Scene number: 15
Scene name: Cool In Our Own Way
SpongeBob and Patrick sat atop Patrick's rock, blowing bubbles.
SpongeBob: You know, Patrick, we really are cool in our own way. Whether we're riding motorcycles or just simply jellyfishing.
Patrick: So, you think we're
not nerds?
SpongeBob: (scoffs) NO. Sure, the sunglasses and the cool clothes were fun for a while, but you know what I think is cool?
Patrick: Blowing bubbles?
SpongeBob: Nooooooo.
Patrick: Huh?
SpongeBob: (pulls out a handful of mud) Blowing mud bubbles.
He squeezed the mud into their bubble wands and they started blowing bubbles of mud.
Patrick: So um, SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: Yeah, buddy?
Patrick: You're not...mad about me saying you were a nerd and trying to change who you are?
SpongeBob: Hmm. Actually, come to think of it, that did seem un-friendlike of you. It'll take me a while to forgive you for that.
Patrick: But...nothing bad happened out of it though, right?
SpongeBob: Yeaahhh. (stands up) Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go apologize to Sandy, get Larry out of his identity crisis, and beg Mr. Krabs for my job back.
He walked away.
Patrick: Okay. See ya...Sponge...Bob...(falls asleep)
Nerdy Larry: (pops up on screen) The atomic number of an element equals the number of protons in its nucleus.
*iris out on Larry*
We cut back to Patchy's house, where Patchy and Potty are still fighting. The entire house was a gross mess. Patchy, ::dolphin noise:: behind a couch, is now using a ketchup-and-mustard squirter cannon at Potty, whilst Potty, covered in mustard and cabbage juice, hurled a cabbage at Patchy. It splat right into his face.
Patchy: (wipes the cabbage leaves off his face) Hey, kids. As you can see, Potty and me are still in the middle of our food fight. But I'm going to end this just they did in World War II. (to Potty) Alright, Potty! Get ready to meet my final bomb!
He ran into his closet and came back with an enormous nuclear cannon. Six jars of pickled relish were also wired into it.
Patchy: Prepare for pickled nuclear warfare!
Potty: Rawk, what in the name of Canada is that thing?
Patchy: This is my nuclear pickled relish cannon! This thing could cover the entire Statue of Liberty in relishy goop!
Potty: Oh, no! Rawk!
Patchy: (positioning the target at Potty) That's right, bird. You'd better be scared.
Potty: Rawk!
Patchy: Prepare to die‼ 1...2...3...FIRE‼
We cut outside the house. From inside, there was a bright flash. A few seconds later, the window frame fell off. We cut back inside to see the cannon had exploded, leaving half of the house caked with pickled relish everywhere, including all over patchy. The entire house had a thick green atmosphere. Potty was in the half of the house mostly untouched.
Potty: Rawk, now ya done it.
Patchy: (spits out some of the pickled relish in his mouth) Blehh! I knew I sput too much atomic fission into that cannon!
Potty: Face it, old timer. I have won.
Patchy: I'll never give in! You killed my father!
Potty: No, Patchy. (closeup) I AM your father.
Potty: Rawk, I'm just messin' with ya.
Patchy: (to the kids) Oh, well. At least now I can watch the rest of the cartoon.
He went back to the TV screen...just in time to see the episode end.
Larry: ...equals the number of protons in its nucleus. *iris out*
Patchy: What? It's over?! Already?! No! How can this get worse?!
Just then, the goop short-circuted the TV, causing the screen to explode.
Patchy: My TV! I'll never be able to watch another SpongeBob cartoon again! (starts crying)
Potty: (hands him a mop) Rawk, that gives you time to do other things around here. (flies through the open door)
Patchy: Where are you going?
Potty: Sorry, pops. *poofs into a leather jacket and sunglasses* But I'm too cool to hang around here. See ya around, chaplip.
He flew away. Patchy put his head to the handle of the mop and continued crying.
Narrator: *as the camera zoomes out of the house* Well, I guess we all learned a little something today. Pickled relish never helped anything. Especially when you're Patchy.
The End *please stay tuned after the credits

Written by
Directed by
Original Story by
Executive Producer
Writing Inspiration and Cultral References
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends "Bye Bye Nerdy"
The Simpsons
The Emperor's New School
The Simpsons Movie
Fairly OddParents "Fairy Idol"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Spy Buddies"
SpongeBob SquarePants "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic"
Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii
SpongeBob SquarePants "The Secret Box"
Home Improvement
Shrek the Halls
Mountain Dew©
Homestar Runner: Strong Bad Email "fan club"
It's over 9000‼
Drake and Josh "I Love Sushi"
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
WarioWare: Mega Microgame$$!
SpongeBob SquarePants "Jellyfishing"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Patrick Smartpants"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Good Neighbor"
SpongeBob SquarePants "Life of Crime"
Pokmon anime
Phineas and Ferb
The Empire Strikes Back
"SpongeNerd CoolPants"
Tom Kenny...............SpongeBob, Stevie, Patchy, Joe, Kevin, Narrator, Gary, Hollywood Director, various voices
Bill Fagerbakke.........Patrick, Darryl, Policeman, various voices
Carolyn Lawrence.....Sandy, various voices
Eugenio Derbez.........Producer Randy
Mr. Lawrence............Phillip, Young Timbacks, Larry, Director
"SpongeNerd CoolPants"
Also Starring
Tom Wilson....Potty
Jill Taley........Darlene, various voices
"SpongeNerd CoolPants"
Guest Starring
Nancy Cartwright....Darry
Thomas Sangster....Larry
Darrell Waltrip........Ken Darry
Matt Groening.........Himself
Charles Martinet.....Magician
SBRoxMan..............Pablo the Dolphin
Special Thanks to All SBM Members Who Read and Commented On This Fic
Band Geek
Bart Simpson
Ralph Wiggum
sandy cheeks2
The Dark Knight
Also Special Thanks To
Band Geek
The Dark Knight
No one became uncool during the making of this fic.
Fan characters, titles, and all other original elements are self-declared property of Douglas-Z and the SpongBuddy Forums. Any unauthorized re-usage or duplication of said inertia will make Douglas-Z very very angry.
Post-Credits Scene
We cut to a Port-a-Potty. From inside, we hear a flush. The door opens and Stevie the Jellyfish (whom hasn't appeared in the fic at all) stepped out. A piece of toiletpaper was stuck to his foot.
He stretched for a few minutes and scratched his butt.
Stevie: What'd I miss?
[sup]©2008 Douglas-Z
©2008 SpongeBuddy Mania Forums[/sup]
Stay tuned for: Bonus Features!