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Yokel to Tough Guy

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Typed By: ssj4gogita4

(SpongeBuck sitting on a swing with a guitar)
Narrator: With just a couple minor adjustments, anyone can go from yokel to tough guy.
SpongeBuck: Wow, even me?
Narrator: Even you. (real hands take SpongeBuck and set him on a board)
SpongeBuck: I'm ready to be tough.
Narrator: Good, 'cause this city-slicker necktie has got to go. (scissors cut his bow-tie off) And this hat...ridiculous. (real fingers flick his hat off) Now all you need is some uncut facial hair (appear), a handlebar mustache (appear), a scar (appear)...
SpongeBuck: Ow!
Narrator: ...tough guy hat (appear), gloves (appear), bandanna (appear), boots (appear), and lastly that ol' tough guy scowl (real fingers push SpongeBuck's eyebrows down).
SpongeBuck: Ain't nobody gonna mess with me now.
Pecos Patrick: (comes in looking like a tough guy) What'd you say?
SpongeBuck: (scared) Please don't hurt me! (runs away without all the tough guy getup)

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