I really hated this episode, it's one of the worst in Spongebob. First of all, why would head injuries be a good idea for a Spongebob episode? That just seems like a bad idea, but the execution was even worse. This is an episode that lacked in any truly funny jokes (even the my leg joke fell flat here, even if I consider it a saving grace), how it makes fun of brain trauma just makes me cringe, and there were gross gags to top it all off. The close up of the poopy diaper is disgusting! The title card design is cute, but if that's the only thing I like about an episode of Spongebob, that episode certainly doesn't look good. I don't really have that much to say, because this is an unfunny, boring, stupid, and horrible episode that ranks in my bottom 10 Spongebob episodes. This gets a 0 out of 10.