Home Sweet Pineapple
Typed By: ssj4gogita4
Nematodes: Walking, walking, walking, walking.
Nematode #1: Hungry!
Nematodes: Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry. (all eat some coral)
Nematode #1: Still hungry!
Nematodes: still hungry, still hungry, still hungry, still hungry. (eat a car that drives by)
Fred: Aww, dang nematodes!
Nematode #1: Thirsty!
Nematodes: Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. (all bounce to SpongeBob's house and take out straws. Then start drinking up the pineapple house. SpongeBob and Gary are still sleeping as everything begins to shrink inside, even Gary's bowl)
Gary: Meow. (SpongeBob's bed begins to shrink as he wakes up)
SpongeBob: Hooray, Gary! We're finally huge!
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Huh? Wait a minute! Oh no! (squeezes through the doors as he tries to get to the phone. Gary gets stuck in a door.) Shell phone! I'll call Squidward. He'll know what to do!
Squidward: (answers phone) Hello?
SpongeBob: Squidward!
Squidward: Is it time already for you to ruin my day?
SpongeBob: (as he talks to Squidward, his voice gets higher and higher until the phone completely disappears) Squidward! Help me! My house is shrinking and I woke up this morning and it was getting smaller...oh no!
Squidward: Yep, it is. (Patrick comes out from his rock)
Patrick: Is it time, already, to ruin Squid's day? (falls off rock onto his furniture then jumps out with a tuxedo on) Hey, SpongeBob, don't start without me! (SpongeBob's house gets sucked up by the nematodes. Then the nematodes leave)
SpongeBob: Ohh...nematodes. (sees a seed on the ground) The only thing left of my house is this little pebble.
Squidward: What's going on here?
SpongeBob: I've got bad news, guys! Look at what happened to my house! It's gone! It's all gone. What am I going to do? Where am I going to live?
Squidward: (excited) Yeah...
Patrick: Hey, SpongeBob, your house is gone!
Squidward: Well, what can I say? (begins to shake SpongeBob's hand) It's been great knowing you, SpongeBob. Good luck, somewhere else. (starts to walk back into his easter island head) I'm gonna miss you. Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo. (party favors fly out Squidward's windows as he parties) Boo-hoo! (starts to laugh)
Patrick: Squid's taking it real hard. So what are you gonna do now?
SpongeBob: I guess I'll have to move back with my mom and dad. (shown a picture of SpongeBob's parents smiling)
Patrick: No, wait a minute, no you don't. (shown picture of SpongeBob's parents frowning) We can build you a new house!
SpongeBob: We can't build a house!
Patrick: Well, sure, it's easy! I built my house all by myself! (antenna on Patrick's rock falls off)
SpongeBob: Alright, Patrick, let's get to work! (shows SpongeBob and Patrick as construction workers. As SpongeBob tightens a loose bolt, the screen turns every time SpongeBob tightens the bolt sending Patrick flying upside-down then back into the ground. SpongeBob is nailing pieces of wooden boards together and a piece would fall off and land on Patrick's fingers. Then Patrick would move his board under the next board that would fall off. Next, shown SpongeBob's finished house and Patrick gives a big thumbs up with bandages wrapped around his thumb)
Patrick: We're done!
SpongeBob: Yeah! So what do you think?
Patrick: I wish I lived there.
SpongeBob: Really?
Patrick: No. (Sponge puts the pineapple on his head)
SpongeBob: One bedroom. (nose flips through the door and pineapple breaks into pieces)
Patrick: Tartar sauce.
SpongeBob: Well, looks like we've got to move back with mom and pop.
Patrick: Well, you can't move back in with your parents! When my parents kicked me out of the house, I never went back. Wait! You and Gary can come stay with me!
SpongeBob: That'd be great!
Patrick: Yeah! We'll be rockmates! (SpongeBob and Patrick are sleeping under Patrick's rock) Good night, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Good night, rockmate.
