212b. Sportz?

This episode isn't that bad to me, also I like slapstick humor and I agree that is overused here but there are some parts that made me laugh, and it's a lot better than the worst episodes from seasons 6-8, how can be this episode worse than Slide Whistle Stooges?

lol @ san antonio rules in basketball. "Tell it to your momma, Squidward"

Episode felt rushed, but still funny.
I don't hate this episode as much as others may do. It's not good, but I feel like everybody is in character, and Squidward gets what's coming to him. It's not a bad episode, actually. But I've seen much better.

Ranking so far:
1. Unreal Estate (A+)
2. Plankton Gets the Boot (A+)
3. Mimic Madness (A)
4. Burst Your Bubble (A)
5. Mermaid Pants (A)
6. SpongeBob's Place (A)
7. Plankton Retires (B)
8. The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (B)
9. Life Insurance (B)
10. Code Yellow (B)
11. Trident Trouble (C)
12. Whirlybrains (C)
13. House Worming (C)
14. Sportz? (C)
15. Krusty Katering (C)
16. Snooze You Lose (D)
I was thinking of the time when everyone got this thread locked for just saying Sportz and I thought if a new one lol
Wii Sportz Resort
I just realized that something felt off about this episode

How did Squidward know what sports are?

The episode never actually addressed this plot-hole

Sandy I can understand because she used to live on the surface but Squidward?

The only possible way he could have known is if Sandy told him ahead of time!

It was kind of illogical for a character who has always lived underwater to know about sports and how they work
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Sandy might have been a jerk here but this one is actually cool in concept! Its Patrick and SpongeBob torture but its actually pretty decent in concept.

Rating: Great

Burst your Bubble (Golden)
Trident Trouble (Perfect)
Code Yellow (Perfect)
Plankton Retires (Perfect)
Mermaid Pants (Amazing!)
Mimic Madness (Superb)
The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (Great)
Sportz? (Great)
Whirly Brains (Good)
Plankton Gets the Boot (High Okay)
SpongeBob's Place (Flat)
Krusty Katering (Dull)
House Worming (Meh)
Life Insurance (Sucky)
Unreal Estate (Bad)
Woah, I never realized how much hate this one got. I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought it was fun seeing what SpongeBob and Patrick did with all that equipment and the Squidward and Sandy montage was great as well. I honestly don't get the hate for this one at all, sorry. Squidward was a bit unlikable but he did get what he deserved.
I like coming back to this thread every now and then just to see all the stupid jokes people made with spamming the title.... good times.

As for the episode itself, it's alright. SpongeBob and Patrick not knowing what sports are is kinda stupid but I get that they did it for the plot, and there's some good jokes here and there. Squidward went a bit too far, but he does get punished in the end so it's not too bad, and he does stay in-character for most of the episode. The whole 'play until someone wins' thing was alright as well, although it's a bit similar to the 'play it where it lies' thing from A Friendly Game. I'll give it a 7/10. It's a mostly harmless episode that doesn't do a whole lot to stand out.
Ha! Y’all thought I’d be mixing this episode up with “Extreme Spots”, didn’t you? Well nope, not me! I remember this episode just fine. Probably because it uses different characters than that one. And besides, that episode has more in common with “Pre-Hibernation Week” than it does with this episode, in my opinion. Not much reason to confuse the two.

“Sportz?” takes absolutely no time to get started, which is a haste that I can appreciate. The episode begins with SpongeBob and Patrick doing…something…involving a trash can, and this lasts about 5 seconds when a box of Sandy’s stuff makes its way to their front yard. And from here, the base plot of the episode becomes obvious, as SpongeBob and Patrick open the box to find that it has all sorts of sports equipment…sports equipment that they don’t understand. I can always appreciate an episode where our underwater friends don’t understand human or land-based objects. The two subsequently use these sports objects to do a variety of things that allow the writers to flex their creative muscles. This part of the episode is decently entertaining. I guess the humor comes from the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick are misusing these objects that we as an audience know what they’re for. But I would’ve wanted something more than just that for jokes.

Anyway, the episode cuts over to Squidward, whose just made himself a delicious meal. It doesn’t take a genius to know that this is going to go wrong for him very quickly. And it does, as we get a scene that reminds me of “A Friendly Game” (which now that I’m thinking about it, completely contradicts this episode…oh well, looking for continuity in SpongeBob SquarePants is a lost cause). Anywho, once Squidward finds SpongeBob and Patrick, he explains to them what the objects are. That’s kinda a shame, because even though I did say I wanted more substance to these jokes, I did enjoy SpongeBob and Patrick fundamentally misunderstanding the objects they were playing with. I was expecting Sandy to be the one to teach them, but nah, Squidward’s got a bigger role to play here than I thought (previous memories of this episode notwithstanding).

Squidward decides to teach SpongeBob and Patrick how to play sports so that he can get them hurt. Funny that this episode is coming so soon after “Life Insurance”, because I’m seeing some real similarities here. And also, I think this was a less interesting direction for this episode to go in, to be honest. But whatever, we move. Squidward manages to get SpongeBob and Patrick hurt in a variety of ways. None of the jokes here really do it for me, except for the one with the sharks, that was pretty funny (reminds me of the whole critics bit in “The Googly Artist”).

Finally, Sandy enters the scene after SpongeBob and Patrick have amassed quite the audience watching their painful attempts at “sports”. So I guess Sandy does play the role of teaching SpongeBob and Patrick what sports is actually about, since Squidward was corrupted by the potential lol. And she schools Squidward thoroughly while doing it. So that was pretty entertaining. Probably the best part of the episode. It just makes me wish Sandy was used more.

Episode Tier: Okay
Episode Score:
The hate against this episode is pretty dumb like "its too out of character for Squidward" it is totally in character for him "sandy is too mean" thats because she cares about her friends and tries to defeat Squidward "SpongeBob and Patrick don't know what sports are even tho they have played sports before" spongebob has never had consistency like I don't get the hate really
The hate against this episode is pretty dumb like "its too out of character for Squidward" it is totally in character for him "sandy is too mean" thats because she cares about her friends and tries to defeat Squidward "SpongeBob and Patrick don't know what sports are even tho they have played sports before" spongebob has never had consistency like I don't get the hate really
yeah I say this holds up
  1. Mimic Madness (19/10)
  2. Unreal Estate (10/10)
  3. Spongebob's Place (10/10)
  4. Sportz? (10/10)
  5. Code Yellow (9.5/10)
  6. Krusty Katering (9.5/10)
  7. Mermaidpants (9.5/10)
  8. Life insurance (9/10)
  9. Bust your bubble (9/10)
  10. Trident Trouble (9/10)
  11. Plankton Retires (8.5/10)
  12. Whirly Brains (8/10)
  13. The Incredible Shrinking Sponge (5.5/10)
  14. Snooze You Lose (5/10)
  15. House Worming (3.5/10)
  16. Plankton Gets The Boot (3/10)
Woah, I never realized how much hate this one got. I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought it was fun seeing what SpongeBob and Patrick did with all that equipment and the Squidward and Sandy montage was great as well. I honestly don't get the hate for this one at all, sorry. Squidward was a bit unlikable but he did get what he deserved.
Yep my old sentiments remain here. It's an enjoyable episode in my opinion and the hate the episode got when it initially came out was way overblown.