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The Lost Mattress

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Airdate:May 13, 2005
Season: 4
Prod. Number: 62a
Air Number: 62a
Paired With:Krabs vs Plankton
Directors:Mike Bell (storyboard), Vincent Waller (technical), Tom Yasumi (animation)
Writers:Mike Bell, Tim Hill
Plot:Mr. Krabs has a lumpy mattress, so Squidward, Patrick and Spongebob get him a new one and toss the old one. But that's where Mr. Krabs hid his money!
On Video:
Where Where Season 4 Volume 1 The First 100 Episodes The Complete Fourth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Oh, you made me drop me keys. Give me some space, lad. Can't a krab get a little space?"
-Mr Krabs

"So am I."