131b. A Pal for Gary

DISCLAIMER: This is an updated comment. The previous one is outdated. This rant is clean and will not affect the staff and the network.

Episode: A Pal for Gary (S7-E131-B)

I hate ths garbage. SpongeBob is so ::dolphin noise:: ignorant to his dear pet snail Gary. He only ::dolphin noise:: cared to Puffy Fluffy instead, even it became a monster! WHAT THE ::dolphin noise::, SB?! Are you trying to kill your own pet snail with the monster nudibranch that you stole from the gypsy? HOW DARE YOU!

:angrysquid: SpongeBob, you ignorant! Even you're worried about Gary being home alone, you've shouldn't have bought the nudibrance as it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Why SpongeBob?! How could you do this to your dear fans?! :soiled:

Me: Look. I still love SpongeBob, but I just ::dolphin noise:: hate this darkest monstrosity in this series.

Final Score = -∞/10* :fail: :patboo: :primitivesponge:

*This episode deserves a negative infinity over 10 for being an absolute disgrace to this series.
TheDivertRealm said:
Unpopular Opinions Ep. 3

I'm surprised to see that soo many people hate this episode for a reason, mainly because of SpongeBob and animal abuse. I do agree that SpongeBob is a jerk, but Puffy Fluffy is a really interesting villain. Not only that, but it makes Gary very likeable in this episode, by giving him a beginning that foreshadows his moves in the climax and how he acts strong anc curious throughout the episode. The quality here is at its best, thanks to its details and animation of Puffy Fluffy and Gary. Though I can say that Fluffy's teeth is grotesque, it fits well with the solid tone about how the original must face the chaotice new pet. It tells that story very well and felt like something I haven't seen before. The episode isn't that funny, especially in the first half, but what I've seen is very enjoyable.

Highlight: The Climax

That's actually my thoughts on that episode. I am Intrancity from DeviantArt, doyouwantoptions. In fact, I saw that you viewed my updated ControChoice on A Pal for Gary and shared it to SpongeBuddy Mania.

TheDivertRealm said:
User's Rating: 6/10
A.R.R.: 0.5-0/10

Puffy Fluffy
Animal abuse
"Torture ::dolphin noise::"
The climax

Highlight: The foreshadowing

While this is definitely not a good episode, A Pal For Gary marked a decent role at executing the writing and animation, even if the characters and humor need improvement. First off, I'll talk about SpongeBob, whose motives have reason to keep Gary company at home, by giving him a pal to play with. Due to SpongeBob's naiveté when he first encountered Puffy Fluffy and ignoring the nudibranch seller's warning, he thought Puffy Fluffy was just an innocent and cute creature at first sight + throughout the episode and believed the two would make out, which hen led to the climax where SpongeBob STILL believed Gary was wrecking havoc with Puffy Fluffy became a monster, destroying his character in the process. However, I find people bashing the 2nd half only, but not the 1st half because the 2nd half is where the infamy began. What's in the first half? A smoothly told setup where it all puts foreshadowing and the infamy in place where SpongeBob is worried that Gary is alone in the house. Remember that Gary was distracted to answer SpongeBob's phone call while watching a western show , all of that foreshadowing him saving the day when he learned to rope his opponents, therefore driving Puffy Fluffy out of the house. You thought it was unresponsible that Gary shouldn't do, but it surprisingly save him and SpongeBob during Puffy Fluffy's reign. Once again, Mr. Krabs is quite likable in this episode when he was generous to his local customer and his pet by offering then 2 Krabby Patties. And let's not forget SpongeBob's problem being solved when Gary wen to work and Mr. Krabs still being happy because he thought it was free labor, though it contradicts a rule in the Krusty Krab. And Puffy Fluffy? He's like a comedy clichè except more interesting. Traits include going unstable in over other house pets and especially when he goes into monster form, he can open 4 mouths out of his mouth, including his growth to look like one of those wild animals from Feral Friends. The cliche isn't anything special, but using these facts to make up this antagonist is what executes this clichè into something new. Also, there is at least a joke in this episode like when he can was bouncing across the kitchen, then hitting SpongeBob on the process in the very beginning was chuckle-worthy. While SpongeBob's implication in the 2nd half is unexcusable and cruelty, A Pal for Gary explain everything uniquely.
I think SpongeBob just wants to see the good in everyone

That's why he didn't question Puffy Fluffy

Also while many people contributed to the show's success Stephen Hillenburg did the most since he created the whole concept

Without him there wouldn't even BE a "SpongeBob SquarePants"!
This is probably one of my favourites episodes of the entire show, no joking, I was laughing the entire time, I don't get why this episode is so hated, the jokes are hilarious, probably one of the best part was when there are a lot of noises when Gary was running away from Puffy Fluffy and spongebob didn't wake up, and when Spongebob says to Gary "Gary, put Puffy Fluffy down" it was so ironic and hilarious, probably an user will reply this comment saying that wants to debate this with me, he can say all he wants, but I still I won't change my opinion of this episode.

Thanks creators of this episode for creating this masterpiece!!!!!!

I don't wanna have to talk about this episode. It's utter garbage. It's not only really hard to watch, it's also got exactly zero jokes aside from the enchiladas one, which I didn't even think that was all that funny. It's annoying, SpongeBob is oblivious, and it's STILL not even my least favorite episode of the show.

Ranking so far:
1. The Inside Job (A+)
2. Growth Spout (B)
3. Greasy Buffoons (B)
4. I Heart Dancing (B)
5. Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful (B)
6. Model Sponge (C)
7. Tentacle-Vision (D)
8. Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy (F)
9. Stuck in the Wringer (F)
10. A Pal for Gary (F-)
Okay, this is easily the worst episode in the entire show. Lemme tell you why.

This episode is a horrendous, frustrating thing to watch. Watching pet abuse/neglect is not funny. Especially because it is a real problem in the real world. SpongeBob tackling real topics like this should not be done, and this is why. The writers attempt to put in "comedy" that utterly fails in every respect because this is not a funny topic. Watching Gary being tortured just isn't funny, and seeing SpongeBob's character ruined in this episode is just bad. I mean, SpongeBob would never act like this. He has never been this oblivious.

The entire episode is just watching SpongeBob be an idiot while Gary gets mistreated and almost killed multiple times. Also, the character design for Puffy Fluffy is just bad and jarring to look at, it definitely doesn't belong in SpongeBob, much like the whole plot.

Unlike all the other bad episodes of SpongeBob, I really don't see what the writers were going for here. Everything I said beforehand was just assumptions that are really just my hopes. I don't know how anyone could have seen this as funny or entertaining, but this definitely represents the lowest point in SpongeBob, and I am so glad that we have never gotten anything this bad since it.

0.5/10, but it probably deserves worse than that
This episode was god awful in many ways. For starters, Krabs hires Gary for a JOB after being tormented by this psychopathic fish, which Spongebob blames Gary. What?! I give this a 0/10.
While I tend to be more nicer on the infamous episodes, I dislike this episode.

The first half was pretty boring while the second half was pretty stupid. This isn't in my bottom 10 because I do like some of the scenes where Gary fights the monster and SpongeBob's infamous line is so terrible it gets a chuckle out of me.

Bad Episode (3/10)
I like this episode.

This episode is definitely flawed. SpongeBob is kind of a *dolphin noise*, there weren't a lot of good jokes, and feels a bit too mean towards Gary, but I really liked the story, and even though SpongeBob's ridiculously ignorant when he sees Puffy Fluffy's true form, it's understandable why he is the other times, and he does feel like he's trying to help out Gary. Speaking of Gary, I love how he's treated kind of like an action hero, with him being horrified by Puffy Fluffy at the middle, to being brave and saving his owner by the end, while using the lasso that was foreshadowed in the beginning.
All I can say is, it's not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll take this over *noises to represent the other twelve bad words* Hello Bikini Bottom!, any day of the week.

Rating: 6 Nudibranchs out of... HOLY *cut off*
Last edited:
This episode :dolphinnoise: me off. It's one of the worst episode of season 7. It's not horrible as people says but It's still bad. There were no funny moments in this episode, except the part when Gary watches a movie. I also liked the part when Gary tried to stop Puffy Fluffy. There were two reasons why I hated this episode. SpongeBob was very unlikeable in this episode. He keeps blaming Gary in this episode. I also think Puffy Fluffy is too scary for kids and the kids shouldn't watch this episode. I can understand why everyone hates this episode. If you didn't watch this episode, stay away from it. 3/10
It's not bad for me. Spongebob's gullibleness when Puffy Fluffy tries to eat Gary is funny, and Spongebob's ironic lines share that.
I like this episode.

This episode is definitely flawed. SpongeBob is kind of a *dolphin noise*, there weren't a lot of good jokes, and feels a bit too mean towards Gary, but I really liked the story, and even though SpongeBob's ridiculously ignorant when he sees Puffy Fluffy's true form, it's understandable why he is the other times, and he does feel like he's trying to help out Gary. Speaking of Gary, I love how he's treated kind of like an action hero, with him being horrified by Puffy Fluffy at the middle, to being brave and saving his owner by the end, while using the lasso that was foreshadowed in the beginning.
All I can say is, it's not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I'll take this over *noises to represent the other twelve bad words* Hello Bikini Bottom!, and day of the week.