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Good night, Gary. (SpongeBob goes to sleep but then is awaken to Patrick's snoring) Oh...what the...? (Gary hides in his shell from the noises of Patrick's snoring & SpongeBob puts in a cork in the sides of his head and goes back to sleep. The wind blows and Patrick pulls the rock closer to him and SpongeBob pulls it back. This goes back and forth until Patrick keeps the rock closer to him. SpongeBob gets cold so he covers himself with the sand on the ground and goes to sleep. Patrick's drooling makes its way over to SpongeBob. As SpongeBob snores, he absorbs the drool coming from Patrick and becomes a fat Sponge. He walks over to Patrick and then removes the corks down-sizing him to a normal Sponge. Then he takes out a bigger cork and puts it in Patrick's mouth and goes back to sleep. Patrick spits out the cork)
Patrick: Spiders! (lifts rock and starts hitting SpongeBob with it until he goes back to sleep. SpongeBob walks away from the rock a few feet and goes back to sleep. A few moments later, Patrick hits SpongeBob a few times with the rock, again. Then goes back to sleep. SpongeBob walks over to Squidward's house where Squidward is still sleeping)
SpongeBob: (tapping Squidward's nose as he whispers) Squidward? Squidward?
Squidward: H-h-huh?
SpongeBob: Squidward?
Squidward: Huh? Wha-what?
SpongeBob: Squidward, could we stay here a couple of days or a month or two?
Squidward: Yeah, yeah, wha-wha-whatever.
SpongeBob: Thanks. Thanks Squidward. (gets in bed with Squidward) Squidward, could you scoot over a little?
Squidward: Hmm, yeah, sure. (scoots over to the side)
SpongeBob: While you're at it, could you get me a glass of water?
Squidward: Ok. Hmmm, yeah, sure. (he walks off to get some water for SpongeBob)
SpongeBob: Yeah, this is a real swell place you got here. (Squidward hands SpongeBob the glass of water) Thanks, buddy.
Squidward: Y-you're welcome. (SpongeBob drinks the water)
SpongeBob: Yeah, I like sleepovers.
Squidward: Yeah. Me, too.
SpongeBob: Yep, this is great. Good night, Squidward.
Squidward: (yawns) Good night, SpongeBob. (Squidward opens his eyes to realize SpongeBob is in his bed. Next, we're shown Squidward showing SpongeBob out the door) Good night, SpongeBob. (the next day, Squidward opens his eyes excitedly) T-t-t-today's the big day, Squidward! Don't wanna be late! (gets dressed and heads outside) Gotta hurry! Hold it! Hold everything! (SpongeBob, with suitcases, and Patrick are standing outside waiting for SpongeBob's parents to arrive) I do not want to miss this. The day SpongeBob moves! I can't believe it's really happening.
SpongeBob: Don't worry, Squidward. I'll come visit you.
Squidward: Don't try to cheer me up, SpongeBob. Please.
SpongeBob: Here come my parents. (Patrick beings to cry and the car horn sounds)
Mrs. SquarePants: SpongeBob! Hi, honey, we're here!
Mr. SquarePants: Come on, SpongeBob, hurry hurry son, your mother has dinner waiting.
SpongeBob: Hi, mom.
Squidward: Hello, Mrs. SquarePants! Let me help you with these bags.
SpongeBob: Just give me a minute. (walks back to where his house used to be) I cannot hold onto you any longer, little pebble. (buries it into the ground) You hold too many memories. (a tear falls from his nose and into the ground where the seed absorbs it and then glows. Then shakes Squidward's hand) Well, Squidward, this is good-bye. (walks away)
Squidward: Good-bye, SpongeBob, good-bye.(dances) Good-bye, SpongeBob. Bye-bye-bye. Good-bye, SpongeBob. Ha-ha. Good-bye, good-bye.
SpongeBob: (Patrick is crying) Good-bye, Patrick. Good-bye, Bikini Bottom. (Patrick hangs onto the back of the boat still crying)
Squidward: (still dancing) SpongeBob is leaving. He's leaving, he's leaving. (the seed grows some roots) SpongeBob is leaving, he's leaving... (seed grows a vine and comes out of the ground and drops a pineapple where SpongeBob's old house used to be on top of Squidward. The vine then goes back into the ground)
SpongeBob: My house is back! (SpongeBob, his parents, & Patrick all excitedly go back into the pineapple) Aww, Squid, isn't this great? I'm back forever!
Squidward: Forever?