SpongeNerd CoolPants

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Yay climax. :lol:

Scene number: 14
Scene name: A Race Against Time!

SpongeBob, Darry, Larry, and Terry (I mean, Joe! GAH!) walked into Turnshell Park. It was now starting to rain, very lightly at this point.

SpongeBob: So, what we gonna do today?
(they start walking)
Darry: Today, we're just gonna hang by the Pikmin Rock. Now that it's raining, the rock is wet with the stench of coolness.
SpongeBob: Truer words 'ave neveh been spoken.

Patrick continued running through Downtown Bikini Bottom. The rain was starting to pick up.

Patrick: Ah! There's so much rain, I can't see through these glasses!

Just then, he bumped into a street sign. The impact shattered the glass of the sunglasses, giving them a sort of nerdy look.

Parick: Who...put that street sign...there?

He regained his composure and continued running. A fierce wind started to pick up.

Patrick: (struggling to keep up with the wind) Oh, come on!

SpongeBob, Darry, Larry, and Barry (AH! Make it stop!) walked over to the rock and leaned against it.

Joe: Shouldn't we 'a brought a 'brella?
SpongeBob: Nah.
Darry: The rain is what makes the hair smooth and slick.

Finally, the wind blew Patrick's jacket off.

Patrick: My jacket!

He chased after his jacket, but the wind blew it away and out of his sight. The rain started to come down fiercely.

Patrick: My jacket...(wind picks up) So cold...So wet...need something...over this leather shirt...

He then spotted a yellow plaid button-shirt in a store display.

Patrick: Plaid...So cotton...So comforting...(ponders)

People were packing up their stuff, pulling out an umbrella, and leaving Turnshell Park. However, SB, D, L, and H (J!) stayed. Mud puddles were forming all over the park. Dirty water dripped down from the rock and at the feet of Joe and SpongeBob.

Joe: (lifting his foot) Ew, yuck!
SpongeBob: At least we all wearin' boots.

Patrick buttoned up his new plaid shirt over his wet leather shirt and continued going.

Just then, he stopped. Blocking the road was a crowd of people (all wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas) watching a magician's act.

Patrick: Who has a magician's act in a rainstorm?!
Magician: (with an Italian accent) Uh-oh, it looks-a like rain, ya? (waves his wand) Abra-caloni! (wand turns into an umbrella)
Audience: Ooh! Aah! Hoo!

Patrick, desperate for a shortcut, ran across the stage, bumping into the magician.

Magician: (upon falling) Holy Mona Pizza!
Patrick: (gets up and continues running) Sorry!
Magician: (gets up) Alright, for my-a next trick, I need a...Hey, where's-a my bow tie?!

The magician's red bow tie had now snapped onto Patrick. Coupled with the lens-less sunglasses and plaid shirt, Patrick now looked like a total nerd.

Eventually, he finally jumped the Turnshell Park fence and found himself on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pikmin Rock.

Patrick: There they are. (starts walking) Now, I just gotta walk very quietly...(slips on a mud puddle) Whoa‼

He started sliding down the muddy cliff, catching the attention of SpongeBob, Darry, Larry, and Barry (Jerry! I mean, GAH! Joe!).

SpongeBob: (his sunglasses lower) Patrick?
Joe: 'Ey, look. There's Patrick now. The pisser.

Patrick eventually slid on a bump and fell through a Smash Ball, a ring of fire, and a basketball hoop, before finally splashing into the mud puddle in front of them. He was now covered in mud.

After a short pause, Darry, Larry, and Harry (Larry! Larry! It's Larry! DRRRG‼ JOE‼) burst out laughing.

Darry: Look at him! He's covered in mud! The nerdiest of all thick liquids!
Joe: And...and...he looks like a wicked nerd!

They continued laughing. SpongeBob just stared at Patrick for a while, his sunglasses falling off. A single tear rolled down Patrick's cheek.