Rating: 6 Nudibranchs out of... HOLY *cut off*

unironically one of the greatest episodes of post-sequel or even the entire show.
filled to the brim with various genius plot and comedic elements that make the episode fun to watch.
Mr. krabs has his pre-movie personality here

the episode still sucks tho

Oh noooooooo. Season 7 can you chill for maybe 2 seconds? Please? Pretty please? Because why, why have I just gotten finished reviewing my most hated episode and another episode I can’t stand, and now we’re here at my second most hated episode???? Yeah, it’s “A Pal For Gary”. My hatred of this episode should come as no surprise, being the CEO of Gary the Snail that I am. This is one of the two episodes in this show that seem to be considered the worst of the entire series. I’m sure you can guess what the other one might be. And for once I’m gonna have to stand behind public opinion on this one. I mean, of course, I understand that this is a fictional show and so not worth getting legitimately angry over, but the general sentiment is the same.

What’s so especially heinous about this episode (lol Law and Order reference) is how the beginning of the episode really draws in viewers like me who are longing for some SpongeBob and Gary content. This first minute or so of the episode is actually pretty good. I love how SpongeBob clearly cares for Gary and it hurts to leave him alone, and I love Gary’s little hobby of watching Old Westerns. These two things are a great basis to build the episode on! And, the episode continues to be pretty entertaining when we cut to SpongeBob working at the Krusty Krab, and how he increasingly feels worried and guilty, and then when SpongeBob leaves and gets caught by Mr. Krabs, this part is great too. It really makes me start to wonder if perhaps I just misjudged this episode, because clearly things are going great! Well….see, just like every other disappointing Gary episode, I start out this episode with a glimmer of hope that I’ll finally get what I’m looking for. And then this episode proceeds to crush that hope quite thoroughly. So, unlike “Stuck in the Wringer”, this episode has actual potential. Which is why a lot of my displeasure with this episode stems from disappointment, rather than dislike (although dislike is still a huge part of it, don’t get it twisted).

And speaking of these first few minutes as the basis of this episode, when you really think about it, the direction this episode goes in doesn’t even make sense. The premise here is that SpongeBob feels bad for leaving Gary alone. That he is the one leaving Gary alone. So getting Gary a companion does not exactly follow from the premise. Like it’s logical enough that it’s not a glaring issue, in fact it’s a pretty simple solution to the problem, but the episode itself does not establish it as a solution until way late in the game, it more suggests that SpongeBob himself needs to be there for Gary. And I also mention all of this because this would’ve been 5 million times better than what we got, for sure. And not just because we’re long overdue for a simple SpongeBob-Gary interaction like in “Gary Takes a Bath”.

Well, moving on from musings about episode direction, the fact is the episode does decide to go this route of introducing a pal for Gary (ba dum tss). The best I can say about this story beat is that it does make the episode go in a different and unexpected direction…maybe it’s just because I never watched Gremlins, but I was not thinking “pet will turn out to be a literal monster” so. There’s that. Also, the fact that Puffy Fluffy ends up being a monster makes me ask a lot of questions about the father and son who had just bought one…And then one more thing, but did anyone here play on that Moshi Monsters website when they were younger? The members of Puffy Fluffy’s species all look like Glumps to me lol.

Once SpongeBob takes Puffy Fluffy, I can already feel myself growing annoyed because of how he ignores the very obvious signs from the shop owner. It’s here that I see another missed opportunity of this episode—making SpongeBob’s obliviousness an actual issue that the episode covertly revolves around. Because let’s think for a second. SpongeBob thinks that he’s doing a bad thing by leaving Gary alone, because he seemingly never asks Gary how he feels about it. If the episode wanted to make SpongeBob’s obliviousness a real trend, they should’ve shown Gary trying to tell SpongeBob that he’s fine alone, and SpongeBob thinking that he knows what’s best for Gary. This would make the notorious last third of the episode make more sense at least, and it would require that SpongeBob learn his lesson and make a proper apology towards Gary. That last part would exponentially improve my enjoyment of the episode, but I would still generally dislike it unless more significant changes were made. But at least this idea would give “A Pal For Gary” more direction.

