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The Great Patty Caper

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Typed By: ssj4gogita4

(at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob walks into the freezer and screams)
Mr. Krabs: What is it, boy? (SpongeBob babbles indistinctly) SpongeBob? (takes a pump) There, there, kid, what's the big deal?
SpongeBob: M-M- Mr. Krabs, we're all out of Krabby Patties, sir! (points to empty box)
Mr. Krabs: That's nothing to fuss over, boy. We'll just whip up a new batch, like we did in the old days.(cut to Mr.Krab's office) I know this process like the back of me claw. We always start with flour. (pours flour into cauldron) Next we add barnacle shavings. It's like ridin' a boat-cycle, ain't it, boy? (drops barnacle shavings in cauldron)
SpongeBob: You never forget, bossman.
Mr. Krabs: What do you say we do the next one together, eh? Sea salt! (holding a bottle of sea salt in his claw)
SpongeBob: Turmeric! (holding a bottle of turmeric in his hand)
Mr. Krabs: What are you on about, boy? The third step's always sea salt.
SpongeBob: That's funny, I remember turmeric third. And doesn't the recipe call for land salt?
Mr. Krabs: It's sea salt. And don't you remember SCABS?
SpongeBob: SCABS, sir?
Mr. Krabs: Yeah, SCABS, you know, Salt Comes After Barnacle Shavings. Or was it LESIONS? Oh, wait, no, that doesn't sound right either.
SpongeBob: Was it PUSTULE?
Mr. Krabs: Heavens, no. That's disgusting. Alright, tell you what, why don't I just go fetch the formula and we'll settle this once and for all. (humming as he opens the safe. When he does, Plankton flies out on a rocket and holding the secret formula)
Plankton: (laughs) No need to wonder about this. I got your formula. (laughs) Yee-haw!
Mr. Krabs: (stops Plankton by using a magnet to attract the rocket) Aren't you getting a little tired of this, Plankton? (gets the formula back)
Plankton: Come on, Krabs. Don't you have any respect for tradition?
Mr. Krabs: (chuckles) Of course I do. That's why I'm doing this. (lets go of rocket. It crashes through the Chum Bucket window)
Plankton: Ow.
Mr. Krabs: I need to somehow get Plankton to stop comin' after me precious secret formula.
SpongeBob: Hmm, I know! To keep Gary out of the biscuit tin, I hide the biscuits somewhere far away, like Patrick's house. Unfortunately, Patrick ended up eating the biscuits anyway.
Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob, that's it, you genius. You solved me decades-old-dilemma.
SpongeBob: I'm warning you Mr. Krabs, Patrick will eat anything you give him.
Anchor Fish: Breaking news! Earlier today, Mr. Eugene Krabs, proprietor of the Krusty Krab restaurant, parted his beloved secret formula. We now go to Perch Perkins live on the scene.
Perch: Thanks, Elaine. Just moments ago, Eugene Krabs sent his famously delicious secret Krabby Patty formula packing.
Mr. Krabs: Take care of yourself, little formul-er. (locks it in a safe, which is on a truck. The truck drives onto a train carraige, which then is hoisted up by a helicopter into a plane that flies off)
SpongeBob: (holding Perch's mic) Good-bye, secret recipe!
Perch: We wanted to ask Mr. Eugene Krabs, what compelled him to take such drastic measures?
Mr. Krabs: Well, it's simple, Perch. It seems keeping me secret formula at hand has proven to be all too temptin' for a certain diminutive, one-eyed criminal element to society.
Plankton: (turns TV off) So, I've got him in full retreat! (laughs evilly)
Mr. Krabs: All right, boy. Let's get back into making them patties.
SpongeBob: I believe we were at turmeric.
Mr. Krabs: Boy, I thought I told you--
SpongeBob: Oh no, we forgot to look at the...
Mr. Krabs: Formul-er, yeah.
Spongebob: And that formula is...
Mr. Krabs: On the opposite side of the ocean, yeah. And now I gotta go all the way there to get it. (bangs head on wall multiple times)
SpongeBob: Mr. Krabs, I'll do it. Send me to retrieve that formula.
Mr. Krabs: Think you're up for the challenge?
SpongeBob: Uh-huh.