- Patrick slips up trying to catch a jellyfish, from Jellyfishing
- SpongeBob and Patrick slide down a sandy mountain, from Patrick Smartpants
- The two do their Presidential initiation for Squidward, from Good Neighbor
- Sponge and Pat embrace each other, from Life of Crime
- Jessie: Listen, is that a voice I hear?
James: It's speaking to me loud and clear!
Jessie: On the wind!
James: Past the stars!
Meowth: In your ears!
Jessie: Bringing chaos at a breakneck place!
James: Dashing all hope, putting fear in its place!
Jessie: A rose by any other name is just as sweet...
James: When everything's worse, our work is complete!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: And it's James!
Meowth: Meowth, now dat's a name!
Jessie: Putting the do-gooders in their place...
James: ...we're Team Rocket...
All: In your face!
Wobbuffet: Wobba wobbuffet!
Mime Jr: Mime mime mime mime mime!

After a few seconds...

SpongeBob: Hey! Knock it off!
Darry, Larry, and Chuck (Wait, WTF?! Chuck?! That doesn't even rhyme! What the ::dolphin noise:: is wrong with me?!): What?!
Patrick: What?!
Mr. Herriman: (in his office, puts down his newspaper) What?!
SpongeBob: You heard me! Knock it off! (splashes into the mud puddle) So, what if he jumped in the mud? Mud is great and...and, muddy!
Patrick: SpongeBob, how...
SpongeBob: (rips off his cool clothes, revealing his regular clothes underneath) We don't need leather jackets or hip sunglasses to be cool! The truth is, we're all cool, in our own "cool" way.
Darry: Guys, I think SpongeBob has taught us all something.
SpongeBob: Really?
Darry: Yeah. (pause) BOTH of you guys are nerds! (they laugh)

SpongeBob and Patrick winked at each other.

SpongeBob: Say Patrick, what do you say we give these guys a taste of what we think is cool?
Patrick: Let's.

They each scooped up a handful of mud and tossed it at them.

Joe: Ew man, mud!
Darry: Aaahhh!!!

They all took their jackets off and satarted attempting to scrape their mud onto the ground in a childish manner.

Darry: (to a lady walking by) Lady, give me your lipstick!

He swiped three tubes of lipstick from the lady's purse and gave two to Larry and Joe. They tried to use the lipstick to scrape off the mud. Sponge and Pat watched, stunned.

Eventually, the lipstick tube ripped off Joe's mohawk. The added pressure of the lipstick rubbing also caused all of Darry's hair to fall off in strands.

The three stood there, bald, wet, and covered in mud mixed with pink lipstick.

Larry: (with a British accent) Now you two know how I feel.

They shamefully walked away.

SpongeBob: Come on, Patrick. Le'ts go back home and be cool.
Patrick: (as they walk away) I'll bet the bubble blower.

*muddy bubble transition to final scene*

Final scene: Cool In Our Own Way
Scene number: 15
Scene name: Cool In Our Own Way

SpongeBob and Patrick sat atop Patrick's rock, blowing bubbles.

SpongeBob: You know, Patrick, we really are cool in our own way. Whether we're riding motorcycles or just simply jellyfishing.
Patrick: So, you think we're not nerds?
SpongeBob: (scoffs) NO. Sure, the sunglasses and the cool clothes were fun for a while, but you know what I think is cool?
Patrick: Blowing bubbles?
SpongeBob: Nooooooo.
Patrick: Huh?
SpongeBob: (pulls out a handful of mud) Blowing mud bubbles.

He squeezed the mud into their bubble wands and they started blowing bubbles of mud.

Patrick: So um, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: Yeah, buddy?
Patrick: You're not...mad about me saying you were a nerd and trying to change who you are?
SpongeBob: Hmm. Actually, come to think of it, that did seem un-friendlike of you. It'll take me a while to forgive you for that.
Patrick: But...nothing bad happened out of it though, right?
SpongeBob: Yeaahhh. (stands up) Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go apologize to Sandy, get Larry out of his identity crisis, and beg Mr. Krabs for my job back.

He walked away.

