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Krabs à La Mode

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Airdate:July 25, 2007
Season: 5
Prod. Number: 85b
Air Number: 91b
Paired With:New Digs
Directors:Nate Cash and Tuck Tucker (storyboard), Vincent Waller (creative), Andrew Overtoom (animation)
Writers:Nate Cash, Tuck Tucker, Richard Pursel
Plot:Plankton tries to freeze the Krusty Krab out of business!
On Video:
Bikini Bottom Adventures Season 5 Volume 1 The Complete Fifth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Yes, flee that frozen wasteland. Warmth and joy have left your lives. Hey, buddy, you want to eat the Chum Bucket? Fine! At least Krabs' place is deserted. Hey! The customers are coming back. I don't understand. What's bringing them back? What the...?"

"Oh, my weekend was fabulous. Thank you for asking. Patrick and I went jellyfishing but I lost my net. So, I tried to borrow one from Squidward, but he didn't have one. And then when he yelled at me, he swallowed a bug. Swallowed a bug."