Roadie's Top 15 SpongeBob Moments : Season One

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
Karate Picnic

"You're mince meat..."

Episode? Karate Choppers (14.b)
What's The Moment? SpongeBob and Sandy sitting in a park. Making sandwiches in an unconventional way.
Why? I'll be honest, the episode itself is really just visual gags, after visual gags, after visual gags, after visual gags. Really, it fully relies on making the karate look as cool as possible, and they succeeded, but it does mean that this moment is really a piece diamond in sea of other jewelries. It doesn't stand out. Though it's okay, because it's still cool as ::dolphin noise::. I love this episode because I love watching people fight in cartoony ways, even though this episode is practically terrible with it's structure with the story only coming into play after like, 5 minutes, and the pacing being awkward, I still enjoy watching all those visual gags, after visual gags, after visual gags of all those karate scenes. This moment is the best out of all those karate scenes because they're not even fighting. They're making sandwiches. It takes some creativity to make a scene of two characters making sandwiches and incorporate karate into it. It just simply looks awesome.

Honest Slug

Ink Lemonade hurts me.
Nov 21, 2015
I think Jellyfish Jam is no where near as good as people say it is but I love the ending song.

Ripped Pants I think is an excellent episode imo but that's another story, the song is one of my favorites.

I love the F.U.N song a lot, an amazing addition to an amazing episode.

"We serve food here sir" is one of the funniest Squidward lines ever, along with "Is Patrick thinking again?"

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
Mopping Man

"Step aside, SpongeBob!"

Episode? Culture Shock (10.a)
What's The Moment? SpongeBob mops the floor. Taking the breath away from the audience, by... uhh... mopping the floor.
Why? There are plenty of episodes in the modern era that leaves everyone thinking "man, I feel bad for Squidward. SpongeBob is such a butt, he gets all the writer's bias. I get that he's the main character, but the fact that he wins from start to finish is annoying." Truth be told, this moment brings the exact same connotation. Squidward can do no right, and SpongeBob can do no wrong. Though there are 2 main reasons why this moment is awesome, while most modern episodes that hold the same idea sucked. First off, the whole episode tells the story of Squidward's blind arrogance, while SpongeBob would do the dirtiest work just to get a chance. It gives the impression that Squidward is the villain and therefore it's justified for him to be so illogically castrated at the end. Second, and most importantly of them all, it's just such a ridiculous scene that would never happen in real life that you end up laughing at it for no reason. A guy mops and people cheer him on. I'm chuckling just writing that sentence. The comedic timing in this scene is absolutely perfect. Everytime SpongeBob shows up, the crowd cheer like mad, then Squidward shows up and it's just utter, ridiculous silence. It's brilliant.

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
And now, to the top 5!

On The House

"Well this one's ON THE HOUSE!"

Episode? Pizza Delivery (5.a)
What's The Moment? SpongeBob gets yelled at by one angry customer. Squidward's not having any of that.
Why? There are 2 types of jerky characters in a cartoon. One that's badly written and one that's well written. Ones that are badly written have no depth whatsoever. Their sole purpose in their respective shows is either to be the butt monkey for every joke or a moral bait. You know, he's mean to everyone, he gets comeuppance, he learns his lesson, next episode, the exact same thing happens. Squidward, at least back in the day, is a sad curmudgeon, but every thing else about him is still within the realms of humanity. He has a hobby, a moral value, a heart, he's able to show compassion and sympathy (but only if it's necessary). He's a defined, well written character respected by the writers and his creators. This moment proves it. It's sweet, it's funny, it's cathartic, and most of them all, it's authentic.

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
The Tiny Tim Segment

"Livin' in the sunlight, lovin' in the moonlight"

Episode? Help Wanted (1.a)
What's The Moment? SpongeBob caters to a group of anchovies. In style.
Why? This moment screams, "Hello, world. I'm SpongeBob SquarePants. Welcome to my show, and this is what you'll be seeing for the next 17 years. At least, what I'm intending to show you. Happiness, joy, fun, colour, humour, all the good things you'd expect to see from a children's TV show, and more for the adults." Because that's what this moment is. A true introduction to the show, to the character that is SpongeBob and show everyone what to expect from the show. The choice of music is perfect for SpongeBob. To introduce him to the world. To show everyone who he is, and what he's like in a scene with no dialogue, just a showtune, and him making patties with the usual silliness and weirdness but overall innocent joy that everyone's been used to now, but no one knew back then. The scene itself from a choreography perspective is pretty cheesy, but that's it charm. It's really silly, it's really weird, and that's what the show's intended to be.

Season 4-11

7 Years of Hospitality
Nov 20, 2015
The lines "Havin a wonderful time", as well as one of the color frames of him dancing, is printed on these plates I got at a Dollar Tree XD.

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
The Maniac

"He's just standing there... MENACINGLY!"

Episode? Hall Monitor (7.a)
What's The Moment? Patrick tries to help SpongeBob dodge SpongeBob.
Why? A perfectly written, beautifully crafted, creative, comedy sketch. It's one of those scenes that really turns an above average episode to a very good one. The notion that Patrick is dumb enough to not realize that SpongeBob and the Maniac are the same person is funny enough, but the entire sequence with Patrick mistaking SpongeBob for the Maniac is so hilarious and brilliantly executed that it makes the sequence itself and the entire episode even better. It was the perfect example of a great idea executed perfectly. It escalates the entire episode, it shows the potential that the show has in it's early run. Hall Monitor itself is pretty underrated. It's among the same levels as Pizza Delivery, Plankton!, Tea at The Treedome, and Valentine's Day in terms of it's quality and probably a step behind SB-129 (which has a moment waiting to be listed), and this sketch is a pretty good proof.

SpongeRoadie UK

Vomit Boy
Jan 6, 2012
Texas Rampage


Episode? Texas (18.a)
What's The Moment? SpongeBob and Patrick tries to lure Sandy to the Krusty Krab which results in cheesy insults and a hilarious chase scene.
Why? One episode I forgot to mention in my last piece when I was talking about the episodes that are at the same level as Hall Monitor is Texas. A very funny, yet heartfelt episode about curing Sandy's homesickness. Though the way it's cured perhaps isn't the most effective, as it cost Patrick his life (I assume) in one of the greatest chase scenes in cartoon history. During the season 1 playback I did for this list, I felt sorry for forgetting this one moment, because it was genuinely brilliant. It was creative with it's setting, it's insults (GET A DOG LITTLE LONGIE!), and it's ideas of Texas Culture at the very end of the moment. Which is the emotionally pleasing part of the episode. Sandy's never the most noticeable character, but to see all these sea creatures with this much effort to keep her in Bikini Bottom is pretty heart warming. But the best part of the whole scene has to be Patrick's "death" scene featured in the video. I cry everytime.

Season 4-11

7 Years of Hospitality
Nov 20, 2015
I don't know why but Patrick's "death" and Sandy walking on the camera always make me laugh.