out...Whoo...
Patrick: Woo-hoo...Oh, yeah...
SpongeBob: Victory...
Stevie: I can't handle this anymore. SpongeBob, carry me.

He jumped into Patrick's arms.

Patrick: Are we there yet?
Stevie: Don't make me turn this scene around!
SpongeBob: We must be getting close by now. Guys, look!

We see a billboard.

SpongeBob: "Shell City, Only 5 Days Away!"
Patrick: "By car."
Stevie: I wonder how long it takes by bulldozer.
SpongeBob: (sigh) I wish we still had our car.
Patrick: SpongeBob, look! Our car!

Their car was parked out front. The three of them smiled and ran over.

SpongeBob: (gasp) The key is missing!
Patrick: Where do you suppose it is?
Stevie: Your mom.

Just then, a gy was booted out the window of the Thug Tug. The three of them looked through the window.

I got no reason to be paranoid,
What's on the hook, that's what I avoid

SpongeBob: Alright, here's the plan. I'll do a distraction, and Patrick'll go get the key.
Patrick: Oh, wait, wait! I wanna do the distraction!
SpongeBob: Okay. I guess it doesn't matter who does the distraction.
Stevie: What do I do?
SpongeBob: What do you wanna do?
Stevie: I wanna go to the bathroom!
SpongeBob: Okay, then. You do that.
Stevie: Roger dodger!

Stevie casually walked in, folllowed by Patrick looking tough. SpongeBob snuck underneath the door.

Scene 15: Bubble Party

SpongeBob walked into the bathroom. Patrick was using a urinal (I think :xD:).

SpongeBob: Patrick, you call that a distraction?!
Patrick: I had to go to the bathroom. Stevie is very inspiratonal.
SpongeBob: Where is he, anyway?
Stevie: (raising his hand from inside a stall) Present!
SpongeBob: Well, I got my hands dirty for nothing.

He walked over to use the soap dispenser. Bubbles leaked out of it.

SpongeBob: Guys, look!
Patrick: (watching the bubbles floating by) Whoa!
Stevie: (walking out of the stall with a piece of toiletpaper stuck to his foot) Cool.
Sponge, Pat, and Steve: Yay! Bubble party!

They started dancing around and playing with the bubbles.

SpongeBob: Ololo!
Patrick: Nyuh-nyuh-nyuh!
Stevie: *blowing raspberries*
SpongeBob: Ololo!
Patrick: Nyuh-nyuh-nyuh!
Stevie: *blowing raspberries*

A bubble floated out as they were playing.

Victor: HEY!

Scene 16: Bubble Blowing Big-Head Baby

Victor: (tormenting Sponge and Pat) I'm a Goofy Goober, YEAH. You're a Goofy Goober, YEAH. We're all Goofy Goober's, YEAH...

SpongeBob and Patrick opened their mouths to sing.


The song stopped.

Victor: Well, well, well. (puts on his eyepatch) Which one of you was it?
Stevie: (pointing next to him) It was him!
*nobody is next to him*
Victor: Who?
Stevie: Eric the invisible silkworm. Seriously, I've never even eaten at GOOFY GOOFY GOOBER GOOBERS, YEAH! (covers his mouth)
Victor: Well, looks like we've got ourselves a big-head baby!

They all started beating Stevie up. SpongeBob and Patrick snuck out.

SpongeBob: Man, that was a close call.
Patrick: Look what I got! (pulls out the key)
SpongeBob: The key! Ssshhh.

They ran back to the car. Stevie walked out, beaten up severely.

Stevie: Hey, wait! Guys, wait for me!

They drove off into the night. Stevie chased them.

Stevie: Guys, hey! Don't leave me behind! Come on! Guys!
The "I can say whatever I want to" joke is from Bee Movie.

Scene 17: I Can Say Whatever I Want

Plankton: Who can stop me now? (laugh) WHO?!
The camera cut to Stevie, now sitting grumpingly in the back seat of the Patty Wagon, and zoomed out to Sponge and Pat, who were laughing at him.

SpongeBob: Oh gee, come on, Pat. One more time.
Patrick: Okay. (impersonating Stevie) "I've never even eaten at GOOFY GOOFY GOOBER GOOBER's YEAH!"

They continued laughing as the car started to drive through a wasteland of bones and skulls.

Patrick: What a baby.
(they continue laughing)
Stevie: Alright guys, the fun's over. Do you even know where we are?
SpongeBob: Who-whoa! Road's getting kinda' bumpy here!
Stevie: You guys aren't listening. I can say whatever I want.
Patrick: You know, SpongeBob, there's a lesson to be learned from all this.
SpongeBob: What's that, Patrick?
Stevie: (as they're talking) You look like a dork. Sandy doesn't love you.
Patrick: A bubble-blowing big-headed baby doesn't belong out here. In man's country.
SpongeBob: Yeah!
Stevie: (as they're talking) You're a pinhead. Those pants make you look fat.
SpongeBob: Wait, we blew that bubble. Doesn't that make us bubble-blowing big-headed babies as well?
Stevie: (initially as they're talking) Actually, you're pretty fat already. They just make you look even more fat.
Patrick: (turns around to Stevie) Did you say something?
Stevie: No. No, I didn't.
Patrick: Oh. (pause) Hey look, free ice cream!

They stopped their car at an ice cream stand.

SBPatStv: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
SpongeBob: Oh, boy!

He got out and started walking through the skulls.

Stevie: That's all, folks. (falls asleep)
Patrick: (leans over to a skull) How ya doin'?

Scene 18: Step On It, Patrick!Scene 17: Frogfish!

Patrick: (looking at the frogfish through the rearview mirror) Ohh.
Stevie: (awakes in a jolt, startling Patrick) AAHH!!! (feels his head) Oh, thank god. My head is fine.

The frogfish began to snap its mouth shut. SpongeBob bit off the lady's arm and proceeded to fall. He bounced off a tooth and landed back in the car, which Patrick backed up for him.

Patrick: Did you get the ice cream?
Stevie: What did I tell you guys about stranger danger? Nobody ever listens to me in this house.
Frogfish: *roars*
Stevie: (in the common voice from the YouTube Poop videos) Or else you will die. O_o

Patrick hit the gas pedal and the car speeded off. The frogfish proceeded to chase them.

SpongeBob, Patrick, and Stevie: *screaming their brains out*

Scene 19: Dennis Investigates

Dennis arrived at the Thug Tug, abruptly interrupting the above scene. He saw some bubble soap on the ground in Stevie's footprint. He lowered his hankerchief and blew a bubble from it. The bubble displayed an image of SpongeBob and Patrick laughing, and then Stevie blowing a raspberry.

Victor: HEY!