SBM's Top 25 Worst/Best Spongebob Episodes

I don't like the lost episode all that much. It's very weird with the Patchy segments and the actual episode overall.
Sentimental Sponge is one of those I honestly gotta watch again. I can see why it would be a meh episode. Hoarder SpongeBob > In Love with a Krabby Patty romantically SpongeBob though.
Popeye Q. Krabs said:
Sentimental Sponge is one of those I honestly gotta watch again. I can see why it would be a meh episode. Hoarder SpongeBob > In Love with a Krabby Patty romantically SpongeBob though.
I agree. Sentimental Sponge is WAY better than To Love a Patty.

A lot of people say that Season 8 is a new golden era for Spongebob, but I personally think it’s more of a mixed bag. While it did have its upsides (Ghoul Fools, IASC, Planet of the Jellyfish, Mooncation for example), it also had its downsides, this being one of them.

In this episode, it’s Spring, and Spongebob does his usual Spring Cleaning by making Gary the scrub brush and throwing away all the unnecessary garbage.

I don’t think Gary appreciates that. O.o

So anyways, after his Spring Cleaning is done, Spongebob tries to throw away all the garbage, when, oh no… Patrick intervenes. Apparently, Patrick finds out what Spongebob is planning to throw away, and he is disgusted by it, and even advises him to keep all that junk because he apparently needs to learn about… sentimental value.

So, Spongebob “realizes the error of his ways” and takes back the garbage can to throw back into his home. And guess what? Spongebob decides to follow his idiot friend’s advice and keep EVERYTHING that he gets (except for food, of course), from pizza boxes, to Kelp boxes, even to little pieces of plastic!

He goes to the Krusty Krab, and once he serves a couple of Krabby Patties he… wait. Is he putting GREASE in a jar? This is going a little far, don’t you think, Bobby? And, he’s even keeping his own SWEAT?! What the heck is this?

[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: You're sentimental about your sweat? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SpongeBob: Oh, that's not all! And I'm also very sentimental about these Krusty Krab keepsakes, so many memories! Grill grease, gum from under the Krusty Krab tables, today's mop water, bendy straws, mayonnaise, a collection of freshly used ketchup packets, and these are today's order tickets written by my favorite fellow employee, Squidward. See? This one has your tentacle print on it! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Squidward: OK, this is getting creepy now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]·[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] SpongeBob: Oh, well, better get these precious memories home.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Okay, this is just getting creepy now. Spongebob is officially a HOARDER! Now, I guess I can somewhat relate to him a little, as I am pretty sentimental of some of my things, but it would never go this far. I mean, LOOK AT THE INTERIOR OF HIS HOUSE![/SIZE]

And he even throws his stuff out into his yard to make some room! Remember Reef Blowers when Spongebob was determined to keep his yard as clean as possible? Yeah, WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT? I realize he wants to keep memories of all his stuff and events, but isn’t that what DIARYS are for? I mean, I keep some unnecessary things because I want to have a good memory of them, but I wouldn’t keep pieces of plastic, pizza boxes, or even MY OWN SWEAT AND GREASE!

It gets to a point where Spongebob unintentionally fills up SQUIDWARD’S yard with garbage and drags him into the mess because why the heck not? Squidward calls the sanitation police, and they condemn Spongebob’s, AND Squidward’s house, meaning either they have to clean up Spongebob’s trash, or move out.

And of course, Spongebob cries about having to throw away his stuff. But then, Squidward gives him and idea; take pictures of his stuff before throwing them away! So he does, and he pays the garbage man to take away the trash, but not before sobbing even more because he’s basically getting rid of his “precious friends”. *sigh* You know, if Patrick hadn’t been in this episode, then SPONGEBOB WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD THESE FEELINGS ABOUT ALL HIS TRASH!!

God, why is it that PATRICK has to cause the conflict nowadays? It’s either Patrick or Mr. Krabs, and when they do trigger the conflict, it almost never ends well!