Patrick: Okay. See ya...Sponge...Bob...(falls asleep)
Nerdy Larry: (pops up on screen) The atomic number of an element equals the number of protons in its nucleus.

*iris out on Larry*

We cut back to Patchy's house, where Patchy and Potty are still fighting. The entire house was a gross mess. Patchy, ::dolphin noise:: behind a couch, is now using a ketchup-and-mustard squirter cannon at Potty, whilst Potty, covered in mustard and cabbage juice, hurled a cabbage at Patchy. It splat right into his face.

Patchy: (wipes the cabbage leaves off his face) Hey, kids. As you can see, Potty and me are still in the middle of our food fight. But I'm going to end this just they did in World War II. (to Potty) Alright, Potty! Get ready to meet my final bomb!

He ran into his closet and came back with an enormous nuclear cannon. Six jars of pickled relish were also wired into it.

Patchy: Prepare for pickled nuclear warfare!
Potty: Rawk, what in the name of Canada is that thing?
Patchy: This is my nuclear pickled relish cannon! This thing could cover the entire Statue of Liberty in relishy goop!
Potty: Oh, no! Rawk!
Patchy: (positioning the target at Potty) That's right, bird. You'd better be scared.
Potty: Rawk!
Patchy: Prepare to die‼ 1...2...3...FIRE‼

We cut outside the house. From inside, there was a bright flash. A few seconds later, the window frame fell off. We cut back inside to see the cannon had exploded, leaving half of the house caked with pickled relish everywhere, including all over patchy. The entire house had a thick green atmosphere. Potty was in the half of the house mostly untouched.

Potty: Rawk, now ya done it.
Patchy: (spits out some of the pickled relish in his mouth) Blehh! I knew I sput too much atomic fission into that cannon!
Potty: Face it, old timer. I have won.
Patchy: I'll never give in! You killed my father!
Potty: No, Patchy. (closeup) I AM your father.
Potty: Rawk, I'm just messin' with ya.
Patchy: (to the kids) Oh, well. At least now I can watch the rest of the cartoon.

He went back to the TV screen...just in time to see the episode end.

Larry: ...equals the number of protons in its nucleus. *iris out*
Patchy: What? It's over?! Already?! No! How can this get worse?!

Just then, the goop short-circuted the TV, causing the screen to explode.

Patchy: My TV! I'll never be able to watch another SpongeBob cartoon again! (starts crying)
Potty: (hands him a mop) Rawk, that gives you time to do other things around here. (flies through the open door)
Patchy: Where are you going?
Potty: Sorry, pops. *poofs into a leather jacket and sunglasses* But I'm too cool to hang around here. See ya around, chaplip.

He flew away. Patchy put his head to the handle of the mop and continued crying.

Narrator: *as the camera zoomes out of the house* Well, I guess we all learned a little something today. Pickled relish never helped anything. Especially when you're Patchy.

The End *please stay tuned after the credits O_o*

Written by

Directed by

Original Story by

Executive Producer

Writing Inspiration and Cultral References
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends "Bye Bye Nerdy"
The Simpsons
The Emperor's New School
The Simpsons Movie
Fairly OddParents "Fairy Idol"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Spy Buddies"
SpongeBob SquarePants "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic"
Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii
SpongeBob SquarePants "The Secret Box"
Home Improvement
Shrek the Halls
Mountain Dew©
Homestar Runner: Strong Bad Email "fan club"
It's over 9000‼
Drake and Josh "I Love Sushi"
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
WarioWare: Mega Microgame$$!
SpongeBob SquarePants "Jellyfishing"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Patrick Smartpants"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Good Neighbor"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Life of Crime"
Pokmon anime
Phineas and Ferb
The Empire Strikes Back

"SpongeNerd CoolPants"

Tom Kenny...............SpongeBob, Stevie, Patchy, Joe, Kevin, Narrator, Gary, Hollywood Director, various voices
Bill Fagerbakke.........Patrick, Darryl, Policeman, various voices
Carolyn Lawrence.....Sandy, various voices
Eugenio Derbez.........Producer Randy
Mr. Lawrence............Phillip, Young Timbacks, Larry, Director

