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Pet Sitter Pat

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Airdate:September 16, 2011
@8:00 pm EST
Season: 8
Prod. Number: 164b
Air Number: 192b
Paired With:Barnacle Face
Directors:Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas (Storyboard), Vincent Waller (Creative), Tom Yasumi (Animation)
Writers:Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Richard Pursel
Plot:Patrick watches Gary while SpongeBob goes to Gramma's house to celebrate her birthday.
On Video:
The Complete Eighth Season Patrick SquarePants

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Patrick. Patrick? Patrick, what are you doing?"

"Step aside, Barry. Let me show you how it's done. I gotta try a bite of this. Good stuff. I wonder what SpongeBob's got for me in the fridge."