Mr. Krabs: Well, all right then. The formula is now stored in a safe-deposit box in the ocean's largest safe bank in way-far-out-town-ville. (takes out gold key)
SpongeBob: Ah, and that's the key to the box, eh, Mr. Krabs?
Mr. Krabs: This? No. This is the key to me heart. (opens up his heart and takes out a silver key) This is the safe-deposit box key.
SpongeBob: Oh, thank you, Mr.--
Mr. Krabs: Not so fast, kid. I want you to protect this at all costs. You mustn't let it out of your sight. I now bestowed to you the key to the future of the Krusty Krab.
SpongeBob: I humbly accept this key and vow to guard it with my very life. (takes the key) It shan't leaveth my sight.
Mr. Krabs: (Plankton hears the conversation with some technology of his) Good, let's get you over at the train station.
Plankton: This is too easy. Karen, I'm off on a business trip. Don't up wait for me, baby. (cuts to train station)
SpongeBob: The Oceanic Express. (train whistles) Wish me luck.
Mr Krabs: Remember what I told you, boy? Keep your eye on the key.
Oran J. Roughy: I can take your luggage for you, sir. (grabs Patrick) Please follow me.
SpongeBob: Wow, a real-life butler.
Oran J. Roughy: I am not a butler.
Train Conductor: All aboard!
SpongeBob: Bye, Mr. Krabs!
Mr. Krabs: Good luck, me boy! Don't let me down! (train starts to leave as a bus drives up)
Plankton: (gets out of bus and runs up to the train) Wait! Wait for me! (sighs) Barnacles, I knew I should have sprung for a taxi! Curse you public transport! Why I oughta-- (train steam sends Plankton onto the road where a bus runs him over) Oh, now they're on time. (cut to inside of train)
Oran J. Roughy: Your sleeping quarters. (tosses Patrick in there) I trust everything is to your liking.
SpongeBob: Couldn't be better, butler.
Oran J. Roughy: Ahem. Perhaps Monsieur did not hear me. I trust everything is to your liking.
SpongeBob: Oh, oh yes, of course! How silly of me.
Oran J. Roughy: An honest mistake, monsieur.
SpongeBob: Thank you, my good man. (hands the butler a used, plastic burrito wrapper) I've been hunting for a trash can for at least ten minutes. Thanks again, french guy.
Patrick: Peek-a-boo!
SpongeBob: Hey Patrick, remember, we're on an important mission here. So keep your eyes open for any suspicious characters.
Patrick: (Patrick's reflection in the mirror gets an angry face while the real Patrick asks SpongeBob a question) SpongeBob, does that guy look suspicious to you? (looks back at the reflection) I think he might be spying on us. (Patrick's reflection goes away) Hey, where'd he go!? All this suspicious thing is making me hungry.
SpongeBob: Well, then follow me to the dining car.
Plankton: (climbs on top of a bus) Looks like it's starting to roll my way for a change. And nothing dares stand in my way! (Plankton jumps) Uh-oh. (crashes into an 18-wheeler. Windshield wipers scrape Plankton off and he floats on down to the train) I knew I'd make it ? (cut to the dining car)
SpongeBob: Ooh Fancy.
Patrick : Yeah. And they gave you so much food, you need 2 forks. (baby heard crying)
SpongeBob: Aw, what a cute little baby. No need to fuss, little fella.
Nanny: I just can't get him to stop crying. The poor dear.
SpongeBob: (sits down) Hi again, kind butler.
Employee: (sighs) So sorry monsieur. The dining car is closed now.
SpongeBob: (looks at watch) But we haven't even heard the specials yet.
Employee: No, the dining car is over for you. You must leave now. (pushes SpongeBob away. He trips over a purse. A lady picks him up)
SpongeBob: Oh, sorry, ma'am.
Miss McGuffin: That's quite alright, handsome. (cut to a train terrace)
SpongeBob: Huh, friendly lady. Well, Patrick, we'd better find a safe place to store this for the night. (SpongeBob is holding the key but it's not there)
Patrick: What is that?
SpongeBob: That my dear Patrick is-- the key! (sees it missing) Patrick, where is the key? Oh, no, I took a solemn oath. (Plankton is walking by angrily)
SpongeBob: Plankton! You stole the safety-deposit key.