"SpongeNerd CoolPants"
Also Starring
Tom Wilson....Potty
Jill Taley........Darlene, various voices

"SpongeNerd CoolPants"
Guest Starring

Nancy Cartwright....Darry
Thomas Sangster....Larry
Darrell Waltrip........Ken Darry
Matt Groening.........Himself
Charles Martinet.....Magician
SBRoxMan..............Pablo the Dolphin

Special Thanks to All SBM Members Who Read and Commented On This Fic
Band Geek
Bart Simpson
Ralph Wiggum
sandy cheeks2
The Dark Knight

Also Special Thanks To
Band Geek
The Dark Knight

No one became uncool during the making of this fic.

Fan characters, titles, and all other original elements are self-declared property of Douglas-Z and the SpongBuddy Forums. Any unauthorized re-usage or duplication of said inertia will make Douglas-Z very very angry.

Post-Credits Scene

We cut to a Port-a-Potty. From inside, we hear a flush. The door opens and Stevie the Jellyfish (whom hasn't appeared in the fic at all) stepped out. A piece of toiletpaper was stuck to his foot.

He stretched for a few minutes and scratched his butt.

Stevie: What'd I miss?

[sup]©2008 Douglas-Z
©2008 SpongeBuddy Mania Forums[/sup]

Stay tuned for: Bonus Features!
Glad I could help then :wall:

You know...there's a game coming out next month...[/devilish talking]
Production Notes on SpongeNerd CoolPants

SpongeNerd CoolPants was written as the official Season 10 premiere, and so as such, I tried to make the whole fic a taste of what Season 10 shall be like. I tried to keep this fic very in-tune with the actual show, another taste of Season 10, which will focus more on emulating the actual show.

This fic was inspired by a Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends episode named "Bye Bye Nerdy", where Bloo sees Mac studying at school, and worries he's a nerd. So he teaches Mac how to be cool, but by the end of the episode needs him back again. Many elements, including Patrick's "Transformation" to a nerd as he journerys to the park and even the big rock in the park were taken from that episode.

One very notable thing you'll notice is that, save for the post-credits scene, Stevie does not appear in this fic. This was a decision made early on so that the story focused on only SpongeBob and Patrick. Don't worry, Stevie will still appear as a main character throughout the rest of Season 10.

A very late decision, made merely a few weeks before I started writing the episode, was to include a Patchy the Pirate wraparound. I have grown more interest in Patchy and his antics since his appearance in Atlantis Squarepantis. And so, I decided to have Patchy host the Season 10 premiere. My interest in The Simpsons had also peaked since I recieved the Simpsons Movie DVD, hence the theme song. :plankx:

The Outtakes!

Patchy: Hey, kids. Your old pal Patchy here to welcome you to the...

He walked over to the neon sign and pulled down the switch, but it didn't turn on.

Patchy: What the...(consistently pulling it) What's wrong with this blasted...

Finally, the sign turned on and severely electrocuded him. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

Director: Cut! Can somebody give this guy motuh-to-mouth? Anybody?


Cameraman: Speed. Marker.
Director: Action.
SpongeBob: (wakes up) Good morning, Gary!
Gary: Meow.

SpongeBob then leaped off the bed and towards the wall. Gary shifted a calendar on the wall to the left. SpongeBob fell short and landed on the ground.

SpongeBob: Ow.


Director: Alright...action.
Patrick: Heh, hi...guys.
Darry: Hey Patrick, who's that slub?
Patrick: This...is...my best friend, SpongeSlub. (everyone starts laughing) SpongeSlub? Ah-ha! Did I really say SpongeSlub? Oh, man! Oh-h0!
*SpongeBob walks away impatiently*


Patrick: Come on, SpongeBob! Don't make me get the characters from Mega Mash Friends Quarrel in here!

SpongeBob sighed and stepped into the capsule. Kevin closed the doors and pressed a button. The machine exploded. Everybody laughed, except Kevin.