So, now that Spongebob has taken his pictures and thrown away his junk, Squidward can go back to sleep! Oh wait, no he can’t. Why? Because apparently Spongebob just happened to take SO many pictures that he stuffed some in Squidward’s house to make room, since his pineapple is full of them. And apparently, upon opening the door to his pineapple, lots and lots of picture pieces fill up both of their yards AGAIN! *sigh*

I probably sound like I REALLY hate this episode. But I really don’t. Don’t get me wrong, this episode is incredibly annoying and stupid, and the ending is just plain idiotic, but considering that this episode pretty much lacks good substance, I feel as if I’d just be wasting my energy if I mustered up any hatred for this episode. This episode is really mediocre, and the writers failed to make an actually good episode about sentiment and hoarding, but that’s all it really is. It’s just ultimately mediocre and forgettable. I can’t say I really hate it. It’s not horrible, but it is pretty forgettable and stupid. At least the night shirt gag was amusing.

Hint for Number 17: Dutchman’s Visit
I like Sentimental Sponge, if only because I can really relate to SpongeBob here. I mean, I would never let things go as far as he does, but I do have trouble throwing things away... nearly everything hold sentimental value for me.

Ehh… To be perfectly honest, this is actually another one that I disagree with, and I’ll explain why in a minute.

After The Flying Dutchman's ship breaks down (after crashing into a rock), The Flying Dutchman decides to take up residence at SpongeBob's house, at least until his ship is fixed. SpongeBob gets scared and goes to Squidward for help, but unfortunately, he doesn't believe in ghosts. So he slams the door in SpongeBob's face, so he soon turns to Patrick to help, but he just closes his door in fear. So, while the Dutchman makes himself at home, he proceeds to frighten Spongebob with disturbing, grotesque, and horrifying pranks. What kind you ask? Well, let’s see:

But, as the Dutchman keeps trying to scare Spongebob, Spongebob starts to get less and less afraid of him, which causes the Dutchman to lose his confidence. Even this doesn’t scare Spongebob!


Even if I wasn’t so scared of the Dutchman anymore, that right there would’ve at least startled me! Anyways, Spongebob tries to rebuild the Flying Dutchman’s confidence by having him scare the other people of Bikini Bottom. But all his attempts fail. The Flying Dutchman decides to give up since maybe people don't believe in ghosts anymore. This gives SpongeBob an idea. He tells the Dutchman to try to scare Squidward, since he doesn't believe in ghosts. And the Dutchman heads to Squidward’s house and scares him successfully. And this scene is utterly horrifying!

(go to the 4:20 mark)

And because of this, the Flying Dutchman finally has the nerve to scare people again. And then he leaves, giving Spongebob a scary surprise!

Spongebob: “(laughs) Good old Dutchy! XD”

Now I gotta explain why I disagree with this choice. For one thing, I think the plot is decently put together and it was alright. Another thing I’d like to point out is that many MANY people rant on how there’s creepy imagery. Well, I may be crazy, but I actually like the scary imagery (I’m a sucker for Halloween-esque stories). And it actually did have a purpose. The Dutchman showing all that horrific stuff to Spongebob, and Spongebob not even reacting to it reflects on how in real life, horror movies will scare you at first, but after watching so many of them, you start to grow tired of them after a while and you just don’t really care anymore. It’s not really a moral, but it is a rather interesting reflection.

Also, I thought this episode was pretty funny. I thought The Dutchman falling through that out of nowhere basketball hoop was weird, but funny. And the Power Within video was amusing. Also, I kinda laughed when The Dutchman was turning into all those creepy monsters, and Spongebob just stared without any expression whatsoever! XD

Bottom line is, I don’t think this episode is necessarily one of the worst episodes of the series, and I really don’t understand all the hate for it (other than the creepy imagery).

Hint for Number 16: New Style. New Life.
I would have loved the creepy imagery in this episode... if I'd actually found it creepy. It came off as gross more than anything else to me, and certain scenes just felt like they were trying too hard. I guess you could say it's because the Flying Dutchman was trying too hard, but still. It just didn't do anything for me.
Award said:
I like Ghost Host
No, but it IS in Season 6.

Here are the Seasons for 16-10:

(THIS ONE IS A TIE) 5 and 4