Plankton: Oh, come on, I just got here. I couldn't have stolen it-- yet.
SpongeBob: Oh yeah? Well no offense, but I don't believe you.
Plankton: You calling me a liar?
SpongeBob: Yes. Search him, Patrick.
Patrick: (puts on latex gloves) With pleasure. Prepare for a thorough search, shorty.
Plankton: Oh, drat.
Patrick: (picks up bowl) Just after I scrub this bowl. (scrubs bowl) Alright, Plankton, time to squeeze the key out of you. (takes out some clamps. Plankton gasps) After my tasty snack. (uses the clamp to crush the nut. Plankton runs and screams) He's clean. (drops Plankton)
Plankton: (grunts) I told you I wasn't lying.
SpongeBob: Well, if you didn't steal it, then who did? It must've been someone on this train. Patrick, call the cops.
Patrick: (puts his head out the window) Cops, I need you! (cut to the Krusty Krab)
Crowd: (chanting) We want Krabby Patties! We want Krabby Patties! We want Krabby Patties! We want Krabby Patties! We want Krabby Patties!
Customer: Just give me a patty, man.
Squidward: For the last time, we're out of patties. (customers shout) No need to get excited now.
Customer: We want our patties, man. (destroys the cash register)
Squidward: That's Krusty Krab property. (another customer rips off a pole) That's a low-bearing column. (customer swings the pole at Squidward. He ducks) Hurry, SpongeBob. (cut to train being stopped and all riders are outside the train)
SpongeBob: As you know, an unspeakable crime has been committed here today and each of you have the means to do it. The question is who? You there, you're not fooling me with that innocent act. (SpongeBob points at the baby) Where were you at 6:42pm on the night of January 16th? And don't give me that goo-goo-ga-ga stuff.
Plankton: Oh brother.
SpongeBob: Mr. Police Commissioner?
Commissioner: Yes, Mr. SquarePants?
SpongeBob: I sub-- (turns around and walks into the policeman) I submit to you that the perpetrator of this heinous theft is none other than...the nanny.
Nanny: (nervous chuckling) I haven't stolen a thing.
SpongeBob: Sir, if you search this baby's diaper, you'll find the stolen key.
Commissioner: Yes, Mr. SquarePants. (uses tongs to dig into the diaper. A metal sound clinks) Aha!
SpongeBob: The key!
Commissioner: (uses tongs to take out a huge diamond) At least I found it. Thank you, Mr. SquarePants. You uncovered Neptune's jewel of the sea and nabbed the infamous Jewel Triplets Gang.
SpongeBob: Triplets?
Baby Triplet: (deep voice) I told you taking the train was a mistake.
Triplet #2: (reveals himself being the legs of the nanny) Well, we wouldn't be on the lam if you hadn't applied for that discount card.
Baby Triplet: Well, can I help it if I'm frugal?
Commissioner: Tell it to your cellmate, junior. (handcuffs the baby)
SpongeBob: If they didn't do it...that means the key was stolen by...the butler.
Oran J. Roughy: (sighs) I certainly did not.
SpongeBob: We know you did it. The butler always commits the crime.
Oran J. Roughy: For the last time, I am not a butler. I don't even have the butler accent.
Patrick: You may not be a butler, but are you a werewolf? (there is a full moon. A fish walks up and grows hair and changes into a werewolf. He howls and runs off)
Plankton: Okay, butler, you may have hoodwinked the sponge, but I ain't no pushover! (gets hit with a piece of popcorn from Patrick)
Patrick: Sorry. (chomps on his popcorn)
Plankton: Anyway, since you didn't steal the key, then you'd obviously submit to a search of your cabin.
Oran J. Roughy: I do not have a cabin. I sleep on the luggage.
Plankton: Aha, that's how you stole it! Give it to me. Give me the key.
SpongeBob: Need I remind you, Plankton, that you are still a suspect yourself.
Plankton: Uh, I-I mean, give SpongeBob back the key.