Keivn: What?! Who did that? Th...Patrick?! Why, you little! (tackles Patrick, knocking down the camera) I'm gonna rip your face off for this‼
Director: Okay, okay, break it up.
*to security guards walk over*


Director: And...action!
Patrick: Wow, SpongeBob! You turned Larry into a nerd! Is there anything you can't do?
SpongeBob: Fo sho. Check this.

He snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a stampede of angry sea bears started chasing them.

SpongeBob and Patrick: *running away* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Pablo the Dolphin: (suddenly walks over) Madness... THIS IS... (Sandy walks by) Uhn, eh...what is this exactly?
Director: Pablo! It's Pablo, for the love of Canada!
Pablo: Sorry! I can't concentrate with my dear Sandy here!
Sandy: (walks over) Your dear Sandy?


As Patrick goes through the parody of the Shrek clip, he stumbles and falls into the snow.

Patrick: I...*phew* I can't do this anymore...Oh, man...
Director: *sigh* Cut!


Kevin: Oh, man. Those vents regulate the machine's power. Without them, the machine will overload, and possibly cause an ENGSMS...*starts gagging, and then coughs up a bag of Twizzlers*
*everybody laughs*
Kevin: (as Patrick snickers) Hey, you know I can't eat Tweezlers!


Cameraman: Speed. Marker.
Director: Action!
Patrick: (in a loud tone) Gee Kevin, isn't this ice cream delicious?
Kevin: Yeah, whatever. I hope nobody I know sees me here.
Patrick: (in a loud tone) It's too bad SpongeBob isn't here to...
Producer Randy: (suddenly pops out of the bowl, covered in ice cream) Hola, amigos‼
Patrick and Kevin: *fall out of their chairs*
Producer Randy: (pulls out an ice cream cone) El helado, anyone?


Sandy: (walking towards him) What's going on here, Patrick? Did something slither into yer brain and die?
Patrick: I'm not Patrick! I am Mr. Twinkles! WHEE‼ MR. TINKLES‼
*everybody starts laughig, except Patrick*
Patrick: What? What's so funny? What'd I say, what?

Deleted Scenes

Patchy's New Weapon
This scene was discarded after I made the decision not to have a half-time wraparound. His ketchup-and-mustard squirter cannon still appeared in the ending scene however.

*Potty squirts a bottle of poupon at Patchy*
Potty: Haw-haw-haw! Rawk!
Patchy: Alright, parrot! You have your new-fangled "condiments" while I got something better! My new-fangled weapons! *pulls out a ketchup-and-mustard quirter cannon*
Potty: Rawk!
Patchy: Eat tomato juice and mustard seed, parrot!

He fired an array of ketchup and mustard squirts at Potty, coating him in the orange-ish mix.

Potty: That's nothing! Rawk!
Patchy: Oh, really! Then let's see what you think of this! *pulls out a microscope with a cork lodged in the lens*
Potty: Rawk, that's a microscope, you half-wit!
Patchy: Oh, it used to be just a microscope! (extends out the microcope and attaches a bottle of poupon to it) But after some modifications, it is now my poupon bomb!

He twisted off the cork and threw it at the ground below Potty. But after a few seconds, nothing happened.

Patchy: What the...? Why doesn't it work?

Potty threw it back to him.

Patchy: Uh-oh.

The bomb exploded, leaving Patchy covered from head to toe in poupon.

Potty: *laughs*
Patchy: (pulls out his squirter cannon) You kids just go to a commercial break. This could get ugly.

Stevie's Cameo
This was one of my rejected ideas for Stevie's cameo appearance at the end.

*on top of Patrick's rock*
SpongeBob: You know, despite all we've been through today, I can't help but shake the feeling that something's missing.
Patrick: Really? What could possibly be missing?
Stevie: (walking past eating a banana) Good luck figuring that one out.

Stevie Saves the Day
A rather drastic idea for Stevie's inclusion was to have him turn SpongeBob back to normal at the end of the sotry. I eventually rejected it in favor of the post-credits scene.

