131b. A Pal for Gary

Pretty much everyone sums up the reasons why this episode is pretty bad but it's not the worst S7 episode for me or the worst episode of the show (that all goes to Stuck in the Wringer) the only parts I like where the beginning and the action

Grade: 3/10

Worst Character: :sbx:

Worst Line: Gary you put Fluffy down right now

Worst Moment: SpongeBob ignorance
So I FINALLY saw this episode today. After all the horrors I heard...it wasn't actually my least favorite episode. *gasp*

We all know that Spongebob is naive, although this episode took it to an extreme. There were several instances of Spongebob BLATANTLY ignoring that his own pet was being attacked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, which was pretty much insufferable. My jaw actually dropped at that last line where Gary was being eaten and Spongebob yelling at...Gary. I'm not sure what the writers were trying to get at there...an unexpected punchline?...but it came off as stupid, not funny. I mean, it was just too much. Spongebob is naive anyway though, so it shouldn't have been THAT much of a surprise...although granted it was taken a little too far here. Still...

But this is a cartoon; saying it's a bad episode because of animal abuse is taking things too seriously. Obviously the writers aren't promoting it. Mostly it suffers from an overused, very dumb joke. And that's really it's main problem. When you realize that animal abuse really isn't a legitimate complaint here, the episode's main problem is gone (except for the fact that it's just not funny).

But really, that was the only serious issue the episode had. Granted, it was serious, but the plot had potential. I would have loved to see Puffy Fluffy as a more tame creature, I mean come on, it (he? she?) was adorable in fluff form. They just ruined it with Spongebob's idiocy. At least it wasn't completely boring like SpongeHenge or just plain strange/annoying like All That Glitters. There are worse flaws for an episode to have. 4/10
BobCarotte said:
EEW! 2/10 :patgross:
Yeah, I still say "EEW!" to this episode. I ::dolphin noise::ing hate this episode and it's the worst of the show. SpongeBob was a ::dolphin noise:: and I REALLY hated him. I give it a 1.5/10.
I hate this episode, it's wall to wall stupdity and the "Lolz SpongeBbs dsn't thnk pffy flfy is mean XD, lul isn't it hlarius" there's more to this show than making the characters brain-dead imbeciles. A very generous 1/10.
I'm surprised this episode aired a week before my birthday, which wasn't really that pleasant to me. Because, I remember hating this episode for years, and it's mostly because Spongebob was being such an idiot and being harsh to Gary, even when seeing Puffy Fluffy attacking him in his true form! And even in the end, Gary was still scolded by Spongebob. Wow. And I can't believe he'd put Gary before Puffy Fluffy.

This episode is pure evil, and one of the first truly despised episodes of the series. While Dear Vikings and the TV films were the ones previously seen as the worst, the hate for them has subsided over time. While the previous two were boring and driven on plotholes, this episode is simply WRETCHED in every way. SpongeBob is so OOC he comes off as evil for his neglect of Gary so that he is nearly eaten by a grotesque, highly detailed monster that frightened the audience. Way back in the "Seasons 4-6 are evil" era, I actually liked this for its "epic horrors", but now I see it for what it is. Gary is clearly being eaten by this green monster, and you still target him? And you're not thankful when he saves you?

GordokTheMad said:
My reaction to this episode?


In another words... WORST. EPISODE. EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: -99999999999999999999999999/10

EDIT: New rating: -99999999999999999999 and infinity/10
I couldn't agree more. Next to episodes like The Splinter, One Coarse Meal, and Stuck in the Wringer, A Pal for Gary totally betrays SpongeBob's good nature, apart from stalking squidward. Anyone who likes this episode can ::13 bad words you should never use::
Rate: 0/10
This? This? This? I hate this episode & i'm Season 4-9 aint all so BAD. Ugh!!!!!! Horrible Horrible Horrible. 0.00000000.000000IiNFINITY

This is such an underrated episode. I like it. It's not as bad as it sounds. Puffy Fluffy eating Gary, & SpongeBob not caring, is forgivable, because SpongeBob is an idiot like Patrick, so he probably thought Gary was stretching out the mouth of one of Puffy's friends (This is given away by the quote "Hello! Are you a friend of Puffy Fluffy? *scream*!) 8.7/10[
Yep this episode is still pretty horrible, in fact I didn't laugh once. It's annoying, boring, stupid, and has SpongeBob's worst characterization in the show. A formula for success!

Grrrrrrrrrrr! THIS IS MY LEAST FAVOURITE EPISODE OUT OF THE ENTIRE SHOW! Spongebob was a complete jerk toward Gary in this one, and he was acting like he was blind and deaf! I'm so glad this episode has a very low rating, because it deserves it! This episode also deserves to burn in hell, along with One Coarse Meal!!!!!

Okay... sorry if I was going a little crazy there, but I just really hate this episode!

Don't get me started on this episode. This is the worst episode of SpongeBob SquarePants EVERRRRRR!!!! SpongeBob was being dumb the wrong way and thought that Gary was doing all the bad stuff. SpongeBob was being a complete idiot in this episode! Gary had nothing to do with the bad stuff. Instead of apolging to Gary, he said "Well Gary, are you happy now!"
Rating: -15/100
Honestly, this is one of the infamous episodes I agree with...

SpongeBob's characterization here is poorly executed, and the whole story is pretty stupid...

They made SpongeBob dumber and more oblivious than usual, which comes off as really annoying.

At least the design of Puffy Fluffy is cool, and SpongeBob's library makes another appearance.

How hated is this episode, I mean seriously, I have some defense for this episode, because it's not even in my bottom 50:
1. SpongeBob's Stupidity - Yes, SpongeBob is incredibly stupid, and is certainly deserving of being SpongeBob's worst appearance, but like PieGuyRulz, I consider this, although to be a big problem, to be the only big problem with the episode.
2. 'Animal Abuse' - Well SpongeBob's stupidity is the main criticism of the episode, I do see that animal abuse is a main criticism as well, well, I've never seen The Flinstones, but I know, since it's about cavemen, that it's got a high amount of animal cruelty in it, does that mean that show sucks, and for all of you people arguing that The Flinstones is an adult show, like The Simpsons, it's just made for adults. And I don't really think the animal abuse is that bad anyway (definitley not as bad as Pet Sitter Pat, I don't know why this episode gets more hate), Puffy Fluffy doesn't really hurt Gary, and although yes, the ending proves otherwise, but it still gets defeated, and at least it's not saying that animal abuse is right, I also noticed a small criticism which no one ever brought up, and that is why is Puffy Fluffy hurting Gary, with no motivation?
3. The Ending - The ending is terrible, don't get me wrong, but I think it's far from the worst ending. Gone or Good Neighbours wood take that title.
I just want to state what I like about this episode.
1. The Action - Gary fighting with Puffy Fluffy sounds really epic to me.
2. The Beginning - I like the beginning, because SpongeBob isn't stupid, and is actually caring about Gary, it's also the shop scene that really caught my interest.

That's it, that's why I find this episode extremely overhated, kill me now
I also noticed a small criticism which no one ever brought up, and that is why is Puffy Fluffy hurting Gary, with no motivation?
Well that gets explained when the pet seller tries to warn SpongeBob about the pet. Pluffy Fluffy is part of a species that act very hostile around other pets.
Faux Troll said:
Well that gets explained when the pet seller tries to warn SpongeBob about the pet. Pluffy Fluffy is part of a species that act very hostile around other pets.
Oh ya, I kind of get it now.
I can't believe people are actually defending this.