SpongeBob: I don't believe either of you. Shake 'em down. (a big muscular police officer comes and turns the butler upside-down and shakes him. Plankton falls on the ground and gets hit with a nail clipper, a hammer, and an anvil from the butler's pockets)
Keystone Cop: Nothing suspicious here. (the butler's mask falls off) Except for the fact that you just outed Oran J. Roughy, international fugitive wanted for the embezzlement of over 75,000 bucks worth of ham sandwiches. (Patrick screams)
SpongeBob: After all this, I still haven't found the key and I broke my vow to Mr. Krabs. (sobs) I don't deserve to work at the Krusty Krab.
Patrick: (picking his teeth with the key) Don't worry, buddy. I'm sure it'll turn up.
SpongeBob: The key! Patrick! Where in the ocean's depth did you find it?
Patrick: I found it when I was cleaning your shorts from your little "accident" earlier.
SpongeBob: Well, that is great news.
Patrick: (yawns) Anyways, I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm pooped. I'm sure you can relate.
SpongeBob: Uh, yeah, me, too. (runs up into the train)
Plankton: (hiding behind the door hinges) Me, three. (laughs. Cut to the train moving. SpongeBob and Patrick are grunting as they try to get cozy in their very tight space of cabin)
Patrick: Say, would you mind scooching over? I can't even move my eyebrows.
SpongeBob: I'm trying. Sheesh, this isn't exactly a luxury suite.
Plankton: Here, maybe I can help. (opens window. SpongeBob and Patrick stick out their tongues like dogs)
SpongeBob: (sighs) Fresh water.
Patrick: What a cool view.
Plankton: Yeah, have a better look. (hits them both with a 2x4, sending them out of the train and down a sandy hill. Train whistles) And thanks for the key!
Patrick: Well, I guess he lost us. You ready to call it a day, SpongeBob? (SpongeBob runs off) Guess not. (runs after him)
SpongeBob: Okay, Patrick, on the count of three, we'll jump on, okay?
Patrick: Gotcha, pal. Oh, wait, I can't count that high. Can we just jump on the count of one?
SpongeBob: That'll work, too. Okay, on the count of one-- what the? (they come to a cliff. The train is still riding off)
Patrick: Great, now what?
SpongeBob: Patrick, hop up on my back.
Patrick: Well, I don't think this is the right time for a piggyback ride.
SpongeBob: Just do it.
Patrick: Okay. But I don't see how this is gonna get us any closer to the tr-- (screams. SpongeBob jumped off the cliff) Are you crazy?! Please! I'm sorry for any grief I've caused you! Don't do it, please! (crying. SpongeBob flips onto Patrick's back and turns himself into a hang-glider) Hey, we're flying!
SpongeBob: There you go, buddy. (sets Patrick on top of the train. They both go into the train in search of Plankton) Oh, Plankton!
Patrick: You can't hide forever. (both yelp as a bunch of luggage falls on them)
Plankton: Looks like you've got a lot on your mind. (Plankton runs off. Spongebob and Patrick chase after him through many train doors)
SpongeBob: Alright, Plankton, end of the line! (sees train controls) Plankton!
Plankton: Over here, choo-choo heads. (laughs as he closes the door and then separates the train)
Patrick: That was odd.
SpongeBob: Yeah, and Plankton still has the key. (sees the head of the train getting farther away from the rest of it) Patrick, we've got a big problem. Look.
Patrick: Hey, where'd all those--those shiny tubes?
SpongeBob: That's just it, Patrick, they aren't there.
Patrick: Hmm. In that case... (both he and SpongeBob scream. Back to the other train parts)
Fish #1: Hey, what's going on?
Fish #2: I've got places to be.
Fish #3: Let's go already!
Plankton: (opens one of the train doors and we see Far-Out-Ville and the bank across the way) It's too easy. (back to the head of the train)
SpongeBob: Patrick, we have to stop this thing! Go see if you can do something with that stuff. I'll try and get the door open.
Patrick: What do I do? What do I do? (reads the brake signal) B-R-A-K-E. BRAKE. I can do that. Well, SpongeBob, I think our troubles are over. (shows the brake signal in his hand that he just broke)
SpongeBob: (screams) You broke the brake?
Patrick: It told me to.
SpongeBob: What do we do now? (starts pushes buttons and messing around with the controls) Oh, one of these thingama-hoozies has to stop the train. Patrick, try something!
