Episode: A Pal for Gary (S7-E131-B)
WHY?! SpongeBob is always worried about Gary while Gary is home alone. C'mon SpongeBob, Gary loves to be home alone. He's like Kevin McCallister of this show. To prevent Gary from loneliness, SpongeBob decides to get a new pet, a nudibranch (Nudibranchia) from the gypsy. The gypsy warned him to be careful with the nudibranch because nudibranches get angry to other pet animals, but SpongeBob ignores her and steals it without paying. Then, SpongeBob introduce it to Gary and named it...sigh...Puffy Fluffy. Everytime Gary meows to Puffy Fluffy, Puffy Fluffy roars at him. When Gary tells SpongeBob for help, SpongeBob blames Gary instead. At night, Puffy Fluffy became a monster and attacks Gary while SpongeBob is still sleeping. On the next day, SpongeBob saw Gary being eaten by beast mode Puffy Fluffy. What did SpongeBob do? Did he
a. SpongeBob uses his karate to save Gary?
b. SpongeBob calls the cops to save Gary?
c. SpongeBob asks his friends to help Gary?
The answer is.....(drumroll).....none of the above. Instead of saving Gary from great danger, SpongeBob still blames Gary. After Puffy Fluffy puts down Gary, Puffy Fluffy eats SpongeBob. HA HA!! I TOLD YOU SO!!! Hope he dies in Puffy Fluffy's stomach. Gary saves SpongeBob with a lasso, Wonder Woman style, that he learned from TV westerns. After Puffy Fluffy runs away, the ending should be great but it was spoiled because SpongeBob still blames Gary. I'm so Hulk-mode in this abyssmal episode right now!!! In the awkward ending, SpongeBob brings Gary to stay at The Krusty Krab and Gary dosen't like it. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This episode, I want to burn this episode with gasoline & flamethrower at night, along with One Coarse Meal; Yours, Mine and Mine; Stuck in a Wringer, SITKWS and all of my worst episodes, creating a huge inferno.
"You know, I feel sorry for Gary. He has to fight from this monstrosity because hi s owner blind, deaf and INCOMPREHENSIBLY STUPID!!!
To the writers: Casey and Zeus, especially you Richard Pursel (a.k.a. Richard ::dolphin noise::), you mother::dolphin noise::ing assholes should be ashamed of yourselves. I mean really, writing this atrocious episode to scare us all, and flanderizing one of the most beloved protagonist of this series?!?!?! Please keep your lackluster writing, gross-out, horror and poisoned imaginations away from this series. Seriously, SpongeBob SquarePants is a popular TV series to make us laugh, NOT MAKE US CRY, RANT AND SCARED TO ::dolphin noise::ING DEATH!!!
Me (in Lola Loud's voice): You writers are no class.
Final Score =
-∞/10 :patboo: