Hugs4Softie Thoughts

I'm starting to really like Craig Tucker
My name is Craig Tucker. Last week was my birthday, my grandma gave me a check for 100 dollars. I was so happy. But then, 4 kids from my school came to my house, and said I should use my 100 dollars to invest in becoming a Peruvian flute band. they promised I would double my money in one afternoon. But the government arrested us, along with all the other Peruvian flute bands, and took us to an internment camp in Miami. We begged to go home, but instead the government told us they were sending us to Peru. And so that is why I'm now in Peru. if I die let it be known it is because of 4 guys I don't even like from my school lied to me and took my birthday money.
Uh oh tweek obsession (seriously my obsession changes ever hour..)
I like them all too much
Don't worry guys it'll probably go back to Pip at some point and then back to Kyle and repeat the cycle
man this cough is a real workout feels like i did 100 crunches
i ate an entire loaf of bread while watching south park
Got my first sale on a perler magnet and it was my Cartman one!

The person who bought it was like a 4 year old girl
Guys I want to tell you what happened on my bus today

I was already just sitting there on seat #4 and I really wanted to go home because I was really hungry and also wanted to hug my plushies when I got home, but apparently the substitute bus driver was a new guy. This one girl (I do not like her very much), decided to get on the bus even though she isn't on our bus, and we can't leave if there's people who aren't supposed to be there thanks to a policy they have in place. We sat there for 10 minutes trying to get this girl off the bus.

Keep in mind, Minnesota isn't actually always cold despite what everyone says, it was super hot in that bus full of children. It's still really warm outside. And I always dress warm for some reason. I kinda put that problem onto myself tbh :sbdisappointed:.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 5.44.19 PM.png

But after we gave up trying to get her off, we drove by a huge smoke cloud (I think something was on fire) and everyone kept telling this bus driver to drive over to it to see what it was. Honestly that might have either been cool or would have set the first 2 seats on fire. But we didn't.

Yeah apparently I was one of the only kids who noticed the map for my bus route flew out of window #3 when we got going. Remember, this guy is a new guy. We had no idea where we were going.

But this annoying kid who's always in seat #2 got kicked off the bus for climbing over a seat. I'm glad he was, I really hate that kid. There's reasons but I'm not getting into that right now.

We kept going and it took me a minute to realize the bus driver had the heat on. It's 75 degrees out and we had the heat on. So I was basically being cooked alive with a ton of my classmates in a bus. WHO TURNS THE HEAT ON WHEN IT'S ALMOST 80 DEGREES. Felt like I was being placed into an oven.

And then we couldn't find the first stop (my stop). I was about to take one of the littler kids as a snack bro I was so hungry. I honestly just wanted to either jump out or wait for the bus to crash, I was gonna make a sacrifice. No, in all seriousness, I was too hot and tired to make a sacrifice.

It took 30 minutes to find the first stop and then pretty much everyone on that portable oven got off, most of those kids do not usually get off at that stop.

And for what it's worth, I'm still hungry. At least I'm not hot anymore.
at least its a nice story to tell yk?
I ate the food I made and I'm still hungry man, wish I wasn't so hungry all the time