Roadie's Top 15 SpongeBob Moments : Season One

Feb 3, 2013
Take A Step, Inside Your Mind! I'm Stalking you.
This is quite honestly one of my five least favorite moments of the entire show.

I mean even if she's Texan, I don't give Sandy credit for flat out trying to intentionally injure SB & Pat, it feels like Demoliton Doofus to a lesser extent, aka the heavily injure them for "taking Texas's name in vain" or whatnot, while Mrs. Puff suffered through years of torture having to put up with numerous injuries from having to teach a student, I mean this comparison isn't what got me to hate it, but it always reminded me of it in some weird way.

Plus isn't Sandy too rational to do something like that? I mean, it just feels out of character and uncomfortable to see her go to such lengths to her BEST FRIENDS over something like that. At least how I view it anyways, main reason I dislike the episode. =/

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
Trophy said:
This is quite honestly one of my five least favorite moments of the entire show.

I mean even if she's Texan, I don't give Sandy credit for flat out trying to intentionally injure SB & Pat, it feels like Demoliton Doofus to a lesser extent, aka the heavily injure them for "taking Texas's name in vain" or whatnot, while Mrs. Puff suffered through years of torture having to put up with numerous injuries from having to teach a student, I mean this comparison isn't what got me to hate it, but it always reminded me of it in some weird way.

Plus isn't Sandy too rational to do something like that? I mean, it just feels out of character and uncomfortable to see her go to such lengths to her BEST FRIENDS over something like that. At least how I view it anyways, main reason I dislike the episode. =/
I honestly think it's very Sandy-like to get angry over stuff like this. I always see her as pretty temperamental. In such a depressive mood of missing her home that she loves dearly, she had to go through her friends' incessant, childish insults instead of trying to console her. Bit of a stab in the back. So, I do think it's in character for her to get angry very quickly, especially in these sorts of mood.

It's not like I condone this sort of overly emotional reaction. Though I understand where she's coming from, I'm not rooting for Sandy. It's the outcome of her actions that makes the moment hilarious and heart warming, not her actions themselves.

Now it sounds like I'm the sort of guy who excuses borderline criminal actions if I find it funny, and honestly on SpongeBob, that's the case.

As for Demolition Doofus, SpongeBob wasn't intending to do any harm while in Texas he's intentionally breaking Sandy for good reasons. Texas' chase scene is not only hilarious, but it leads to a wonderful ending. SpongeBob and Patrick getting hurt means total success for the both of them, which is Sandy staying. That's what gets me the most.

Season 4-11

7 Years of Hospitality
Nov 20, 2015
I just rewatched Texas, and Patrick was at the very end, so he didn't die, unless at the very end Sandy killed him for making fun of Texas AGAIN.
Feb 3, 2013
Take A Step, Inside Your Mind! I'm Stalking you.
SpongeRoadie UK said:
I honestly think it's very Sandy-like to get angry over stuff like this. I always see her as pretty temperamental. In such a depressive mood of missing her home that she loves dearly, she had to go through her friends' incessant, childish insults instead of trying to console her. Bit of a stab in the back. So, I do think it's in character for her to get angry very quickly, especially in these sorts of mood.

It's not like I condone this sort of overly emotional reaction. Though I understand where she's coming from, I'm not rooting for Sandy. It's the outcome of her actions that makes the moment hilarious and heart warming, not her actions themselves.

Now it sounds like I'm the sort of guy who excuses borderline criminal actions if I find it funny, and honestly on SpongeBob, that's the case.

As for Demolition Doofus, SpongeBob wasn't intending to do any harm while in Texas he's intentionally breaking Sandy for good reasons. Texas' chase scene is not only hilarious, but it leads to a wonderful ending. SpongeBob and Patrick getting hurt means total success for the both of them, which is Sandy staying. That's what gets me the most.
I understand the emotional stuff, I just feel it's very discomforting to watch Sandy, a best friend, would do that over homesickness. It always seemed way too extreme for me, the moment afterwards is fine, but then again with the ending it comes off as even more awkward with Patrick, I can see how that could get a laugh out of some people but for me, eh. This is a main reason why I don't like Sandy as much, sometimes it's way too much "extreme Sandy" like the athletic part of her personality which could beat anyone up, and "scientist Sandy" with no middle in-between, and I feel this is a prime example of that. I just can't find the borderline criminal actions funny here, I might have in other episodes, but eh, it's just me here, and I'm fine with that....I mean it should've been predictable from you of all users. :P

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
The Realm of Nothingness

"I may finally have found a place where I can be all... alone."

Episode? SB-129 (14.a)
What's The Moment? Squidward is sent to a realm of nothingness. All alone, just as he wishes... right?
Why? A moment that's funny, ends in a heartfelt note, is odd and weird which matches the show's tone, and out of all things, terrifying. From a comedic perspective, Squidward, as per usual in season 1, is very funny in this scene. His sort of crazy, awkwardness and his blind lust to get away from SpongeBob leading to his sheer terror which is also creepy at the same time and his beautiful admittance that he misses SpongeBob, all those mood swings in a minute or 2 is hilarious to watch. The fact that he admits that he misses SpongeBob and that pure, concentrated loneliness isn't worth it at all is one very sweet moment in a show that very rarely does emotional stuff. Though out of all that, the one thing that truly sells the scene for me is how scary it is. All alone, separated from time and space, in a white room with absolutely nothing in it apart from the creepy voices that echoes Squidward's "alone". Stuck in a loop. It gives off a very eerie, claustrophobic vibe and thinking about how I'd do if I'm stuck in this situation with no escape creeps me out a lot. The fact that Squidward gets lucky and finds his time machine as quickly as he did is a bit lame, in that it sorta ruins the atmosphere, a little, though it's understandable since the episode can only run for 11 minutes. It doesn't change the idea that this whole thing is pretty creepy and it leaves a lot of questions. How did Squidward got there? Where or when is that exactly? Is that heaven before God created the universe? Or is that what comes after the apocalypse? Can you die there? Is that hell? Would you look at that! An attempt to uncover a lore in the SpongeBob universe, and this scene deserves all the attention, if I'm honest.