Patrick: I'm on it.(uses shovel to put some coal into the fire engine) Maybe shoveling in these black rocks will help. (at a train signal station, SpongeBob and Patrick signal for help over the radio)
SpongeBob & Patrick: We're on an out-of-control train! (man spits out his coffee)
Man: This is control station to engine five. Do you copy?
SpongeBob: Oh, uh, yes, sir. I copy. I'm SpongeBob and I'm on an out-of-control train.
Man: Kid, let me talk to the engineer.
SpongeBob: Um, who?
Man: The guy driving the train.
SpongeBob: Oh, uh, th-that would be me. And Patrick's here, too. Say hi to the nice gentleman, Patrick.
Patrick: Hi.
SpongeBob: Oh, the back of the train is gone!
Man: Oh, no. (looks at map) The train's headed straight for the rest home. (picture of Rest Home) And that means...
SpongeBob: Means what? Means what? What does that mean, mister?
Man: (snaps on helmet) It means that train's coming right through that-- (the train crashes through the train depot) Beware the twisted trestles, kid! (lets go of train)
SpongeBob: What is that?
Man: (points) That's that. (the train does some loop-de-loops. SpongeBob and Patrick cheer and laugh)
SpongeBob & Patrick: (sigh) That was fun.
Patrick: Now, where were we? Oh, yeah. I'll save us! (runs faster than the train and holds up a 'STOP' sign. The train keeps going. Patrick tries again but it's a lemonade stand) Ice-cold lemonade! Get your ice-cold, tasty, refreshing, and also ice-cold lemon... (groans. The train passes by) Hey! Everyone stops for free lemonade! (runs past the train again)
SpongeBob: 'Attaboy, Patrick. Don't give... (Patrick puts down a giant piece of coral rock. The train flips around and slides on the tracks)
Patrick: Hey. Hey, wait for me... (climbs into the train) Hey, SpongeBob! (train crashes through a tunnel)
SpongeBob: Whoa! Whoa! (the train is getting near the Rest Home)
Rest Home Citizen: There's a train behind you.
Rest Home Citizen #2: How many times do you think I'm falling for that one?
Patrick: Hey, would you quit messing around? You're making me sick. (the train stops before hitting the Rest Home. One of the citizens peeks at the other ones cards)
Rest Home Citizen #2: Hey! (SpongeBob and Patrick sigh)
SpongeBob: Sorry, oldsters, we'd love to stay and help you clean up the mess, but we've got a formula to save. (the train starts again but back towards Far-Out-Ville)
Patrick: Hmm. (reads the throttle letters) T-H-R-O-T-T-L-E. Brake! I can do that. (breaks the throttle handle. Walks up to SpongeBob) You didn't need this, did you? (cut to the bank)
Plankton: Hee hee hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha. (uses ladder to get up to the safe-deposit box) Come to papa! (opens box and gets formula) At last, my day of triumph has come! Again.
Mr. Krabs: Well, well. (turns on a light)
Plankton: What? B-b-but how?
Mr. Krabs: You honestly didn't think I would have left you out of this elaborate equation, did you?
Plankton:I can explain, Eugene. I, uh, I was just keeping it warm for you. Yeah.
Mr. Krabs: (laughs) Sure. I believe ya. (grabs Plankton) Say, since you went through all the trouble of getting here, there you go, Plankton. (puts Plankton in his safe-deposit box but he jumps out and gets the formula) Enjoy the scenery. Hey, where'd he go?
Plankton: Checkmate, Krabs! (laughs evilly. The train runs into the bank and squishes Plankton) Ow.
Mr. Krabs: Good job, boyo.
SpongeBob: I simply refused to fail, sir.
Bank Teller: (clears throat) That's all very wonderful, but do you mind telling me how you intend to pay for the damage to the bank?
Mr. Krabs: Uh... You know, I just remembered, I'm late for a very important meetin'. Take care of it, will ya boy?
Bank Teller: (grabs Mr. Krabs) Not so fast, Krabs. Looks like you have just enough in your bank account to cover the cost.
Mr. Krabs: No...!
Narrator: 75 Years Later.
SpongeBob: (now old and in a futuristic Bikini Bottom) And that was the story of the great train caper. Didn't you find it exciting?
SpongeBob's Grandson: (playing a game) Shh. I just beat my high score. Oh, yeah!
SpongeBob: Kids today. (snores)

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