Patrick: Please, SpongeBob! Remember the memories! Remember‼
SpongeBob: No.
Patrick: Huh?
SpongeBob: I will never dull myself back down to your level. The SpongeBob you used to know is gone.
Patrick: (cries) What will it take to convince you?!
Stevie: (walks over with the Mind Manipulation-O-Matic) It'll take take some mind power! (inserts it on SpongeBob's head)
Patrick: Where did you come from?
Stevie: If you can't do it with love, then let's do this the Douglas-Z way!
Patrick: (points to the Mind-O-Matic) That's the Nick Park way.
Stevie: Not caring. (activates it)

Sneak Peeks

On the next new episode of SpongeBob SquarePants: Season 10...

Stevie's taking the Sand Mountain challenge...

Stevie: I can make it down Mt. Death Slide or my name isn't Timmy Finkleback! ... Wait a minute.

*a guy is seen screaming as he plummets down the mountain*
Scooter's card: 1.2
Sandy's card: 4.9
Kevin's card: YOU SUCK

Plus, take a look at an average morning for Bikni Bottom's most unaverage denizen...

Producer Randy: S! Desayuno tiempo! (dashes out of the bathroom)

And then, the Krusty Krab's got a new drive-though attendant!

Man in his car: I just want a Krabby Beef Taco with no onions and a small Kelp Shake!
Patrick: Yeah, and I want a driver's license and a swimming pool, but we can't always get what we want, tubby!

Catch Sandy Stevie/Rise and Sombrero/Drive-Through Woes, featuring...... A COMPLETELY NEW FAN CHARACTER!!! =]

Coming this summer to a forum near you!


On another new episode of SpongeBob SquarePants: Season 10...

Stevie gets ready for his first date with Gabby...

Gabby: Why are you so...sweaty?
Stevie: (practically soaked in sweat) Sweaty? Who's sweaty?! I'm not sweaty‼ I'm perfectly relaxed‼
*top of his head breaks open revealing his brain*

Plus, Patrick is fussy with his prorous friend's morning treat...

Patrick: (tosses the pie in SpongeBob's face) Blech! I hate blueberry!
SpongeBob: I'm sorry, Patrick! I'll make you another pie!

And then, SpongeBob, Patrick, Stevie, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Sandy are tested on quite a game show!

Announcer: Which one of these six lucky contestants are the least afraid of being attacked by a sea bear...or a mob of sea bears?

SpongeBob: *screaming*
Squidward: *screaming*
Patrick: *screaming*
Stevie: *belch*

Catch Fancy Mess/Pie Ya Glad?/Bear Factor, coming soon to a forum near you!


Maddie Fenton from Danny Phantom: What on Earth was that?!
Jack Fenton: (running out) Ghosts! GHOSTS‼

We see that an alien spaceship has crashed into the Fenton Lab on top of the house.

Sam Manson: Maybe it's not aliens.
Tucker Foley: It could just be a clever marketing strategy.
Danny Fenton: Or for all we know...it could be ghosts.

The camera then goes to the shot of Marc, Chris, and Jared inside the ruins of their crashed spaceship.

Marc: We want...your jelly!
Tucker: (over footage of the festival) They must want the jelly from the upcoming Amity Park Jelly Festival! They're even importing jelly from India!
Danny: Let me get this straight. You guys are...alien ghosts.
Jared: (as the three are floating and casting a glow) De hecho estamos! (Indeed we are!)

Stevie: I don't belong here! I was set up! I want a lawyer!

The title appears on the screen.

Nickelodeon INVADED
Chapter 4: Blobtastic Voyage!

The final invasion...
Kevin: Oh, man. Those vents regulate the machine's power. Without them, the machine will overload, and possibly cause an ENGSMS...*starts gagging, and then coughs up a bag of Twizzlers*
*everybody laughs*
Kevin: (as Patrick snickers) Hey, you know I can't eat Tweezlers!

Best...quote...ever. =]
Really funny outtakes, cool notes, and can't wait for your next episodes.
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