It is once SpongeBob returns home with Puffy Fluffy that this episode decides to completely give up on making SpongeBob a likeable character, or this episode an enjoyable use of my time. SpongeBob is completely oblivious to how Puffy Fluffy is treating Gary, and I can tell that this is meant to be comedic, but there is no comedy here. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to laugh at, because Gary has done nothing to deserve this. And the way that this is coupled with SpongeBob just acting like an a-hole in general to Gary (just like in “Pet or Pests”) really begins to move my annoyance to true irritation and infuriation. And also, the whole part where SpongeBob makes Gary “share” with Puffy Fluffy makes absolutely no sense…why would he give Gary the same amount of food as always, and then expect him to share??? This episode gives extreme whiplash for how good of a pet owner SpongeBob is, and I hate it. And once we see that Puffy Fluffy is purposefully tricking SpongeBob into thinking that it’s innocent while Gary is not, the direction this episode is going in becomes much more clear, and I hate it. These kinds of plots, a kind of Cassandra Truth type plot, I cannot stand them. Top 5 worst tropes of all time because they are beyond frustrating.

For the sake of time and my own sanity, I won’t sit here and go through every repetitive iteration of this trope in the plot (because this episode is also just extremely repetitive in this segment, like we freaking get it my god). Just know that every time SpongeBob is a idiot jerkwad, I’m angry. Got it?

When Puffy Fluffy goes full monster mode, I’m struck by yet another idea that would’ve made this episode even better, and it’s my favorite kind of idea…use some horror! Okay walk with me. The episode begins the exact same way, except SpongeBob actually does have a conversation with Gary about his perceived loneliness, and decides to override Gary’s desires by getting a second pet as a companion. SpongeBob goes and gets Puffy Fluffy, but maybe he finds Puffy Fluffy out in the wild or something, looking cute. He goes to pick up Puffy Fluffy and boom, he turns into a monster and we cut away, only hearing SpongeBob’s scream when the episode goes back to Gary. Some time passes and Gary’s like “hey wait, where’s SpongeBob”, so he decides to investigate. We get some fun antics with this until he eventually finds Puffy Fluffy’s lair, where he sees SpongeBob. He saves the day of course, using those Old Western skills, and SpongeBob is apologetic for not listening to Gary, and grateful that Gary saved him. Is that not far better?

Unfortunately, I have to return to the actual episode now. Puffy Fluffy’s monster design is cool at least. And seeing Gary try and fight back against this thing is entertaining enough. I love how defensive he gets once Puffy Fluffy starts tearing SpongeBob’s clothes, because he clearly loves SpongeBob. I’m glad that this episode isn’t boring at least. But poor Gary deals with this all night, and SpongeBob doesn’t even wake up to it at all. And then when SpongeBob wakes up and sees the damage and immediately blames Gary, man all the good will I had been building towards this episode goes away just like that. Because are you serious?? And that’s not even the worst part.

No, the worst part of this episode is everything that comes once SpongeBob opens the door. Instead of defending his snail against the giant monster literally trying to eat him, SpongeBob berates Gary because he thinks he’s attacking Puffy Fluffy…what. WHAT?! How does that even make remotely any sense at all. In what world can SpongeBob walk into this scene and think Gary is the one causing this mess. A halfway decent episode would’ve had SpongeBob realize the error of his ways right here. It would still be awful but it would be redeemable. But this episode decides to have SpongeBob be 10 times worse, and for what? And we’re meant to find this funny!!! That’s the whole reason the fakeout was done, because this is supposed to be humorous. Well, let me break it to whoever thought this was a good idea: this is not funny. At all. It’s just beyond infuriating.

And then Gary, being the king he is, saves the day when Puffy Fluffy starts trying to eat SpongeBob. We get a nice callback to all the westerns Gary had been watching before, so this was nice to see. What’s not nice to see is SpongeBob immediately running after Puffy Fluffy and being angry at Gary for driving him away, as if he couldn’t realize that he was literally being eaten. The very end of this episode actually would’ve been good if it was in a different episode, because SpongeBob bringing Gary to work is actually fun, and Mr. Krabs is pretty funny here. But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that after all the hell SpongeBob just put Gary through, from which he never learned, he is now forcing Gary out of his comfortable days spent at home, and into free labor???? No wonder Gary looks so completely done at the end of the episode. I enjoy a long-suffering character (Squidward), but this is beyond ridiculous.

“A Pal For Gary” is both better and worse than I remembered. Worse in that I forgot how much missed potential there was in this episode, and how much actually good stuff was here that was completely thrown to the wayside. It’s almost impressive how whenever this episode had a chance to be good/decent, or utterly abysmal, it chose the latter. It would’ve been so easy for this episode to be good. That’s why it was so easy for me to come up with improved versions of it! And I think that’s why I regard this episode is my second least favorite (at least at the moment, but this is unlikely to change). It’s not the least enjoyable episode I’ve ever seen, and there are some episodes I dislike more than it in some ways (”Someone’s in the Kitchen With Sandy” definitely pissed me off more). But never before have I seen an episode so completely sabotage itself when it had such a strong footing. I can’t understand it.

Episode Tier: Abysmal
Episode Score: