212b. Sportz?

SpongeBob and Patrick's unbelievable stupid naivety ruined the beginning for me (LIKE THEY DON'T EVEN CHECK ALL SIDES OF THE BOX AND SAY "OK NO PROOF" LIKE WHAT THE EVERLOVING CHRIST) as it made me root for Squidward 100%, and had no balance between him being cynically grumpy, which even Out of the Picture of all episodes did splendidly. I'd at least try to give the ending some points if it weren't so predictable, like oh wow Squidward gets beat up for 3 minutes after 5 minutes of SB & Pat getting beaten up, where's the competitive nature which make sports exciting? This episode had none of that and was an utter bore to sit through.

Maybe I'm being too nitpicky and am just extremely sick because of all the ads (which even ruined the Sandy vs Squidward "surprise" ending which would've been predictable to begin with) for some stupid awards show, but I don't really care, I'm willing to consider this my least favorite episode of season 10. This episode's annoying advertising was a let down for someone with no expectations whatsoever.

The one thing I give props is the "we're sports fans" quip and one dry joke is not enough to make up for this.
I'll be honest, Sandy is one of my least favorite characters on the show, so this episode wasn't great. Spin the Bottle should have been the special in my opinion. I'd give it a 6 or 7/10.
Pretty good episode, though I wasn't surprised Squidward would be forced to join in. However, it's pretty awesome that the Wilheim Scream was featured for the first time.

Best lines:
"Tell it to yo' mama, Squidward!"
"Don't wanna hear it!"

Well, they can't all be winners.

Listen, as positive as I've been on Season 10 as a whole, there's no denying that even good shows have their duds from time to time, and well, while this wasn't awful, there were some jokes that had me laughing, I do find myself with those who say that between SpongeBob and Patrick's naivety being a bit much, Squidward feeling pretty out-of-character, and really having a pretty weak plot. I'm not going to say it's a bad episode, a few of the jokes did hit pretty hard for me, but as a whole, it's easily my least favorite Season 10 episode by far. Others like "Snooze You Lose" and "Whirly Brains," while not my favorites, did have elements that I appreciated that could elevate them for me. While "Sportz?" does have enough humor to elevate me from considering it a bad episode, it didn't really do enough for me to really consider it good. I'd probably place it as a 4 or 5 on a 1-10 scale. It didn't help too much that I wasn't huge on "Spin the Bottle" either.
I know a lot of people are disliking it and i get why. Whats the big problem with having an episode thats legitimately about sports? I guess the crew had to put some twist on it...but that woulda been fun to watch 11 minutes of. Instead it was more of a revenge and stupidity takeover. But i didnt find it bad. I liked some of the gags, i liked sandys role a lot. It was fun to see her destroy squidward since he deserved it. But ya know, it was good but coulda been GREAT. 7.1/10
Even though I am usually positive on season 10 as a whole, this episode didn't do much for me honestly. I thought that it was going to be a great episode thanks to the weird title, but it turned out that it all centered around one joke. (That one joke being that someone gets hurt over and over) This feels like a very generic post first movie episode. It wasn't horrible, as it wasn't gross, but it certainly wasn't that great either. Maybe seeing this episode spammed via Nick's advertising ruined it for me. Yeah, this is the black sheep of season 10 and post-sequel in general, right after Code Yellow. I give it a 5/10. It was cool to hear the Wilhelm Scream for the first time in a SB episode, though.

Notice that the Wilhelm scream is the ONLY thing that made me happy in this episode.

I didn't like this episode. The weird title "Sportz?" caught my attention as it was going to be a 10/10 episode. No, it definitely wasn't. The slapstick jokes were SO repetitive that I got sick of them and Squidward was so OOC. I know he hates SB and Patrick but he wouldn't hurt them physically in character. I give this episode a 5/10.
I found this better than STB because this was funny. Sandycan roast :XD: :xP:. I found lots of great slapstick. It was good.

He tried to get them hurt in Wet Painters, Snowball Effect, and The Lost Mattress, just to name a few
That is true, however SpongeBob and Patrick never got any real pain in those episodes, unlike here. Yes it goes back to Squidward at the end like those episodes but Sportz just drags on before reaching that point.
More_Starco said:
Are there stakes? Yes, but it's the result of Squidward's meanest, most out-of-character appearance yet.
To be honest that's what I minded the least because SB & Pat's sheer stupidity and the stupid hype already made me hate this episode 2 minutes in so I couldn't help feeling like "at least do something creative here Squidward, you're the only hope" since the ending was already so predictable even without the trailers spoiling it!
I think there was only like 1 joke I liked in this episode, and it was ruined because the ads showed it a billion times before I watched it >_<
I didnt reallly like this episode, Squidward is just really mean and unlikeable to the point where I don't l even feel satisfied with his commupence. SpongeBob and Patrick are also way to stupid, but seeing them get mangled and mutilated just for being naive makes me feel bad for them. Most of jokes are just slapstick and it gets really boring and repetitive their is literally no dialogue humor besides what Sandy says to Squidward which was ruined by the commmercials. In fact I might even call this a SpongeBob and Patrick torture episode.


I'm beginning to enjoy season 10 less and less, Mr.Krabs is really unlikeable to the point where he tries to kill Squidward. He just doesn't feel like a good character who cares about his employees anymore. Most of the character interaction between Spongebob Patrick and Squidward is just Squidward doing bad things to SpongeBob and Patrick and getting commupence for it. I have no problem with that but they never work together towards a common goal like how they did in the first 3 seasons. The show is way too cartoony to the point where its actually distracting and there is way too much gross-out, especially for SpongeBob. The past three episodes of season 10 have been mediocre and the Incredible Shrinking Sponge looks like it's going to be all over the place. I much prefer the animation be similar to 9b, in which it isn't to stiff, but there are good expressions but they aren't too dramatic. I thought 9b was a little dull and I would have liked if the humor was better. I was hoping season 10 would improve upon that, which it has done but the gross-out and crazy expressions have gotten very repetitive and distracting.