Before you read this next scene, I'd like you to take the time and read this Patchy segment that was supposed to go in front of Scene 8 (Rendevouz in the Subspace Resort-sery). I can't edit it back into the post due to the new rule (GRRRR!!!!!!! :P).
The food fight continued within Patchy's home. Patchy and Potty had now resorted to throwing meat products.
Patchy: Alright, Potty! Taste my grilled fury!
He threw a burger. Potty caught it in his mouth and swallowed it whole.
Potty: Mm, tasty. Rawk.
Patchy: Oh, yeah? Let's see how tasty... (Potty throws a frozen slab of meat at his head) ERR! ... Let's see how tasty you oldy moldy beefbag!
On the table next to him, we see a moldy floppy burger with loose beef dripping from it. Patchy threw it, and it splattered on Potty.
Patchy: Hah-hah!
Potty: Rawk! (pulls out a red-colored egg) Rawk!
Patchy: What's that?
Potty: It's a tomato egg. Rawk!
Patchy: Tomatoes don't lay eggs!
Potty: Rawk, says you.
He hurled the "tomato egg" at Patchy. It spalttered in his face.
Patchy: Alright, you know what, Potty? (makes another moldy beefbag into a burger) I'm gonna give you a beefbag inbetween a bun!
He flung it at Potty, who was in front of the door. Potty got out of the way as the door oepened. A policeman was seen with a form.
Policeman: Uh, Patchy the Pirate? Yes, um, Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, has sued you on the account of ripping-off his...*the burger lands in his mouth*
Patchy: Uh oh.
The policeman ripped half of the burger out and spit out the other half.
Policeman: HEY! You think burgers are funny?! You know Patchy, I could arrest you for assaulting a police officer!
Patchy: (pointing to Potty) Bu...bu...It was...
Policeman: I don't care if it was Elvis Presley! We'll be seeing you in court, Patchy! *slams the door*
Potty: (to Patchy) Rawk, now you're in trouble.
Patchy: Grr! (packing his fists together) Why don't you kids get back to the cartoon while I politely kill Potty?
Scene number: 10
Scene name: The Power of Cheesy Cartoon Montages!
NOTE: There's foreshadowing somewhere in this chapter. See if you can find it.
In Downtown Bikini Bottom, we see a piece of cheese lying on the sidewalk, with a string attached to it.
Prodcuer Randy: (walks away) Oh, boy! Queso!
He ate the cheese. The string was then pulled back, thus pulling along Randy. It was then revealed that the string was attached to a fishing pole that Kevin was reeling in.
Kevin: I think I've got him.
Randy: (once he's been reeled in) HOLA! Lovely day for fishing, s?
Patrick and
Patrick: Salgan de aqu, naranja pelcano!
He hurled Producer Randy away.
Randy: Ah, I've still got it. (lands into a garbage can) Oh, bruto! It smells like Herman's bao de aqu!
*garbage can closing and repoening transition*
We see another piece of cheese now lying in front of the Krusty Krab's doorway. Patrick and Kevin were sitting on top of the KK sign out front.
Kevin: Once SpongeBob walks the driveway on his way to work, he will find the cheese, eat it, and we shall reel him back in. And then, we'll stop being all expositional just so the readers know our plan!
Patrick: Genius.
SpongeBob: (walking by) Too bad I'm not working at that sad shack anymore.
Patrick: Aw, tartar sauce.
*bubble transition*
Another piece of cheese was now lying on the street.
Patrick: (as they're hiding behind a bush) Alright. If this doesn't work, then my name is Patrick Danger Star!
Kevin glared at him.
Patrick: What?
SpongeBob walked over and picked up the cheese. He took a small bite out of it (that wasn't connected to the string) and continued walking.
Patrick: Fish paste! Let's try this from Sand Mountain.
Kevin: Um Patrick, I don't mean or intend to be Captain Obvious here, but...maybe cheese isn't the answer.
*bubble transition*
SpongeBob continued walking down the road. Just then, he stopped. The road led into a Goofy Goober's convienently placed there.
SpongeBob: What in the name of...
On the patio, we see Patrick and Kevin sitting at a table. Patrick was eating cie cream whilst Kevin watched, bored.
Patrick: (in a loud tone) Gee Kevin, isn't this ice cream delicious?
Kevin: Yeah, whatever. I hope nobody I know sees me here.
Patrick: (in a loud tone) It's too bad SpongeBob isn't here to pig out and enjoy this ice cream with us!
SpongeBob started to feel nervous. His desire for the ice cream was starting to crack thorugh his cool persona. He tried to walk away, but the road behind him suddenly led into another Goofy Goober's that was magically there. Before long, there was a Goofy Goober's there everywhere he looked, almost impossible.
Kevin: Remind me again how this is all happening.
Patrick: It's a cartoon.
SpongeBob continued struggling not to go into the Goofy Goober's. He was just about to crack when Darry called him.
Darry: Hey, sponge.
Darry, Larry, and Joe stood in a small space in-between two Goofy Goober's. SpongeBob took a deep breath and followed them out.
Kevin: Oh, great.
Patrick: (slams his fist down on the table) We almost had him! If we want to succeed, we have to get rid of Darry, Larry, and Gary!
Kevin: Joe.
Patrick: Whatever.
Waiter: (walking over) Uh, are you going to be able to pay for all those Goofy Goober's, sir?
Patrick: Uhh...umm..*to the camera* Alright, a bubble transition would be nice...Now, please...
*bubble transition to next scene*
Next scene name: The Final Attempt!